August 2016 watermelons!

Welcome magan :thumbup:

I still feel worryingly normal compared to some of you ladies. Just waiting for my first midwife appointment.

I'm 34 in spring and I have a dd from my previous marriage who is 15! I think they will treat me as a ftm again because of the age gap :haha:
I'm 37 and being pregnant at my age scares me. I don't know why I'm completely healthy. I feel like a spring chicken! :laugh2: my youngest will be 9 when this one is born. I bet I've forgotten everything by now!
I am 30 husband is 40. This baby will be our last as he doesn't want to be an "old dad" he says lol.
I turned 34 in September, so not quite "over the hump" yet. Although with my bad back and sore joints I feel like I'm 80 years old some days :(

Speaking of being 80 years old... I reeeaaalllyyyy need a nap. I can't wait til work is over, this is painful! I did not get enough sleep last night, only 6.5 hrs, ugh.
Hollie - what jerks!

Sometimes people at the clinic forget they are talking to humans and not just "dealing with" their tasks. Sorry you went through that. I'm glad you are able to laugh at it. She's not worth your energy.

Ya'll...the clinic that said I was high-risk called me today because I had left a message asking for help setting up an appointment sooner than 12 weeks. (I got around all that) Anyway, when I told her that I wasnt referred as high-risk, the lady argued with me!! I told her that two different people said I wasnt in the system as high-risk and there was no point in arguing about it because I talked them into seeing me sooner. She said she would call the NEW clinic for me. I dont know why because like I said, I went around her. Anyway, a part of me cant help but laugh at this. Its so unbelievable to me. :laugh2: Why me?? haha So glad I wont be going back there. It was all a blessing in disguise! :laugh2: :wacko:
@Fairycat and Angelob - thanks so much and congrats to you,too!! I don't feel pregnant, aside from being tired and feeling a little cloudy.If I didn't have two pee sticks, a missed period and a positive blood test w/ good levels I would not be convinced. :)BTW - Is mama brain supposed to start this early? I am losing words haha

Getting out of bed was so difficult (though I did wake up in the middle of the night like two of yoU, and then of course wake up again to go to work wishing I could just melt into the bed all morning).

@HollieMS - me! I turned 35 in September. Does that make us "geriatric" in the fertility world? :D

@magan - congrats :)

So..folks...DH and I are trying to decide if we are going to share the news on Christmas. I think it would make his parents really happy - but it IS early. Thoughts? You guys choosing to wait? It's really an individual choice, just curious!
Today my nausea hasn't been present hardly at all, so now I'm panicking lol. Feel pretty normal. Eager to test again to see if that line is darker. I think by tomorrow I'll officially be 1 day late.

I'm 31 and DH just turned 32. This will be our first.

Hollie - I have a Doppler that I got during my first pregnancy. However I didn't know at the time that when I bought it, that baby's heartbeat had already stopped and I was stressed that I couldn't find it. So I feel sorry for "past" me, hunting for a heartbeat that wasn't there. So I'm not sure whether I'd recommend it or not!
Welcome Andrea!

I think we are telling my family at Xmas because they are here for dinner and will be suspicious when I don't drink anyway. We were thinking of telling his family that day too but we only want to tell his parents, not his siblings, which might be difficult, so we may wait till after our scan in new year.
I tried to use a Doppler with my first pregnancy..over 15 years ago, and I could never pick up the hb. I'm wondering if dopplers these days are better. It very well may stress me out using one this time but I already feel super stressed about it. I dunno, we'll see. I don't remember being this worried with the other pregnancies. I wish I could tell the future so I could relax and enjoy it.
Yeah, we are going to my husband's Dad's place on the 19th, and his mom's the next day. I am usually up for a glass or two of wine or a hot drink at Christmas, so they'll know something is up, even if we don't tell them! My husband wants to tell everyone at the dinner table at his Mother's and record it...I'm going to turn purple!! Hopefully he gets the reaction from his mother that he hopes :blush:

I'm a little nervous about telling few and not all - because we aren't telling most of my family back home yet...not until I am farther along.

I wish you happiness in telling your family! It is nice of you to be considerate of your husband's siblings!

Welcome Andrea!

I think we are telling my family at Xmas because they are here for dinner and will be suspicious when I don't drink anyway. We were thinking of telling his family that day too but we only want to tell his parents, not his siblings, which might be difficult, so we may wait till after our scan in new year.
Someone had posted that they are going to tell the people that they would want to know either way. I mentioned it to my husband because he was on the fence about telling family so early as he and his ex wife had a few early miscarriages. Our son is his first. He came around to the idea, we having dinner with his family on Christmas and my mother will be there too so we are going to have a shirt made that says "Santa is promoting me to big brother August 2016" The shirt will make only a quick appearance as I fear pictures popping up on Facebook by accident. We don't plan to tell anyone else until after an ultra sound.
I like that a lot! How cute :)

I may put the kibosh on the video for reasons you mention below. I think it's ok to let the announcement be a happy memory. Plus if it gets shared later on facebook or something it will only hurt my family that we purposefully did not tell them the same day. There are a couple on my side that I love dearly that I would want to know either way but unfortunately it will inevitably leak to people I am not ready to share with so...we can't tell them yet.

His dad will be easy - we bought him a tee shirt to unwrap that says "STAY CALM and let GRANDPA fix it" with some little tools on it (because his dad is a jack of all trades), we got his mom and step dad a book titled "grandma, grandpa and me". This will be their gift to unwrap if I can talk my husband out of the dinner table announcement hehehe.

