Assisted Conception and LTTTC - Due in 2013/2014

Sweet - congrats!! :happydance: So exciting!! Now you can shop and plan :). I've only one day of light bleeding/spotting so I'm really happy, thanks for asking.
Had my anatomy scan today and everything looks great with baby. Heart, brain and spine all perfect :). LO was sucking her thumb and yawning it was so cute. The bleed I had is significantly smaller on u/s so everyone is happy. My OB cleared me to go back part time but luckily I have the next two weeks off anyway so I can rest up some more.

Here is the pic from today:
Congrats on the boys thats so awesome!!

What a precious pic Em :)
Sweet, awesome news on the boys!

Em, I love that picture. So adorable. I bet you can't wait to hold her in your arms.

AFM, cramping but I guess that's the norm around 10 weeks as things start expanding to make room. Last night it woke me up, but I feel fine once I'm up moving around. US tomorrow to check on the babies.
Thanks guys we are so excited

Em- love the pic!! Glad the bleed is getting smaller!

Mells- that's how I feel too. I can feel the babies(flutters) more when I lay down watching tv. It's the most amazing feeling ever. Can't wait til it gets stronger and more frequent :) good luck on the us!
Sweet, awesome news on the boys!

Em, I love that picture. So adorable. I bet you can't wait to hold her in your arms.

AFM, cramping but I guess that's the norm around 10 weeks as things start expanding to make room. Last night it woke me up, but I feel fine once I'm up moving around. US tomorrow to check on the babies.

I imagine were going to get the awesome round ligament pain shortly especially with twin ;)

I had it a ton with my son so I will know when that strikes for sure. Talk about uncomfortable that will wake you up from a dead sleep.
Congrats on two boys Sweet! Very exciting news. :)

Em again so glad your bleed is doing better. You're little one looks just perfect!! Enjoy two more weeks off and a nice vacation to Cali!

Mells yeah the stretching comes and goes as the uterus grows. No one ever mentions that part of pregnancy!
Em- i had tears in my eyes looking at your little girl!! Our next sono is this Thurs... at 16 weeks so I'm eager to see him. Do you feel anything moving yet? I think I do late at night but I'm not 100% positive!

Wannabe- So glad you're starting to feel better.. and for the encouraging words.. I hear horror stories of healing from the c-section! But we just got our insurance approval letter for the section today.... and it made everything a bit more real! When did you start feeling him move around? I will be 16 weeks on Thursday and there's moments at night when I swear it's not gas and it's my baby!

Sweet- Go Team Blue!! Awesome news!!

HEY EVERYONE ELSE! - THe nausea will pass... I threw up ALL DAY every day for weeks and weeks.. was hospitalized, told I had hyperemesis... wanted to kill myself because i was so sick... but I feel great now. Also the fatigue fades also.. I'm not up for running a marathon, but the first trimester is a distant memory... and SOOOOO glad it's behind me!!!! xo
He really is a little miracle Wannabeemum!! How are you feeling?

I'm feeling ok, thanks. Cesarean recovery is tough but I'm getting there. Now the hardest part I leaving Andrew in the hospital. I had an emotional breakdown on Monday when I was discharged and had to leave him. DH and I now spend our days in hospital with Andrew and I spend my nights pumping every few hours. It's exhausting but so worth it!

How are you going? Has your bleeding completely stopped now??
Em- i had tears in my eyes looking at your little girl!! Our next sono is this Thurs... at 16 weeks so I'm eager to see him. Do you feel anything moving yet? I think I do late at night but I'm not 100% positive!

Wannabe- So glad you're starting to feel better.. and for the encouraging words.. I hear horror stories of healing from the c-section! But we just got our insurance approval letter for the section today.... and it made everything a bit more real! When did you start feeling him move around? I will be 16 weeks on Thursday and there's moments at night when I swear it's not gas and it's my baby!

Sweet- Go Team Blue!! Awesome news!!

HEY EVERYONE ELSE! - THe nausea will pass... I threw up ALL DAY every day for weeks and weeks.. was hospitalized, told I had hyperemesis... wanted to kill myself because i was so sick... but I feel great now. Also the fatigue fades also.. I'm not up for running a marathon, but the first trimester is a distant memory... and SOOOOO glad it's behind me!!!! xo

Just make sure to take more drugs than you think you need. If the nurses as you "one or two pills?" The answer is always two. I learned that a few days too late. And always tell them your pain is a number or two higher than what it is. They like to ask you how you are feeling when you're laying down, which is when you always feel better. But you have to think of te pain level as you try to move instead as that's what you need to conquer. You will be fine, just stay on top of the pain.

