August 2016 watermelons!

Hollie - I'm glad you gave that clinic an awful review. That kind of stuff makes me so angry!! It's not like anyone really likes having an abortion, so to make it out like you're a bad person is terrible. I am pro choice so yeah, I get worked up over other people's discrimination. I'm glad you have an appointment already! Lucky! I just emailed my OB who helped me through my mmc. Hoping she will see me earlier than 8 weeks and maybe do a blood draw to check my progesterone or hcg levels. But then again, sometimes too much info leaves more room for worry and analyzing too much.

Angel - These first few weeks are going to be nerve-wracking indeed! I lost mine after seeing a beautiful heartbeat at my 8 week scan, so I'm going to be terrified until I make it past the first tri I think.

Shula - congrats and good luck at your appointment!

Fairy - I'm like you where I feel like this pregnancy will be ok but then I worry that there's something wrong with me and we'll lose it again. Also worried about ectopic because I've had this tingly/cold feeling in my hip for several days. Plus crampy twinges on the far right side. Just want to know that everything is ok!

Can't wait until I'm at least late. FF has tomorrow as the predicted AF, so I'm looking forward to being past it so it feels more real.
Did another test today. The line is getting darker, nearly as dark (but not quite yet) as the control line. I was supposed to do my last digi but forgot!

My son was born in April but it was still a bit cold in Spain. This one will be born in Dublin so it can go either way weather wise. I'm just hoping everything goes smoothly and the Dr allows me to go on holidays at around 34 weeks as I had planned. We shall see....
Hows everyone feeling?

Im exhausted. Im not tired as such but my body just wants to sit. Working 8+ hours in my feet is slowly killing me 😭
Ksquared - I was like that too when I was waiting to miss my period. I just feared it would start regardless or something stupid. That's the one problem with testing early, extra waiting.

My body is physically tired - like I'll get winded walking up a hill or stairs and my legs burn so much. My heart rate also shoots up at times and I breathe deeper. Although I'm not really sleepy in the least. Last pregnancy I couldn't keep my eyes open and I was so run down all the time. Maybe the fact I have energy this time is a good sign? I also am taking iron in my prenatal, so that may help.
My body is tired as well. Fatigue was bad last time where I would go to bed around 7pm and sleep soundly, I feel like this time it's going to be the same time. I'll be on the couch with my OH watching TV and can't keep my eyes open at all. I am trying to do some pilates every night after work but I could only do 15 minutes yesterday before I felt winded and exhausted. We'll see how long this lasts, I'm sure for awhile.
Thanks Ksq.

I am having so much trouble sleeping. I fall to sleep easy enough but I wake up in the night atleast twice and wake up before the sun is up. Im so tired...

No ms yet. I almost wish I had it. I dont really feel pregnant, still, and I cant stand it. I dont ever remember being so worried during a pregnancy. I wish I could just stop thinking about it. My 7 week appointment cant come soon enough!
After a looooooong wait I am pregnant! I'm cautiously optimistic and praying for a sticky bean ❤️❤️❤️

I had just started seeing a fertility doctor and it turns out I'm one of those ladies that got pregnant after the dye test - that's as far as I got! My appointment to look at follicle count this week is now repurposed into looking at lab results from yesterday's hcg blood test!

Ive gotten two FRER positives so far and I'm just so happy.

Due August 22 2016 based on LMP.

Cheers and sticky baby dust to everyone!
Congrats andrea!

I don't feel pregnant either, aside from horribly sore boobs and headaches that come and go.
Congrats, Andrea! My due date is 2 days after you :).

Fairy - Totally. My first bfp I didn't test until 15dpo because I was so over the ttc process and I think I implanted much later, so didn't start having signs until 12dpo. This time it started at 9dpo. It feels like forever to wait!

This morning I felt OK, which then had me a little worried. I'm not tired yet but like Hollie I can fall asleep fine, but then I wake up around 4:30am every time. And the night before last I woke up only a couple of hours after I fell asleep and I was all sweaty. Otherwise I still have on and off mild nausea all day since Friday. Boobs seem to be changing but aren't sore yet. I have small ones though.
OMG I wake up so sweaty too!! I was totally soaked the other night when I got up to pee. I had trouble sleeping at the beginning, but the past couple nights have been a good sleep. I don't think I woke up at all last night. When I do it's around 4-4:30, that's funny it's the same time for you. Hopefully sleeps getting better for you guys!

2 weeks exactly until my u/s. I'm actually more excited than nervous. I'm going to be a wreck and probably break down and cry when I walk into the u/s room.
Ya'll...the clinic that said I was high-risk called me today because I had left a message asking for help setting up an appointment sooner than 12 weeks. (I got around all that) Anyway, when I told her that I wasnt referred as high-risk, the lady argued with me!! I told her that two different people said I wasnt in the system as high-risk and there was no point in arguing about it because I talked them into seeing me sooner. She said she would call the NEW clinic for me. I dont know why because like I said, I went around her. Anyway, a part of me cant help but laugh at this. Its so unbelievable to me. :laugh2: Why me?? haha So glad I wont be going back there. It was all a blessing in disguise! :laugh2: :wacko:
That's so ridiculous! I'm glad you aren't going there too. I feel sorry for people that are.
Glad you aren't going back Holliems, that is absolutely ridiculous. Don't they know not to argue with a pregnant woman? It's impossible to win.

Congrats on the bfp Andrea! That's so exciting :)

I don't feel that pregnant either right now. I did have a touch of nausea this morning when I was eating eggs for breakfast but otherwise just the tiredness. As long as I'm healthy I'll take it I guess. I can't believe I have to wait until January 19th for my first appointment. The suspense is going to kill me...
I wish I had something to keep my mind off being pregnant and worried. After my appointment, if there's a hb, I was thinking of investing in a doppler. I don't know how early you can pick up a heartbeat but man that would put me at ease!!
Hi ladies, I took a first response test this morning and got a darker (still faint, but no squinting) line! So I am taking that as my official positive no more questioning! Called midwives and they will call me back with an appointment for beginning of January and I am waiting to hear back from my Drs office for blood work but they said they don't think she will want to see me this early.... Grrr Hope they call back soon.
I don't think so. Some groups on here do a fb group with doc's to keep easy track of due dates, genders, etc.

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