Someone had posted that they are going to tell the people that they would want to know either way. I mentioned it to my husband because he was on the fence about telling family so early as he and his ex wife had a few early miscarriages. Our son is his first. He came around to the idea, we having dinner with his family on Christmas and my mother will be there too so we are going to have a shirt made that says "Santa is promoting me to big brother August 2016" The shirt will make only a quick appearance as I fear pictures popping up on Facebook by accident. We don't plan to tell anyone else until after an ultra sound.
Andrea - thanks! Join the we don't feel pregnant club! It's weird that all of us don't feel pregnant.

We've already told parents and my brothers and nieces. That's all we are telling this time when it comes to family. I've told one friend and my supervisors, and he's told a coworker who has been there for him when we lost our last. No telling the rest of our friends this time, too many questions were asked the last time as well as comments I wish were never said. Plus my friend has been trying to get pregnant since 2 or 3 months before us - so about 6 months now. To tell her I've gotten pregnant twice now is going to be hard. I don't know how I'm going to approach that one.
About your friends...That's very tough. I think it is nice of you to be thoughtful in your approach telling them, just don't be apologetic about it if you can avoid it. I really have no idea how I'd approach it though. It is a delicate thing.however I will say that hopefully they can be happy for you. I am very happy for you knowing the little I do about your story, and when we were trying I loved hearing about success after people had challenges. It gave me hope. Maybe it will give your friend hope too.

So about not feeling pregnant honestly I'm so excited but so afraid to BE excited and just let it overcome me- DH and I have been married 6 + years and not avoiding for most of those years. Trying trying for a year and a half. I'd gotten some test results when I explored why that might be, saying I had very low AMH and was told by my gyno that getting pregnant naturally was not likely. It kind of stripped my hope and I was pretty broken up about it. I'm so overjoyed for his happy little miracle but really scared of the what if. Looking at the positive pee sticks felt like a mirage! But it's real 😊😊😊i think I also thought I felt something all those months I didn't turn out pregnant that its a little bewildering that once I really am I'm not feeling a whole lot!

I will take feeling good though. If I am blessed to get farther along I hear it may get more "real"...real quick! Hehe

Andrea - thanks! Join the we don't feel pregnant club! It's weird that all of us don't feel pregnant.

We've already told parents and my brothers and nieces. That's all we are telling this time when it comes to family. I've told one friend and my supervisors, and he's told a coworker who has been there for him when we lost our last. No telling the rest of our friends this time, too many questions were asked the last time as well as comments I wish were never said. Plus my friend has been trying to get pregnant since 2 or 3 months before us - so about 6 months now. To tell her I've gotten pregnant twice now is going to be hard. I don't know how I'm going to approach that one.
It sounds like we're all on the same page with who we're telling. So far I've told my mom and dad, and DH told his sister today while they were talking about a very sad and scary medical issue with DH's mom. So far that's it, but we're planning to tell his parents, the rest of our siblings, two of my best friends, and a really close family friend. They all knew last time and I'm eager to share the good news after the sadness. My department at work knew too, but I think I'll wait a few weeks to tell them or maybe longer. Some other relatives who knew last time we're going to wait until at least after the first scan or maybe wait until 2nd tri.

It doesn't feel real yet! Maybe a few more strong positives. I skipped today and will be testing again in the morning. A bit nervous and really hoping the line is darker!
Ive only told my best friend. She however has a large mouth and has told most of her family, but told them not to say anything. So we are all very aware of the large elephant in the room but no-ones talking about it :haha:
Congrats everyone who just had a new BFP!!

I got a letter today saying that I have an appointment at the hospital on the 4th! So excited!! I hope DH can make it but I doubt it...

So far no nausea, it's early days but hopefully it'll stay that way. I am however VERY gassy and started having hemorroids!!! Nightmare!! I only had them postpartum with my son...

We already told my mom, my bosses and one colleague. DH told one friend. I told my sister behind DHs back (she doesn't really care). He can't find out because he'd want to tell his family and that's a NO NO. They'll just spread the news like the did with my son and we are visiting in February so I want to tell them in person, but it's a surprise trip for DH and I can't tell him that.

I'm 27 btw and DH is 37 but he'll be 38 by the time the baby is born. He has way more energy than me though hahaha
fairy cat - don't feel bad about telling your friend. It took us a year to get pregnant with our son. About 11 months into trying my best friend asked me to go for coffee (wasn't unusual we went for coffee all the time)She knew we were trying and that I was getting really frustrated with it all. She ended up telling that she was pregnant they weren't trying so it was unexpected. She wanted to tell me in person which I really respected. I felt jealous at first but my excitement for her was far beyond it! I ended up getting my positive a few weeks later and our boys are 8 weeks apart in age and they love each other!

Andrea - What a great success story for you!!! I love hearing about those type of success stories!

I don't feel pregnant yet either, a little nausea here and there but nothing to bad yet. I am really hoping to see my Dr sooner rather than later they told me they would call back yesterday but I haven't heard from them. I just want to ask for anti nausea meds as I had bad morning sickness with my son and would rather have it before it hits so I have it when I need it. I have been taking dollar store tests every day just to ease my mind. I will stop once the test line is as dark as the control line.
Mollly my husband and I are 10 years apart in age too. He acts like he is still in his 20s lol.

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