Assisted conception success - due 2018 xx

Scooby so good to hear from you! Im confused does ped think hes gaining too much weight? Ive never heard of giving the advice not to feed a hungry baby. I agree with you!

Star thats good, you give me hope im going to feel ok trying to get breastfeeding down the first week or so.

Juliet that sounds like a good plan. Its good to have a plan bc otherwise i feel like theres no goal to reach and time drags on.

Wish so good to hear from you too! Things sound really great with the twins. And so happy for you to reaxh your pre preg body so quick!

Afm after gaining over 5 pounds in 2 weeks and feeling like my feet have turned into tree trunks im going forward with induction tomorrow. Eeeek! Please keep your fingers crossed for a quick vaginal delivery for us!
Dogmommy good luck!
The twins are doing great! They are now 9 lbs 14oz and she is 9 lbs 1 oz. I was diagnosed with the flu on Tuesday. Completely freaking out since the flu could be deadly for them. I have not held or been around them since. Breaks my heart. On a positive note they slept 7 hours last night!
Good luck dogmommy!! Hoping for good news soon.

dancingnurse - I had the flu 2 weeks before I had DD and it was so, so bad. I know it's hard to be away from babies but I can't imagine how awful they would feel if they were come down with it.

star - DD had dropped 7.2% of her weight and because she was a preemie they made us feed her every 2.5 hours. We did discover about 10 days in that she was bad at feeding from the breast and that explained the loss even though she loved hanging out on the boob.

scooby - I've never heard of a doctor saying to let a newborn CIO or feed them less. DD gained 1 lb exactly in 7 days and they were thrilled with that since she was slightly premature. I mean I would maybe understand if he was 6 months and you popped a bottle in his mouth everytime he cried or something but a newborn? Just keep feeding him like you decided!
hi everyone!!!!
how was the weekend? how are all those babies??!! eating well i hope! it takes awhile to figure things out! with the nursing or pumping or the sleeping and just those routines and then baby changes things up!

it's a process but you all are doing SO GREAT at tending to your babies!!!!! i'm cheer-leading over here!!! you got this mommas!!!

tonight there was NEW pains again! i swear i get all the discomforts. earlier in the week was lower bump discomfort and tonight was sharp top of bump pains. i am probably overdoing it so i will tone down the projects a bit. but when i have energy i feel like i HAVE to get stuff done.
8 weeks left if i choose to do a c-sec!!! i think mid-march we will wash all the baby clothes, order a couple cute outfits off etsy, get the carseat ready, the snap n go down from garage, and the hospital bag!!!
did you all do that prepping around 34-35 weeks?

hope it is a good week for everyone!!
Hi everyone! Hope all the mommies are enjoying their little ones!

Afm after 34 hours in the hospital our little girl made her entrance! I did a balloon induction never again!) Thursday night ans that was removed fri morning. Fri morning they started pitocin and i dialted and contracted all day friday. At some point dr broke my water and the moved things along but everything halted. Not sure if it was bc of epidural but anyway we were about 5 hours away from needing to get a csection when out of nowhere nurse checked and i was at a 10! 1.5 hours of pushing and she came out. DH said he used something to help get her out but we are so happy shes here! We named her Quinn Savannah. She weighed 7lb 2oz. We are working on bf. She gets frustrated very easily :/
Juliet, not long for you now! My weekend was pretty quiet, we’ve all got colds so wasn't up for anything really
How are your pains now? Mine were all so much worse than with dd and when I got to hospital to be induced I was 2cm dilated so the pains were doing something!

Calebs well, his weight is still not going up loads, tues he had lost 14oz, thurs he hadn’t gained anymore and then when midwife was at home with us she called hospital for results of swab test from his cord as it possibly looked infected, it showed something which turned out to be actually nothing but hey wanted us to go go back up there to check him over because of his weight too
They asked us to go back Sunday for weight check and cord check, he had put in 5oz by Sunday and his cord was looking better, his eyes were so sticky though he couldn’t open them so he’s had drops for them which has cleared them up, I think it’s where we’ve had colds and he sounds stuff too
He was weighed again yesterday when the health visitor came round and he had put on 1oz so she’s coming back to weigh him again Friday

At the moment he feeds loads, last night I think I got 4/5 hrs sleep as he wanted to feed constantly aonhoping his weight does go back up more by Friday

