*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

Myshel- thinking of you. Hope everything is OK. XX
Myshel-any update?

I haven't really felt much movement myself but the baby is surely moving around which I saw on the scan and Dr wasn't alarmed but said I should start feeling here within a week. I have been feeling some weird movements in my tummy the past few days that I am thinking must be our baby girl. I can't really describe it but it sort of feels like air bubbles moving around ( I hope it's her lol)
Hi ladies, sorry I have been awol. I had family up for a long weekend and it's been manic. Today I am trying to get the house back in order and do some relaxing!

Looks like I have a lot to catch up on.

Fern, I am so pleased everything was ok with baby, sounds like a scary time, look after yourself.

Myshel, I am sorry the Doppler is causing you stress and worry, make sure you go get it checked out, never feel like a burden when it comes to your LO. I have no doubt that everything is ok and will be stalking for your update.

Froggy, I hope DH surgery goes well.

Ellie, congratulations on getting to your second trimester.

Sorry if I have missed anyone, I hope you and bumps are all doing well.

I had my anatomy scan yesterday and pleased that everything looked perfect. We are still team yellow and loving the suspense. My baby looked so cute, I cannot wait to meet him/her now. Also, I think I felt my first flutter the other day (I am 20 weeks now, about time, although placenta is still anterior) it felt like a feather being brushed from the inside and tickled more than anything, I have felt it a few times on my left and that's where the little feet are so I suppose that makes sense.

Congrats pinkie on a good anatomy scan! Happy that baby is doing well. I'm so frustrated not to feel my babies yet. Dumb anterior placenta!
I'm really impressed that you're team yellow I can't deal with the suspense. However we did stay team yellow with DD only bec DH insisted on keeping it a surprise.
Hey ladies, I really dont know what to say. My husband convinced me to wait until our Friday appointment since we are getting an ultrasound anyways that day. It is not like I am experiencing any symptoms, no cramping or bleeding ... I just cant find the heartbeat. Which the last two we did find was really close to the placenta and faint, so maybe he is hiding behind it.
I am trying not to panic or freak out, I am just terrified I lost the baby already. We all know how long this process took for all of us, and this is my very first pregnancy ever so I think I am just being really sensitive.

Pinkie - glad the ultrasound went well! it is so cool seeing the little person on the screen. I cant believe you are team yellow lol. good for you
Myshel I'm really sorry I know how hard this is. It's very possible that your LO is hiding. I'm sure waiting till Friday will be hell but DH is right. Can you move up your appointment 1-2 days early instead of the Friday appointment?
Myshel, I keep thinking about it and while I'm obviously not a Dr, I think as long as you heard a nice fast heartbeat with a steady rhythm then your baby's heart is functioning well & supplying blood to the body. If the sound is faint I think it just means that the home doppler has its limitations and if baby is behind a thick placenta then the doppler only picks up the sound waves faintly. I don't think that the louder the sound, the better the heart functions if that makes sense. And also that a day or so of not finding the hb just means that he is hiding & the little heart is still so small, might just be difficult to find. I'm definitely not trying to say your fears are silly but just trying to make some sense of it all xxx hope your dr sets your mind well at ease on Friday!!

Pinkie- congrats on a great anatomy scan! For both you and Praying; that really does sound like you're feeling your babies move. It's very faint in the beginning! But it does feel like something "different" is going on. :)
Hi ladies! Pinkie & praying I'm feeling those bubbles too, it's SO faint but they usually come when I'm lying in bed very still. And when I turn to get water something really squishes with side movements.

Myshelsong all the best with your scan on Friday. I'm sure everything will be OK. Dopplers are one of the worst sources of stress during pregnancy. And even the midwives always warned me that it's difficult for them to find the heartbeat sometimes before the 24 week mark. During one of my scans with DD the heart was RIGHT behind my bellybutton, you def can't hear it when it's in that position, there's waaaay too much infrastructure in the way in that case.

Fern how is your week going? Are you able to stay calm in the midst of your storm? We've had a relatively good week so far. DD's swim lessons are tonight and I'm NOT looking forward to the cold water. I'm booking future lessons in a different pool, they keep this pool way too cold.

Froggy all the best with DH.

Rebecca, Ellie, ES, Beemeck, Nimbec and anyone else I've missed how are things going?

RQ hopefully Florida has been relaxing and treating you with beautiful weather & good shopping.

DH has booked us ballet tickets for Friday and a babysitter so I'm looking forward to that. The last show we saw was Elton John's life via ballet and it was really fantastic. My 20 week scan is next week too along with another OB check up. The diabetes monitoring is going great, blood sugars are always low and they said they don't need me to come in weekly. I guess at 24 weeks things will ramp up with insulin resistance so they'll have me more closely monitored then. Most people still can't see the bump at work and come at me with shock when I tell them I'm pregnant with twins and almost half way there (time sure flies doesn't it?) I'm assuming the bump will really start forming in the later half of the second tri.
Myshel-this is why we decided against the doppler because we knew we'd drive ourselves crazy plus just like 2have4 the midwife in our office actually recommended we stay away from them because of the anxiety and stress. I am sure your little bean is right there dancing around as we speak :)

2have-Date night at the ballet sounds nice-do enjoy! Great news on the diabetes front as well. Alot of people at work still don't know I'm pregnant as well when I told one of my coworkes he said oh I thought you were just getting fat in the stomach (wasn't that flattering lol) but it depends what I wear, certain tops show the bump a bit more than others.

