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**APRIL Testers** 8 BFPs so far!!

I'm good, thanks! I can't believe it's been almost 3 months since I got my :bfp: now! Got my 20 week scan on 10th May so hoping to find out what we're having then :) Feeling baby move now - Well have been for the last 3/4 weeks but didn't realise till 2/3 weeks ago.

Hope all is going well with you x

Oh yay!! I thought you weren't gonna find out what you're having as it says team :yellow: :) Hopefully you'll have a girl (if that's what you want/ would prefer :p) So cool you can feel baby move!! I love feeling baby move! :) I think I felt Lucas for the first time around 16 weeks, they say you can feel them earlier with subsequent pregnancies so hopefully next time I'm pregnant I'll be able to feel it nice and early :) I can't wait to be pregnant again, but like I said trying to take it easy.

Hi, I have checked with two GPs and now the fertility clinic about the antidepressants,as my husband takes them for nerve pain. All have said it shouldn't be a problem. Dh has also has sperm test done and that was ok.
Sorry to come in late but my af fell at the very start of this month and now is due the last day so I will be testing 29 th of march and keeping an eye on this thread :) good luck everybody. Not temping, using clear blue monitor to determine ovulation x

Ahw thank you for that!! We were just a bit confused as to why it hasn't happened yet. We didn't have any problems getting pregnant before and the 2 times I've been pregnant it happened basically straight away..... I know that doesn't necessarily mean it'll be THAT easy again but it's been 4 months so far.... Granted we didn't really get to try properly the first 2 months cause of the side-effects from the anti-depressants... but they seem to have let up now.... Hopefully it is just the stress like our GP said.... He is one of the better/the best GP at the surgery so if anyone would know it would be him....

I'll add you to the list! Hopefully you get your bfp aswell this month!! Fingers crossed for all! :winkwink:
This ovulation thing stresses me out rofl... Temps now look like ovulation on CD 18 but my OPKS are giving me a surge still 3 days in a row... There is not doubt that the test line is darker than the control line haha... It's weird since I have a 30 day cycle and I am CD 20 today... I am really hoping it happened on the 18th that would of given us the best chance.

Congrats on those with the BFPs :)
Well I'm out this month, my opk's never showed the surge, I'm exhausted and did not do the BD enough and and my temps are out of control so for all those reason I'll try next month :-( good luck to all of you :)
Can you upload a picture??

Hopefully it'll turn into a definite positive soon!! :)

Thank you, I tried to upload but hubby caught me on the pc doing it and thought I'd lost the plot. Cue talks about me being patient etc. Grrrrrr men, they just don't understand. ....I'm bound to want to know asap!
Well I'm out this month, my opk's never showed the surge, I'm exhausted and did not do the BD enough and and my temps are out of control so for all those reason I'll try next month :-( good luck to all of you :)

Sorry to hear that!! Hope you have better luck next month!!! :hugs:

Can you upload a picture??

Hopefully it'll turn into a definite positive soon!! :)

Thank you, I tried to upload but hubby caught me on the pc doing it and thought I'd lost the plot. Cue talks about me being patient etc. Grrrrrr men, they just don't understand. ....I'm bound to want to know asap!

Haha, they really don't understand do they!!
This ovulation thing stresses me out rofl... Temps now look like ovulation on CD 18 but my OPKS are giving me a surge still 3 days in a row... There is not doubt that the test line is darker than the control line haha... It's weird since I have a 30 day cycle and I am CD 20 today... I am really hoping it happened on the 18th that would of given us the best chance.

Congrats on those with the BFPs :)

I know what you mean!! I thought I ovulated early on saturday as my temp went up yesterday morning, I did temp late but didn't think it would change it THAT much! And then today my temp was back to normal :( So I don't think I have ovulated yet.... :dohh: And not sure if we'll be able to BD - some complications when it comes to hubby's department atm :wacko:
This ovulation thing stresses me out rofl... Temps now look like ovulation on CD 18 but my OPKS are giving me a surge still 3 days in a row... There is not doubt that the test line is darker than the control line haha... It's weird since I have a 30 day cycle and I am CD 20 today... I am really hoping it happened on the 18th that would of given us the best chance.

Congrats on those with the BFPs :)

I know what you mean!! I thought I ovulated early on saturday as my temp went up yesterday morning, I did temp late but didn't think it would change it THAT much! And then today my temp was back to normal :( So I don't think I have ovulated yet.... :dohh: And not sure if we'll be able to BD - some complications when it comes to hubby's department atm :wacko:

sorry to hear that Eltjuh, you gave me some great advice on that last month!
we are still having issues on/off, not helped by his relunctance to visit dr!
Ic 14th April.jpg

Opk 14th April.jpg

These are both from yesterday, my opk and ic. don`t think the faint line on ic even shows on picture, was so faint (if at all) that it was difficult to capture. I`m starting to really think that even though its cd29 i haven`t ovulated yet!
Not sure what to make of it either PinkMummyOf3!! That OPK seems close to positive, though not entirely positive and I can't really see anything on the hpt.... Bummer!!
Hi everyone. I'm out this month. I had an annovulatory cycle, my first of its kind. I finally had breakthrough bleeding start yesterday. I began charting this morning so I should be sure if I ovulate this cycle. My doctor attributed annovulation to starting Wellbutrin this month and a tragic family event that occurred- and my stress levels being at peak amounts throughout this month and last.

