*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

Oh my goodness 2have!!! Those are adorable!!! Love them!!

Nimbec I used www.yourduedate.com and it matched exactly with the due date my RE gave me.

Bee and Rebecca I also struggle with insomnia. It's the worst.
2have- this is by far the cutest!!!!
What have your responses been so far? I'm sure everyone has been over the moon.
I keep imaging calling people after the babies are born and waiting to see everyone's reactions.
My family is going to freak out.
DH and I decided that unless I'm on bed rest we will not tell anyone about the twins, it will be a great big secret :)
I'm another one with insomnia. The past 3 nights, I have been waking up really early (3/4am) and can't get back to sleep. I'm noticing my boobs are extremely sore, almost like that's what woke me up.

I was just thinking that I'll be nearly 28w at Christmas. I'll have a huge bump by then! I'm so excited because I'll buy DH a present from the baby this year.

I still don't quite believe it. I've not POAS today, but keep looking at the ones I've already done, just to check!
2have - those just put the biggest smile on my face. Love it!!!!

Rebecca - lol you should become a spy, you're suuuuper good at secrets if you can keep the twins a secret hehe!
2have-that announcement is so cute. I love it and I'm sure your family and friends will as well.

Froggy-I am loving the bump-so cute!!
Oh Froggy loving that bump!!

Rebecca I couldn't possibly imagine keeping that secret, it's hard enough being team yellow but at least I don't have full 'ownership' over that information lol.

Sorry to hear about the insomnia ladies, after my trip to Europe to get knocked up (haha I love saying it like that) I've been waking at 4 and 5 am and it's hard to get back to sleep. But somehow even if I'm in bed late from baby it's not made me into a zombie. Maybe the excitement & adrenaline from being pregnant with twins hasn't quite left my system.

Rebecca, we had soooo many lovely heartfelt responses pour in almost as soon as we posted. I'm still getting texts and messenger IM's and the best part is everyone knows how badly we wanted kids, lots and lots of kids. This has made everything seem very real. They've seen our DD start her life out with trips to the mountains and walks almost everyday, these two monkeys are in for the same sort of awesome outdoor adventures too! Camping & board games just wouldn't be the same without a gaggle of sprogs.
You are exactly my kind of person 2have! I was brought up on a farm and love the outdoors and camping and everything nature. DH and I will take our little one(s) out for walks, camps and bonfires too. I also love board games and would always choose scrabble, distraction or monopoly over an Xbox or PS4!
Fern I'm not sure I can control myself. DH didn't want to know the babies gender and literally the second I got home I told him that he needs to come up with a second boys name. (We had already 1 picked out)
I hope I can keep this to myself!!

Froggy I love your bump!! Can't wait to get a real bump I'm going to be so proud of it!

Eli- I'll almost be due Christmas time it seems soooo far away!

2have- sounds like your kids are really going to have an awesome time. We are not as fun as you :)
I'll be pretty close too at Christmas. We certainly won't be traveling for the holiday this year! I'll be 34 week!

So Rebecca are you for sure team blue? Or was that a guess? Boy names are hard! So you guys already have one boy name chosen? I think you shared it at one point, but my brain function has decreased these days!
2have what an amazing way to announce so adorable!!! I love the outdoors too I'm a country horsey gal!

Rebecca whoa that's a big secret to keep I so hope you can manage it :)

Froggy I love your bump pic lovely shape!

Thank you for all the advice re dates basically I think she was putting me back a few days to not alarm me about not seeing hb as everything points to me being 6 weeks today. Hopefully I will see one a week tomorrow and my lil bean is just taking his/her time seeing as we've both had such a traumatic few weeks. I so so so hope all is ok I'm very nervous about it!! I even bought some CB Digis today to see if I get a 3 plus because I absolutely should do by now... Fx for the morning...that is if I can wait that long!
2have - beautiful announcements!

Froggy - cute bump! I just look chunky, no bump.

Hubby and I went to the county fair tonight. My old hospital was a sponsor and had a pavilion so I was able to see some familiar faces and get some hugs. A fun thing though was went we went to the pro life booth they had little model babies at 12, 20, 26, and 30 weeks. I'm almost 12 weeks and it was so neat to see the little model. I took a pic with 2 of them. Hope you enjoy it. :)


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Froggy- we are pretty sure they are boys. I got to see both little weenies :)
We had already picked out Joseph and now we just decided on Alexander. So it'll be joe and Alex :)

We told our parents tonight, couldn't keep it to ourselves anymore. They don't know it's twins but they know I'm pregnant. For now just parents know, we'll tell more people later on.
Hey ladies, wow it has been a busy few days on here!

