Hi Ladies!
Well some disappointment after my check up yesterday. I was put on bed rest and written off work for the duration of my pregnancy...which they hope will go another couple of weeks. The babies are doing well, but they could see I was having some cramping on the non-stress test, I had both blood and protein in my urine, and my edema has really progressed in my legs. All of these things can lead to pre-eclampsia especially with twins, my organs are working overtime as it is. My blood pressure was only slightly elevated so that isn't a huge concern, and my cervix is still closed. It also looks like a csection is in my future but they will take that day by day although there is a slim chance baby B will flip around. I know all these things are for the benefit of the babies and myself, but it doesn't curb the worry.
Sorry for the long post, just feeling anxious!