August 2017

AFM, 1cm dilated, 50% effaced, baby still high. Another week....
Awww each week is just more time to grow. But I'm with you. Starting to get impatient. Ugh lol I wish it was Monday so I could hear if anything interesting is happening. But I feel like I can't exactly progress more lol
Geez what a day yesterday was! I'll post my entire birth story in a few days, but yesterday was definitely not what I envisioned at all. Pushed for 2 hours because he was sunny side up, my epidural wore off on my right side just before pushing, Jacob was taken to the NICU for 3 days unexpectedly due to breathing and low sugar issues, and I am emotionally and physically spent.

If y'all could just say a prayer, send up good vibes, and/or keep us in your thoughts I would greatly appreciate it as I'm not handling having him away from me very well.
I'm so sorry to hear that. Sending lots of positive vibes that he Will be out of nicu soon and in your arms
Congratulations honey, I'm sorry he's got to be away for a bit, but I hope he comes out fighting fit soon!
kryssy1104 - Sending you tons of love and energy for a speedy recovery from your labour. On the positive side - you DID it! You made it through something that must have felt sooooo incredibly difficult - congratulations mama!! And I can only imagine how rough this must be to have him in the NICU now - especially after all of that. Sending you so many prayers that he'll be back with you very, very soon!

I've been reading all of these posts but haven't posted in forever - life has just been too busy lately. But it's been soooo comforting to read everyone's posts to know that I'm not alone in feeling fatigued, etc!! But I'm getting really excited for all of us - our babes will be here before we know it!

Geez what a day yesterday was! I'll post my entire birth story in a few days, but yesterday was definitely not what I envisioned at all. Pushed for 2 hours because he was sunny side up, my epidural wore off on my right side just before pushing, Jacob was taken to the NICU for 3 days unexpectedly due to breathing and low sugar issues, and I am emotionally and physically spent.

If y'all could just say a prayer, send up good vibes, and/or keep us in your thoughts I would greatly appreciate it as I'm not handling having him away from me very well.
Dobby - I've done venting more than once in this thread I totally get it. Sometimes it doesn't even matter if we get responded to as long as we get it out. I know I'm 100 types of anxiety and stress lately and no one around seems to wanna hear it, so this thread is my saviour.

Kryssy - Congratulations girl! So happy for you on the arrival of your little man! I'm sorry he's got to spend some time away from you. But just think of all those cuddles you'll get to catch up on once he's all better. And you're the first! You're going to pave the way now for the rest of us as we all end our pregnancy journeys one by one. Can't wait to hear the whole story. <3

As for me, I have an appointment tomorrow. It'll be the time for my GBS swab, oh joy oh bliss.... Lmao. Again I'm at the point where I'm done with pregnancy but I'm not ready to give birth.
lol I just realized last night as I watched a turtle lay eggs that a freaking human is about to come out of my vag, I'm very not okay with this lol

That's true, forgot Kryssy broke the seal. In before babies, babies, babies <3

I feel better now that I can walk in his room but it's still a bit to go. Have some errands to run but at least it's my weekly mom lunch
Whew. It's been a while since I've stopped by. Mostly because I've been weaning off my antidepressant so my life is basically shit right now. As of Tuesday I am completely drug free, because apparently it's suggested to be off the zoloft a few weeks before baby is born to ensure the lungs are up to speed. Ok little man, time is ticking, pleasea come before mommy has a nervous breakdown. My eyes literally hurt from crying several times a day and I'm really feeling like I shouldn't be a mom at all, to one, much less two. But I know it's the anxiety talking. Been dealing with the old "i hate myself and want to die" crap as well. I'm almost 36 weeks now....He can come in one week. Or two. Or three. or Four. If he's not out by four I am going in to get him. Then I can go back to feeling sane again. Anyway, we have a growth scan wednesday, and I can't wait. I've been measuring 3 weeks ahead for a while now, but they say the measurements aren't always accurate. I've gained 18 lbs total, which I don't feel is terrible---last time I gained 40---but the dr. told me to not gain anymore. Like ok, yea, whatever, I'm just trying to not kill myself here.
Ok, so here's a copy and paste job from what I posted on Facebook of a semi birth story. Just wanted to fill yall in on why I haven't been by all week.

