Although I don't think they've gone about it in the right way, I was surprise by how well they handled it.
When I read about the storyline, I was disgusted and thought they were making a mockery of the situation but as you watched it you saw Ronnie's emotions.. there were lots of things that annoyed me about it though!
But Ronnie was obviously desperate to find someone initially, and didn't know which way to run, then she heard a baby cry and cracked, it wasn't until she got back she realised what she'd done and she WAS heading back with the baby until the ambulance/Jack turned up.
Grief makes people do crazy things and no 2 people handle it the same, so I'm not sure howpeople could say that wouldn't happen, or you wouldn't do that.
I don't think Eastenders should have taken this route as it obviously upsets a lot of people, but at the end of the day it is up to you if you watch/don't/boycot the show.. but the way they have done it, as shocking as it was, does actually "work".
It's kind of like the adverts that use shock tactics IMO, nobody wants to see it, it sickens people but it gets the message across and works.
There ARE baby snatchers,grief is a horrible, destroying thing, and of course SIDS is tragic and no one should have to suffer it, but these things DO happen