Oh Dobby sounds like it's getting close with the bag bulging!
Not for me, no change since last week at my appointment today. BP was lower. Fundal height right on track, heartbeat good, baby is head down but still high (although babies tend to "drop" early for FTM, most subsequent babies do not drop until you are in labor). So no change, no increase in contractions, although I will say I thought we might have kicked it off DTD last night, those were INTENSE contractions from the sex, like real contractions not BH, but only for a minute and they did not continue.
I even dreamed last night I was going into labor, one of those dreams where you are half awake and half asleep and it feels really real. I had a super weird dream that woke me out of a dead sleep last night where I was trying really hard to get home, like walking a long way in a snowstorm, and I walked into my house and it was like the ceiling and house opened up into an epic like sunset type something or another and I woke up from a dead sleep, had to pee. After that I half slept half dreamed I was going into labor, packing up the rest of my bags, etc....it was weird.
Today would be the last day for a baby to be born with a forward-backward birthday, 7-19-17. Unless something drastic happens, it won't happen for me, lol.