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**APRIL Testers** 8 BFPs so far!!

Swear I'm getting every symptom going now. I officially think it's all in my head! :wacko:
Finally got a blazing + OPK this morning! So excited.. Poor DH, Last cycle I O 3 days earlier so this month we started BDing 3 nights ago :( soooo wore out

Aww that is exhausting. TTC can totally wear a person out! Happy you had a positive though - I'd give a $1000 to get one of those right now!

Very tiring.. We were bding EOD and then BD everyday, 4days in a row. Temp still down, so I pretty sure I'm Oing today!! I refuse to BD anymore..haha..I may have him go in a softcup and put it in while I sleep??? hahaha..I dont know...The things we do for our children!!
Sorry to all the ladies who got AF xxx

I have no idea when I ovulated, not really had any signs, (well Wednesday I did have cramps but after being sick all Tues night, I reckon that was probably more to do with tummy bug than anything else) So I don't know whether I have or not, or even if I will - lol and going slightly crazy wondering whether to symptom spot for Ovulation, post ovulation, AF or preggo symptoms lol

Good Luck April testers xx
Eltjuh- I have been getting faint positives but I'm trying not to test for a few days as them faint lines play on my mind too much, so going to try temp for a few more days.
So if I'm right if af is on way my temp should dip?
So il keep an eye out for any more rises or dips!
How r u? Xxx
yay for the faint lines!! :)
Yeah with temping your temp usually drops the day of AF, but mine usually starts dropping slowly before AF actually turns up... If you click on my chart in my signature you should be able to see my other charts aswell and you'll be able to see that my temp drops from about 3 or 4 days before AF....
You really want to be seeing nice rises after O has been confirmed, though some people will have a slight dip (or more than 1) which could be an implantation dip, but isn't necessarily that. And a lot of people also don't get an implantation dip even if they are pregnant... So the main thing temping is for is to see if you ovulated and when. But it CAN help sometimes with seeing if you're pregnant, though it's never a guarantee I guess....

I'm ok, just tired. Not thinking about ttc too much. Just temping and BDing that's it! We're in a bit of a stressful time at the moment so if it doesn't work this month we're probably gonna ntnp next month, and the months after until we're not so stressed anymore. Cause apparently that might be the reason why we haven't conceived yet. So any ttc stress on top will obviously make it even harder to conceive.... So I'm just taking a relaxed approach this month and if it doesn't work I probably won't even temp next month.... but I'm not so sure about that just yet! (I like to have things to compare to when I'm in my 2ww to see if I still have a chance :haha:)

Good luck!! :)
I hope it's not in my head but there's so many I can't help doubt it. Wish a HPT would show now
Brill thank you for the info on temping all makes sense :)
Just so much to get into the habit of remembering!

Yes many people say the strain we put our body through prevent us to conceive and I was adviced by my dr to just bd every other day and not track ovulation so I will be relaxed, but easier said than done!
Hopefully because your more relaxed this month it will be your month!
And I hope your stress lowers soon, but it is hard when ttc.
I will check out your charts for an idea, and thank you again :)
I am so confused. I should make a thread just for this but any input would be helpful :)

I am cd18 of a 30/31 day cycle. Fertility Friend says I ovulated CD 14 just as I suspected according to my temps. However, the catch is I also use OPK's as well as CBFM.. Yes I am obsessed. CD14 that FF says that I ovulated I never saw that on my OPK's or CBFM but were blaring negatives and low fertility on the monitor.

This brings me to today 4 days after FF says I ovulated I get the most blaring positive on my line OPK's that I have ever seen.... Plus my CBFM went from Low fertility to High.

Now which one do I trust??? Is it possible that if my temp rises more in the next few days that FF will move my ovulation date on me so I need to keep BD'ing? Oh man my poor husband.
I am so confused. I should make a thread just for this but any input would be helpful :)

I am cd18 of a 30/31 day cycle. Fertility Friend says I ovulated CD 14 just as I suspected according to my temps. However, the catch is I also use OPK's as well as CBFM.. Yes I am obsessed. CD14 that FF says that I ovulated I never saw that on my OPK's or CBFM but were blaring negatives and low fertility on the monitor.

This brings me to today 4 days after FF says I ovulated I get the most blaring positive on my line OPK's that I have ever seen.... Plus my CBFM went from Low fertility to High.

Now which one do I trust??? Is it possible that if my temp rises more in the next few days that FF will move my ovulation date on me so I need to keep BD'ing? Oh man my poor husband.

