As a mother who formula feeds..

:hugs: Guilt is a useless emotion. It doesn't to anything beneficial or helpful for your mind and body. I understand though! It took me awhile to get to this point myself.

I'm not attacking and this is an honest to God question... But why get pregnant in the first place if you are so worried about your body not being "yours"?!

What about when your stomach got bigger as your baby grew? After all, YOU couldn't control that, it was LO's doing. Is saying "My stomach is my stomach" different from saying "My boobs are my boobs"? They are still YOUR body parts, but you're doing something incredible for LO.

I fail to see the difference! A baby is meant to have breast milk, but because LO is "taking over" a mom's boobs, that is a reason to not BF? :wacko:

Not all pregnancies are planned. :hugs: :flower:
I think its cos I never thought of ff, never entered my head during pregnancy
breast feeding was a shock
I think I was lucky actualy, I have never once had any pressure from any family member, friend or health proffesional to breast feed.
My MW asked me before I gave birth wich I wanted to do and I said my aim was at least give bf a try and she gave me leaflets on both.
2 of my delivery mw siad to me when they saw I was having trouble "give us a shout if you want anyone to come and help you with latching or tips or even if you need some bottle milk for him"
My mum never even mentioned how I was going to feed him or even mentioned hen I went to exsclusive ff
My MIL kept trying to reasuse me even before birth to do what I felt comfertable with, the most important thing is hes fed not how hes fed
Even when he was in hospital at 5 weeks all the nurses, hv, peadatricions, drs not one of them once said anything to me about bf over ff, one nurse asked which I was doing and I said bottle and she just said ok let me know if you need any milk for him and ill get you a staralising tub.

No one has ever made me feel bad for my choice and no one ever will because when it boils down to it there are worse things in the world and I have nothing to feel guilty about.
I haven't read the whole thread but I can guess what alot of the posts say.

I FF my LO and have no guilt or any regrets. I am not lazy or uneducated far from it and I don't let these types of articles and opinions bother me. Each to their own, everyone has to make their own decisions in life and I don't bother about anyone elses decisions so they shouldn't bother about mine.

Whether you FF or BF your baby its not going to prevent them getting childhood leukemia, juvenile diabetes etc or dying from SIDS and it is irresponsible to say so.
I didn't even try breastfeeding! Maybe it is that I want to keep my boobs, mine! I feel that having OH sucking on one boob then my baby the next minute a really uncomfortable thought.
Im allowed to be happy, and im happy with formula feeding. xx

not slating u for ff as u no i did myself but ur boobs werent made for ur oh to suck on but are there for ur child. i get what u mean about them being urs but then again ur whole body is taken over while being pregnant so i dont get the difference.

while i was pregnant i stopped my oh going near my boobs as i felt they were there now for my baby, not him. i thought it wud be weird him seeing them as a sexual things when i was seeing them as the way id feed my child.

for ages after i didnt feel right my oh goin near them, but im not a fan of it anyway.

i no of a woman who said it was weird to bf as boobs were there for sexual reasons, i thought its was the most stupid thing i had ever heard.
The things that strikes me is, just because someone breast feeds, it does not make them a better parent. Heavens, there is much more to being a mother. Each to own and all that x
This thread is exhausting, just like any other BF vs. FF thread we've had. At the end of the day, *I* just care that you feed your child period and they don't go starving!
i agree with better2gether!

who cares how you feed your child, just aslong as their getting fed, we should all be happy that our kids r healthy

One word for some of the things in that atricle


I tried to bf and failed. Most BF mum's I know don't care how I fed Aidan. Most are really nice women who would support anyone. And articles like that just make BF mums look so bad when the reality is completely different and most don't share that opinion
i have heard some bf mums act like they are better then others and make rediculas comments, which is either because they think they are better then other or are just abit thick, but on the other hand i have also seen/heard comments from ff mummies that are beyond belief too.

as mums we are always judged no matter what we do, and it does my head in. no woman is a better mum then me just because she could bf or that her baby drank more ff then mine.
all i care about is that my son is such a great little boy and is the happiest toddler i have actualy ever met so hey im doing something right. i very much doubt our children will grow up n give a crap about how they were fed or how long they were on the breast for, i no i dont.

btw i was a bf baby and my immune system is crap, so i guess it more about the person
Exactly, and there are all sorts of family situations now. Gay couples, single dads, etc. What a crock of shit.

I think a mom could ingest so many toxins, carcinogens, crap and pass them on through their breast milk.

do you think formula is better than breast milk?

