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August 2017

Thanks Dobby. Haha oh I know exactly what you mean. Up until a few weeks ago I wasn't worried and figured my body would manage it because that's what we are meant to be able to do and thought that I'd get in the right head space and just go with it. But now I'm freaking out haha. My DH tried to do the perineal massage and I thought it hurt too. Two of my friend have had traumatic births in the past few weeks, which doesn't help either!!
Yeah, my mom had csections and my cousins breezed through birth (if was labor that got them) but yeah. Idk I'm terrified now lol. A lot of my Bnb friends had traumatic or scares during birth and always say they forgot it as soon as they held their baby, so I just figured at the end I get my son and didn't think about the process. But nope. Thought about it. Terrified of it now lol
It is a scary thing ladies, I won't lie to you. Your body isn't yours, sometimes you just can't get it to do what you want it to do, or what it needs to, because it has other plans. It hurts, it's exhausting and for a lot of us it's completely the worst. But people aren't lieing when they say you forget about it after. Even if you're beyond exhausted, ready to pass out, in pain all over and people are still poking and prodding you, as soon as that baby is on you, you forget it all. Even just for a little while none of it matters, because that little bean has finally made it into our world and it's a wonderful thing, regardless of the journey that got you there. That's the moment I'm going to hold onto to get me through it all. That one and the moment my boys meet for the first time.
You'll make it mamas. <3 I'm proof that even when you've had enough, you've lost the battle and you say you can't do it anymore and you mean it, you still can. And you will, one way or another. I believe in you all :)
Thanks Jasmine. I do believe that once the baby is here you forget it all, but I just have to get to that stage first haha. I was hoping nature would do its thing and I'd just manage but the closer I get and the more I read and hear, the less likely I think that's going to happen. How do you handle pain normally Dobby?

Before last week I never noticed/my baby didn't get the hiccups. But in the past week he's had them between 3-6 times a day. I know it was a silly idea but Dr Google said sometimes frequent hiccuping isn't a good sign. Have you ladies experienced this or know anymore?
Jasmine beautifully said :)

I don't handle pain. I'm a big freaking baby. Nooooo pain tolerance at all. I come off strong at the doctor's because my mom raised me that you never make someone's job harder, and crying and screaming and making a scene at the doctor's makes their job harder. So usually it's deep breaths and silent crying and looking away.

My hope is to use the coping techniques. The walking, the labor ball, ice, distraction method. She should us some ways we can lean on our balls and have our partners use pressure to alleviate pain. I'd think it was bullshit but I happened to be having painful BH that night and the second she put her hands on me I was instantly relaxed and felt nothing. And if all else fails I'm not opposed to an epidural lol which I hear is amazing

Re hiccups this guy had them like crazy one random week but typically I don't notice. Why would hiccups be bad? It's just baby practicing breathing I thought
Same Dobby, I don't handle pain well, but I try haha. I think this is the one time we can cry and scream though. Yeah same here, I'm thinking about getting a TENs machine. Also I'll use the bath, wheat bags, showers etc. Whatever it takes, but I just feel like I'll probably end up with an epidural. I've heard they're great too haha.

Hmm maybe it's no big deal. I've only noticed them once today. The article I read said that having hiccups lots could indicate cord compression. I'm sure it's probably fine.
Hm interesting idk much about it just that babies should be hiccuping third tri. But I'm not a doctor lol

Yeah tens machines aren't a big thing here, so my insurance/hospital says you have to rent, borrow, or buy one from the Internet if you want that. My three least favorite words lol
My new breast pump came in today! Spectra S2. Pretty cool.

Decided to go out today and take the kids out for a bit, try to keep my mind off things. Went to the trampoline park and let them jump for a while, then went to Target and got groceries and a few other things.

This weekend, all of my state is under a Heat Advisory or a Heat Warning (the difference being indices between 105 and 110, and 110 and 115). It's sweltering. If it was too hot to be out before, it is definitely too hot now! I keep thinking this little baby will be born in a heat wave...lol.

I guess I have been somewhat nesting, I'm not sure if it's nesting or anxiety about having stuff left to do, or is that what nesting is? lol. I cleaned the car (it needed doing) so we are ready to install new baby's seat. I may install the base this weekend so when we go to the hospital all we have to do is pop it in. I have been ON TOP of the laundry, but partially because I have packed up some of my clothes so I have to wash frequently to make sure I have something to wear. Also I want to make sure DH has clean clothes to pack, we need to get his bag packed this weekend.