Just a chill day for me, I went to lunch with a good friend and while I was eating I could feel her just moving around in there it felt so weird I had to pause a few times lol. So happy to now be able to feel her :) DH keeps feeling hoping he can feel her movements as well but I told him she's not kicking and moving hard enough just yet for him to feel. I've been having a rough time sleeping at night, literally tossing and turning all night I think it's time I invest in one of those pregnancy pillows some of you ladies speak so fondly about.
2have- enjoy the ballet. Sounds lovely!

Praying- I'm sure it's awesome to keep feeling her move. DH will be able to feel her soon too!

We told DD today about the baby (omitted babies) she was behind words excited. She kept hugging my belly telling me she was hugging her brother. She really wants a boy. She will be in for a big surprise when she gets both!!
DH videoed me telling her. It was the sweetest moment!
Rebecca that is adorable. I love her reaction, how sweet that you got it on video.

The ballet sounds like a great date night. Friday can't come fast enough!

Had my morning freak out and now feeling better. Decided going to let fate and faith take it from here and try not to let it consume me too much.mfingers crossed! Thanks so for the support, it really calmed me down over the last few days.
Awww Rebecca your daughter's reaction is so sweet and it was so good you guys thought of recording it so you can play it for her when she gets older or maybe on the day when that brother she wanted so bad is getting on her nerves :)
Rebecca what a lovely reaction! Something to remember<3<3 I wish my little girl would be old enough to understand but I'm afraid she won't by 14 months. I'm going to buy her a few books on new siblings to help her adjust. You never know what they absorb and I know she's a smart wee lassie so might as well try.

myshelsong glad you're feeling better. When we first had DD we went for walks near a lovely river and my head kept having nightmare scenarios where she falls into the cold water and gets swept away. DH has read on this and it's instinctual that we have all sorts of fears and internal horrors about what *could* happen. It's a survival mechanism that starts with parents even before birth. There would probably be many more deaths if we didn't have this innate sense of fear, it's annoying and upsetting but very necessary!

Has anyone devised a birth plan yet? Thought about the options ie home vs hospital birth, birthing pool, elective section, drug free, etc? Anyone enrolled in birthing classes?

I was going to do a twin birthing class even though we've done a regular class but I'm kind of on the fence being that it's ~$200. I would LOVE to connect with other parents with twins in the area (that'd be my main reason as I'm fairly confident about our birthing options). But with having to sell my car, buy an SUV, being on reduced maternity leave income for a year (55% of my salary), I think I should be putting the money into the vehicle. I've found an awesome & supportive twin group on fb https://www.facebook.com/groups/twinsandmorechat/ and have already read some amazing tips about the psychology of having twins and the crazy responses (and how to respond appropriately) when people randomly say dumb things about your twins.

I would love to hear what your birth plans are ladies or if you have classes booked -what kind and when they start.
2have- no birth plan really. Hoping for twin vbac and I'll do an epidural.
I watched a really good video that I plan to watch again this time (laugh and learn about childbirth with Sherry Baylis) I got it free from the library and it was really informative and I felt fully prepared.

News update!!! I started feeling the babies!! Last night I kept feeling pressure in certain spots and today I feel the same thing. They're diffintely moving around in there. It's about time! Sometimes it feels like bubbles and sometime I can swear it's little kicks. I'm loving it! Go babies go!!
Right now it's definitely Jospeh doing the kicking as it's more towards the bottom left.
Myshel, I am glad you are feeling better. My advice, step away from the Doppler for now. This is the main reason I haven't brought one as I know it would cause me worry. Your 20 week scan was perfect and they do such a in depth check of the heart at this stage I have no doubt LO is just not playing ball. Do keep us updated.

2have, my birth plan is for it to be drug free, painless and very quick lol!!! Honestly, I am terrified, but I am trying to prepare for it as much as I can by getting fit, taking up yoga and listening to hypnobirthing online, I would rather to it as natural as possible but I don't know how feasible that actually is. I am not sure what Birthing options are available yet so no real plan, I am attending a private antenatal class which will go over our options so will probably decided then. Although I think I want to use water birthing while I am in labour I have heard it helps. If any mums already have some advice for birthing tips please feel free to share.

Rebecca and praying, arh so great you are finally feeling babies, funny how us with anterior placentas are feeling them at the same time. About time too... I am still getting the little flutters.

Does anyone have any advice on prams/travel systems I have looked at so many I am confused.

