*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

Froggy - best of luck to your hubby. I hope the surgery helps his pain
Fern-We have a few more things to be done in addition to finding someone to fix the work the last workers did sigh.

froggyfrog-I hope hubby finally gets the relief he needs with the surgery

Myshelsong-I have not felt baby kick although I've had a lot of twinges. During my scan yesterday baby girl was moving and kicking away. The Dr even asked if I wasn't feeling it and I said no. He said probably within a week then.
Froggy good luck with DHs surgery. A year and a half ago my DH had a very long surgery on his bowels due to his severe crohns. It was really tough and a long recovery but thankfully he's doing well since. I hope surgery will help your DHs hip and he'll be back on his feet soon!
Rq I hope you have a wonderful vacation and lovely weather & some beach time. Enjoy!

Froggy- all the best for your hubby's surgery. I can just imagine what a relief it will be for him after the repair is done. Lucky him to have you to look after him :) hope you both cope well with the next 3 weeks. X

Praying - to fix....!!?? What a frustration. Hope you feel her soon, it's the best. To me it feels like a fish swimming in there & bumping me!

Myshel- do you have an anterior placenta? Sorry about your scare hun. I've been having such aches & pains recently and one sharp pain on the right had me especially worried. I was surprised to learn from dr Google what we can experience in 2nd tri. .. expanding rib cage, rotating uterus that can compress the right ureter, bladder nerve overstimulation & spasms from baby's movement, continued ligament pain/spasms, of course braxton hicks, compression of everything else...!! I really hope your pains were just a normal side effect of pregnancy. X
Froggy, I hope your husband's surgery goes well. I'm glad he can get it sorted now, so hopefully he'll be fit and able to help you when your baby arrives.

Myshel, that's really scary, you poor thing. Dopplers are equally amazing and horrible, in my opinion. When I first started using it, it took so long to find the hb and it made me cry with relief every time I got it (up to 40 minutes later). Now, I usually find it within a few seconds, but I'm worried that it will take longer again one time and I'll be so panicked. It is reassuring to hear it though, as I'm a way off feeling movement yet. My next midwife appointment is in 12 days and I think she may finally actually listen to my baby. So far, it's just been filling in forms and our scans don't give you any sound. Without my own doppler, I'd have gone mad and spent a fortune on private scans!!!

Fern, your husband sounds like a childish fool. I'm sure you have plenty of good times and I know this is your place to vent, so we probably get a slightly skewed account, but he honestly needs to grow up if he's ever going to be a proper father. My DH has times of being quite inconsiderate, but he's starting to make changes. He was a batchelor for so long that he still needs to learn how to take another person's needs into account at times (ie I like to live in a tidy and clean home, whereas he doesn't mind dirt and disorder, therefore I have to clean and tidy all his crap... Though I've worked out that he'll do chores if I give him a manageable list!).
I do hope that a bit of a break helps your relationship and maybe time apart makes him realise what he's done... You don't need this right now though.

So, I'm officially into the second tri and excited to start seeing my bump develop properly. My organs have had to shift so the bloat is starting to look a bit more bump-like and my uterus is coming out of my pelvis nicely. I got my appointment for the anatomy scan yesterday and it's on October 25th. I can't wait to see Bee, but still don't know if we will find out the gender... Might ask them to put it in an envelope so we can decide at a later date...
Myshel, I brought up the really intense sharp pains to my Dr and she confirmed what I thought, round ligament pain. Some of the are horrible, they take me breath away and have me double over. Maybe your little boy was just sleeping from a growth spurt and just found a cozy spot to stay in.
Welcome to 2nd tri ellie!

Thanks for the well wishes ladies! I'm excited at the thought that he will be able to get up and down off the floor to play with his son! He still has yet to feel him kick because Gage is a stinker and stops as soon as daddy puts his hand on my belly, but last night we sat and stared at my bump, and he finally saw a kick. They are so strong now that my belly moves! Oh and Gage's favorite toy is my bladder! Apparently it's a soccer ball when it's full!
Glad I am not the only one with scary sharp pains here and there.
I am still to terrified to try the Doppler again, but I hope that the little guy is going well. Next ultrasound is with our OB next Friday so I am going to try to keep my hopes up until then. I have no idea if I have an anterior placenta. I know I have extra chub, so hoping that is another reason for lack of movement.

