*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

My heartburn has gone away but I've been getting some pretty sore cramps recently. I sneezed in bed last night and had a sharp pain right hand side of uterus/right ovary (I find it hard to distinguish) and it's hurt on and off all day.
It seems too early for ligament pain and it worries me that it coincides with heartburn going. I only have one digi left, that I'm saving for if I'm really worried (does it still say 3+) and I might do it before Friday's scan, as going in and finding nothing there then would be the worst.
Not going to let myself start panicking!
Myshel- wow sounds like a really nice time to share the news.

Froggy- sorry you're having bad migraines. I've had a few bad ones this pregnancy and there's nothing that makes them go away :(

Elicain- I know exactly what you're describing. When you sneeze you get that uterus tinge. I get that all the time.
Froggy I'm so sorry to hear you are feeling so poorly :( headaches Canberra so debilitating and I've never had a migraine so I can't imagine how awful you are feeling (((hugs)))

Ellie please don't worry the pain you are feeling is probably still your enlarged ovaries they take many weeks to go down from all the IVF treatment. I totally understand your worry but I'm sure all will be fine! Also hope you don't mind me saying but if you did (which a million fx you don't)have a loss at this stage your hcg is so high already it would take a while to drop so you can't rely on a digi plus their is also evidence out there that the tests can't cope with huge levels of hcg and give false results (I'm not sure at what point that starts) all I'm trying to say is try not to worry and don't rely on that digi. Your scan will be here before you know it! I too completely understand your worry I'm also very nervous about bad news 😳.
Thanks Rebecca. I'm reassured you have felt it too!

Two very good points Nimbec, thank you. I think I need to put the digi away and just be patient and hope for Friday. I'd not thought about the enlarged ovaries. The right side was where all my biggest follies were, so that makes total sense.

This forum is so great for allaying fears. Girls who are going/have gone through it know so much better than anyone else!

PAL is nerve wracking!
Froggy - your headaches sound horrible. I hope you get better soon!!
Hi Ladies well I'm sat here waiting for my scan feeling very nervous, for some reason I haven't got a good feeling...I've had some cramps nothing major but just negative nelly this morning! I'll update later!

Good luck Fern its your scan today too!

Hope everyone else is ok.
Ok great news we saw a heart beat!! ❤️ Measuring a bit behind at 6+1 but they are not worried at all :) my ovaries on the other hand are enormous and they can't distinguish left from right hence my pain - I'm under strick instructions to rest!! Minimal fluid left in me now thankfully just my ovaries need to calm down a bit!

So do I change my ticker?!
Hope everyone is ok!
Hi ladies my scan also went very well, everything measuring as it should and low risk for genetic abnormalities so far. Dr says it looks like a boy! Will read through all the posts and update properly a bit later- yay congrats nimbec so far!!!!
Yay nimbec and Fern so glad your babies are doing well!

Go team blue!
froggyfrog-so sorry you are having such bad headaches. I had a crippling headache a few weeks back but chalked it up to the msg in the chinese food i'd eaten. Are you able to reach out to your doctor to possibly get something a bit stronger so you can get some relief?

Congrats Nimbec & Fern on awesome scans!

I rested pretty much all weekend apart from yesterday when I decided to do some cleaning which may not have been a good idea. I got down and scrubbed our shower and a few hours later had crippling back pain which although better than yesterday I am still feeling it today. My body is reminding me I can't push to much I guess. Well I plan on telling my manager today that I am pregnant! I'll let you know how that goes but I am sure his only concern will be making sure my work will be properly covered when I go on maternity leave. One more week and I'll be in the 2nd trimester-WOW who would have thought I'd finally be here!

Have a great day ladies!
Yay for a good scan fern and nimbec!

Welcome to teamblue fern!!!

Ellie, all of those aches and pains are normal. I felt them at odd times too, and still do if I stand up wrong or move the wrong way. Don't worry!!

Praying isn't it crazy how fast 2nd tri snuck up? I'm betting that 3rd tri takes its sweet time.

Thanks for the well wishes ladies. I don't have a headache currently which is good. Praying I was taking something stronger, but it just wasn't working. So now I'm going to have to head to a neurologist. They get so bad that I can't move. I was stuck in one spot on Friday and couldn't move.
Thanks ladies :)

Finally sitting down.

I started crying the moment the image came on the screen, I saw the little face immediately! Cried so hard that the ultrasound sensor bobbed up and down & picture faded in and out lol. My new dr is a bit strict and I thought she was rude to my mom (who went with me). Otherwise she seems well educated and clued up on the latest technology etc. My ovary is STILL enormously swollen. And I'm going to be team blue until proven otherwise, just like you rebecca :) it did look like lil "turtle"boy bits!! But as I said earlier my sister's daughter was a "boy" on the first 2x u/s hehe so for now it's just a fun, educated guess!

So one thing I'm worried about is that I have low papp-a levels which can point to a problem with the placenta & restricted fetal growth, possible pre-term birth, pre-eclampsia etc in the absence of increased NT translucency. Dr advised me to buy a bloodpressure monitor and measure daily, also to increase my bloodthinners. Now I'm even more sad that we can't afford to get scans done more frequently but yeah it's still ridiculously expensive.
So far the baby is measuring spot on so I'm not going to google papp-a levels and stress myself out.

Sorry so many of you are suffering with headaches :( Froggy especially you! Hope your dr can get it sorted out.

Praying- oh those loose painful joints :) thanks relaxin! Hope you feel better soon.

Ellie- that sharp shooting pain when sneezing is totally normal, I think it's round ligament pain (after all your uterus is definitely growing already) and like nimbec said aggravated by those swollen ovaries.

Myshel that party and the reveal sounds amazing :) congrats!
Oh boy froggy those headaches sound awful especially when it gets so bad you can't move! Hoping all goes well with your visit to the neurologist.

