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August 2017

Yeah, I've gotten nothing but BH and constant moving pains. This little man is just too big to be doing the movements he is at night! I can't sleep. SO finally felt my pain last night, we were actually able to cuddle for once and he just had his hand on my stomach and was like damn girl he moves a lot :haha: :haha: I'm like I'VE ONLY BEEN TRYING TO TELL YOU PEOPLE FOR THE LAST MONTH HOW BAD IT IS!! Hahha.
Lucas and I has our Build-a-Bear date finally after sooo long of saying we're going to do it. In case I haven't told the story yet. When I was pregnant with Lucas, my SO and I went to build-a-bear and made him a stuffed dog named Roger, and I used the crap out of that thing when things got rough in the pregnancy. And then when Lucas was born we gave it to him. Well, since I was only a couple months pregnant this time I said I wanted to take Lucas there so we could do the same thing and make one for the baby. I was getting worried we wouldn't be able to but we finally did and Lucas really enjoyed it, it seems. We got home and he showed the bear (who he named Rocky) around the apartment telling him about his new life it was so cute.
Aw how sweet!

Of course I talked to DH today, he is like "It would really be great if the baby could hold off until this weekend"....of course since he says that, I'm sure I'll go into labor at the worst possible moment....Just kidding of course.

I need to distract myself, it's all I think about...
Yeah I feel you misspriss, we are getting sprayed this Thursday (bug problems around us, we're being done as a precaution), and not only do I gotta find places for everyone including my cats to go, it's been recommended that because of the smell and stuff that I sleep away from home that night as well. I already predicted having baby Friday or Saturday so being told this I'm like "Well, that's just peachy, you watch I'm going to going into labor that day just to make my life more difficult." I gotta haul ALL my hospital bags and stuff to MIL's or wherever I go, just in case, and haul the cats to I don't even know where yet, poor kitties. And Lucas too. Should be a fun week. NOT, haha.
Awww jasmine that's so cute <333 hopefully the timing works out. I had a feeling my guy was coming over the weekend so I had my last minute to do list ready to go for Friday and as I was laboring (you know before the contractions went from 3 to 7 on the pain scale) all I could think was fffffffffff********** there was so much to still do lol
Yeah I feel you misspriss, we are getting sprayed this Thursday (bug problems around us, we're being done as a precaution), and not only do I gotta find places for everyone including my cats to go, it's been recommended that because of the smell and stuff that I sleep away from home that night as well. I already predicted having baby Friday or Saturday so being told this I'm like "Well, that's just peachy, you watch I'm going to going into labor that day just to make my life more difficult." I gotta haul ALL my hospital bags and stuff to MIL's or wherever I go, just in case, and haul the cats to I don't even know where yet, poor kitties. And Lucas too. Should be a fun week. NOT, haha.

Oh the timing on that sucks!

Well so far no sign of labor and I'm about to get the kids off to the dentist, so that is one thing off the list I wanted to get done before labor.

Then last night DH was saying how he needs a vacation, I told him he gets his time off when the baby comes, then he said he isn't going to make it (too much stress at work), maybe the baby will go ahead and come soon....
Sorry. My SO says two weeks and now it's only one but mine doesn't do anything anyway lol
Had a checkup today. HB good, measuring on track still, .5 lb gain, BP was high then re-positioned my arm and then it was okay. Talked with nurse about what to do when I go into labor if I go into labor naturally, because both of my kids were induced.

They have my EDD at 8/1, not 8/4 because of my LMP. My US and ovulation date both agree 8/4 EDD, but since it was less than 1 week different, they didn't change it (although my first OB said they would, but then I had to switch and didn't bring it up with new OB). So they have me at 39+1 today and my next appointment is at 40 weeks exactly to them, when to me I'm 38+5 and will be 39+4 when I go back. NBD as 39+ is considered full term so next appointment if I don't have the baby by then I'm full term.

So my plan, from here on out - REALLY want to go into labor this weekend. Although I talked with the nurse, she said evenings and weekends were best, but really any time after Monday or Tuesday, as most inductions and c-sections are scheduled then so the patient can go home by the weekend, so being past that, any time my body will go will be good. I will be full term on Friday.