Pinkie, I have the uppababy vista which I'm quite happy with. We bought adapters for it so the car seat can click right in. It's a bulky stroller but it's a real full size stroller. I like that it has a bassinet which is great for the first few months. Pushes well and most importantly they have excellent customer service. My basket broke and they shipped me a new one within a few days! It's pricey but in my opinion worth the cost.
Of course we will be needing a double so I'm not sure what to do yet :)
Birth plan?! Are we really thinking that far ahead yet? Omg the idea terrifies me. Years ago I had a wish for a water birth with beautiful music, essential oils, a doula and my husband and around me. Now not so much, my body (and age) has changed so much from when I first envisioned having a child. I thought I would have kids by 28, I am now 34 and not at my best weight. I had a bad herniated disc a few years ago that caused some degradation of my L4 and L5 so in reality I am hoping my doctor will approve a c-section. I really do not want a herniated disc and a newborn at the same time, and the idea of pushing at that angle makes me so scared. The pain I had with my disc and nerve is way worse than any abdominal stitches that I could imagin. I am even fine doing the Csection and follow up with minimal drugs so I can breast feed. In honesty there is pain and then there is nerve pain.

Trying to keep my mind off the Doppler. I think I felt movement but trying not to get my hopes up, just thinking positive.

On a side note I Watched this new McDonald's commercial today with a crying baby and an old man that buys his neighbor breakfast and it just keeps making me cry! I feel like a crazy hormone lady lol bawling at tv commercials.
Rebecca congrats on feeling the babies! I got the uppa baby Vista like you and my friend got the Britax B-Ready stroller which was also on my list. Boy am I glad I didn't get that one! It's larger in wheel base so it's hard to turn with more than 1 child in it or groceries in the bottom and the longer wheelbase makes it heavier to lift into the car. The Uppababy vista comes with a bassinet whereas I think you have to purchase it with the Britax B-ready and we still use it as she can lie down flat and have a sleep with her teddy & blanket if she needs to rather than lying back in a chair. The uppababy fits as many configurations as a B-ready but it comes in many more colour choices and fits a skate board for when DD gets older.

Pinkie I always knew I was going to have more than 1 child so I didn't want to have to buy two strollers and this one does 1, 2 or from what I've learned from my FB twins group is it does 3 with twins very nicely in the bassinet with an older child in the front seat. We have the clickable Chicco Keyfit30 car seat that fits the stroller for quick trips to the grocery store and that's lasted her whole first year. Whatever you choose, take a look at weight and length too. Are you planning to have more than 1? You don't want to be lifting a massive thing and with the small length of the uppababy it fits nicely into my small Acura RSX hatchback car trunk along with the bassinet. I like the adaptability of it. Not sure what options there are in Britain, maybe there are more like I've heard a little about the icandy? Not sure how the icandy would compare. Money wasn't a factor for us, we put it out there that this was the stroller we wanted and between my mom and some of her friends they bought it for us used (I found the listing and insisted they didn't waste $400 more on a new one). There's always used strollers available if you choose a fancy system.

I don't really have a birthing plan but I know what worked for me and what didn't with the first. The contractions were much more painful that I ever imagined them being. Being in the shower was great for my pain so I stayed in as long as I could and had to come out in order to time the contractions properly (it took SO much pain away!) After 3 hours in the shower at home I decided I wouldn't be able to deal with the pain anymore once I got out and needed to go to the hospital for intervention. I also had a tens unit that really helped, especially on the 20 min car ride over. I tried an injection of something when I got there and that did nothing and neither did the gas & air. The 1/2 epidural was fantastic, I could still feel my legs just not the debilitating contractions. I could still push and was fully operational, it let me breath and have some joy in the whole delivery process. We were cracking jokes after it kicked in, it was amazing. I could barely breath the contractions were so frequent and intense (prob why the gas & air didn't work as I couldn't catch my breath) and I was just hanging onto the bed rail for dear life overheating and hyperventilating from the pain. So my plan is much the same, stay at home in the shower until I can't stand the pain and then hike on on down to the hospital and get a 1/2 epi and start the delivery process.
Thanks for the uppa baby recommendation, it looks great. My shortlist was the Buggaboo and the Silver Cross but this is now in the mix. Yes I would love another child so uppa might be the way forward. We have two Frosties and I hope to use them soon as I feel ready. If they don't work I think that might be me done I am not sure how many more cycles I can put myself through but we'll see, it's a long way off.

Myshel, i completely understand your concerns about the birth, if I had a medical condition to consider then I would be the same and I am sure they will be supportive in helping you make the right decision. I completely feel you on the emotions, we went to watch Bridget Jones yesterday and I got so emotional watching the birth scene, so did DH bless him.

2have, thanks for sharing your experience, I am so pleased to hear you can have 1/2 epidural. I am not good with pain but I want to still be in control of my own body so the thought of a full one freaks me out. Now I have said that I bet I ask for every drug they have available. I am sure most plans go out the window but I want to be as prepared as I can. I am also going to ask them to cut me if needed, I don't want to tear, I have heard it heals much better if its a clean cut (the thought makes me shudder). I have got yoga tonight and we are using the birthing ball so if I like it I will get myself one of them and get practicing. People might think I am crazy but I really don't want a C section, I have heard the recovery is long and difficult (does anyone know any different), when I had my ectopic surgery I was in so much pain after and I only have a 2 inch scar each side, I couldn't even get out of bed or up off the sofa and took me two weeks to feel better.


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