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August 2017

Dobby congrats!!!!! Sounds like you made the right choice on the epidural! I hope you're able to get some rest and I feel you (literally) on the tear. I thought she was never going to stop stitching me up. Only I did tear to my anus. But my little man has nearly 3lbs on yours lol. Enjoy those sweet snuggles!
Yay Dobby! Congratulations! It definitely sounds like you made the right choice with the epi. Do you reckon asking for it early is the best idea? My husband and midwife are a bit iffy about pain relief.. It's like they forget who's pushing the watermelon out their vagina!! I hope the tear heals quickly. Enjoy your little one!! :)
Personally. It was described to me that the pain would get worse and I would have less time between contractions to rest. At 6cm, yes it hurt like hell but in between I was 100% fine which is how I talked myself into making it to 6 without it. But I realized I would never last without the rest, and I was already fighting them. So I really just thought A- I want to look back with fond memories of my labor and delivery (which I do), B- I didn't want to stall labor by fighting my contractions (I was so relaxed it let me dilate quickly), and C- I couldn't do any coping in that tiny room so I was not going to last 8 more contractions.
That makes perfect sense Dobby. I think I will be much the same. I can tell already that the anxiety of it is going to get to me and I think that's going to hinder things. I don't want to end up too far to get an epidural though. Congratulations again :)
Yeah it's weird to me be cause Kaiser will give you the epidural as long as you can manage your pain long enough to sit still for one. Doesn't matter where you are in the process. But I'm glad I didn't cave and get it immediately so I know what Labor was like and my own strength I didn't know I had, but it was just the right time for me.

And I think every woman knows when or if that time comes for them. But seriously the doctor's and my family kept complimenting me on being super chill and relaxed and aware and quick relative to first time moms.

And I did end up with a second degree tear but meh who knew lol because he literally was out in 1.5 pushes
Holy cow Dobby! Sounds like aside from the tear you really lucked out! So glad you found your strength and made it through! Congrats on your little one, rest and enjoy the baby cuddles lady! 😊
And Sarah it's perfectly normal to be as scared as you are. Despite my speech I'm still terrified and I am also a complete wimp with pain. I will probably get an epidural as soon as they let me! Even though last time didn't do too much for me I can't imagine trying to do it without.
How are all of you guys doing? I just can't wait to meet this little one....every time I get BH I keep thinking, will this turn into something? But so far nothing...
Misspriss, keep an eye on them. What I thought were BH turned out to be legit. I figured they would stop (like every other time), but they persisted and got closer and turned into the real deal.
Misspriss, keep an eye on them. What I thought were BH turned out to be legit. I figured they would stop (like every other time), but they persisted and got closer and turned into the real deal.

They don't come very often, hope they turn into something though!
Fxed misspriss!

So I'll be filing a formal complaint against my hospital for a multitude of negligence. But my biggest concern is the gyn I saw this morning asked if my placenta was sent for analysis. It was noted in my file that it had calcified quite a bit, which could be why he came early and was so small. It was never mentioned to me that it had detached and started dying and if I wanted it analyzed, the answer being obviously so.
Dobby that's really bad. I thought about detaching placenta with all the bleeding (I think I mentioned it to you) and I'm not a medical professional by any stretch of the imagination!! So yes I would 100% file a complaint. It sounds like they were awful to you for a lot of your stay!
It seriously only got worse after that. They had 8 or 9 babies born that day and 4 the next, they were completely overwhelmed. They disregarded my signed birth plan, ignored my requests, left things off my chart... I didn't see an lc until the day I checked out for five minutes!!! Meanwhile my kid is small and not matching and having blood sugar problems. Nurses losing his beanie and letting him go without it and his sugar dropped down from 62 to 41
Oh Dobby that's serious negligence!! File away my dear, let them have it!! I'm so angry they've done that to you and poor little A!!!
Wow Dobby I'd be really upset at the negligence too. I worry my LO will have blood sugar problems, even though my GD is well controlled :/

Well officially nothing happened over the weekend. I am not feeling anything else, the BH never went anywhere...just hanging in there. Really like to get to 39 weeks anyway, just really hoping to meet my LO soon.

