Does anyone else plan on buying a doppler?
Congratulations on the scans ladies, helping me stay calm while awaiting my first appt (still unsure whether I'll even get a scan) if not I've already decided I'll go pay out of pocket for a private scan.
I had nausea every day last week during week 6, now all of a sudden this week...NOTHING! No cramping, no nausea. I'm so worried!
Does anyone else plan on buying a doppler?
I don't think we will. I think it would stress me out more than anything. I tend to get obsessed about things like this and I just want to relax. But I say this now.... pregnant ladies have been known to change their mind about a thousand times.
Our friends have one.... I have a feeling the husband might want to borrow it at some point.
Back from my scan and we finally have some good news! After three back to back losses I think it is official to say that we're expecting baby #3! Scan showed baby measuring a bit ahead at 7w1d putting my due date at August 24th and a healthy heartbeat of 152 bpm. It was the most beautiful heartbeat, just flickering away on the screen!
Such wonderful news!! At mine, the first thing the tech saw was the heartbeat but it took my eyes a minute to realize what I was seeing. Congrats on a great scan.
Congrats lilmiss and gypsy!! I really hope my appointment tomorrow goes just as well. I was hoping to take a video of the baby on the screen so I can play back the heartbeat. Hopefully they'll let me!
I have a Doppler, though last time I bought it after the baby's heartbeat had stopped. So of course I could never find a heartbeat, so I'm nervous to use it again when I get farther along. Not to say that anyone else shouldn't use it but I'm just not sure I will based on my past experience.
Ok, I have had a similar experience with symptoms. Last week from Tuesday through Friday, I felt stronger symptoms and especially Friday. Then starting over the weekend I felt really good. My rare nausea just consists of me feeling like I could gag. But it's rare. Most of the time during work I can forget about the whole thing. So of course I worry because last time I didn't have many symptoms. This is maybe slightly more than last time and a bit different, but I wish I would feel pregnant more consistently.
Oh, I've also had two baby dreams this week. Last night it was a dream of me looking at a 3D color scan of the baby and trying to study and memorize its little face. Earlier in the week, it was a dream of me holding a baby girl and kissing her little cheeks. It wasn't my baby, but in my dream I was thinking that soon I'd have a baby just like this. I don't remember having positive baby dreams last time, so I'm hoping it's a good sign!
Congratulations on the scans ladies, helping me stay calm while awaiting my first appt (still unsure whether I'll even get a scan) if not I've already decided I'll go pay out of pocket for a private scan.
I had nausea every day last week during week 6, now all of a sudden this week...NOTHING! No cramping, no nausea. I'm so worried!
Does anyone else plan on buying a doppler?
Feeling kind of weird sitting in limbo right now but adjusting to the possible outcome of this pregnancy. I go back in for another beta test today to see if my levels are rising which I've read that at this point may not mean much either way.
I haven't been able to find an ultrasound image that looks like the one we had and I'm confused. They said there were two yolk sacs and then there was this round thing right in the bottom middle of yhe gestational sac but no heartbeat. I have a retroverted uterus and I'm wondering if the tech didn't have enough experience although she sounded like she did.
I'm probably looking for hope right now when maybe I shouldn't but I am feeling more at peace with what's going on today. I just don't like being in limbo.
I am so pissed off at my parents!!!!!! Last night we were at hubby's grandparent's house for dinner, and his grandma told him that he heard from somebody that I was pregnant. Apparently my dad told somebody at church. We're just lucky the grandparents knew about it, because a lot of his family doesn't!! We've barely told anybody this time, and it makes me mad my parents are going around telling people that I really could care less if they know or not! So I text my mom and told her that we were NOT happy about it. She said they've been telling select people, and that she thought we were telling everyone after our ultrasound. NO CLUE where she got that idea, because I NEVER SAID THAT!!! I am so livid with them right now. They better not have told the rest of our family, because that's OUR news to tell, not theirs!! And after last time, I don't want to have tons of people to explain to if we lose it! I am so upset.