I am saying it is an individual case, and for some formula could be better than breast milk.

You mean in some cases or some formula is better? I dont think its better at all.

I went out the other night with my DH for my birthday while my mom watched Connor. We went bowling, and there was a big group next to us with a baby probably around 5-6 months old. They were all drinking heavily, and the person I thought probably wasn't the mom (because of her excess drinking) starting breastfeeding the baby. How is that better for the baby? I think there are times when formula is better for the baby then breastfeeding. But maybe she felt pressure to breastfeed no matter what and thought she was doing the right thing?

I have combine fed since day 2 due to low supply, and felt very guilty about not being able to breastfeed exclusively. I got many comments early on about not trying hard enough to get my supply up, or that I should just keep breastfeeding all day and don't supplement. That wasn't an option for me because I had to go back to work full time. Now that my baby is reaching 6 months, my family and co-workers are pressuring me to stop breastfeeding and just go all formula. I was told that its getting wierd that I still breastfeed and pump.
I have been on both sides, and either way it sucks to have someone tell you that the choices that you have made when it comes to you and your baby are wrong or selfish. If your baby is happy, healthy and thriving does it really matter how they are fed?
Formula will NEVER be as good as breastmilk. It doesnt just contain super important antibodies (which is why I urge everyone to TRY to breastfeed so the LO will get a few mls of colostrum), it adapts itself to what LO needs. If baby is growing, you produce more milk, if baby is hot, the milk contains more water. Its remarkable and formula is an adequate alternative, that's it.

breastmilk is most def best, no one can argue that. Whether breastfeeding is best.. well that's down to each individual.
I agree even as a FF mum I knew breastmilk would always be nutrionally better.

Which is why I will try again. I actually feel more positive about breastfeeding this time, more confidence. So hopefully it will work when I next have a baby
Its only really the first 6 weeks that alcohol is a huge no, no. Anything after that isn't as big of a deal but obviously its ideal to not drink.
I agree even as a FF mum I knew breastmilk would always be nutrionally better.

Which is why I will try again. I actually feel more positive about breastfeeding this time, more confidence. So hopefully it will work when I next have a baby

I'm sure it will hun, you know what to expect and you're older and wiser now :hugs: Just gets my back up when people say 'oh formula is just as good' when its clearly not.
in a perfect world every woman would/could bf but thats not the case so going on about breast is best is just makin the ppl who did try bf feel bad.

ur child wont care u bf them or not, it doesnt make u a great parents. bringing up ur child the best way u can does, and that includes feeding the baby.
aslong as the baby is fed and is happy then why the hell do ppl wana keep goin on about every woman should try.

im still producing colostum so ive actualy tried looking into expressing if i cud and donating it to hospitals, but my local is shite n wont take it even if i cud give it
Thanks Blah :) :hugs:Older and wiser and I will be much more prepared.

I know FF is no where near better. I can't deny that otherwise I would be lying to myself. Roll on 4 years hopfeully I will be able to put my new found confidence to good use :happydance: God 4 years seems so long before TTC
I haven't read the whole thread but I can guess what alot of the posts say.

I FF my LO and have no guilt or any regrets. I am not lazy or uneducated far from it and I don't let these types of articles and opinions bother me. Each to their own, everyone has to make their own decisions in life and I don't bother about anyone elses decisions so they shouldn't bother about mine.

Whether you FF or BF your baby its not going to prevent them getting childhood leukemia, juvenile diabetes etc or dying from SIDS and it is irresponsible to say so.

No one said it does? Its about reducing risks :shrug:

+ In regards to your body not being yours... er, hello? You've been pregnant the last 9 months. Having a child means you have to be completely selfless and put that babys needs before your own does it not?
If I ever have another baby I will BF for the first few days so they get those all important antibodies. But after my last experience I won't be doing it long term (unless it works out different nect time)
in a perfect world every woman would/could bf but thats not the case so going on about breast is best is just makin the ppl who did try bf feel bad.

ur child wont care u bf them or not, it doesnt make u a great parents. bringing up ur child the best way u can does, and that includes feeding the baby.
aslong as the baby is fed and is happy then why the hell do ppl wana keep goin on about every woman should try.

im still producing colostum so ive actualy tried looking into expressing if i cud and donating it to hospitals, but my local is shite n wont take it even if i cud give it

Breast is best campaigns are aimed at pregnant women, not women with babies as theyve already made their choices :shrug:

I cant donate either, you have to start donating before your baby is 6 months old :dohh: I'll def donate next time.

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