Of course, as DH was leaving for work today he said "Today would be a really bad day for you to go into labor" (work wise, he has a lot on his plate today), so watch my waters go at noon today or something :haha:
Well on an unrelated note, a little drama to take the mind off.

A couple of weeks ago, DH talked to his mom and they agreed to throw me a sprinkle for this baby since I'd never had a right proper shower for any of my kids. I was super thrilled and grateful. DH told me his "mom and her sisters" were throwing it, and nothing more. I know that his mom and her younger sister were very involved. Obviously I talk to his mom a lot, and it was at the younger sister's house - so they were obviously involved. I did not see the older sister's involvement, but it isn't my place to determine or know how much each one contributed, that would be rude to ask.

So I made them all a wee little gift, a monogrammed soap bottle that I posted upthread, and a bottle of inexpensive wine. I made the same thing for each of the women, because again, it would be rude to "tell" me who did what, it would be rude for me to ask, and it would be rude to thank some and not others. I put ribbon and a thank you note on each one and made them "pretty". I don't frequently see the aunts, so I gave them to my MIL and asked her to drop them by to her sister (she sees them fairly frequently). I would have just handed them out at the shower, but I literally walked out the door and forgot them on the counter!

All good right? No problems? I did the socially acceptable thing and thanked them all, they did the tactful thing and didn't brag about who did what or who didn't do what, all good, right?

Well, MIL sent out a cute picture in a group text saying here is the thank you to all the ladies and she'd be bringing them by, AFAIK there was no ill intent. Well apparently younger sister got super offended that oldest sister got a thank you gift the same as hers, because she felt her contribution was significantly more. Who cares? The idea of a hostess gift is because you are grateful, not to equal the contribution of the hostess. It is not like if I hadn't gotten one for the oldest sister the youngest sister would have gotten anything different? So why be so pissy? It's a hand soap and bottle of inexpensive wine, it's the thought that counts....

So MIL is not talking to her younger sister, she feels she is in the wrong and I agree, although "not speaking to" isn't my style, I agree she is being childish. MIL has also refused to tell me (not downright refusal, just won't bring it up) why she is upset with her, which I respect her for. I had to pry it out of DH because I suspected that was what it was.

It's unfortunate too, younger sister/aunt is about to have her second grandchild (MIL's third) she is due the 31st of July.
Awww man miss family drama is no fun. She it totes overreacting but yeah I overreacted to things from the hormones. I hope it gets sorted soon

And lol babies do like to come on super inconvenient days so watch out ;)

Yeah once I get some rest I'm going to sit down and make a list of the mildly annoying to negligent to downright put my kid in danger. But for now I'm just rocking this needy little butt.
Awww man miss family drama is no fun. She it totes overreacting but yeah I overreacted to things from the hormones. I hope it gets sorted soon

And lol babies do like to come on super inconvenient days so watch out ;)

Yeah once I get some rest I'm going to sit down and make a list of the mildly annoying to negligent to downright put my kid in danger. But for now I'm just rocking this needy little butt.

So no signs or anything, still just the random painless BH.

What if this baby waits for the next full moon? It isn't until the 7th! Which is only 3 days after my due date though, it's apparently a big one.

I know the statistics don't support it, but everyone who works at the hospital says the full moon makes babies come....
Well, me, nor either of my sisters were born on a full moon, so there probably isn't anything to that theory!

ETA according to the website I'm using, almost 2/3 of babies are born on the Waning Gibbous or Waxing Crescent, we are in the waxing crescent now....the things you do when you are waiting on labor....lol.

Full moons do some weirrrrrd things to kids. We'll sit at the table talking about student shenanigans and think they are being especially nutty across the school and then someone points out it's a full moon night :rofl:

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