August 2017

I am so ready to feel my little love moving and kicking and KNOW he or she is there, and okay, each and every day. My next dr. apt is Wednesday. I NEED to hear the heartbeat again! I am so anxious.

Totally feeling the same way!! My next U/S isn't until Feb 21 and I am dying to find out that everything is okay. My ms started to subside this week - still there occasionally but nowhere near as bad as the past few weeks. So while I am happy and grateful to not feel awful, I also feel scared that it is subsiding so soon!!! Is anyone else experiencing this around 10 weeks??

Ha yes, I know how you feel!! The wait until the 12 week scan is the longest ever! I'm sure you'll be fine, but it's so easy to worry... My (already very mild) ms also started disappearing a couple of weeks before my ultrasound and of course that worried me, but all good in the end. Hand in there, only a few weeks to wait until you see you little bean! :baby:
I finally have a due date - ish!
Had my scan yesterday, but the sonographer couldn't get a clear reading so had to do an internal. For now she's said baby is 9+6 (so 10 today), but refused to give me a due date until my next scan in 3 weeks.

To be honest, I don't feel she tried very hard. I've had perfect external scans at 8 weeks, yet she couldn't get one at 10 weeks? Maybe it is just a case of baby being further down than last time, but still found it rather weird to need an internal at 10 weeks. Hey ho!

Seen baby anyway, could spot head, heart, 2 legs and 2 arms (well, 'stumps'). Baby seems to be doing well... so, going by 10 weeks I'd be due the 29th of August! It may get changed in 3 weeks, but for now I'm sticking around ;)

Had to have my bloods repeated yesterday too as it came up as possibly anemic or me being an alpha thalassemia carrier (which I highly doubt as I don't fit any of the 'most common in' groups, nor has it been spotted in my previous 3 pregnancies doing the same tests). Should find out at the end of this week or start of next.

We also told our kids yesterday, they're so excited!! My oldest is amazing and keeps warning her younger sisters to be careful, rubbing my tummy and is a lot more sensitive / worried about everything this time than she was previously. My 4 year old hasn't stopped talking about it and insists we call the baby Poppy. She's also telling me to be careful about the best of things, like 'wobbling the baby' when I'm walking down the stairs. My youngest isn't too interested yet, though she did put her hand on my tummy yesterday and said 'mummy baby tummy? baby Jack? (Topsy & Tim reference - she's obsessed).
I'm going in for my 2nd appointment today, but I don't think there will be an US because last time they made 2 consecutive appointments--one for US then for visit, and this time they just scheduled visit. I know extra ultrasounds are not really good for the baby, but I want to see him or her!! Especially now that they are bigger and more baby looking!! I would have gladly passed up the 8 week one for a 12 week one. But oh well. As long as I hear the heartbeat I'm good. Can. not. wait.
Glad for you lucky ladies whose MS has been lightening up. I wish mine would! I'm still horrendously nauseated most of each day! lol
I finally have a due date - ish!
Had my scan yesterday, but the sonographer couldn't get a clear reading so had to do an internal. For now she's said baby is 9+6 (so 10 today), but refused to give me a due date until my next scan in 3 weeks.

To be honest, I don't feel she tried very hard. I've had perfect external scans at 8 weeks, yet she couldn't get one at 10 weeks? Maybe it is just a case of baby being further down than last time, but still found it rather weird to need an internal at 10 weeks. Hey ho!

Seen baby anyway, could spot head, heart, 2 legs and 2 arms (well, 'stumps'). Baby seems to be doing well... so, going by 10 weeks I'd be due the 29th of August! It may get changed in 3 weeks, but for now I'm sticking around ;)

Had to have my bloods repeated yesterday too as it came up as possibly anemic or me being an alpha thalassemia carrier (which I highly doubt as I don't fit any of the 'most common in' groups, nor has it been spotted in my previous 3 pregnancies doing the same tests). Should find out at the end of this week or start of next.

We also told our kids yesterday, they're so excited!! My oldest is amazing and keeps warning her younger sisters to be careful, rubbing my tummy and is a lot more sensitive / worried about everything this time than she was previously. My 4 year old hasn't stopped talking about it and insists we call the baby Poppy. She's also telling me to be careful about the best of things, like 'wobbling the baby' when I'm walking down the stairs. My youngest isn't too interested yet, though she did put her hand on my tummy yesterday and said 'mummy baby tummy? baby Jack? (Topsy & Tim reference - she's obsessed).

