Assisted Conception and LTTTC - Due in 2013/2014

Em- I think I am nesting too!! I have been organizing everything and our nursery is almost ALLLL done. I'm now getting bored with being at home and it's only te second week. Blahhhhhh my contractions has slowed down and thought about going back to work but DH said they have slowed down beside I have not been working. So prob should just stay home....

Glad I'm not the only one on an organizing kick I'm driving my poor DH crazy haha! Ooh great that your nursery is almost done. We are so behind schedule I had planned to have it all finished by now.

You should definitely stay home and rest. I went through that same thing when I was first taken off of patient care. I started doing so well that I thought I could go back and I paid for it big time with another bad bleed. Your DH is right, the rest is what is working so stay put!!
Oh no em I didn't know you had another bleed. So are you working now or on short term disability??
I'm so jealous of you ladies working on the nurseries. We just found out we are moving in April, so roughly 6 weeks after my due date. Ugg! So we have decided to forgo doing to much to our current house, and not buy much until after we move. Depending on how soon I deliver and if the twins need NICU time will determine whether we even buy furniture or use a pack n play or something similar until the new house.
Mells- that's too bad that you can't decorate. It has def kept me busy since I haven't been working.

Now I see my peritanologist every fri went I and my fluid levels look great (one had a higher level but is now normal.) and this week I measure 36 weeks (last week I measured 34). She seemed very happy for me to have made it to 28 weeks. Now my next goal is 30 weeks


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I'm so jealous of everyone doing the nurseries... we can't even keep any clothes or gifts in the house. We're Jewish.. not religious or anything but it's really superstitious for us to do this prep!!! and I shouldn't be having a baby shower either but I told everyone that I wanted to celebrate this since it took so long to get pregnant... Everyone looks so great! My next appointment is next friday.. I'm doing the glucose test and theyre squeezing in a sono.. can't wait to see him again!! I want to meet him already!! My leg has been cramping at night and I'm having a hard time getting comfortable so I'm up every few hours...

How bad was the glucose test?
babyd: my dh is jewish (raised jewish) and we were debating on what to do when the baby comes if baby is a boy...we kinda want to do a bris but at the same time it is a lot to arrange....we will probably go with letting the hospital do the procedure unless his mom wants to help out and arrange everything for us. I think it would be a neat thing to do since this baby's heritage is jewish but it may be a pain to try to arrange. I dont know. Good luck at your next appt! Mine is Nov 25th. I will have another ultrasound and normal dr stuff :)
Jealous of all your scans, ladies! We haven't had one since 20 weeks and my OB won't order one because it's not "medically necessary" unless my diabetes test comes back positive. Btw, the test is easy, just drink a sweet drink and have your blood drawn an hour later. But don't do what I did, which was have a big glass of juice before the test. I have to go back and do the 3 hour test now.

We're Jewish too, but I hadn't heard of the not getting baby stuff until after the birth until I was pregnant. I'm kinda taking a hybrid approach. We are getting stuff, but slowly. And I've decided that hand-me-downs don't count. We're painting the room and the crib just arrived, but we won't assemble it for a while.

My Jewish friend is throwing me a small shower, but I'm not inviting family because some are opinionated or might be offended that we're having one. The bris will be the big family event. And, no, I'm not going to plan it, as I'd be happy with just immediate family. If the grandmothers want a big shindig, they are welcome to throw one. I will not likely be very sociable 8 days after giving birth!
First I'm "lucky" I get one at every appt...but "lucky" isnt a good thing as its only because I am at risk for preterm labor so my cervix has to be checked and I'm at risk of the baby running out of room so they have to keep an eye on that as well. High risk has its perks but it does keep the worry in the back of the head always :)
First- that's no fair but they feel confident everything is going great!! U could do a 3d scan with a private company!!!