Fern-So nice your mom got to join you. Lots of team blue here. Don't google to much this can definitely stress you out unnecessarily-I know from experience :)
Question-so I just noticed my ticker says you are now in the 2nd trimester but doesn't the 2nd trimester start at 13 weeks?
I agree 2nd tri starts at 13 weeks. (Maybe even a few days later if 40 weeks are divided into 3 trimesters... lol that's splitting hairs though!)

Pics: First one to check out the probably boy nub (the area "sticking out" at baby's rump area lol)! And then two 3/4D pics of baby moving it's arms.


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So cool Fern. Love the pics. All I have gotten is grainy ones from the RE. I go to the OB tomorrow but I'm almost certain no US since I just had one a week and 1/2 ago.
I'm looking forward to my OB appt tomorrow. It's a new office for me and my first pregnancy so we will see how it all goes. I told hubby not to worry about taking time off to go with me. He will always make it to the US appts, but will skip the "mundane" OB appts.

Well, it's official (or at least I'm calling it official).... I'm def starting to show somewhat. I had to try on 3 shirts this am to find the right one. I texted hubby that I was able to hide my bump another day but then when we were having lunch he gave me this side long glance like "you really didn't hide it completely" lol. Basically we came to the conclusion that if you knew or suspected I was pregnant, there is no doubt. But most people oblivious and they prob haven't noticed yet. I feel like I "popped" a little this weekend and there was no doubt I could feel my uterus above the pelvic bone. I think it depends on how full my bladder is, but it was about 1/2 way to the belly button. Yay twins, lol!

I'm still doing great with symptoms. I started taking a tablespoon of fiber everyday and that has helped some with my constipation.

I hope everyone is feeling well!
Hi ladies! How us everyone?
Fern & Nimbac beautiful scans. Sorry for the grumpy doctor Fern and the strange diagnosis, hopefully the measures you take will monitor baby and everything will be fine! Beautiful pics! Love the 4D <3
Praying did you tell your boss yet?

RQ i'm going to have to get some maternity long pants, at nearly 11 weeks I've definitely popped. Gl hiding that twin bump :haha:

Well sounds like we have quite a headache club here! Mine aren't debilitating like yours Froggy but irritating none the less. I've been taking Tylenol now and then when they're bad but in general I hate taking drugs. Maybe working out will help?

Nimbac hows the R&R going?

Myshelsong that was a lovely announcement, I could just picture it! Have a relaxing week off.

Beemack, ES, Crazycatlady, Ellie, & Rebecca how are you ladies doing?

I found it was so hard to lift DD and car seat constantly in Oct/Nov/Dec even after I stayed in shape during that pregnancy hitting the gym till 8 months I'm scared about things will go now that I've stopped cardio & weights over the past 10 weeks. I ran my benefits dry on physio, massage , & accupuncture for sore shoulder blades from carrying her, and while it started whe she was sbout 15 lbs she got heavier and heavier! I did what the physio taught me in the gym before my transfer (and it got much better) but now it's starting to creep back. I can't imagine how taxing 2 babies will be, I'm determined to stay fit, I see it will either be a hard delivery and pain afterwards trying to cope with babies or staying fit during this pregnancy, but SO not looking forward to getting my lazy butt back in there! I said I'd go today but I'm exhausted from the 10 month sleep regression DD is having. There's always tomorrow!
Fern, I'm loving your scan pics and the scan story. That 12w scan must be amazing, getting to see a real baby shape!

I'm excited about my first scan in 3 days because I'll see how many and see the heart(s) beating, but I know it won't look much like a baby yet on the screen/pics. I'm really excited though and trying not to wish time away. I've spent so many months recently wishing time away in 2 week blocks... 2 weeks until I ovulate, 2 weeks until I'm due on, 2 weeks until I start down regging, 2 weeks until stims, 2 weeks until egg collection. This is my time to savour each moment and really enjoy the stage I'm at. I'm pregnant and I love this fact! The exciting things to come will happen in their time, today is a milestone of reaching 6 weeks and sweetpea week!
2have I envy your desire to be in shape and fit. I wish I had the energy to think about exersize.

Eli, congrats on bein 6 weeks. Your scan will be here quicker then you know it :)

Afm- insomnia seems to be my issue these days. I'm exhausted at night at get to bed around 9:30 but then I wake up at 3 or so and lay awake for 2 hours. This has been happening almost every night. I'm starting to get really frustrated!!
Rq- congrats on the bump!! Yay, don't hide it anymore lol. Mine is simply enormous. When people comment on it's gigantic size I'm quick to blame my very swollen ovary. ;). Hope you have a nice appointment today!

2have - sounds like your dd is already giving you a good workout. .. ugh finding the motivation and energy is so hard! Good luck. X

Ellie- oohh I can't wait to see how many you are cooking :) so glad to see you are still in good spirits.

Thanks for the positive feedback on my scan pics yesterday ladies. It was a very hard & emotional day for me, I cried so much and feel a bit overwhelmed with the papp-a diagnosis but I'm going to keep pushing it to the back of my mind and be grateful to God for what I have and that I have strength to cope with anything that comes my way.

Question : do you all want your husband to be there when you deliver?
After watching some birth videos on YouTube I'm even more convinced that I do NOT want my DH in there when I'm delivering! (He can be there during the labour part but he can wait outside for the rest lol). Except if it's a c-section; and then he's standing by my head, not my feet. I DEFINITELY don't want him to ever see and remember any birthing part of me! My brother told me many of his friends now attend the delivery of their babies with a GoPro on their heads to capture every second. My sister and I nearly died when we imagined it! Are we the only ones who feel this way?? Her hubby waited in the hallway when she pushed out her first and that's exactly what I would prefer...

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