First of all are you inputting your monitor and opk results into FF? If you do and have it on advanced it will take them into account when setting an O date.
I'd put in your negatives and positives and see what FF thinks.
Secondly, your temp rise follows the stricter standards of the FAM system ( from taking charge of your fertility). You have a nice spike that is above the previous 6 days temps, and it stays high. So going off temps and the fact you only have EWCM that one day, it is totally reasonable to say that you O'd that day.

However, did you have ewcm or creamy and not put it in? That will affect FF interpretation.

Lastly, since you are getting positive opks and High on monitor I would definitely take it as true positive and get to BDing. I know that's tiring when you think you're past it, but it's totally possible that it's genuine positive.

Lets see what happens with your temp the next few days. :)
Thanks Minuet.. I took out the ewcm as I didn't check it often enough to be certain the correct days.

I added in the monitor and it made my coverline a red dotted line... I put in the Positive OPK and it removed my ovulation all together... so who knows now haha.
Brandy, it looked like you MIGHT've ovulated on cd14, but I don't think you did.
Keep BDing and keep putting your temps in, hopefully you'll see a temp rise in a day or 2!!!

Welcome Clairebear0 I'll add you to the list. Please feel free to share anything you want (questions, information, pictures of ovulation/pregnancy tests etc...) :flower:
Good luck :hugs:
So, you might think I'm crazy.... And please don't feel scared or alarmed by me doing this.... But I stalk people on here :winkwink: :haha: When people don't get back to us when they are on the list... I go and find out what's going on with them :blush: Sorry!!

But the good news..... Threegirls got a bfp!!! So we're now on 2 BFPs!!
Can't believe this good news has been kept from us!!!

Fingers crossed for you Becca_89 to be our 3rd bfp! We need more!!!!!
View attachment 595637
this is opk today....it's positive am i right?

So I'm still getting positives like this each day since then! No ewcm though so no idea what is going on. ...only thing I can think of is that my body keeps gearing up to O but not managing it....quite confused! !
So sorry to all that af got, I really do hope next month is lucky for you all. Not many bfps so far, perhaps there will be an influx of them soon to make up for it.
Anyone testing today and does anyone have any symptoms to share? I have sore boobs, and a nasty taste in my mouth. ..but I am full of cold so I guess that's not surprising.
I am so confused. I should make a thread just for this but any input would be helpful :)

I am cd18 of a 30/31 day cycle. Fertility Friend says I ovulated CD 14 just as I suspected according to my temps. However, the catch is I also use OPK's as well as CBFM.. Yes I am obsessed. CD14 that FF says that I ovulated I never saw that on my OPK's or CBFM but were blaring negatives and low fertility on the monitor.

This brings me to today 4 days after FF says I ovulated I get the most blaring positive on my line OPK's that I have ever seen.... Plus my CBFM went from Low fertility to High.

Now which one do I trust??? Is it possible that if my temp rises more in the next few days that FF will move my ovulation date on me so I need to keep BD'ing? Oh man my poor husband.

Make hubby a nice big steak with lots of brocolli and tell him he has a job to do, lol. I all seriousness I'd trust the opks because lots can effect your temp, not much effects your hormones x good luck
View attachment 595637
this is opk today....it's positive am i right?

So I'm still getting positives like this each day since then! No ewcm though so no idea what is going on. ...only thing I can think of is that my body keeps gearing up to O but not managing it....quite confused! !
So sorry to all that af got, I really do hope next month is lucky for you all. Not many bfps so far, perhaps there will be an influx of them soon to make up for it.
Anyone testing today and does anyone have any symptoms to share? I have sore boobs, and a nasty taste in my mouth. ..but I am full of cold so I guess that's not surprising.

I'm getting all the symptoms but mainly mood swings, fatigue and cramps. Count down to being able to test!
View attachment 595637
this is opk today....it's positive am i right?

So I'm still getting positives like this each day since then! No ewcm though so no idea what is going on. ...only thing I can think of is that my body keeps gearing up to O but not managing it....quite confused! !
So sorry to all that af got, I really do hope next month is lucky for you all. Not many bfps so far, perhaps there will be an influx of them soon to make up for it.
Anyone testing today and does anyone have any symptoms to share? I have sore boobs, and a nasty taste in my mouth. ..but I am full of cold so I guess that's not surprising.

Did you ever stop getting positives?? even if it was just for a day or 2??
I know that sometimes opks can be positive when you're pregnant... obviously just cause you're getting +opks doesn't necessarily mean you are pregnant (if you've already ovulated) but it could be...
Have you taken a pregnancy test??? And do you temp?? cause then you'd be able to tell if you ovulated or not....
Ok..... I did a Ic today and there's still just a v v faint line, don't know what to think!!
What you think?


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