Ellie! Yay second trimester. It is amazing how time is flying, and standing still at the same time.
Congrats on second tri Ellie!

I'm sure the reason I don't feel movement is because of anterior placenta.i felt DD at 17 weeks.
My anatomy scan is September 27 I really can't wait!
I'm having brunch in the morning with some lady friends while DH watches DD. I'm looking forward i think it will be nice!
Oh, I was in target yesterday and I bought myself a huge bag of mixed chocolate! Yum yum! I hid it from DD (she has my chocolate loving genes).
Quick post - I'm in hospital for reduced fetal movement. Other than that still staying with my parents. Update later.
Hi ladies, Fern! Please update soon we're all very worried about you & baby. xx
Hi there. All is ok with baby. I phoned dr this morning after almost no movement for 3 days; they had me counting kicks and then go into labour ward from which I was referred back to dr for an ultrasound. She did an unscheduled anatomy scan to check if all is well. By the grace of God he had suddenly produced a huge amount of amniotic fluid, which must have happened right around the time I got hit in the stomach (because that's when I couldn't feel him anymore), and it protected him & placenta from any damage. It also stopped me from feeling his movements for 3 days so far. She did put me on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds (very low dose & pregnancy safe) because I was so upset & crying about baby & my husband and worried I'm a bad mother for exposing my child to all the stress... and she said I need to take it easier.

Thanks for all the love and good wishes you all showered on me! Will read through all the posts tonight after work
Awesome news Fern-hearing all is well with baby and they were able to give you something to make you feel more relaxed. I know you are back to work today but are you able to take some time for yourself this afternoon? Maybe just even going to a local coffee shop to have tea and a pastry to clear your mind a bit. Praying this phase soon passes for you :hugs:
Oh thank goodness. I wish those of us with man troubles could have a huge group hug. It really does help to have such supportive women around, I find the stress my DH gives me while I'm pregnant is constant and so unnecessary. We are going to counselling though which is great but even simple conversations turn into bicker-fests. I asked him to stop it, just stop it last night after asking him to turn on the baby's monitor when he puts her to bed. OMG did we really need to have an hour discussion over that? Re-fking-tarded.
Fern - Glad baby is well.

I am kinda freaking out. So i still have not felt baby, the last few times we tried the doppler it was super hard to find the heartbeat and it was really quiet although regular. and today I cant find it at all. I am seriously freaking myself out and I dont know what to do. I never go to the doctors unless absolutely necessary so I feel super weird about heading out the door. but on the other hand I feel like I am going to have a panic attack. I can hear the placenta like over the entire right hand side of my abdomen really loudly, but no fetal hb. I am not sure if i am just being crazy or if something is actually wrong. :cry: I feel like I am going nuts.
Myshel, I would call just to get some reassurance. I'm not one to run to the Dr unless it's an emergency either, but there definitely is nothing wrong getting everything checked out anytime you worry while pregnant.

Fern glad everything turned out to be ok. I hope you can relax.
Myshel- definitely call. I waited 4 days (injury on Thursday, then 3 days with barely any movement) before calling because I also don't see doctors unless I'm convinced it's really serious (the last time, before today, that I went to ER was in March 2013 for gall stones & kidney stones!). My dr said today that next time I should phone as soon as I'm worried and not wait.
Please call or drive to your dr ASAP. They should have a protocol in place for whatever your concern. Thinking of you!!!! Hope everything is OK. X

Thanks again everyone. It's such a relief that we can all just unload and worry and vent etc on here. I can't say all this stuff to people irl. And no-one understands like you all do. Praying- I had to work until 19:30 but had a nice lindt choc after work as per your suggestion :).

Beemeck- thinking of you today, did you have your operation already? Sorry hun I couldn't remember the date but feel like it should be sometime now?

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