August 2016 watermelons!

I have started thinking about names a little bit. I want something that matches nice with my sons name (is that weird?) lol Every boy suggestion I have told my SO he turns it down. Picking a boys name we both liked was really hard the first time. We picked a girls name pretty easily which was Payton. However if we have a girl this time we wont be able to use it as my niece just had a baby a few months ago and used that name. I would love a girl this time, but wouldn't mind either way.
I have started thinking about names a little bit. I want something that matches nice with my sons name (is that weird?) lol Every boy suggestion I have told my SO he turns it down. Picking a boys name we both liked was really hard the first time. We picked a girls name pretty easily which was Payton. However if we have a girl this time we wont be able to use it as my niece just had a baby a few months ago and used that name. I would love a girl this time, but wouldn't mind either way.

I'm the same!HAHAHA. My son's name is italian (my husband is half italian and it suits the surname) so I kind of wanted to continue that tradition.
I don't think it is weird to make sibling names go together at all! That said, I wouldn't nix a name DH I really really love because I didn't think it matched a sibling's name. But we don't have any kids yet- this is #1

As far as what I think we are having - I've referred to our little ball of cells as a she already without thinking, so I'm thinking it's a girl! My intuition is usually pretty good 😊

We will see though! As long as this pregnancy results in a baby like I think it will, I will be so stoked, whatever the gender! ❤️

My mother's name is Carmen. She was my hero and she passed away 3 years ago. I want to incorporate her name if we have a girl. Maybe as the middle name or maybe I'll use my mom's middle or maiden name. This part is not negotiable. I'm only asking for middle name dibs. DH gets middle name dibs if it is a boy! He's already got it picked out 😊
I'm feeling a bit nauseous myself today too. We have 2 family Christmases this evening and I am just so exhausted and need a nap already. I feel so bloated and gross and just want to go home and sleep.

If we have a girl i already had the middle name June picked out - that was my grandmother's middle name. I promised her in a note when we buried her that if I had a girl I'd name her some way after her. She always wanted a girl, and after my dad she couldn't have any more kids.
June is a very pretty middle name, Fairy! 😊

I'm sorry you aren't feeling great! I hope you get the rest you need this weekend!

We are off to dinner with DH's nervous/excited to share the news! Butterflies in my tummy.
Aw fairy I really like June for a middle name. Sorry you aren't feeling very well, hopefully you'll get a small burst of energy from being around family.

Andrea good luck with sharing the news I'm sure he'll be super pumped for you guys. I have the intuition that I'm having a boy. It's weird because I really want a girl, just what I'm feeling at the moment.
Have fun sharing the news andrea!! I always get the butterflies too when we tell people.

Feeling better after eating dinner. :)
Hi, everyone! I had my second scan and measured at a reassuring 6.5 weeks, and we saw a heartbeat flutter!!!! I was so happy and relieved I started crying right there while getting my scan.

I'm nauseous and exhausted, with some ligament pains. Occasionally my heart pounds like it is working extra hard. And I am bloated already to the point that some of my pants aren't working for me. But I am so happy! This will be my first, much longed-for baby.

EDD is August 2-7

One thing that is inconvenient about this time is that it would be such a lovely Christmas gift to tell family the good news, except I wouldn't even be at 8 weeks, and I really think that is too soon. How I'm going to get through everything without anyone noticing that something is different? I did already tell my mom and mother-in-law and sister, and I will probably tell my dad soon, but I don't think I feel comfortable just yet announcing everything to my extended family.
Aw Shula that's great. I don't have my first scan for another week. I'll be 7 weeks. Hoping for the best. Im very nervous about it.

Was feeling bleh today. Very tired and a little sick after breakfast. Had a long nap and felt better.
So happy for you Shula!! How exciting!! I think I would cry too!
EDD August 24

Aww I haven't even started thinking about names again. Last time we figured we'd wait until 2nd tri so we wouldn't get set on something too soon, and good thing too because we lost it. Would have been even harder I think if we had sort of named it.

Progesterone level came back at 21.4, and I've read at this point I'm supposed to be between 10-29 so it doesn't look like I'll need the suppositories! Still nervous that it was a fluke high day. Thankfully I have one more order for a progesterone draw waiting because my doc put in two I think on accident. But I'll take it!

Also told my sister, brother and two best friends today with a text of my FRER digi that just says "YES+". Took a more low-key approach this time. One of my friends and my sister were both super duper excited and asked me all kinds of questions. Also saw The Nutcracker today with my parents. It was nice.