Dogmommy, congratulations on your baby girl! You sound like me after my inductions, never again! Haha all so worth it though and that relief when they’re actually born and placed on your chest is amazing
How are you doing today?
CONGRATS!!!! so happy she's here!!! reminded me of my 2 year olds birth, that wasn't easy. but so happy when they are finally here and you can tend to them and figure out having a newborn!!! good luck with the BFing, fingers crossed it all comes together. and what a beautiful name!

star, hope his weights come up with all those feeds!! glad his cord is okay though! eager to hear how fridays weigh in goes. will be thinking of you and sending positive thoughts for you and baby Caleb.

afm, finally getting towards some "milestones", or really just things on the calendar that help keep me going. on monday i will have a follow-up with my doctor. maybe start discussing details for birth plan. i think i will schedule a c-sec, so will talk to her about that. but if he decides to come prior i will maybe go vaginally. lots i am thinking about. also making the list for what to do in March. i am continuing to get big and uncomfortable. although the scale has gone up a lot this pregnancy, i think 35-40lbs, it has stayed level for awhile so that is good. i had to tone down the cookie eating, it was so unhealthy and i would binge like 5-10 cookies during a afternoon for example. i think i am having some postpartum depression... will bring it up with my doctor. definitely didn't feel down much with other pregnancies. i think on saturday i will have 7 weeks left?! that sounds promising!

hope everyone is having a good week!!!
star, hope Caleb picks up his weight gain. We struggled the same way with Tessa, when she came home she had lost 8 oz and only put on 3 oz in the following week. Because she was a preemie and already so small I had to exclusively pump for her and then she gained a whole pound in a week. She was just not feeding well from the breast at all, no matter how long she spent on there. And she was losing too much energy trying to breastfeed. So I continue to pump, at least for now. Also not sure if they told you but often babies of diabetic mothers end up doing a "catch down", sort of the opposite of IUGR babies. So they will actually gain weight at a slower rate after birth until they settle into what they should have been had they not had all the extra sugar in utero. Henry went through this and it really freaked us out because his regular doctor didn't seem to be aware of it but then the specialist told us this is not uncommon.

Juliet, I'm sorry you're feeling a bit down. I struggled with that too towards the end of this pregnancy and I think it has a lot to do with how complicated medically our pregnancies were. It really wears on you to always be on edge and living with some sort of worry about what will happen next.
Thank you juliet! Its definetly hard with the wait and not knowing if they will decide to come on their own. And you have had a rough go with bleeding. Our hormones are all over the place too! Hang in there 7 weeks will fly. Enjoy feeling him on the inside bc i miss it!

Star we are doing ok. We went to dr today and shes down 11 percent of her weight so we have to go back in a few days to check again. Its so hard bc i feel bad i dont think i could nurse her more than i do! We got some supplement bottles and DH takes one feeding at night so im hoping her weight is back up on monday.
3c, no one has said about the diabetes affecting weight gain after birth, I’ll mention it to the health visitor tomorrow if he hasn’t put enough weight on, fingers crossed he has, he feeds a lot and seems to feed well so I don’t know why else he isn’t putting much back on, we’re still waiting for his belly button to dry out more too, his eyes are a lot better though with the drops son that’s one thing all good now

the last 2 nights he has been up for over 2hrs each night the first time he wakes up and then another 45-1hr after that, managing at least 5hrs each night and sometimes 6/7 so could be worse, I just don’t like having to go to bed too early just to get som sleep in, feels like you don’t get an evening

Dogmommy, hope her weight isn’t up again soon, Caleb lost 9.6% and we’re still trying to regain now, how are you settling at home?
dogmommy, hope the next weight check is better. The supplementing will help for sure this early on. My son lost 7% of his body weight and nobody cared, DD lost 7.2% and it was all of a sudden a huge deal, probably because she was 4 weeks early but I found it so stressful basically force feeding her!
Hi ladies how is everyone?

