August 2016 watermelons!

Tani I know it is hard but really don't blame yourself. All these things they tell us not to do or eat during pregnancy, if we avoided EVERYTHING altogether, we would all be just sitting around on the couch watching TV and stuffing our faces with food. This is not realistic for many of us. I don't believe that whatever caused your baby to have to come early was your fault. Sometimes things just happen. I know you want to be out there exercising... I don't blame you for that. It is hard to be stuck in bed all day in a hospital setting twiddling your thumbs when you're used to be out and about. Just remember that thankfully they caught it in time so that it doesn't have any negative effect on your son. We're all here for you and will be looking forward to your updates :flower:

Happy 28 weeks and third trimester Lilred!
Tanikins do you feel confident with your doctors decision? If not I would get a second opinion. You do not need to be blaming yourself for any of this. Your doctor should also not be an a-hole and accuse you of smoking. That all would make me want a different Doctor. That's bull crap. If you exercise too much, don't exercise or exercise moderately.... there's always risks. I applaud you for trying to stay in shape or at least trying to stay healthy. I know I haven't even done a sit-up this whole pregnancy unless you count the 4 times I try sitting up in bed lol. Don't blame yourself. As long as little man is healthy and ok so what you have to do. If you do have him soon wait until June 12 that's my birthday ;)
Fairy- how high are the numbers? Are you having late night Carby snacks?? It's best to eat your carbs with a protein because protein helps the carbs from spiking sugar levels. So for example an apple with peanut butter. Maybe you could add a fat/protein with a late night snack? Or actually oddly enough, for ladies who have high fasting sugar readings and don't normally eat a snack at bed time they say eating one can help. Don't ask me why lol. Good luck at your appointment!

Yes, that is what I read too about the snack before bedtime! I don't eat snacks before bedtime usually, just dinner. My after meal numbers are excellent, but my morning numbers range from 90-105. So they are not that high. I consider myself borderline, but have been diagnosed with GD. They say it's unmangeable, but not sure I believe that, sorry. Been watching my carbs since my appt, taking after meal walks, and will try the snack before bedtime. I had 2 cookies within my carb range for a snack last night and this morning's number was 96. Improvement from no snack the previous night with a morning number of 105. If anything, I have more energy now and overall feel better just in that short amount of time. Also haven't had the huge bloating issues either. Hopefully I can get my number down by appt next week.
I would try something that's not a cookie. Because sometimes even though it's under your carb allowance it still can spike blood sugar. For example, two pieces of bread for a sandwich are under the 45 carbs I'm allowed at a meal but it still makes my blood sugar high, same thing with fruit juice :( yeah my doctor told me that even if you are failing by like a couple points they still treat you as GD.

I've had a couple of high readings after meals but my doctor said he's not concerned. But I know they are very interested in fasting numbers. Maybe try something else before bed and you can get it below 95, and they won't make u do meds.
They say it has nothing to do with my diet itself. Eating 19g of carbs shouldn't make my blood sugar "spike" 8 hours later. My after meal numbers with high carbs don't spike either. Like this morning my number was 96, I had 30g of carbs for breakfast and my after meal number was 95. Other days I've had 2 cupcakes with dinner and my number was 129. I've read up similar stories and some people bring their numbers down with bedtime carby snacks, and some bring it down with protein snacks. I'm trying out both and seeing what helps the best.

They said stress and lack of exercise are biggies as to why morning numbers are high, because it has to do more with excess hormones than there is insulin or something like that. Stress and exercise are my main problems right now, so I'm hoping stress relief and taking lots of walks throughout the day will help bring them down. I've done nothing but sit on the couch, minus housework on the weekends.
Atleast there giving you workable advise not just lectures. I always just assumed if you got gd you'd cut out sugar and that be that. Are they give you a growth scan to measure lexis? If she's not growing big the odd high reading cnt be doing any harm
Yes, that's true. Every place's approach is different too it seems. Cutting out carbs completely isn't healthy in pregnancy they said, because you and your baby need energy to grow the baby. I don't think it's very healthy otherwise either, for the same reason of energy.

