*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

thanks for the info ladies. I'm sure it's not severe constipation as I'm hardly even in any discomfort, it's just different for me. I know iron and the slower metabolism are the culprits, so I'll have to look into some remedies if it doesn't clear up. I'm just a super regular and super soft kinda gal normally, so the change is something I notice. my stomach is feeling so much better since going yesterday.

2have - how did you appt go?

ellie - welcome love ! perhaps you will have more than one on board too :) I'm still the only IUI gal though I did invite an IUI friend to join us who got her bfp a few days ago :haha:

so excited for announcements and scans coming up!! I just realized that even if I don't get a scan at my 10 week appt, I can still get a doppler reading. and hearing that baby still has a heartbeat is all I really care about, so I'm looking forward to that - 8 more sleeps!
I had the bloods for Trisomy/Downs monday but the scan is Aug 4 for that. Combined, we'll know the results after that 12 week appointment. I'm sure it'll be fine, we had donor embryos from a 22/28 female/male. If I were using OE ivf I'd have done a user-pay Harmony test @ 10 weeks to ensure babies are ok.
Congrats Eli and welcome!

Hope all is well, I will write a detailed hi to everyone in a big it is hubbys bday and just wanted to pop in.
Had our ultrasound today and I hate the lady who did it so much. She literally said nothing to me for over fifteen minutes (it was an IPT scan) after pressing super hard on me for so long, I was like ... So is there a baby in there? Because I was having a panic attack. She finally went, -yes it just isn't cooperating, I need it to move to a different position but it won't. I'm like well I can stand and move around a bit, ect, she said no.
At the end she was like - well I am giving up. They may or may not make you do this again because I don't think I got all the measurements.
I asked if hubs can come in because he was waiting, and she said no. I already went over my time, but I can give you a DVD. So I took the DVD and it is the worst. Lol like I get that I have a tummy so it is harder to see, but it is horrible! I honestly wish she would have just done an internal for the measurements.

Ok rant over, got to get ready for dinner.
Thanks for the welcomes!

Myshel, I'd have been fuming about that. It sounds like she was rude and incompetent. I hope you do have another scan but with someone else!

I got 3+ on a digi today, exactly 3 weeks after retrieval. It feels surreal that this is going as it should. I feel happy and confident and excited. I requested bHCG test today while my TSH monitoring was being done (also at my request... I learnt early on to get educated about all this and to become my own advocate). According to the Clearblue website, my hcg must be over 2,753 to register 3+. Last time (chemical pregnancy) my 15dpo bHCG was 49 and the digi never made it past 1-2. Wow, this is real!

Myshell that scan was your NT all important scan right? If she dudn't get them done right I hope they call you back in. Sorry you had such a rough scan. Our first was tear jerking, we saw everything on the tv, this is how it should be for all new parents.

Ellie, gongrats on the tests & rising beta scores. So I see you put back 2, will you be hoping for twins?

Hi to everyone, hope you're all having a fabulous day!

I have great respect for photographers. That garden tea party photoshoot was hard work! Thankfully I can polish the images off with Photoshop, will get it all ready to send out after the scan tomorrow. :bunny::dance:
Myshel- that's horrible I would call the doctor and tell them you're not paying for that scan!!!
Yay for a 3+ ellie!!

Myshel I would be so upset. I hope they can bring you back in soon, and I wouldn't let them charge me if I were you!

2have, glad your pictures came out! Hope we get to see your announcement!

Afm, I *think* I felt the baby tonight. It felt like someone was flicking the inside of my uterus. I Googled "feels like some is flicking inside of my uterus 13 weeks" and it popped right up as a description some have felt between 12 and 16 weeks. I'm hoping I feel more soon!
Oh Froggyfrog, that is so exciting! I bet you are holding your breath, waiting for it again now. Let us know how that flicking feeling develops xx
Froggy, I remember it felt like a little flutter. I only felt it at 17 weeks with my DD. Super exciting that you feel your little boy kicking in there :)

Afm- I'm having trouble falling back asleep. Woke up to pee and get a drink and I can't seem to fall asleep. I have a no phone policy in middle of the night but it's been a while already with no sleep in sight.
Shame Rebecca I hope you got back to sleep :) when you posted it was 11am here already and I had been teaching for 3 hours, crazy!

Froggy- huge congrats on second trimester and feeling baby move!! That must feel so awesome! X

Ellie- yep it still feels unreal to me too :) but that 3+ is so welcome; happy for you. Definitely not a chemical. I'm also curious, are you perhaps hoping that it is twins?

Myshel- what a rude and useless nurse! That is SUCH bad patient care. Making you stress and almost have a panic attack just because she is incompetent? Hope you get to go in FOR FREE just to see your baby again. X

2have - oh ok I guess I will also get my results at the 12 week scan, 5 more sleeps ;). If you feel comfortable with personal pics on here, please share your announcement it sounds lovely.

Bee- glad to hear the constipation is gone ;) I can imagine it's not pleasant!