Glad you ladies are all doing well, minus the nausea lol. I'm still mostly dealing with daily bloody noses and burps/gas. :haha:
Congrats shula! My husband cannot keep anything a secret and is blabbing his mouth to everyone. He even told our daughter who is 4 that I didn't want to tell until further along so I didn't have to hear her ask when's the baby coming.

His family owns this indoor soccer dome that we have christmas every year and they bought a tree for it. Everyone is supposed to bring an ornament and we picked up a family snowman one but my snowman is pregnant and says baby on the tummy.

I'm nervous about telling but what will be will be and I hate taking away the excitement from my husband.
Original post updated with EDDS. If I missed one please let me know.
Uugghhh... hh... my husband did that last time!! How uncomfortable. He's probably just excited.

Ksquared - Yay for the progesterone! It's almost hurtful how doc's are so quick to put us on progesterone, because in my experience and seeing others experiences, something was wrong anyway. Granted, there are the select few who actually need it.

I cleaned off our spare bed and asked hubs if he'd sleep in there last night so I can rest up. Had a really good sleep, but felt weird and lonely to sleep alone. I woke up feeling somewhat rested for once.
I agree with you fairy. From everything I've read progesterone only prolongs the inevitable if you are going to mc. I thought I was going to need it but my symptoms and my temps before bfp tell me another story. I keep telling myself that my 7w loss was probably genetic and progesterone deficiency wouldn't have lasted that long. Plus they say that if you don't start it right away after you O that it won't help because a deficiency normally is due to a faulty corpus luteum in the egg.

Sorry for rambling, I read a lot to help me justify things.
Thank you, Angel and Fairy. So do you think if my levels are good now that they should continue to be good? I accidentally stopped taking Vitex this week because I forgot two days in a row (thanks, pregnancy brain) but I had dropped down to only 1 pill earlier this week anyway. But I've read that if there's a progesterone problem it would have been low in the beginning. Not sure if it could possibly drop down and cause a problem at this point. Would love to just have a standing order so I could check it whenever I want!
Hh - Oh that DH! Hopefully after the family announcement he'll stop. It's still so early! But it's cute that he's so excited.

Fairy - Haha, glad you got some rest! When my DH snores, I just have to poke him and he'll roll over and quiet down, thankfully. I woke up to pee twice last night so being able to go back to sleep is important!

Shula - I'm sorry I missed replying to you! Congrats on seeing a beautiful little blip on your scan! How exciting!
My take on progesterone is, unless it's normally low every cycle you won't need it for a healthy pregnancy. But that's just my opinion, I'm obviously not a doctor. I wouldn't worry yourself about it. If your progesterone were to drop, then the pregnancy most likely failed somehow. Try to enjoy that your number is normal! :)

Family stuff is finally over. We had breakfast with hubs' family this morn, as if last night wasn't enough. Ugh. I was falling asleep and my hubs asked if I was ready to go like 10 times. My answer was always YES! but took us a half hour to leave. I was getting pissed!!!! My hormones are raging again. I swear if he gives me any crap about wanting to stay in bed all day, he is getting smacked!!
I had a miscarriage last month at 5w5d. I miscarried naturally, bled for 5 days. I went right back to tracking my temps and using opks because my Dr. said I could possibly ovulate before getting my first regular cycle after the miscarriage, which is exactly what happened. I got my first positive opk 14 days ago. I have had barely any pregnancy symptoms, as a matter of fact, my temp dropped this morning, by .53 degrees, but still well above the coverline. The only reason why I tested is because I also check my cervix regularly and the os has felt tightly shut the past few days, which normally around the time I'm due for AF the os feels quite open and firm. The only times I've ever noticed that my os is shut so tightly have been during my pregnancy cycles. So, I took a test this morning and lo and behold,:bfp:.

I don't know what to think or how to feel. I'm excited, of course, but I have a sense of overhwelming fear and dread. I just went through a miscarriage, I don't know if I could bear another, especially so soon after the last. I called Dr this morning to request beta hCG to confirm that this is a new pregnancy and make sure it's not lingering hCG from last month (although my last bhCG was 6 on 11/24/15 and that was after I stopped bleeding from the miscarriage) So I think this is a new pregnancy, but I'll be interested to see what the levels are now.

On top of it all, I got results from my AMH blood work last week and it came back less than 0.1, which is basically undetectable. The nurse who called me with the results said I had very very few, if any, eggs left! I was devastated. I was referred to a fertility clinic, but we wanted to do some more tests before going that route to see if there was a chance that I could conceive naturally. So, this is all mind blowing to me and I can't help but worry and worry some more.

So, since I can't go by my LMP, I'm going by ovulation date of December 5th, which puts my EDD at August 28th.

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