Hey Magan - Re Tests- what time of day did you take them? Was it evening? Maybe if you take another make sure it is FMU? (some say SMU)
I tortured myself last night with an evening test session -
I used one of those clearblue digi ones that
tells you how many weeks past ovulation it thinks you are - so those things read 1-2 weeks, 2-3 weeks or 3+ weeks if you are pg. So if you're 4 weeks pregnant, it should read 1-2 or 2-3 depending on your HCG levels.
I will not be peeing on sticks in the evening anymore because the result may be diluted resulting in a line that looks lighter or a digi that tells you you're 1-2 weeks (when you'd expect 2-3 based on known bloods). It freaked me out. I was like oh no this means my levels dropped and worried all night.
Thankfully I had another test and dipped it in a cup of nice dark FMU this morning and got my 2-3 result I expected.
I have new blood results coming in today in just a couple of hours so hopefully numbers will have doubled (or close to) and I can rest easy again. But I wigged myself out with that test and I'm probably going to steer clear from them for a little while, take care of myself, keep on praying that I have a sticky one and let it be. (easier said than done)
Ms W my thoughts are with you - praying that this is just a little spotting but I can imagine how you are feeling!!
Ksquared - lol. Me too. mama brain is real!!
Fairy- hope you are feeling great today!
Everyone - Sending you guys cheer and feel good wishes!!!