August 2016 watermelons!

Tani I wouldn't listen to those people. You look great and carry well. I hate how people judge bellies. People I'm close to who knows what I look like not pregnant say I'm huge, while the people who don't know me say I'm small. I don't know if they say that to be polite since it's kind of rude to say "gosh you're HUGE!" but it really bothers me when they feel the need to comment on my belly size at all because it makes me feel like my body isn't taking care of the baby when they say I'm not big.

On a side note most of the weight I've gained is in my bottom and my thighs too. I have more stretch marks there than I do on my belly :blush:

1nce after I gave birth to my son the first thing I had my DH run out and buy me a cold sub and sneak me in candy to my room at the hospital lol. After all I went through, I think that's the least I deserved!

Dragonfly that must be awful! The tech shouldn't even be there if she won't do her job. Some techs act like it is the biggest thing in the world to do a little extra "work". I'm sorry you didn't get a picture or gender :(
Dragon - that's awful :( Our ultrasound tech is similar. Baby wasn't cooperating and she didn't care. She wouldn't have even checked had we not asked about 4 times for her to check. I had to go pay elsewhere to confirm the gender against the blood test. They should really honor your request to know if you want to know. I wonder if she was inexperienced in telling the gender so she didn't even want to bother? I was told our tech is hesitant to call any baby a girl. Just sounds like inexperience to me.
Wasnt even tech it was a consultant. Last tech was reluctant to look but at least tried. They make you feel awful for asking here. I got people reminding me I will love my baby, what? just what! Course I will love my baby what ever gender. So I am getting so angry this past while with comments that I should know gender and if I want to know being some sort of a bad person.
Dragonfly, sorry you had a bad experience with the consultant. That was really rude of her. Maybe she was having a bad day or something. :/ Are you having any more ultrasounds to find out?

1nceuponatime, I feel for you! I had gd with my last pregnancy and all I wanted was carbs. A sub sounds amazing right now!

Tani, sorry about the comment. I can understand that being difficult to hear when you know the reason.

Lilmisscaviar, my midwife is hands off too and I love it. I was with an Ob for the first half of my pregnancy so he was the one who ordered ultrasounds. I don't mind not having another one. I'm mostly curious about the weight even though it can be off. I am also hoping to go a little early because I am afraid of another big baby. I would love a little 7 lb baby this time but I bet it'll be another 8-9 lb babe. My poor lady bits, I tore last time too! We will both be ok though!
Bu they wont tell you here. So I cant find out till birth. And I cant afford to go private. I think I get another one or two scans depending if I go over. 6 weeks have to go back. And I think this woman was just like that going by the midwives face behind her who clearly was fed up with her too. I couldnt even say about my birthing worries I didnt feel comfortable with her. Next time I go up I am saying to midwife I dont want her I want someone I can talk too about my concerns with birth and I dont know why they ignore mums so much here. I remember my last one trying to relay my concerns and was dismissed.
Dragonfly I hope you can get a better Mw at the next appt. I found some of mine really cold so I tend to dump all my issues on the nice one :haha:

Atm - I'm so bored of taking it easy and it hasn't helped at all. Were still in the same place as when I was working / exercising.
Oh is stressing that he should be born even though hes still 'ok'. he's just ignoring the issues associated with a preemie :grr:
Dragonfly I would just mention to your midwife that you didn't like that consultant. You have the right to voice what you feel is right. I've never had a consultant do a scan but I have had crabby techs. There is one who I love. She answers all my questions and will even do 3D images without asking. There are a couple who I'm kind of "meh" with. They don't really like to talk much but they do their job thoroughly. There is one whom I really didn't like though and I mentioned that to my midwife. I did have to see her again but the next time I saw her she was really nice so my midwife must have given her a good talking to. Anyways hopefully you'll get another scan before your pregnancy is over and that it goes better next time.

Tani I could imagine how you'd be bored. I have to admit that when I was supposed to take it easy the first 12 weeks of my pregnancy due to miscarriage risk, I was going insane by the end. Luckily I was still having morning sickness or it would have been much worse, so I feel for you. Men just think it is so easy. When I asked my DH what would happen with this baby if I went into labor before 30 weeks, he just brushed it off by saying "that's what the NICU is for". Like gee... thanks.
I'm ridiculously stressed about Fridays growth scan, and I've got a scan Tuesday before it. I've just got this feeling they'll decide he's not growing great and to induce. I mean I'm glad we'll have hit july but it's still scary.

