As a mother who formula feeds..

Our children are the most precious things to us and of course we're all going to get on the defensive when someone questions our parenting techniques. Feeding, weaning, sleeping, discipline, daycare.. it goes on and on. We all think we're right and our technique is best so topics like this just go round in circles lol
Our children are the most precious things to us and of course we're all going to get on the defensive when someone questions our parenting techniques. Feeding, weaning, sleeping, discipline, daycare.. it goes on and on. We all think we're right and our technique is best so topics like this just go round in circles lol

I think i'll start a new topic - any suggestions :shrug:
That being said, its sad that Kayleighjayne thought one of our BNB members would think that :(

What's sadder is, I actually have read that kind of comment on this forum which is why I said it :nope:
I never tried and I just wasn't interested in trying! :shrug:
Im not too sure why it just wasn't something that ever appealed to me. I never saw my breasts as being for my child. OF COURSE I know that's what mother nature intended them for. But there's many things mother nature intended my body to do which just doesn't happen.

It was one of those things, I guess I have sexualised my boobs. But that's not my fault, it's just the way it is! x

I think a lot of girls feel this way because of how breastfeeding has been treated in the past. But i think This is a problem with our media and our education on the matter.

I don't agree that it should be classified as a lifestyle choice. I want to give my child the best that i can. And i think deep down everyone who values being a parent wants to give their child the best that they can.

If you can breastfeed, women should be taught that this is something that you should not take advantage of. Think about all the mothers that would love to breastfeed but can't.

If you have the opportunity to do it, i feel like it would be selfish not too.

The only time i've felt selfish is when i've been made to feel selfish, almost like i've done something wrong.

Thats your opinion. But selfish to me is thinking of myself before the baby. I don't plan on trying to breastfeed because its the fun and cool thing to do. I'm pretty sure if i can do it, it will be a pain in the ass. But i'm not doing it for me, i'm doing it because its what is best for my baby.

If you have the chance to help your baby grow healthier and stronger...why wouldn't you even consider or think about it. When you were given prenatal vitamins...did you shrug your shoulders and say "meh, i can do without them" or did you take them for your baby's sake? Its the same concept, except the vitamin is coming from your boobies :winkwink:

I think the problem is mostly on how breastfeeding hasn't been taught as the healthier choice. It wasn't until recent years that it has even came back in popularity.

I would never want to make breastfeeding "law", but as for teaching it in schools as the healthier choice and why, I'm all for that.
Our children are the most precious things to us and of course we're all going to get on the defensive when someone questions our parenting techniques. Feeding, weaning, sleeping, discipline, daycare.. it goes on and on. We all think we're right and our technique is best so topics like this just go round in circles lol

I think i'll start a new topic - any suggestions :shrug:

A new topic!! Why what's wrong with my one lol!

(That was sarcasm haha!!) xx
And I agree. We all parent in our own way. Doesn't matter if we BF or FF, use cloth nappies or disposables, use dummies, do BLW... whatever. As long as our babies are happy and healthy who the hell cares? It's nobody;s business to tell you how to raise your children :)
If her "opinion" is that it should be law to breastfed then I dread to think the amount of infants that would die of starvation because mum COULDN'T breastfeed.. Ignorant twat :growlmad:

Did you not know that there is no excuse for not BFing and anyone can do it? There's no couldn't about it ;)

Umm excuse me.. My DD would not latch on for love nor money and I tried intill my milk "dried up".. So don't get on you're high horse with me.. How fucking ignorant are you

Hun I think she was taking the mickey!! Saying that's what some people would say. xx

Oh.. Whoops:dohh:... SORRY BEXY!!!!!!:flower:... My humour seems to have failed me today.. Very touchy subject... I'm sorry.. Forgive me??:kiss:

Lol no worries hun, yeah I was taking the mick! I realise sarcasm doesn't really come across well over the internet :dohh: I had problems with BFing and changed to FF. It didn't work for us plain and simple. I literally wasn't producing enough milk. But people will tell me that's just an excuse and there's no such thing as not being able to breastfeed... but whatever. Lucky they've never had to find out the hard way

of course there are people who physically cant breastfeed, anyone who says otherwise is an idiot :dohh: Most people give up cos they cant do it mentally/emotionally though but there's 2% of women who literally can't. Its ashame you were one of those :(
Our children are the most precious things to us and of course we're all going to get on the defensive when someone questions our parenting techniques. Feeding, weaning, sleeping, discipline, daycare.. it goes on and on. We all think we're right and our technique is best so topics like this just go round in circles lol

I think i'll start a new topic - any suggestions :shrug:

A new topic!! Why what's wrong with my one lol!

