Assisted conception success - due 2018 xx

Scooby finnegan is a lovely name! I’m so pleased for you and your family, definitely rest when you can, so glad all went well for you

3c, I hope you and baby tessa are well, another beautiful name for a beautiful baby
It’s definitely raining babies in here now!

Scooby, I hope it’s my turn soon haha, less than 2 weeks til
Induced, come on baby boy you can get here before that!
Congrats 3c, Scooby, and october!! Such lovely names.

Wish and koj I hope you are settling in with your bundles :)

Star I think you are next! I have everything crossed for you.

Juliet I hope you had a good appointment!

My shower was wonderful. We are very overwhelmed by all the things we got! It's been fun and exhausting getting everything ready. Got my bag packed and car seat in so she can come any day now!
Thank you dogmommy, how many weeks are you now?

Glad you had a fun shower! So exciting
hi everyone!!!!
so good news was technician did not even see an obvious hematoma.
bad news, a doctor wasn't there to check the findings and discuss things with us!!! totally annoyed because we were told there would be. i am on limitations that only a dcotor can take me off of, AND i obviously want the reassurance from a doctor that the hematoma is gone and that all is okay!!!!!

side note: baby is measuring abnormally big and i am not sure if this could be a problem....

anyway, feeling some mixed emotions over here!!!!!
3C - Congratulations on the arrival of your baby girl. Baby Tessa and Aria have the same exact birthday!!

Scooby- congratulations... I love the name Finnegan. I hope you both are doing well.

Star- not much longer for you. I know you are beyond ready.

Juliet- I hope you get confirmation from your doctor soon.

Afm, C-Section went as planned on Friday 1/26. Aria arrived at 12:31 pm. She is 6 Ibs 6oz 21 in. She’s beautiful and all I imagined her to be. I had to spend an extra night in hospital due to increase in blood pressure. I have a follow up tomorrow. I hope everyone else is doing great
Juliet good news on the harmatoma, Shane you couldn’t speak to the doctor , when will you be able to?

October, congratulations on your beautiful baby girl, just perfect!

Afm, had a few pains last night that got my hopes up but now gone as usual lol
Star, sounds like this is how you’re next few days are going to go!! At least you can laugh about it a bit. Hang in there. Your time is soon!!!!

October, huge congrats to you and baby girl !!! So happy for you. Let us know how follow-up goes

Thanks everyone, i hoped to hear from my doctor today but haven’t yet.... really annoying. Will contact them tomorrow but didn’t want to bug them today cause she said she’ll keep an eye out on the report.... but it’s keeping me in limbo. I think things are better but really need a doctor to confirm. DD is awake and it’s almost midnight! DH is driving her to get her down. We need sleep !!!!! We took bottles away on Saturday and she’s doing pretty well but not tonight. Wahhhh. She needs to just accept a sippy cup!
So heard from my doctor today that the hematoma is significantly smaller like the technician had said. She says I can go off pelvic rest and back to normal routines. But that the specialist hadn't added their notes so she will discuss with them.
She said I won't need NSTs or plan for an earlier birth for him. So that is all good!!!
He was measuring to be 3 and 1/2 lbs which is above the normal range, 98% percentile. And the only thing said about that was to have another growth scan around 34-36 weeks. I am a bit concerned about his weight... and I know those scans are estimates, they are not exact.
So curious if the doctor will have more to add after she talks to the specialist... but so far it is looking pretty good and back to a "normal" pregnancy. Except his weight, but she didn't show concern for that yet.

Anyway just wanted to update everyone!

How are all the new mommas and mommas to be????
Oh wow that’s great news Juliet, so pleased you can relax now and enjoy your pregnancy more, I’m glad they’re not concerned about the weight either
How is dd doing without he bottles now?
I was sat with dd holding her hand for 40 mins last night but that was the first time she has woken up in a week so it wasn’t so bad

Afm, lost a bit more plug yesterday afternoon, kind of thinking now as much as I want this to happen on its own I may as well wait to be induced so at least it will be easier with babysitters already organised for dd

Hope all the babies are well!
Juliet, that's great news. Must be a huge relief. My DS always measured big as well but nobody cared because I was having a scheduled c-section anyway. With a large baby the main concern is shoulder dystocia and other delivery issues if they go to full term. I can't remember what your delivery plan is anymore?

star, it looks like your babes like to stay on the inside. Who can blame them, I always joke that life is all downhill from the time you're evicted from the womb lol. I think that you're right about at least having the babysitters organized. I was lucky that my parents came over and stayed at our house with DS but when my c-section was moved up I had less than 24 hours notice to them and so that was a bit stressful for them to have to come early and re-organize their life.

We are doing well here. DS is unfortunately sick with a cold. I have had it up to here with winter and daycare germs already and we're only at Feb 1. Luckily so far it has "only" been terrible stuffiness, snot and coughing and no fever. I am taking that to mean it's a cold and not something more serious and usually within 2-3 days the worst stuffiness starts to pass. I am quite paranoid about the baby getting sick so it's a bit of a relief that he doesn't want to touch her yet, just have to be careful that he isn't picking up her blankets or rattles, etc. Tessa is doing well, she sleeps a lot which is to be expected for an early baby. She is easy at night, down reliably for 2.5 hrs then wakes, feeds and is back to sleep typically within 20 mins. I had to stay up a lot longer with DS to get him re-settled. One big difference is that she loves sleeping in the crib or on flat surfaces generally and doesn't care much for swings or bouncers. DS on the other hand LOVED his bouncers and could sleep there for like 3-4 hours at a time but then at night complained in his bassinet. On the other hand he was able to take in bigger feeds and stay down for 3-3.5 hrs by the end of the first week. I'm hoping as she approaches her actual due date she'll move to the 3+ hour schedule as I find that easier to handle.
Hi all!! Congratulations October!!!