Afm- working really long hours atm (07:00-19:30 some days) and I'm not getting around to doing all the cooking & laundry & cleaning around the house... must admit I'm feeling very overwhelmed and am looking into getting a cleaning lady. School terms are always hard and tiring for me because of the long hours, but I'm really exhausted atm, phew. Only 3,5 more months though before the glorious summer holidays!
sorry you were having insomnia Rebecca :( I've been having it during this pregnancy too, but never in the middle of the night. I normally have trouble falling asleep or waking up an hour too early. I hope you were able to get back to bed. I'm now peeing 4 times a night every night, I hope I'm always able to keep getting back to sleep after it because it's just ridiculous now!

myshel - that is HORRIBLE about your US tech. Wow, I thought mine was bad. She is just a miserable person and I feel like she loves staying quiet as long as possible. I think they should all say from the start - baby has a heartbeat, now I'm just trying to _______(fill in the blank). It's so unfair. and it's the US tech at my RE so she knows what us women go through. it just doesn't make sense. I'm so sorry that happened to you but YAY for baby doing great!! :hugs:

So I asked my yoga teacher about videos last night. surprisingly, she said she didn't know any :wacko: so I guess just looking some stuff up would be helpful - I'm sure there are just a ton out there. maybe you can all find something that is tweaked a little for you. Fern, I didn't even ask about the pilates since she didn't have a yoga recommendation :dohh: I'm feeling great again like I was last week. Though I have been mainly symptom-free this whole pregnancy, I feel like what few symptoms I have dissipate with the yoga. and more importantly, my stress and anxiety level go way down. somehow being around very pregnant people makes me feel better, like I'm one of them and that will be me soon. I still haven't let myself accept the idea that this will result in a child. but I am getting closer every day!

froggy - so exciting about the movements!! I was just reading a thread where women who were 11 weeks were all thinking they were feeling something. I think maybe since we are really looking for it, we will notice it early! I cannot wait for that!!!
Fern I have cleaning help twice a week for 4 hours each time. With working 8 hours a day and caring for my daughter it doesn't leave much time for washing floors and cleaning bathrooms. I do the laundry myself since I'm particular about how it's done.
I'm always so exhausted at the end of the day so it's nice to know that twice a week my house gets sanitized.

Bee- I have no trouble falling asleep. In fact I fell asleep at 9 in middle of watching tv. I was fully clothed :)
Then I woke up at 1 and changed and went back to bed. At around 3 I woke up to pee and was up for almost two hours. Ughh hate the insomnia.
Congrats on feeling your little boy Froogy-that is so amazing. Hopefully he won't make you wait too long to feel him again :)

Myshel-what an awful experience. I hope you do not have the same tech again.
I think I would rather just one, but we would be very happy with twins too. It would be financially difficult, but we'd find a way.

I got my bHCG result today and it was 3186 on 21dpo! I think that's quite high, but not out of the normal range for one.
Hi ladies

Bee & Rebecca I'm so sorry you are struggling sleeping, no sleep is one of the worst things to cope with its exhausting.

Fern I also work very long hours and have a cleaner once per week or fortnight depending on what needs doing I love it as you know the floors etc are getting done properly.

Froggy eek about the movements how exciting!!!!

Myshel what a horrid lady, disgusting how dare she!!! I would definitely ask for another appt and maybe complain about her - it is meant to be a lovely time scanning not what you experienced.

As for me I'm still rough saw consultant again yesterday though and the fluid is much less, ovaries are like pineapples still and I literally look 6 months pregnant! I'm shattered which I think is a combination of normal first tri and this ohss. I had a scan tho and saw the sac and pole etc no heart beat yet but she said this was fine for 5.5 weeks and I'm going back a week tomorrow for another scan :) fingers crossed! On that note she said different dates to the online calculators...ie she said I was about 5.5 weeks when I had calculated 6 weeks online - hmm odd I wonder if she was trying to reassure me as she had not seen a heartbeat. How did you get your due dates ladies? And work out how many weeks you are? I've read different things mostly you are 2 weeks at egg collection which would make me 6 weeks today - still further along than she said? I'm also meant to eat 90grams of protein per day and am getting sick of chicken and eggs...and ideas for nice high protein diets?

Hope everyone else is ok too.
Ellie sorry I missed you!! Yay for the 3plus! Exciting and very high numbers - mine was only 2070 a few days ago so very promising for you ....I wonder like Fern could it be two?! When do you get your beta results back? So excited for you.
Nimbec- I calculated using the "myivfjourney" website (i think that's what it's called). It uses date of egg retrieval in the same way other calculators use date of ovulation. My date was spot on with both the ivf and the other calculators- just don't use a last menstrual period calculator. When was your egg retrieval? Are you back at work? Hope you heal up 100% soon.

Bee- thanks for trying! I've actually been able to get so many nice workouts online prior to pregnancy, I'm sure there are some preggy pilates workouts out there.... if I find it I will share. I agree with feeling better after a nice workout. I feel a lot better after a 45 min brisk walk. Now that I don't have time for it, I think I'm having walk withdrawal!

Ellie- great beta :)
Hi ladies, just popping in to say the scan went perfectly. Healthy twins on the way so I need to set up my back to work plan with HR today. Will post again later & read you're updates. Here's our announcement that went out today. I'll erase it tomorrow for privacy:

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