I'm just not ready for the issues associated with a preemie. Even though he'll be 35+ so not teeny. The uncertainty is killing me
Tani - so understandable the way you're feeling . I hope and pray they tell you that you can keep baking him a little bit longer, but I'm sure all will be okay in the end even if they do decide to induce. Is there anything you can do for yourself this week to help with stress? Maybe a prenatal massage or a pedicure? A relaxing bath? I hope you get good news! I will be praying for you and baby.
Tani it must be incredibly scary going into labor a month before you're due. At least he won't be too much of a preemie since you're well past 30 weeks. It would scare me more to give birth before 30 weeks because of survival rates being so much lower however I can understand how it is making you nervous. I think he'll be fine. A 35 weeker might not even need NICU care especially since you had those steroid shots.
At 35 weeks on you probably be ok. I have friends who have babies at 27 weeks on my news feed in units and they are getting on great. My partner was born at 28 weeks and my mum was born at 30 weeks and that was a long time ago. Its scary I get that. I rather they stayed in which is why I am always ok when I am over due.
I couldn't imagine what it would be like to be in your situation Tani. Stay strong and we are all praying for the best for you and for baby.
Sorry to hear about the comments you have been receiving. Some people just don't think before they speak. It can happen to the best of people.

Sucks to hear about your consultant not acting on your request Dragonfly. It's not right to be treated that way no matter who they are. I have been lucky with the sonographers and the consultant I had which were brilliant. I have only had one midwife that I felt like I couldn't explain anything to her, she seemed very controlling and bossy. I really hope that the next time I see her it will be much better.
It's crazy to think that Friday is July. We will have a few babies born in July. These last 8/9 months have zoomed past
Tani - I was just thinking about that today! Can't believe it's almost July, crazy! They will be here before we know it.

Ugh, I am so pissed at McDonald's. My husband drives me to and from work since we work at the same place and he doesn't like me crossing the busy street (plus there's no bathroom on the way to where I park lol). I made him late when he had something to do at work after lunch, because I wanted coffee. I told him he didn't have to go if it would make him late, but he took me anyway like a great husband. Well, I got to work and realized they gave me the wrong dang coffee! I order a decaf with 3 creams and 4 sugars. They gave me a regular coffee with 3 creams and 6 sugars!! Yeah, like that's great for baby! I dumped it out and called them and told them I was pregnant so couldn't drink the coffee. The manager put my name in their book for a free drink when I come back, so that was nice. But still, all I want is my dang coffee!!!!
Urrrrgh our mcds are well known for messing up orderers. I won't leave now until I've checked everything. They always look at me like I'm a nutter but I hate getting home and finding food missing
Tani if baby comes at 35 weeks he honestly will be fine. I have had a few chats with paediatricians as my baby is coming at 35 weeks and chances are they wont need any breathing support or nicu care. The outcomes are the same as a term baby. My friend had a baby this morning at 33 weeks and baby is breathing on its own and doing well. Think positive, 35 weeks isn't that premature hun, its 2 weeks off term. Some babues need a little bit of support but a lot, especially those that have had steroids don't need any. xx
Although a bit hard to check the coffee there at mcds as it would be so hot.
I do check both the kfc and mcds orders too.

Yup July has crept up so quickly, I'm so not organised yet. Baby shower on Saturday :)
I wonder how many of us are going to have July babies? ;)

Frankly I'm ready for her to be here. Never thought I'd say that because I try to enjoy being pregnant, but this pregnancy has been really hard on me this time.

Fairy I just went to mcd the other day and I swear every time I tell them I want more than one of whatever I'm ordering, they only give me one! It is so irritating. If I'm buying for the family, can't they hear when I say I want three cheeseburgers? Ugh!
Ctg this morning was poor. Been readmitted for monitoring. Aslong as monitoring is ok I can go home tomorrow. I then have growth scan on Fri if any change on that we'll be looking at induction over the weekend

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