I had a miscarriage last month at 5w5d. I miscarried naturally, bled for 5 days. I went right back to tracking my temps and using opks because my Dr. said I could possibly ovulate before getting my first regular cycle after the miscarriage, which is exactly what happened. I got my first positive opk 14 days ago. I have had barely any pregnancy symptoms, as a matter of fact, my temp dropped this morning, by .53 degrees, but still well above the coverline. The only reason why I tested is because I also check my cervix regularly and the os has felt tightly shut the past few days, which normally around the time I'm due for AF the os feels quite open and firm. The only times I've ever noticed that my os is shut so tightly have been during my pregnancy cycles. So, I took a test this morning and lo and behold,

I don't know what to think or how to feel. I'm excited, of course, but I have a sense of overhwelming fear and dread. I just went through a miscarriage, I don't know if I could bear another, especially so soon after the last. I called Dr this morning to request beta hCG to confirm that this is a new pregnancy and make sure it's not lingering hCG from last month (although my last bhCG was 6 on 11/24/15 and that was after I stopped bleeding from the miscarriage) So I think this is a new pregnancy, but I'll be interested to see what the levels are now.
On top of it all, I got results from my AMH blood work last week and it came back less than 0.1, which is basically undetectable. The nurse who called me with the results said I had very very few, if any, eggs left! I was devastated. I was referred to a fertility clinic, but we wanted to do some more tests before going that route to see if there was a chance that I could conceive naturally. So, this is all mind blowing to me and I can't help but worry and worry some more.
So, since I can't go by my LMP, I'm going by ovulation date of December 5th, which puts my EDD at August 28th.