I agree with you about her not trying that hard! 8 week scans are done (successfully) all the time. I am also 10 weeks today (Feb 1) but the ultrasound tech here said my due date was August 30 (I think she said something about averaging the three measurements she took?) As for your children - oh my goodness, so cute!! How did you end up telling your kids? We are planning to tell our 2.5 year old this weekend but aren't quite sure how yet! I got a few books from the library to read with her afterwards and thought we'd just explain that there is a baby in my tummy, etc. But any suggestions are totally welcome!!
I'm going in for my 2nd appointment today, but I don't think there will be an US because last time they made 2 consecutive appointments--one for US then for visit, and this time they just scheduled visit. I know extra ultrasounds are not really good for the baby, but I want to see him or her!! Especially now that they are bigger and more baby looking!! I would have gladly passed up the 8 week one for a 12 week one. But oh well. As long as I hear the heartbeat I'm good. Can. not. wait.
Glad for you lucky ladies whose MS has been lightening up. I wish mine would! I'm still horrendously nauseated most of each day! lol

Fingers crossed yours eases soon too! Honestly, the last month was a nightmare for me too. All day ms (and fatigue). I totally feel for you!!
So I got there today and they decide to spring a fasting glucose test on me without telling me prior--and so I had just eaten!! I even read my papers from the last appointment and all it said was come with a full bladder--nothing about glucose or fasting. So I have to go back tomorrow on an empty stomach. Really not happy about having to make the drive twice in one week. But on the bright side, we heard a strong steady heartbeat :D
So I got there today and they decide to spring a fasting glucose test on me without telling me prior--and so I had just eaten!! I even read my papers from the last appointment and all it said was come with a full bladder--nothing about glucose or fasting. So I have to go back tomorrow on an empty stomach. Really not happy about having to make the drive twice in one week. But on the bright side, we heard a strong steady heartbeat :D

Wow sounds like their mistake for not telling you ahead of time! I would be upset. Glad you got to hear the heartbeat!
Yeah it was pretty wacky. I think what actually happened is they didn't actually decide to do one until I showed up, because the nurse actually left the room and came back in before the doctor and said "Oh! When did you last eat?" Like...If I was supposed to have done the glucose test that day, they would have given me drink when I got there, not after I waited 30 minutes in the waiting room, then after doing the whole nurse thing. So I'm not 100% sold on the professionalism or..having it together-ness of this practice. But my last doctor is no longer practicing, and I hated the hospital I delivered at so I'm trying something new....Now I'm just anxiously awaiting the test results because I really do not want to have to deal with wrangling my sweet tooth right now.
Not surprised you were a little annoyed at them jumping that up at you! Isn't it a bit early on for a fasting test anyway? I know around here they don't do them until 28 weeks.

As for how we told my girls, I wrote a card which said 'You are going to be BIG sisters again! We're having a new baby' and got my 6 year old to read it to everyone. It didn't quite clock on until she got to the word new, then she went quiet before saying 'baby'. Might not work for your little one though ;)

My 2 and a half year old doesn't really get it yet. We told her, I've spoken to her about it a few times and during our bedtime routine she does put her hand on my tummy and keeps telling me I have 'baby Jack' in there, but when I ask her if it's a boy or girl she tells me 'Girl, baby sister'. I don't think it's something she actually fully takes in though.

My first was a similar age when I fell pregnant. We told her, but the thing that made it real for her was the midwife visits. I had a lovely midwife who really included her in the experience, and during every visit she 'helped' take my blood pressure and she'd get a go on the doppler to find babys heartbeat. Once my tummy got massive, she could hear the babys heartbeat on the doppler and feel the kicks, that's when it became more real for her. Think it will be the same for my youngest this time around.

My kids are impatient though! Jeez. Every single day I've been asked 'how many sleeps now mummy?'. My oldest even piped up 'more than 200?! Mummy, why did you tell us already?' lmao.
My kids are impatient though! Jeez. Every single day I've been asked 'how many sleeps now mummy?'. My oldest even piped up 'more than 200?! Mummy, why did you tell us already?' lmao.

