Formula will NEVER be as good as breastmilk. It doesnt just contain super important antibodies (which is why I urge everyone to TRY to breastfeed so the LO will get a few mls of colostrum), it adapts itself to what LO needs. If baby is growing, you produce more milk, if baby is hot, the milk contains more water. Its remarkable and formula is an adequate alternative, that's it.
breastmilk is most def best, no one can argue that. Whether breastfeeding is best.. well that's down to each individual.
I def agree with 'whether breastfeeding is best ..well thats down to each individual'
For me breastfeeding wasn't best, that doesn't mean I am a bad mother or that my LO will get every infection or disease under the sun. I think what gets peoples back up is that people want to keep saying 'i don't understand why people wont try to breastfeed'. I don't go around saying to people 'why don't you give up smoking while pregnant' or 'why do you have a glass of wine while pregnant' or 'why don't you get your child immunised'.....because its a personal choice, it doesn't effect me.