As for movement, I felt little flutters around 17 weeks. At first I thought it was little gas bubbles but my doctor said it was baby. I felt my first official kick around 20 weeks.

So excited for you! Once the kicking starts it is all very real. Enjoy every secon of it!!
Wanna- so glad everything is going great!! Glad your lo is doing good. When do you think you will be able to go home?

First- hope you are well

Mells,brandy- how you feeling??

Em- how are you any spotting??

Mo- when's your next ultrasound??

If I miss anyone hope you are well!!!

AFM- gaining my appt today and gaining weight good. And officially having 2 boys. DH over the moon. I'm soooo excited. Now two more weeks and will have our second growth scan :)

I was discharged on Monday afte 7 nights in the hospital. Andrew will likely be here for 4-5 more weeks. Breaks my heart even though I know it's the best place for him right now.

Congrats on your two boys. How exciting!!!! My sister has twin boys and they are so much fun. You're going to love it!!
Sweet: welcome to team blue!!!

Em: I'm so jealous. We have to wait until 20 weeks for the anatomy scan. Maybe I'll try to move it up at my check up on Friday. I haven't had an u/s in weeks and I jut want to know he's growing on schedule. I gained 10 lbs through week 14 and have only gained one more in the past 3 weeks.

Also, a friend gave us a home Doppler. If I've found baby's heartbeat, it was only once or twice out of a dozen days trying. And it was very quiet. So much for reassurance; it probably just added more worry.

But on a brighter note, it sounds like everyone is doing well. That's awesome!
Scan went great! 1 bean with hb 154bpm. Measures perfect!!

Congrats on team blue sweet!
Thanks everyone! It was such a relief to get good news at my appt and last night I was finally able to relax for the first time in a long time.

BabyD - aww thank you! I'm so excited for you to see your LO tomorrow! They grow so much it will be amazing to see the difference. I have felt a few flutters at night when I'm lying down it sort of feels like popping popcorn :). I can't wait to feel the strong kicks.

Mells - I've had lots of those cramps and stretching sensations. I'm sure it will happen even more as we get bigger.

Wannabee - so glad you're feeling better. I'm sorry you have to be without Andrew :hugs: I hope he can get bigger and stronger quickly and come home soon. Good job pumping too! One of my best friends exclusively pumped and I remember how hard it was for her.

First - I'm not sure why my OB does the anatomy scan so early I've heard of most other people having it at 20 weeks. Don't worry about your weight correlating with the baby's size right now. I haven't gained any weight in fact I'm still minus 6 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight due to morning sickness in the 1st tri and my LO was right on track with her size. My OB said it will all even out.

Mo - yayy!! :happydance: So happy for you! Are you released to the OB or do you have another scan with your RE?
Wannabe I can't imagine how tough it is leaving your lo at the hospital. I have two friends who had early births and had to go through that as well. Hopefully these next weeks go quickly for you.

Mo, congrats!!! Bet you're feeling much better now!

BabyD I definitely felt some flutters around 16-18 weeks but was very infrequent. For sure kicks started around 20. Now there's no mistaking this lo!
I'm going back to RE on sept 11 for 10w4day scan. I have appt with OB on sept 16th and I will be 11w2d. I guess after my 10w scan I will be released. I have to stay on the crinone :( RE said for the entire pregnancy! I'm kinda upset because that stuff is nasty but its for baby. He said that my body was making enough hormones that the supplemental was probably just extra so I said so I can stop the crinone? And he said no, not until your baby is in high school joking... Oh well!
Mo - oh bummer about the crinone but like you said it's for baby so will be worth it! Ok Sept 11th isn't too far off and you can probably have scans at work sometimes too right?
I had a great scan today. Babies are both measuring on track and heartbeats were around 166. I graduated to my OB and all meds can be stopped this weekend. It was so neat to see the little ones moving around on the ultrasound. :happydance:
I had a great scan today. Babies are both measuring on track and heartbeats were around 166. I graduated to my OB and all meds can be stopped this weekend. It was so neat to see the little ones moving around on the ultrasound. :happydance:

I forgot to ask in the other thread... Will they be doing a 12w nuchal scan?

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