My son is the same every time I say I have an appointment or in having abdomen pain or anything he thinks the baby is coming and either freaks out or gets excited depending on the situation 😂😂 he's a riot. And he's always telling his daddy "Don't fight with mommy! You'll hurt the baby!" If he starts horsing around trying to play fight with me lmao.
ANyone else still having a hard time finding baby on the Doppler? I saw and heard a heartbeat at 9 weeks on the ultrasound but haven't been able to find it with my Doppler yet
ANyone else still having a hard time finding baby on the Doppler? I saw and heard a heartbeat at 9 weeks on the ultrasound but haven't been able to find it with my Doppler yet

Not myself, I don't own a doppler, but my doctor was unable to find the HB at 12 weeks with doppler, got a quick scan and baby's heart was beating away.
Erised, your little ones sound precious! How great to have them so included in the new baby's life already. My LO is not quite 16 months yet--so I've told her there's a baby in mommy's tummy--but she doesn't really know what that means yet...But she loves her baby dolls, so I'm sure she'll be a great sister.

I'm such a nervous nellie, I saw a doppler at a thrift store the other and did NOT buy it because I knew I would get addicted and probably freak myself out every time I couldn't immediately find it. Good luck to those who have one, hopefully you are not as paranoid as I am!

We have narrowed it down to two girl names, Kelsea or Kinsley, with the middle name Summer, but I've no clue what we're going to do if it's a boy. I absolutely cannot wait to find out the gender. I'll be happy either way, it's just finding a boy name we both like is difficult! Anyone else thinking names yet?
luz - hope you find baby's hb soon. Perhaps this baby is just in a more awkward position in your tilted uterus than previous times? I'll be honest, I haven't checked or used my doppler in quite a while. Last time I tried was the day before my scan (so I would have been 9+5) and found it quite easily, at 9+3 I failed all together however and gave up after 20 minutes. Even at 11 weeks baby is still so small though, I imagine it's very easy to hide behind the placenta and make it pretty difficult to pick up over the placental heartbeat.

Countrybride - We've talked names, and I simply keep saying I refuse to even think properly until we've had our gender scan. We've got 3 girls, initials are E.E, A.A & I.I ... I'm pretty certain that if it's a girl we'll have to break that, as I refuse to do O.O or U.U. Not to mention that they're all 3 syllable first names, and 1 syllable middle names. Boys names is something we've failed at at every pregnancy so far, we can't find anything we both like and agree on. DH also really has his heart set on naming a boy after himself, the idea of which I absolutely hate. It's a pet hate of mine, as well as MILs when a child gets named after their parent and you end up with 'junior'. Which kind of puts me at a horrible place right now, between either agreeing to a name I'll absolutely hate and can not see myself get used to, or upsetting my husband. He'd never make me, but I'm really worried that one day in the future I may really regret not giving in to it, like my MIL does now her husband has passed.

So yeah, names ... so far they're a no no! I'm not looking forward to it this time around :p

In other news, I still haven't had my blood test results back. Midwife said she'd try and chase it up for me on Friday, but haven't heard from her yet.
Erised, your little ones sound precious! How great to have them so included in the new baby's life already. My LO is not quite 16 months yet--so I've told her there's a baby in mommy's tummy--but she doesn't really know what that means yet...But she loves her baby dolls, so I'm sure she'll be a great sister.

CountryBride, I just realised we were both in the October Owls 2015 group and now both due in August :winkwink: I hope it won't be too hard to manage our almost 2-year-olds when the babies come!
Sorry if someone asked but when is everyone doing their registry? My mom is hosting my baby shower in May since June is a hot mess then everyone goes on vk (we are both teachers). But I'm itching to get scanning once I have my scan next week. What are you ladies planning?
Sorry if someone asked but when is everyone doing their registry? My mom is hosting my baby shower in May since June is a hot mess then everyone goes on vk (we are both teachers). But I'm itching to get scanning once I have my scan next week. What are you ladies planning?

This is my 4th baby, i probably won't have a baby shower. I had one for my first, but not any of the others. Although even my first baby i never had a registry....
I probably won't be getting a baby shower either, despite it being our first child!
Hello ladies, sorry I haven't posted in while! I had my scan today :) all looking well! Baby is now due 18th August :) I'll post a pic when I can get on my laptop! Hope you're all well :)
Ty ladies. I'm getting impatient lol

Amber congrats on the good scan! Can't wait to see the pic

AFM I went a little freebie crazy. I got my "WTE First Year" kindle version and signed up for my Welcome Box from my Amazon registry. Made a Walmart registry and signed up to receive that Welcome Box. Made a Target registry and planning to go to the store this weekend to get the registry gift there. And booked my appointment for my Buy Buy Baby registry for the weekend after my next scan tee hee

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