August 2017

Jazz, sorry hun. My first delivery was incredibly scary and I literally went into shock. I also had a really hard recovery so I can understand being nervous the second time around.
Yeah ignorance is bliss over here. Since I've no idea what to expect lol

I've been craving subway so my ticker kills me lol
My first birth was a traumatic experience. I think I had more lingering mental health issues than I realized at the time. Because of that, the anticipation of my second delivery (up until the pushing part) were filled with anxiety. I had to start medication for it at 35 weeks actually, but I was so afraid to take it, it didn't help much.

That said, the actual delivery of my daughter (from pushing forward) was incredible and wonderfully healing. I no longer struggle with feelings of guilt and regret and trauma from my first birth. I no longer struggle with feelings of anxiety towards this birth, despite having more issues (GD). It was incredibly empowering to be able to having my successful VBAC, to be able to hold my baby after delivery like a "regular" birth, etc.

I wish all the second time (or more) moms who have had a traumatic first birth have a successful and healing second birth :flower::hugs:
I'm more scared of labour this time. I'm not sure why, because although Rio's birth was traumatic and scary and.. well basically horrible, I actually really enjoyed the build up and the labour itself.
But now I am convincing myself I won't cope with the pain etc this time and end up having loads of drugs I really don't want.
I'm more scared of labour this time. I'm not sure why, because although Rio's birth was traumatic and scary and.. well basically horrible, I actually really enjoyed the build up and the labour itself.
But now I am convincing myself I won't cope with the pain etc this time and end up having loads of drugs I really don't want.

I didn't really enjoy labor with my first, there was no buildup I did a 24 hour urine test and when I got the results back it was "we are inducing you, right now" - they gave me a sleeping pill that night, and put me on magnesium sulfate in the morning, so I literally have no memories of the labor all day almost and then when there was no progress at 24 hours agreeing to a CS. I guess I had labor but I was not mentally available.

Avoid pitocin, it makes contractions much more painful. I didn't want the epi going in, but I'm glad I got it. My body needed rest and I was able to get hours of rest and by the time I woke up and it was wearing off, it was time to push.
I had a very low dose of pitocin with both my labors. It helped, but I found that my magic way of dialating is sitting up with my heels touching (similar to"Indian style"), and relaxing. When I'm able to relax I dialate quickly.
Part of my whole problem with my first was I was absolutely exhausted. I was a week and a half overdue and I hadn't slept at all in 3 days. Had to go in twice to be induced and still was sent home for not dialating, didn't sleep that night, water broke at 6am, but it was still a long while before I was dialated enough they'd let me have the epidural. Even still wasn't helping much after a couple hours. When it was finally time to push I was so exhausted I couldn't get his head over that hump they gotta head over on the way out. Three hours of exhausted pushing and pain like crazy they're finally like "Weeellll, we can get the vacuum and it'll be over in 5 minutes or we can keep trying." I was so exhausted I didn't care what the vacuum was just get this over with. And it was the worst idea, I wasn't prepared for the pain. And I don't know if you ladies ever had it and what your experiences were with it, but I won't even describe what it felt like for me, so I don't scare anyone because my sister also needed one and she said it wasn't as bad as it was for me. But just know it was absolutely awful. I'm a small person and it took six people to hold me down because while my mind was trying to stop myself my body was flying off the table. After he was out I almost passed out, only thing that stopped me was realizing I couldn't hear the baby and thinking I hurt him. Shooting up asking if he's okay, and then flopping right back down after being reassured. And I lost SO much blood (undiagnosed anemia) and was pale for a few weeks after because of it.
Honestly, even the WHOLE story if I had told isn't even close to the worst horror stories out there, to a lot it may not even be that bad. But I was 19, sick, beyond exhausted and completely unprepared so I think all of that just stuck in my mind and made the whole experience perhaps a lot more tramatic feeling than it really was. I just never want to do it again. The dragging out of it all too was the worst so Im hoping if nothing else, this time its quick.
Just a quick update, cervix is super soft 60%, and a loose 1.5cm.
I had a checkup yesterday, BP was a little high, like always, but still low at home.

Weight still the same, fundal height perfect, heartbeat good, head down, declined cervical check.

And TMI, I'm going hardcore on these hemorrhoids, I've been treating them when they get painful/itchy/bothersome and then not when they aren't - I think that is my problem. I am now doing the Prep H 3-4x a day, like the tube says, using the suppositories (also, up to 4x a day), using the tucks pads....the whole enchilada. It is annoying, but they have actually shrunk a lot with my aggressive treatment.

Oh also the doctor was happy with my glucose management, he said I was a "model patient" with my sugars.
Oh man sorry about the hemmies but good for you for being aggressive. Glad to hear things are going well! :)
Oh man sorry about the hemmies but good for you for being aggressive. Glad to hear things are going well! :)

Didn't really have them with the first, developed them with the second late on, they started rearing their ugly heads in the first trimester of my third pregnancy! :haha:
Boo :(. I have them pre pregnancy on occasion so I was pleasantly surprised I didn't get them in pregnancy
Glad things are going well ladies!
I don't have another appointment until the 14th, I'm also still a couple weeks behind you ladies though, so I'm sure I'll be seeing all your lovely birth stories before mine! So crazy how close y'all are your little ones are almost ready!

SO is all worried I'm going to go into labor early. I moan in pain pretty loudly at night. He admitted the other day it worries him when he does hear it. :haha: Says I have to wait until pretty much the very end of the month at least ahhaha. Because the 20th is when we get the rest of the baby stuff, the 21st he's got to write a drivers test and the 22nd he's got a golf tournament! Oh, and the 23rd he wants to take our son to the zoo. :dohh: I'm like well, if I could control it I would, but I don't so don't surprised.
lol what a busy month! Hopefully baby stays cooking in there. I do think there is some mental aspect, not much. But I feel like if you're subconsciously not ready your body holds off. Like my coworkers went from working and then the day after they go on leave out comes their babies hehe
Wow, what a busy month jazz!

I'm hanging in. Contractions are really strong today but still 20 min apart. DH is convinced he's coming next week, I'm not convinced I'll make it through the weekend. Especially with the full moon Sunday. I have to say I'm quite miserable at this point though. Heartburn so bad I throw up, diarrhea for the last few days, and contractions that wake me up at night. Sorry, I just needed to vent. How are y'all feeling?
Aww sorry you're not feeling too hot. I agree. Sounds like baby is gearing up to make an appearance soon.

I'm feeling exhausted. Another it's almost 1pm and I haven't gotten up. I will soon. Just had my coconut water and I get a small boost of energy from that. My chest hurts from laying on my side but it's the only way I can breathe. Not really a whole lot to report over here
I'm not feeling so great these days either. Mostly just very very tired all the time. And when I'm not I'm trying to get as much done as possible which gets me in trouble with SO who keeps telling me not to push myself so hard. Got in trouble with my sister yesterday too telling me to stop doing everything for everyone hahaha.
And the pains at night of course are killing me but I try to be thankful for the fact little man's letting me know he's there. 😁
I hate y'all are feeling bad, but it's nice to know I'm not alone! Lol!
Lucky you. I have everybody getting on my case about the clutter in his room or the state of my house. Like f* all of you. Either help or stfu and gtfo. Like SO had the audacity last night to tell me to get A's room finished. Took everything in my power not to curse him out.
Dobby, you are stronger willed than me! I would have cussed him out! I have to say, I'm very very lucky to have DH. He's been amazing, especially the last few weeks. He's basically been at my beck and call, cooked supper almost every night, takes care of the kids after working all day, and he hasn't complained one bit. I seriously don't know how I lucked out.

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