As a mother who formula feeds..

I've only looked at the op and the article and I know just how thus thread will have gone :(. I don't know if I dare read the replies, so I'm just responding to the article itself.

While I agree some with the points raised in it, I don't like its accusatory tone. I know there are women out there who treat it as a mere lifestyle choice, like what they feed their baby doesn't matter. Perhaps if they were to hold their newborn baby and recite: "I choose..." it would spark off more thought, which the decision surely deserves. But what is the point blogging this and berating mums who have already made their choice?? What good will it do? NONE!!! In fact it will do HARM. This "bullying" stops women from saying, "I didn't want to formula feed". To save the hassle and backlash they say: "I couldn't do it, it was too hard". Which makes bfing fail-rates seem much higher and makes it seem an extremely difficult process that lots of women can't manage.

Bundchen is Brazilian. English is not her first language. I suspect she didn't mean what everyone thought she meant when she said "law". More likely she meant cultural expectation... Which I agree with. We can and should expect women to bf, and fully support them in that, but no one should have control over what a woman will do with her body, other than the woman herself. Breastfeeding is the normal biological conclusion of a live birth, just as a normal vaginal birth is the normal conclusion of a normal, successful pregnancy. Our social norms should reflect that, but we dnt need MORE interfering laws telling us what to do.

Think about this : 1 in 4 women have suffered abuse which makes birth and breastfeeding profoundly difficult. The figure could be much higher as lots of women don't tell anyone... Some may not even remember until birth or motherhood triggers a suppressed childhood memory. Did the author consider this when she wrote her article? Or maybe it's not just ff mums who are "uneducated".

Bundchen, a nutrition expert? NO!! It doesn't take an expert to know that breastfeeding is the way babies should be fed, if at all possible.
i think thats awfull! whatever reasons/ benifits ect ect at the end of the day its your body and your baby. if you dont want to breast feed for whatever reason dont and no one else has the right to even have an oppinion

It might be rude or pointless to express an opinion to a mum whose already made up her mind... But it darn sure as mustard ain't illegal. And everyone has a "right" to have am opinion on anything they please and it's jolly difficult to stop that... Iys human nature :-/
i dont go around congratulating people willynilly tbh but if it comes up in convo i do say well done to those who tried to BF (like ive said it to heather before). I wont say well done to people who just straight FF :wacko: why should I?
As an FF mum ladies I don't feel anyone was being looked down on :hugs:
The alcohol comment in the very beginning of this thread is the one comment that I really :shock: over. Other than that, its all been par for the course for me. :mrgreen:
You know, i've never seen or heard FF telling BFs bad things or having a go at them for their choices yet as FFers we're called selfish, told we're putting ourselves first, told we're sexualising our breasts, told we're feeding our babies poison. I think it really needs to stop. It's not fair.

All I get is nasty things said by formula feeders to me again everywhere is different. Not in this forum but around me. And again the person a few pages back that refereed to formula as devils juice said that and was a formula feeder, I have never heard a breastfeed call formula poison. Not in this forum unless they are accusing others of saying it.

Is it just me or does anyone else just not feel the need to ask a mum how she feeds her baby? if so why do so many ask ?

Did I not say I was taking the piss!!!!
i dont go around congratulating people willynilly tbh but if it comes up in convo i do say well done to those who tried to BF (like ive said it to heather before). I wont say well done to people who just straight FF :wacko: why should I?

Im not asking for your congratulations haha, I know I was lazy but formula feeding is something I wanted to do, along with my OH :)
If her "opinion" is that it should be law to breastfed then I dread to think the amount of infants that would die of starvation because mum COULDN'T breastfeed.. Ignorant twat :growlmad:
If her "opinion" is that it should be law to breastfed then I dread to think the amount of infants that would die of starvation because mum COULDN'T breastfeed.. Ignorant twat :growlmad:

Did you not know that there is no excuse for not BFing and anyone can do it? There's no couldn't about it ;)
Wouldnt go down well if I said it being a breast feeder thats all.
If her "opinion" is that it should be law to breastfed then I dread to think the amount of infants that would die of starvation because mum COULDN'T breastfeed.. Ignorant twat :growlmad:

Did you not know that there is no excuse for not BFing and anyone can do it? There's no couldn't about it ;)

Umm excuse me.. My DD would not latch on for love nor money and I tried intill my milk "dried up".. So don't get on you're high horse with me.. How fucking ignorant are you
I don't think many people percieve it as devil juice. Only closed minded, ignorant people would think like that
If her "opinion" is that it should be law to breastfed then I dread to think the amount of infants that would die of starvation because mum COULDN'T breastfeed.. Ignorant twat :growlmad:

Did you not know that there is no excuse for not BFing and anyone can do it? There's no couldn't about it ;)

Umm excuse me.. My DD would not latch on for love nor money and I tried intill my milk "dried up".. So don't get on you're high horse with me.. How fucking ignorant are you

Hun I think she was taking the mickey!! Saying that's what some people would say. xx
If her "opinion" is that it should be law to breastfed then I dread to think the amount of infants that would die of starvation because mum COULDN'T breastfeed.. Ignorant twat :growlmad:

Did you not know that there is no excuse for not BFing and anyone can do it? There's no couldn't about it ;)

Umm excuse me.. My DD would not latch on for love nor money and I tried intill my milk "dried up".. So don't get on you're high horse with me.. How fucking ignorant are you

Bexy FF'd. She was being sarcastic hun. Infact Bexy had a pretty rough time of it her self before switching to FF

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