(That was sarcasm haha!!) xx

Sorry but you have really offended me :haha::haha: (Sarcasm - lol)
I never tried and I just wasn't interested in trying! :shrug:
Im not too sure why it just wasn't something that ever appealed to me. I never saw my breasts as being for my child. OF COURSE I know that's what mother nature intended them for. But there's many things mother nature intended my body to do which just doesn't happen.

It was one of those things, I guess I have sexualised my boobs. But that's not my fault, it's just the way it is! x

I think a lot of girls feel this way because of how breastfeeding has been treated in the past. But i think This is a problem with our media and our education on the matter.

I don't agree that it should be classified as a lifestyle choice. I want to give my child the best that i can. And i think deep down everyone who values being a parent wants to give their child the best that they can.

If you can breastfeed, women should be taught that this is something that you should not take advantage of. Think about all the mothers that would love to breastfeed but can't.

If you have the opportunity to do it, i feel like it would be selfish not too.

The only time i've felt selfish is when i've been made to feel selfish, almost like i've done something wrong.

Thats your opinion. But selfish to me is thinking of myself before the baby. I don't plan on trying to breastfeed because its the fun and cool thing to do. I'm pretty sure if i can do it, it will be a pain in the ass. But i'm not doing it for me, i'm doing it because its what is best for my baby.

If you have the chance to help your baby grow healthier and stronger...why wouldn't you even consider or think about it. When you were given prenatal vitamins...did you shrug your shoulders and say "meh, i can do without them" or did you take them for your baby's sake? Its the same concept, except the vitamin is coming from your boobies :winkwink:

I think the problem is mostly on how breastfeeding hasn't been taught as the healthier choice. It wasn't until recent years that it has even came back in popularity.

I would never want to make breastfeeding "law", but as for teaching it in schools as the healthier choice and why, I'm all for that.

So im selfish because I put myself before my baby?
At the end of the day I chose to FF for my own reasons. Not anyone elses. I know for a fact if I had BF my depression would be a whole lot worse than it is. I don't want to go into it all because its personal to me.
I never tried and I just wasn't interested in trying! :shrug:
Im not too sure why it just wasn't something that ever appealed to me. I never saw my breasts as being for my child. OF COURSE I know that's what mother nature intended them for. But there's many things mother nature intended my body to do which just doesn't happen.

It was one of those things, I guess I have sexualised my boobs. But that's not my fault, it's just the way it is! x

I think a lot of girls feel this way because of how breastfeeding has been treated in the past. But i think This is a problem with our media and our education on the matter.

I don't agree that it should be classified as a lifestyle choice. I want to give my child the best that i can. And i think deep down everyone who values being a parent wants to give their child the best that they can.

If you can breastfeed, women should be taught that this is something that you should not take advantage of. Think about all the mothers that would love to breastfeed but can't.

If you have the opportunity to do it, i feel like it would be selfish not too.

The only time i've felt selfish is when i've been made to feel selfish, almost like i've done something wrong.

Thats your opinion. But selfish to me is thinking of myself before the baby. I don't plan on trying to breastfeed because its the fun and cool thing to do. I'm pretty sure if i can do it, it will be a pain in the ass. But i'm not doing it for me, i'm doing it because its what is best for my baby.

If you have the chance to help your baby grow healthier and stronger...why wouldn't you even consider or think about it. When you were given prenatal vitamins...did you shrug your shoulders and say "meh, i can do without them" or did you take them for your baby's sake? Its the same concept, except the vitamin is coming from your boobies :winkwink:

I think the problem is mostly on how breastfeeding hasn't been taught as the healthier choice. It wasn't until recent years that it has even came back in popularity.

