Craquinette, yeah it's funny watching SO try and fit his whole name onto forms when he needs to. Even funnier he doesn't even KNOW the people his middle names are named after
they are all great grandparents or something but he's not even sure I had to ask his mother when I was curious about it. I'm Canadian so there's all sorts of varieties here. Some with one, some two, although SO is the only person I know with 3, that is ridiculous. Both of his silblings only have one, he's the only one with three I asked MIL why and shes like I honestly have no clue
He's not even the firstborn he's the middle child.
Erised, congrats on the boy! I'm glad everything turned out just fine.
Kitty, congrats on your little girl! Make sure to buy lots of extra girly stuff for the rest of us!
Trying so hard to plan my life out these days even day ahead is ridiculously hard I'm finding because I never know how I'll be day by day. With my firstborn, first trimester was rough, but I surivived okay, and then I was okay pretty well until late third trimester when he couldn't stop kicking me in the ribs, and didn't feel "over it" until I was overdue and stopped sleeping. This time is WAY different! I'm finding the further I get the more tired I'm becoming, yet the less I'm sleeping at night. Can't miss a single dose of nausea meds even 20 weeks on or I'm puking nonstop. Just a huge pain in the butt trying to get things done when my bodys screaming for rest 10 minutes after starting something. And I go back and forth between never wanting food and wanting to eat ALL the things hahaha.