Mo- yes being high risk is nice cause I get them often and now weekly and in a couple weeks I start doing stress tests( not sure what that involves) biter shall see

I don't know how you ladies don't decorate. I feel like I would be running out of time esp with two on the way. And at least some of you are getting to do a shower. I got a lot of stuff there.

Hope everyone else is doing great. When is everyone's next scans???
My 21 week growth scan looked excellent. The periontologist plans to release me to my regular OB full time. He just wants to do one more check of their hearts before that. He was hoping to see everything this appt, but the girls were positioned that he couldn't see the details he wanted.

As far as showers, we don't live near family so I probably won't have a typical shower. The christening will probably be like our shower.
Mells that's so exciting!! Glad everything is going great!! And wow 21 weeks already?!
I never had an ob just my fertility doc and then my peritanologist so wonder if that's why I'm sticking with them.
It would drive me crazy not being able to have everything set up before the birth. One of my best friends is Jewish and she got around that rule by keeping everything at her mother-in-law's house and then while she was still at the hospital after the birth her family brought everything over and set it up.

It's great that most of you are having a shower anyway. I wasn't into the idea of a baby shower at first but I'm so glad I had one. It was such a special day and so fun to celebrate and see friends from out of town that I don't get to see that often. We didn't have much family there they will all come for the christening.

First - I agree with Sweetness you could book a private 3d/4d scan.

My next scan is Wednesday and I have the glucose test too.
For everyone wanting a belly: go on vacation for several days and your belly will magically appear lol! Leaving the bahamas (nassau) in the am and looking forward to more controlled eating habits and not feeling guilty for not finishing my portion (each dinner plate cost between 42$-70$ here so not wasting any of that!). I am so stuffed after tonights dinner! I think I have gained probaby 5lbs at least being here.

Em you have to let me know how the sugar test goes. I really dont want to do it and am debating on even taking it....I guess it depends on how baby measures at my next scan again (was measuring a full week ahead at last scan) b/c if I have GD and a big baby that is bad for my uterus :(
Mo: that's some pricey food! But the vacation sounds awesome!

I think you want to know if you have GD so you can change your diet (and/or take insulin) to control it. My friend had it and after treating it, her baby was only 6 lbs 7 ozs.
Yes it's the most expensive food ever! Dh and I spent around 800$ on just food (no drinks and usually water) the past 3.5 days! Some days I didn't eat lunch and we went to starbucks for breakfast. Very expensive food here. But we had fun!!!
I don't have any risk for GD but I would want to treat it if I had it. Ugh too many test in pg!
Is the glucose test not a standard one then? I thought it was, or maybe it is in the UK? :shrug:
I had been thinking about it lately, as I knew it should be about 28 weeks.
I have a midwife appointment this week and a rhesus negative injection thing at the hospital at 28 weeks. :)

Hope everyone is well, sorry I'm pretty crap at keeping up to date :blush:
They say it's standard but you can get your way out of it... I just feel like it's so unnatural to drink a big sugary drink then have your blood sugar tested. Why not just let me eat normal meals then come in and you check my blood sugar or do random checks while I'm there. I just don't like the idea behind the test.
Mo - we went to the Bahamas a couple of years ago and I was shocked at the food prices!! Coming from nyc I thought I had seen it all but $60 for an entree was a little much. That's great that you got away though! I'm dying to take another babymoon but I haven't been cleared to fly due to my previa :(

I asked my DH about the glucose testing (he's a physician) since I was wondering why they can't just do a regular fasting blood test but apparently the best way to diagnose diabetes in general is a sugar challenge. Wish we didn't have to do it but GD can have very serious consequences if left untreated, and not just for the baby but for us long term after pregnancy.
Thanks for the knowledge Em and Mr Em :flower:

When I went to Dubai, the prices were pretty similar there. But I can never help myself, I go on holiday to eat everything! :haha:
Ironically on the same holiday we went to Thailand, which as you can imagine, is dirt cheap! I don't think we could've chosen two more different places.
Em what kind of physician is dh? Just out of curiosity not because I don't trust his opinion lol.

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