Caleb has put on 3.5oz in 3 days so I can stop worrying a bit now, waiting for an appointment as he’s got tongue tie, problem is the dr who runs the clinic is only here from the mainland once a month for 1 hour so I’m not expecting an appointment anytime soon
He is feeding ok but it still hurts when he first latches on and I thought this would be better by now, it did hurt with Madeleine for a while but this time it isn’t really getting better, will see what dr says when we get an appointment

Hope you’re all well and have a good weekend!
3chords, thanks!!! yes it is hard with the issues... i am always a bit on edge it seems. and hear some sad stories recently, so that doesn't help with my emotions.

thanks dogmommy. how is she doing? so nice hubby does one of the night feedings!

star, that would be hard feeling like you have to go to bed early and not get an evening. but good his weight is up!! hope the latching gets better and you can get some support with the tongue tie.

what is everyone up to for the weekend?
i'm excited it is the weekend again! although not sure what we are doing, but it means i am 32 weeks! monday is my regular follow-up with obgyn.
last few weeks have been having lots of BH, and those are fine. but also have lots of discomforts but not much i can do about it but wait it out.
can't wait to hear how everyone's been doing!
Hi Juliet, the discomforts are a pain but you’re nearly there! Hope all goes well Monday
We’re not up to too much st the moment, getting our house valued today and looking st another, more out of curiosity, we probably won’t end up moving lol
Think we’re taking mil into town (she’s still in wheelchair after her broken hip) and take dd bowling with a couple of my sisters, tomorrow haven’t got any plans yet but it’s meant to be really cold and possibly snow so will see what happens

Hope everyone's well and babies!
Hi all - reading more often than posting, I’m glad to see you’re all doing well!

Juliet - hang in there, girlie! You’re almost there! 7 weeks hopefully will fly for you. I can totally relate to the last set of discomforts, it became a day to day thing for me. Sometimes hour to hour, especially in the middle of the night.

Star - congratulations!!! I LOVE her name - I wanted Quinn as one of my names too. Then I loved Elizabeth as a middle name but together it sounds like Queen elizabeth:haha:

Our boys lost about 10% of their weight too and we immediately supplemented with formula. They are still on both breast milk and formula, I don’t make enough milk for both all day. They are gaining weight like champs now and it had turned around quickly when we got home, thank goodness. Timothy weighs over 11lbs now! Malcolm is a peanut still but he’s almost out of newborn PJs so I know he’s growing too. So glad that worry is over. He was a tough breastfeeder too - he latched every so often now but I mainly pump for him at night so he gets breast milk all day the following day. T just feeds on me all day. And then both get formula all night, which really helps that DH can take one of them.

Dog and 3c - sounds like you’re both doing well too!! So happy to read all the updates. Juliet - cannot wait for you to finally have yours!! <3
Wish, sounds like you&#8217;ve cracked it with the feeding, good idea for using the formula at night so dh can help too! Caleb feeds literally all the time now so I don&#8217;t think there&#8217;s anything to worry about his weight haha, it is a worry at first though making sure they are getting enough, you&#8217;re doing brilliantly!
thanks star! yes i am inching my way to the finish line!!! 7 weeks sometimes seem long and other times seem short!
its good to know what your house is valued at! better to have the knowledge, even if you dont end up moving... but maybe someday!
sounds like some fun activities to do with mil and DD!

thanks wish! yes the middle of the night discomforts are horrid. toss and turn and wake to pee. and he seems to be pushing into my ribs or something?!?! blah.
glad your boys are gaining weight!!! yay!! and nice DH can help out too.

how is everyone else doing?
hopefully having good weekends!

Late Saturday night here, one more full day and then get to see doctor first thing Monday morning, yay!
Thanks for asking!
So appointment went well! All my pains and discomforts are normal for third tri... i was kinda hoping something wasn&#8217;t totally normal so she&#8217;d check on things but we had a good discussion, did doppler check and belly measurement (measured 33 so just a tad ahead) and tdap/whooping cough booster. I have a growth scan in 2 weeks to check on baby growth and any signs for hematoma... and back to obgyn in 4 weeks. Can&#8217;t believe I&#8217;ll be 36 weeks then.

How&#8217;s everyone&#8217;s week starting out?
Rainy California day here.
Wish - sounds like the boys are doing great. Is DH still around to help you during the day? It must be a lot of work with two.

star - good to hear that Caleb is growing. What did they say about the tongue tie?

Juliet - you are just weeks away from being full term. It seems like you've been through it all and you've overcome it. Are your kids getting excited about their new little brother arriving soon?

We are doing well. Tessa turned 1-month-old yesterday and had her weigh in today. She is 9lb1oz (was 6lb12oz at birth) which is pretty great weight gain and growing generally quite well. Proud of her!

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