2have - Love the pictures. Super cute, how exciting. As a photographer that is one intense set up lol! Did you do it of them?

Froggy - cute bump pic!

Sounds like we are getting a bunch of boys in here! I wonder if we will have an even split ....?

Hope everyone is sleeping a good sleep! I got up super early this morning for me anyways and couldn't get back to bed. Hope I get s nap later lol.
Busy last few days here, getting the house ready for a big party on the weekend for hubs bday. We are throwing a backyard party, but it is going to be sooooo hot!!! 34 degrees and with humidity over 40! Omg we are going to die. Hottest freaking month on record so far I think in the area, I wish we had a pool. Thankfully our home is air conditioned so if it is too much we can have some people inside. Outside we are doing a fair bit of water things so hoping that will cool people off. I still need to find a kiddy pool for all the kids.
Hello everyone!

Rq-those model babies are so cute. It's amazing how small they start out and in no time they'll be big enough for us to hold and cuddle :)

Rebecca-It must feel so good to have at least someone who knows your pregnant now. Were your parents surprised?

Myshelsong-Backyard party sounds fun (apart from the heat :)) I am sure everyone will enjoy themselves. DH wants to do a bbq for his birthday in 2 weeks but since we just moved we still have so much more work to do getting things organized and furniture to buy I am not sure I want to many people over right now. I guess we'll see what happens in the next few weeks. Enjoy your party and try to take it easy in all the heat.

AFM-I am feeling ok so far for the day. Still really tired alot. I am really busy at work and have been working late this whole week. I can't wait for the weekend so I can rest, although it seems DH has my full Saturday planned running errands :(
Praying so glad you're feeling better. My mom was not too surprised she said she sort of thought I was but she said she would never say anything to me until I told her. She's really respectful of our privacy.
Hubby told his mom over the phone on FaceTime and I think it's the first time he ever saw her excited :) I wish I was there to see it.
His dad was pretty clueless and just said congratulations.
It feels great knowing that they know :)
Rebecca lovely news, my dad was like that too - I think it's a dad 'thing'

Praying I'm so pleased to hear you are feeling better, you must be relieved it's awful feeling sick all the time.

Myshel gosh that's hot! I don't envy you although wish we could have a bit of nice weather over here!

Rq those models are super cute!

As for me I started the day panicking about my hcg levels as my CB digi only came up 2-3 weeks and I knew my levels should have been more 🙄 Talk about stress and worry - luckily I had the results of my beta from yesterday and it had risen as it should have - phew!! Weird about the digi but I'm going with the blood. I'm now 4271 which seems to be an OK number for this many weeks :) I'm having a scan next Thursday and praying I see a hb...maybe then I may believe things are going to be ok...
Nimbec - I really believe your embie just took a longer time to implant and to start developing, maybe due to the ohss. And now after a delayed start, things are a bit behind but progressing perfectly. I believe it's just one of those unexplained miracles. X and am praying for your scan!

Praying - so glad your ms has let up. It sucks to work so hard :( imagine we were all millionaires and could just sleep in on our luxury extra large king++ sized beds while our staff quietly did all the cleaning and a chef was preparing a super nutritious and yummy brunch.... oh bliss...
Anyway! Hope you can get some rest this weekend. :)

Rebecca - nice that you shared the news with them :). Love your boy names! We're struggling to find nice names, most of the nice names are English and some don't sound completely right in our language and when joined to our surname! But we have some nice girl names.

Rq- thanks for sharing the pics of those babies. Such a perfectly formed mini human!

Myshel- hope you have a lovely party this weekend! We're getting a hectic cold front again just as it started to get slightly warmer; wish both our weather could just be mellow! Looking forward to summer & our pool; I'll probably be complaining about the heat in a few weeks lol.
Hey girls! Someone just gave me a link to a Zita West video about trying not to let IVF success joy turn to anxiety. It's quite good and I've subscribed to her channel now too.

Nimbec, your beta is excellent and digis are unpredictable. If your urine was diluted, it might show as a lower weeks indicator. Go with the beta :) How are you feeling now? Has the swelling gone?

I just spoke to a GP I've not met before because was on maternity leave. She's lovely! She told me her first baby was through IVF so she totally gets my anxieties and joy. So reassuring, because I'll be discharged from my clinic softer the s an next Friday and I won't have my maxing nurse Carrie to go to any more.

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