Yeah I get the growth scan to make sure Lexie isn't measuring big. She was in the 57th percentile at my 3D/4D scan, and the lady said she was measuring very average. Her head was 1 week behind and her body was 1 week ahead. I hope she's not fat because of me. I really don't foresee a problem. She was only 2lbs 12 oz which was pretty right on for 28w2d.
Hey girls. Hope everyone is doing good. I however am not. I am fighting a cold. It's so bad too. Fever, chills, cough, lower backache, can't sleep and not to mention I keep pissing myself everytime I sneeze or cough. Ugh I haven't been able to work the last 2 days. It started with my son having it. He's on the mend, but i'm just beginning it. Now my husband is too. On a better note, we found a house! Inspector comes today and if all that goes good then we will be closing on July 17. Won't get to move in until mid-august. So baby will already be here. Looking to go on maternity leave around July 14. I'll be 38 weeks then. Taking the whole 12 weeks I think.
Congrats on finding a house Babydust! I can't imagine what it will be like to move house with a newborn, so I hope you will get plenty of help.
I hope you get better soon too.

28 weeks scan went well- Jonathan is measuring about 2lbs 2oz and has a huge head circumference.
He was hard to scan and I couldn't get a scan photo. His head is right down near my pelvis and legs are up past my belly button (he is kinda on an angle).
My haemoglobin is low so I have to have liquid iron to try and improve it.
Hope you get well soon babydust, and congrats on the house!!

LilRed - glad the scan went well! I hope you can get your iron sorted soon. Shouldn't take too long to build it back up, I wouldn't think.
Congrats on the house babydust. Good luck moving, hopingbyou have extra hands.

Lilred. Hope the iron sorts you out quickly.

Atm - I'm home but I have loads of appts in the next 5 weeks. Every day is a blessing at this point. 5weeks left at most
Hey everyone

Tani - glad you are home and baby still safely tucked up inside. My baby is coming early too, c section is booked for 35 weeks assuming I get that far, hoping I do. I haven't got any prem or tiny baby clothes yet! Any idea how big your baby is?

Baby dust - sorry you are poorly, hope you feel better soon.

Lilred - glad the scan went well, I'm on iron as well, hopefully you will feel better with more energy once the iron levels are raised.
Mrs w - baby last Thurs was guessed at 3lbs. Now there meant to gain 0.5lbs a weeks so we'd be looking at around 5.5lbs at 37 if he was gaining correctly. As he isn't been told to expect no more than 5 if I make it to 37 weeks.

So a max of 5 weeks left
That's a pretty good weight. I didn't realise it was 0.5lb a week. My baby was est 3lb 4oz yesterday and I have max 5 weeks to go too so hoping he will be at least 5lbs at birth which is pretty good considering.

Hope they are monitoring you closely, babies do so well from 32 weeks on so try not to worry too much although I hope he stays inside for you!
I've got twice weekly ctgs and doppler scans. Will be getting growth scans aswell but there just as and when. There more interested in his blood flow than weight
I'm trying to rest and stay off my feet as much as possible. I feel so idel. Like the bf is gonna come in after a day at work to sort stuff out and I'm just casually laying on the sofa
Tani did they tell you to just stay off your feet or are you supposed to be on bedrest? There is a girl on my Facebook who is in a similar situation as you, except her IUGR is caused from her umbilical cord only having two vessels instead of three. She's only 20 weeks and as of right now her baby is measuring fine, but they said that she has to stay strictly on bedrest or her baby could be born premature.

Babydust - Hope you feel better soon and congrats on the house! We moved into our first home when our DD was only 2 months old. It wasn't too difficult as long as you have someone to help with all the heavy stuff.

Lilred - Glad the scan went well but sorry you're having issues with iron. My midwife was just telling me at my appointment today that there are a lot of women having that issue recently so it sounds like they're keeping a better eye on pregnant women's iron levels.

As an update, my baby is fully head down and 1 cm engaged now, which in a way scares the crap out of me. I know that my DS dropped early and didn't come out until 37 weeks but I have had a super strong intuitive feeling that this little girl I'm carrying now isn't going to go to her due date. This about clinches it since I don't see her holding out another 10/11 weeks. My midwife said she could move from that position as she isn't too engaged yet, but I don't see it happening. Once my babies go head down, they usually stay that way. She also told me no heavy lifting or bending as much as I can help it to prevent preterm labor. I have a scan next Thursday which is going to tell us how much she weighs in case we are in for an early arrival.

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