So this week has been a roller coaster of emotions. Jacob decided to arrive 3 weeks early, it was a very long labor and delivery that was incredibly hard. Then after only getting to love on our sweet boy for a very short time he was whisked away to the NICU. We knew he was having trouble keeping his oxygen level up and his sugar up. The next day they discovered a couple things that they shared that could be a very serious chromosomal disorder. After 2 long days of tests, IV's, monitors, preparing ourselves for an extended NICU stay and a life long condition that would've limited Jacob's life to Dr offices and tests; I'm very relieved and happy to say he is perfectly fine! If he can overcome the breathing issues and wean off the IV to bottles/breastfeeding then we will be heading home in a few short days!
Sorry to take so long updating everyone, but we didn't have any answers ourselves and couldn't handle trying to answer everyone else's questions. we greatly appreciate all of you for praying for us, especially our little miracle! We still ask for y'all to give us time to get home before you visit and please do not come if you are sick. As they are treating him as a preemie and have advised he will get sick more easily.

Again, thank you all for thinking of us and praying for us, and mostly loving us!
Glad to hear he is fine Kryssy! That sounds like a real roller coaster!

CountryBride, sorry to hear you are having a hard time coming off the zoloft. I was put on it at 24 weeks and told to taper off at 28 weeks as I was experiencing significant sexual dysfunction while on it. I probably tapered off way too fast, but the depression did not come back. I still have anxiety though, I have lived with anxiety almost all my adult life. I still have low dose klonopin for that and I feel fine taking it in the second and third trimesters.

AFM, I am 90% done with my hospital bags, the rest won't be done until I'm ready to go because it's stuff I use.

I have several small "kits" in packing organizers that my dad gave me one time.
- I have a pre-labor/monitoring clothing kit, with maternity leggings, a shirt, some genie bras, and my laboring clothes. This is on the top of my bag to be used when checking in, early labor (GBS+ and VBAC, so going to the hospital early) as well as socks and a couple depends in case my water breaks but I still want to walk around the hospital.
- I have a post birth clothing kit for me, with yoga pants, breastfeeding tanks, granny panties if I want them, and two nicer "going home" or "having guests" type shirts. I will add nursing bras to this as I leave, as I'm still nursing.
- I have a "post birth lady bits" kit, which has dermoplast, some wipes, I will keep my peri bottle in it after they give it to me, and I mean to put some witch hazel wipes/tucks and hemorrhoid stuff in it soon, and my depends. The pads are just in their packages in my small overnight bag.
- I have a baby clothes kit, which contains 4 newborn outfits, 3 0-3 month outfits, and 1 preemie outfit (I think we're past that), with hats and socks for both, as well as two cotton swaddle blankets (even though the hospital provides). Mostly likely the child will wear NB, but maybe 0-3, so I'm prepared.
- I have a baby diaper kit, since I plan to do cloth from birth. It has my newborn sized covers, my inserts, and the samples of 'sposies as well as water wipes and sample size honest company wipes. I will add more covers to this when they come in the mail this week and put a wet bag in as well, as I just realized I didn't have one when typing this.
- Lastly, I have a small overnight bag that is an actual luggage bag. It has my toiletries, my pads, the baby gadgets like the pacifiers I'm bringing and pacifier clips. I will have my phone charger, hairbrush, headphones, etc - last minute items, all in here. As well as my wallet and other "purse" items.

In addition to all that (it's not much in reality I swear, compared to my last birth) I have a rolling cooler bag, which I will pack with drinks for DH and myself, small GD friendly snacks for early labor and keeping my sugars in check, and then also my POST baby POST GD indulgences. So far, I have gummy bears. LOL.

It's all stacked up neatly by the car seat, so.....I feel better knowing it's ready and if I walked out the door today it's packed and good to go.
Sounds like you're ready misspriss!! Good luck!

Yeah, and I just re-read the last two weeks of my last pregnancy journal, I don't think this baby will be coming any early either, but best be ready...
Jeez misspriss, wanna come to Canada and do my hospital bags too? Sounds like you have it all figured out :haha:
Lol right? I wanted to do that but then I was like f* it and just threw everything in my duffle bag lol. I do have a bag for baby stuff, but everything else is just everywhere lol.

Afm no progress since 36w. Still 2.5 and 75% and -1 station. I'll see my gyn again on my due date. If no baby/progress she'll book induction for 41w. Mostly finished the nursery though :). Just need to find a shelving unit I like to put the white sound speaker and video monitor as I don't want to mount it straight into the wall.
I don't even have anything packed yet!! I`ve been having SUCH a hard time these past couple weeks between not sleeping at night and then trying to stay awake and keep everyone happy AND do household stuff during the day is hard enough. Plus we STILL don't have everything and I can't do anything about it until Thursday. SO will be pissed I didn't wait until he was off to go shopping but at this point I just don't care I've had enough I just want stuff DONE. I don't care if it kills me I WILL have everything needed to be done, done before this baby arrives, lmao.
Yeah just tell him it has to get done. That's sweet that he's so invested though :)

I told mine I finished the nursery and do you think he look in there? Nope. He asked if I wanted a cookie, I said yes, he got me a cookie. Lol we're so effing weird

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