Juliet - awesome news about the hematoma!! I hoped it was gone/almost gone. I hope you really get to enjoy the rest of this pregnancy. At least the next few weeks!!

Star - not long now!! Good luck with everything!!

3c - sounds like things are going so well for you!! So happy!

Things here are pretty darn great. The boys are still eating every 3 hrs or so but growing well. Next weight check is Monday but T has already outgrown Newborn sized pjs and us in 0-3mo now. M is still working on filling out NB. He’s such a peanut.
Today is our first day without visitors and it’s wonderful. Everyone has been incredible, bringing food, gifts, etc. but it’s a little tough sometimes. So we’re happy to have a little breather. DH has been working this week but from home. He’s going to try to make it into the office tomorrow so I’ll finally have the challenge of them on my own but I’m ready!!
star, nice your daughter has slept mostly better!! my DD has not had a bottle since Saturday!! it was super hard at first, but each day is getting better. hubby hid the bottles and she would go to their usual spot and point and ask for milk, but i think she started to figure out the bottles weren't there. and we would give her milk in a sippy and she would try a bit but not take to it really. so major progress trying the "cold turkey" way. but then she still does wake at night and that is tiring. one night this week she slept 10-6 or so, so at least i got a decent stretch. but normally she is awake and to our bed by 1 am and again at 3/4 am.
any more plug lost???

3chords, sorry to hear DS is sick. but good it seems to be a more minor cold then something more concerning/worrisome.
i am leaning towards a c-sec at 39 weeks... i keep going back and forth but that is the way i am currently leaning!

wish, thanks!! i feel better about the pregnancy but now feeling so big and bloated again and wish i was further along!!
i know what you mean about a breather!!!! everyone is so nice and want to help, but it is tiring every day for several days. i felt the same way. it is nice to get a break. good luck with DH to work, you will do great!
3c, hope Henry is better soon and you don’t all catch the dreaded cold
Sounds like tessa is a very contented baby, I used to be up 3hrly with Madeleine and be up about an hr at a time, she loved cuddles though and didn’t need like being put down during he day, hope this baby doesn’t mind so much, not that I don’t love the cuddles but I was never hands free lol

Juliet, great news on the no bottles, I don’t know how I would have done it if she hadn’t been ill and refused milk herself, i was dreading it lol
Haven’t lost any more plug so that was short lived hope!

Wish, sounds like you’re doing great and must have been nice to have a breather from the visitors, glad the boys are well

Afm 6 more days of being pregnant! I know people say don’t wish it away but I just want him here now, going for another walk this morning to feed the ducks and go to the cafe next to the duck pond that has a good play area of toys so that should keep dd busy, my friend who has a ds the same age as dd has been great and generally looks after her for me when we’re together at the moment and offers to have her all the time so it’s nice to be able to go out with that support
Not long now star!! If I don’t get on - good luck!!!
Typing on phone so bear with me !! So my doctor called yesterday and she had talked to a specialist. She explained that the hematoma is smaller and for that it’s baxk to a normal pregnancy ... but his estimated weight being a lb more then expected, i need to come back for a growth scan at 34 weeks. Which i am okay with. Oh with the hematoma significantly smaller, i won’t need to be concerned about an early delivery. We had talked before about 37-38 weeks or something as a possibility if it was healthier for him to be out. However, with him possibly being big im still leaning towards a csec at 39 weeks (earliest allowed under normal circumstances).
Also if i want NSTs could be a possibility after that growth scan at 34 weeks. Haven’t had those before.
Anyway i think that was all. Oh and officially off pelvic rest and don’t need to worry about strenuous activity... i had been avoiding exercising to be on the safe side with the hematoma, but now I’ll start up fast pace walking but not jogging again. Cause I’m seriously exhausted and don’t want to trip. I’ve been a bit clumsy lately. And I’m just so bloated !!!

Anyway long story but I’m happy things are looking up but a bit worried about his weight estimate. I am looking pretty big and starting to feel super uncomfortable and still have 10 weeks left !

How’s everyone doing ??? Tending to babies and enjoying their weekend i hope !!
Star you’re so close now!! So exciting.

Hope everyone and their sweet little ones are doing well !!
Pleased you’ve had a good update from your dr Juliet, I’m sure the next growth scan will help you make a decision on delivery and reassure you but so glad the haematoma isn’t causing an issue anymore!

4 more days! I hope, as long as maternity isn’t busy Thursday, very uncomfortable now, so many aches and pains!
Star :You are so close star!! Sorry you're feeling uncomfortable.

Juliet great news! I like the idea of having a set date. I hate this up in the air that I have.

Wish sounds like things are great! I'm convinced you are Wonder Woman:haha:

How's the other mommas doing?

Afm 37+2 days and ready to meet this girl! Been feeling pretty good. Don't really feel like 2-3 weeks away. Think I lost part of my plug yesterday so got really excited but no action since.
So many exciting things on this thread. I am treasuring all my moments with my babies. I started work last week. I miss them every moment. My husband is doing a wonderful job as stay at home dad. Hope all is well.
Dogmommy not long for you either! I’m so impatient now lol

Dancing, sorry you had to go back to work, but you miss them like crazy but like you said with dh doing a wonderful job you know they’re well cared for
Tomorrow is hopefully the day! Fingers crossed they’re not too busy

How is everyone?

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