Assisted Conception and LTTTC - Due in 2013/2014

Blue - congrats!! That is so exciting!

First - I'm sorry you're feeling down. I think there is an adjustment period after first getting news like this. Good idea about the dietician and I bet it will just take a little time for your numbers to become more stable. I'm sure there are also support boards out there for GD similar to what we have here.
IDK...They want me to get Tdap..I just worry its too much. I've never had pertussis vaccine before and I am due for Tetanus next year but the recommendation is to get pertussis with each pregnancy....Just worries me this hasnt been studied on pregnant women and no one knows if it is truly safe although claims to be...It just seems like a lot to put into your body when you are pregnant. Last time I had a vaccine other than Flu I got a high fever. It makes me feel a little uneasy since this is a "new" indication for the vaccine. I don't feel like there is enough evidence to support the use of the vaccine during pregnancy yet. I'm still thinking about it but will probably do it at the hospital once baby is out.

The reason they recommend we get it during pregnancy is so we can pass antibody immunity to the fetus via the placenta. Babies can't be vaccinated for pertussis until they are 2 months old and they aren't fully protected until the 6 months shots.

It's true it hasn't been "studied" in pregnancy meaning there weren't any clinical trials by the vaccine manufacturer but no one does clinical trials on pregnant women. The vaccination has been given to pregnant women for years here US as well in the UK and there haven't been any reports of problems with it. Also, the vaccine we have now is not the same one we had as children. They changed it years ago after there were reports of reactions to the old one.

I personally feel more comfortable getting it and offering my little girl as much protection as possible because it's such a serious disease in infants. My DH also got the vaccination and we're making grandparents and anyone else that will be around our baby get one as well.

I think the best thing to do is talk to your OB. He or she can help you understand the risks and benefits and help you make an informed decision.
My ob will tell me to get it. I probably will have me and dh vaccinated at birth. Idk... Still deciding. I've read the literature and it was only made a recommendation last year... So there hasn't been enough time in my opinion to have enough data in vaccinating pregnant women. I'm sure it's fine but I'd like more data lol. Idk why that one freaks me out a bit.
The recommendation that pregnant women get it was made in 2011 and last year it was updated to recommend that it be given in each pregnancy. Before 2011 it was given to many pregnant women that had been exposed to pertussis or during pertussis outbreaks. I've read the literature too ;)

I still think it's best to ask your OB but ultimately you have to do what you're comfortable doing. Unfortunately none of these decisions are easy.
On an unrelated note ;), it's freezing here! What are you ladies doing about winter coats? Anyone found cute coats that aren't super $$? I was hoping I could get by without one but I think it's going to be a necessity.
Blue- yay congrats that's so exciting!!!!

First- after diet change etc you should be able to level your sugars out very quickly. Try not to worry :). I know hard. But a lot of woman have it and is controlled very easy if the mother is willing to try. Which I know u will :)

Em- I know I'm glad we are on the down hill slide. I'm just getting sooooooo excited each day!!! The only bad thing is not working the days go by slow.

Mells- it's going to get more uncomfortable lol. I'm now at the point I can't sleep in my bed, can't lay on side too long hips start to hurt and when I finally drift off I have to pee lol like 5-8 times a night. (not complaining though just happy to be baking these little guys )

As far as the pertussis I was highly recommended to get it by 3 top perinatologist around the kc area. They have done and seen a lot and never had an issue. As faw as getting it at birth won't do any good for your baby because they need it in utero. There are several cases that babies pass from whooping cough before being old enough to be vaccinated. With me there was no hesitation as my babies will be premies and want to do everything possible to protect my little guys. And by me seeing sooooo many cases of whooping cough too and kids being so sick from it. But as for everyone. It's a personal choice you have to make.

I hope everyone else is doing well!!!!
On an unrelated note ;), it's freezing here! What are you ladies doing about winter coats? Anyone found cute coats that aren't super $$? I was hoping I could get by without one but I think it's going to be a necessity.

I have two A-line wool coats, one peacoat length, one longer, that fit the bump. They were not special purchases for pregnancy. Something like that might work for you and be usable afterwards.
I have two A-line wool coats, one peacoat length, one longer, that fit the bump. They were not special purchases for pregnancy. Something like that might work for you and be usable afterwards.

Thanks, this is a great idea! All of my jackets are fitted in the waist so they're getting tight and I know they won't last much longer. But I would rather buy something that I can wear after pregnancy, especially since I only have 9 weeks left. I'm off to google A-line coats :)
hey Ladies-
I got the Tdap and the flu vaccine... I'm a supervisor in the special education field for 10 years now.. and I firmly believe in vaccines.. I just got a notification today that there is also a measles outbreak in NY because parents are deciding not to vaccinate their kids... I know our kids aren't protected and our antibodies are passed to them before they can get vaccinated so I would recommend it to anyone! But it's everyone's personal choice...