The kids clothing bags are packed, they have toothbrushes, toothpaste, and other toiletries already at the in-laws where they will be staying. She also has a pair of PJs each, but they want their special PJ Masks PJs and their PJ masks shirts. I packed 3 pair of PJ and three changes of clothes of some of their favorite clothes for each of them, as well as a couple of swaddle type blankets for DD. I will pack up DD's sleeping baby doll soon and find something special for DS.

My hospital has "upgraded" post partum suites available for $125/night, we have decided if one is available we will go ahead and take the plunge. It's a regular room, with a better TV and concierge service and snacks provided, as well as having a microwave and fridge in the room and a private bath, which all is pretty standard. But it also has a "guest visiting" room with an additional sleeping space and seating, a second bathroom, and just extra space. That way people aren't visiting in your hospital bedroom, you have places to sit other than the bed and one little couch, there is more room for the kids to play if they come up for a while, and you have privacy in your bathroom with all your pads and peri bottle and what not being separate from the one your guests can use. Since this is our last baby, we decided to go for it. Oh you can also call in and have delivered a coffee order for you and your guests, always nice.

The "fee" goes to the hospital foundation for a fund for nurse education, it's also tax deductible, lol. And all the provided snacks will be so nice since the GD will be gone. Also the bed has "nicer" linens and stuff, whatever that means. And they provide certificates for older siblings and a "baby birthday cake" for the new baby's birth - I have heard on some boards about hospitals providing champagne, didn't see that on the website, but cake is nice.
Epidurals are great. How do I know? I'm in labor. I made it 3 hours and to 6cm before I decide the pain trajectory was too real. And oh man it's the good stuff lol
Haha Dobby I love you, are you going to try to have a sleep before you give birth or just see how it goes? Xx
Just rest up if you can :hugs: on the home stretch now Dobs, ready or not!!
Omg dobs! Super jealous :haha:
Enjoy every moment, I know that sounds odd but seriously do! It feels like forever but it's over in a flash really. Can't wait to hear all about it. Good luck. X
Omg! Dobby how exciting. Haha love your epidural comment. All the best, can't wait to hear how it all goes!
Ty ladies little A is about 10 hours old. The long birth story to come later lol
In before long play by play

Pre-Game Day
SO and I BD on Tuesday, and about 5 hours later I had what I thought was my bloody show. Went to L&D for reduced movement/bleeding, but everything was clear so I was sent home and continued to bleed for 24 hours. Things were sooo sore, the dogs super clingy. As we went to bed the night before, SO asked if I could have my water break at night or would baby be more convenient and I said it's a toss up lol.

Early Labor
I woke up at about 7, went about trying not to disturb SO as usual. At 8:30, I felt a gush as I got up to pee and it seriously looked like I sneezed in my pants lol. As I thought, "Huh, that's odd. You'd think I'd have a contraction if I'm losing so much plug this morning," I had my first contraction. I was surprised that the first three were painless and 8m apart then they quickly turned to 5m apart with mild discomfort. L&D said I needed to wait until 2-4 and my pain, but two contractions later literally floored me. So I called and begged to go in. We stopped by the store on the way, and SO was trying not to laugh as I was having contractions in the store. One guy overheard us talking about waters breaking and laughed and said that doesn't happen and we were like no no I'm in labor lol.

I'm 6cm and 100% when I get there at 11:45. I was coping pretty well up to this point, but the triage room was too small to use my hall or anything but they were so full I needed to stay in triage for over 20m. I realized the pain was only going to get worse, so I did the prudent (for me) thing and asked for an epidural. They said it would be an hour! So I begrudgingly took the iv pain meds, and then next thing I knew I was in a labor room getting my epidural :)

Active Labor
Epidural was bomb dot com. My mom massaged me while I got it, and oh man. It was good. I was downright giddy. I couldn't feel s*. It was like, "Oh my that's a big contraction!" "Is it, I felt nothing tra la la".

They were busy af so doctor came back at 3:10. I was 9cm. Came back 6:10, I had an anterior lip. Got the shivers and urge to push not too long after, and was running a low grade fever. So they have me Tylenol and once my fever was gone they checked and the lip was gone. My mom was annoyed because they wanted until he was +2 to push. We suspect because they were busy.

Three practice pushes and his heart rate dropped so I had to wait an hour to try again. Pushed once and the gyn immediately told me to stop pushing because she was not prepared to catch. He was out in one push after that. I tore. Didn't get the degree, but I noticed she was stitching a loooong time. My mom said he came out so fast that things went flying everywhere, and I tore all they way to almost to my anus =/

Baby facts
18inches, 5lbs 3oz
Blood sugar is stabilizing but they still want to check it several times today
Temp dropped to 96 so he was under a warmer for an hour after skin to skin
I passed several clots
No latching, no colostrum production, on a high cal nicu formula :(

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