I would never want to make breastfeeding "law", but as for teaching it in schools as the healthier choice and why, I'm all for that.

its not a pain in the ass hun, it's one of the best things I've ever done :cloud9: There wouldnt be so many of us who breastfeed for years if its so terrible!
Our children are the most precious things to us and of course we're all going to get on the defensive when someone questions our parenting techniques. Feeding, weaning, sleeping, discipline, daycare.. it goes on and on. We all think we're right and our technique is best so topics like this just go round in circles lol

The difference between parenting techniques and BF vs. FF arguments is, one has been PROVEN better for baby than the other.

I think the main point is, not to make others feel bad for FF or BF, but rather to educate others on the benefits of BF, and to help mothers realize that it is important. And it is definitely something that should be taken into serious consideration when thinking about how you are going to feed your baby.
Oh I know, but it explains why FF/BF conversations get so heated.
Mammary mafia? Did I read *that* post wrong? I sure hope so...

Quoting out of context isnt realy fair when you look at what the poster was refering to.
She was not refering to anyone here or even bf in general, I think youll find she ment the type of people from the article that feel the need to belittle, bully, degrade, and just generaly be horride to those that dont bf, a small minority of people that clearly think themself above others not as in everyone.
I never tried and I just wasn't interested in trying! :shrug:
Im not too sure why it just wasn't something that ever appealed to me. I never saw my breasts as being for my child. OF COURSE I know that's what mother nature intended them for. But there's many things mother nature intended my body to do which just doesn't happen.

It was one of those things, I guess I have sexualised my boobs. But that's not my fault, it's just the way it is! x

I think a lot of girls feel this way because of how breastfeeding has been treated in the past. But i think This is a problem with our media and our education on the matter.

I don't agree that it should be classified as a lifestyle choice. I want to give my child the best that i can. And i think deep down everyone who values being a parent wants to give their child the best that they can.

If you can breastfeed, women should be taught that this is something that you should not take advantage of. Think about all the mothers that would love to breastfeed but can't.

If you have the opportunity to do it, i feel like it would be selfish not too.

The only time i've felt selfish is when i've been made to feel selfish, almost like i've done something wrong.

Thats your opinion. But selfish to me is thinking of myself before the baby. I don't plan on trying to breastfeed because its the fun and cool thing to do. I'm pretty sure if i can do it, it will be a pain in the ass. But i'm not doing it for me, i'm doing it because its what is best for my baby.

If you have the chance to help your baby grow healthier and stronger...why wouldn't you even consider or think about it. When you were given prenatal vitamins...did you shrug your shoulders and say "meh, i can do without them" or did you take them for your baby's sake? Its the same concept, except the vitamin is coming from your boobies :winkwink:

I think the problem is mostly on how breastfeeding hasn't been taught as the healthier choice. It wasn't until recent years that it has even came back in popularity.

I would never want to make breastfeeding "law", but as for teaching it in schools as the healthier choice and why, I'm all for that.

its not a pain in the ass hun, it's one of the best things I've ever done :cloud9: There wouldnt be so many of us who breastfeed for years if its so terrible!

I think that's a matter of opinion. I have had family members tell me it was wonderful, and others tell me how much of a hassle it is... I think it just depends on the person and their situation.
Yup, we're always gunna defend the choices we make for our children because they're precious!! x
I thought it was natural to put your baby above yourself and everyone else and everything else...

Cherry, do you truly feel you are putting yourself above your baby?
Selfish just means the act of placing one's own needs or desires above the needs or desires of others :shrug: Not breastfeeding for personal reasons is by defination selfish is it not? I think its cos people see words like selfish and ignorant as really derogatory words so they look past the literal meaning.
I do think women need more education into what BFing is all about. But if they still choose to FF or they do try BFing and, like me, it just doesn't work, then they should be left alone, not hounded by people telling them what terrible parents they are and how they are selfish etc. That's what I find wrong and unfair and as someone who tried to BF but couldn't, although I don;t feel an ounce of guilt because it was the best choice for us, it annoys me that even women who really tried still get slated for their decisions. (Not necessarily reffering to people on here, just about people in general)

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