Em- Luckily one of my coats still fits me- so I haven't had to get anything although I did think of getting one of those thin down ones from Uniqlo... I need to find a dress for my shower.. any suggestion? I can't figure out what size I'd be on ASOS... my shower is Dec 1st so I'd love to try something on before then...

My 28 week sono is tomorrow! So excited.. My mom and mother in law are coming to it too. I'm doing the 24 hr urine test today to bring with me tomorrow... not very easy peeing in a jug standing up! lol I also have the glucose test tomorrow morning... so I'm ready with my cold orange syrup :) Hope it's not too gross.. Em you made me feel better about that!! Here's a belly pic from last night... I know you all love my pink leopard robe.. don't laugh :)
You're so small!!! Thanks for the bump pic!! Idk about dress sizing... My dresses still fit. My jeans are a different story. Still fit but uncomfortable when I sit down.

I was wondering about the cost thing. I have a couple that are too big with extra room so hopefully those work.
Hi ladies,

First - anaemia during pregnancy is very common. I was told I was anaemic at my 20 week OB visit. I took a liquid supplement called SpaTone until just a few weeks ago (I lost a lot of blood during delivery) and am fine. Your GD should also be able to be controlled by food - fear not. While I'm sure it was a surprise you can manage it with some dietary modifications. I'm a dietitian and recommend speaking to one locally. Good luck.

I got my whooping cough vaccine in hospital after delivery. Was mandatory here in Australia. No adverse reactions.

Em - exciting that you're on the home stretch. For Asos clothes the sizes are 1-2 sizes larger than American sizes. I'm usually a 4 or 6 and ordered size 8 from Asos. Happy shopping!!

AFM - plugging along and counting the days until my trip home to Canada.
Baby-soooo cute!! Good luck with your appt!!!

Wanna-glad everything is going good!!! Do u have family in Canada??
BabyD - aww cute bump! So exciting your appointment is tomorrow! Yeah don't worry about the taste of the drink it was not bad at all and I didn't feel anything different after drinking it either. Asos has free shipping and free returns so I usually get a couple of sizes and then just send back whatever doesn't work. Wannabee is right about sizing up, I'm usually a 0 or 2 but I can be anywhere from a 2-6 in their sizes.

Wannabee - great to hear things are going well. When are you heading to Canada?
Sweet and Em - I'm actually Canadian but live inAustralia with my Aussie husband. We moved here two years ago. My family is North of Toronto. Heading home in just over 3 weeks and will be there for 6 wonderful weeks. Andrew is looking forward to meeting his cousins, aunties, uncles and grandpa. And seeing grandma again.
My appt went well.. He was measuring in at 3lbs at 28 weeks 1 day... I think that's pretty normal, right? Everything looked great. She said it seems like I may have an extra lobe on my placenta but it was more for her knowledge during the c-section that they didn't leave a piece in. They also saw a little fluid in my cervical canal but she also said it wasn't a concern.. i had a small drop of blood a few days ago and she said it wasn't anything worrying but would be normal considering the fluid. His head was already down but we didn't get a good 4d ultrasound because his hand was covering one side of his face and my placenta the other! So upset... I have another sono in two weeks, which they said is my last sono for the whole pregnancy! Crazy!!!! I have regular appts every two weeks but I guess those are just heart dopplers and urine measurements? This is flying by now...
Wannabee - that sounds like it will be so special to see your family and have Andrew spend so much time with them!

BabyD - great update!! Sounds like your little guy is right on track and he is the same size as my little girl. My OB said she is huge haha I guess the average weight for 28 weeks is 2 lbs. We had the same problem and weren't able to get a 4D pic.

First - thanks for the idea about the a-line coat! I found one that I love and will definitely wear after this pregnancy is over too :)
Good to hear, Em.

So, I'm still struggling with the gestational diabetes, but the panic period has passed. I have a good handle on my sugars during the day, but my morning number (known as fasting glucose) is still high. They say that could be caused by my glucose getting too low when I'm sleeping, so the body pumps more sugar into my blood. I'm going to talk to doctors again tomorrow to see if anyone has ideas, like maybe a bigger bedtime snack or waking up in the middle of the night to eat?

In other news, I had my shower this weekend. It was so wonderful to see everyone and to get their well wishes for us :flower:
First - I'm glad you're feeling better about things. It seems like a snack before bed would make sense maybe something higher protein. I'm sure they will have ideas for you. That's great you had your shower! It's such a fun experience :)

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