I'm so happy for all of you that got BFP, and I wish luck to all of you TTC in your new cycle.

Hugs to all! :hugs:
Hey Ill be testing the 27th if you could putme down :) Thanks
EiffeBabe...good luck with getting your cycle back on track. Sometimes our body knows what best and in times of extreme stress it might have been good to wait a month!
Well I'm out this month, my opk's never showed the surge, I'm exhausted and did not do the BD enough and and my temps are out of control so for all those reason I'll try next month :-( good luck to all of you :)

Sorry to hear that!! Hope you have better luck next month!!! :hugs:

Can you upload a picture??

Hopefully it'll turn into a definite positive soon!! :)

Thank you, I tried to upload but hubby caught me on the pc doing it and thought I'd lost the plot. Cue talks about me being patient etc. Grrrrrr men, they just don't understand. ....I'm bound to want to know asap!

Haha, they really don't understand do they!!

This made me giggle, I had to read it out to oh, and he said sounds just like you!
Think he's glad I can relate to people as think he thinks I'm slightly crazy, and as you said being impatient.
Although now he wants me to go dr, as still not got af, 19dpo, getting faint lines and also really bad hot flushes and sickness! But these faint lines arent becoming real lines lol.
Also temp is still staying high, so so confused! It's times like this I'd prefer af to arrive as it's cruel :(
Unless ofcorse I am going to get the bfp.
How is everyone else today?
Well I'm out this month, my opk's never showed the surge, I'm exhausted and did not do the BD enough and and my temps are out of control so for all those reason I'll try next month :-( good luck to all of you :)

Sorry to hear that!! Hope you have better luck next month!!! :hugs:

Can you upload a picture??

Hopefully it'll turn into a definite positive soon!! :)

Thank you, I tried to upload but hubby caught me on the pc doing it and thought I'd lost the plot. Cue talks about me being patient etc. Grrrrrr men, they just don't understand. ....I'm bound to want to know asap!

Haha, they really don't understand do they!!

This made me giggle, I had to read it out to oh, and he said sounds just like you!
Think he's glad I can relate to people as think he thinks I'm slightly crazy, and as you said being impatient.
Although now he wants me to go dr, as still not got af, 19dpo, getting faint lines and also really bad hot flushes and sickness! But these faint lines arent becoming real lines lol.
Also temp is still staying high, so so confused! It's times like this I'd prefer af to arrive as it's cruel :(
Unless ofcorse I am going to get the bfp.
How is everyone else today?

I hope you get your bfp fingers crossed
This made me giggle, I had to read it out to oh, and he said sounds just like you!
Think he's glad I can relate to people as think he thinks I'm slightly crazy, and as you said being impatient.
Although now he wants me to go dr, as still not got af, 19dpo, getting faint lines and also really bad hot flushes and sickness! But these faint lines arent becoming real lines lol.
Also temp is still staying high, so so confused! It's times like this I'd prefer af to arrive as it's cruel :(
Unless ofcorse I am going to get the bfp.
How is everyone else today?

I agree with your hubby... You should go see you doctor to see what's going on!! (plus, we want to know aswell!! :winkwink:) Hopefully it IS your bfp!!

I'm ok today, trying not to think about ttc too much, as I'm kind of disappointed about this cycle... FX we still have a chance! (can't bd at the moment so hope we've done enough!)
Fingers crossed you have :) and hopefully the not thinking will give you the unexpected :)
I think after this month I'm also going to stop ttc for a bit, an go with ntnp :(
Too much disapointment.
If af doesn't show, and I have no sleep (can't sleep atm) will deff be making an appointment for gp.
But because I suffer from pcos I think she'll blame that, despite I tracked ovulation, :(
Can't wait to see your bfp, I always try and find your monthly threads :) and keep an eye out once I'm out!
Ahw thank you!!
That's what I like about BnB, you just get excited for other people when they get their bfp and I always want to know whether they got it in the end or how they're doing!
I just did another opk and that was very very positive! So I'm not sure what's going on.... Maybe it was so dark cause I am a bit dehydrated, been trying to drink more today so that means my pee would've been more concentrated. But I don't know and am gonna try not to think about it.
If we can bd again though I definitely will, just to make sure we catch the eggy....
I know it is isn't it, I love seeing people getting bfp :)
When did you have your last positive opk?
Yes try and get that bding in if possible :) fingers crossed!
Maybe urine being more concentrated would cause that, although they do say opks can be done at any time don't they, hmm strange!
But best way is not to think about it :) and just hope for the best! Xx
Well I'm basically out. Had my progesterone results and a day 22 number of 1.7 ovulation is at 30 and above so I haven't ovulated and my body's just tricked me all month! Fed up now. No more opks for me until June or after. Will try temp but that's it.
I don't know whether it affects your opks... they do state in the leaflets that you're not supposed to use fmu, but you are supposed to hold it for about 3-4 hrs... so I don't know...
I'm really losing confidence with every day....

Charlie, sorry to hear you're having a hard time! I hate it when your body tricks you.... :S Hopefully you'll still ovulate or will do better next cycle!! :hugs:

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