I don't want to try anything dangerous like castor oil or anything at this point. But here is my plan:
- Warm, relaxing bath each evening.
- Hope to get a relaxing massage and DTD every night, if my body is up for it.
- Bought an exercise ball, will start sitting on and bouncing on that tonight.
- Start really using the EPO, I have been lax about it.
- Be diligent with my anxiety medication and sleep habits, as stress and lack of sleep can delay things moving on.
- Friday, as of 39 weeks, I plan to drink some strong RLT ("labor day tea"), it's just red raspberry leaf tea, made strong and steeped long, and lots of it.
- Make an effort to do some walking each and every day. Today I went to Target and shopped. Tomorrow I may find some place to take the kids I can walk, etc - keep this up until the baby comes.

None of these things seem inherently dangerous, most are actually about helping me and my body and mind to relax and not stress about going into labor. The RLT does not appear to be dangerous either, so I'm going to go for it.

My MIL has predicted I will go this weekend (as of last weekend) so I'm hoping it will hold true.
Also do circles and figure 8s on the ball. It helps your pelvis relax. I'm convinced that helped send me into labor.
I've been having fairly regular cramps and back pain in the past 24-36 hours. My body has been "clearing itself out". I don't think they're contractions because the cramps are lasting for a long time (10-20 minutes). Last night when I was leaning against my birth ball and TMI I just felt really open down there.

I had the midwife today and she said she thought it might be a UTI (but my dipstick was ok). BP was all fine and baby was all good. He was (still) head down, back to the left, and now engaged 2/5 (was 3/5 two weeks ago).

Basically I'm having some bloods and urine done and to rest and take it easy. She wants me to call if things change. She said it's earlier than what she'd like for me to deliver (obviously!). But I'm not sure whether I'm dialated or anything because we don't get those checks here unless you're in active labour.

It's so hard when it's all unknown! I think I'll know when my water breaks/lose my plug/bloody SHOW, but the cramping/tightening etc... I don't know what to expect. I just need baby to hold on another week or so because my DH is still overseas!
Sarah I hope your LO stays put for a few more weeks!

AFM, got my bath last night, it was fab. Got DH to give me a shoulder rub then we DTD....that is one reason I'll keep this baby in a little longer, not looking forward to the sex-free post-partum time. I love pregnant sex.
Sarah, my body "cleared itself" for a few weeks before he actually showed. But the day I went into labor it was worse than normal.
Just catching up again on here. I've been to see midwife again today, she was supposed to be doing a membrane sweep for me but I declined it.
OH is away tomorrow morning until Sunday afternoon so if I had it, I'd probably end up having to call him back which wouldn't be ideal. I could do with crossing my legs all weekend!
Had a LOT of snotty discharge last night and today, I feel constantly wet. Also been to the bathroom 6 times in the last 24 hours which is unusual for me especially since being on my iron tablets I'm not usually regular at all!
Wondering if it's a sign labour is close but hoping it's not too close! It's the only time I don't want to go into labour.
I won't see my midwife again now until 7th if I make it that far. I'll be 3 days overdue, she is going to visit me at home and said she will do a membrane sweep for me then instead if I'd like one.
I'm still in shock I've made it this far! Apart from the extra wetness and toilet trips I'm feeling no labour twinges at all, not even braxton hicks!
Sarah I got those long cramps and clearing out WEEKS before my LO came so try not to panic just yet, and my kiddo was -2 station (I'm guessing that's the equivalent to 2/5 engaged since ours is on a 5 scale with 0 being fully engaged). So just keep relaxed and telling that baby to wait for daddy

Miss sounds sweet! I'm jealous. SO is all over my boobs but we can't have sex for 6 weeks. It's frustrating. Plus pregnant sex felt like I was getting done with a knife so I haven't had good sex in a year T-T

Kirsty hope baby stays out for hubby
I am just frustrated today. The day started off good and productive but I was just out of energy by 2 pm. I called DH and complained and he just got annoyed at me because I'm in a bad mood. I'd be annoyed with me too, honestly.

A while back I contacted some doulas, hoping we'd be able to afford one again. Last time we used one it was $600, it's gone up to $1,000 and our budget is just tighter, we don't have the spare money so I let them know that and moved on, that was around 20 weeks. I just decided DH and I are in this on our own, we have to do it ourselves. That was fine and all but it was kind of a sore point for me as I really appreciated having a doula with my last birth, which was a rather difficult induction. All find and dandy but they just called me today, I guess hoping to get a last minute customer or something. Nothing I can do, we have no extra money, definitely not $1,000 laying around.

I'd sure be nice if my mom were still around to be there with me, or my sisters were more supportive, but they aren't either.

I'm frustrated with my body for not showing any signs of going into labor, even though I know signs mean nothing and you can just go from 0 to having a baby in a matter of hours, it is still very frustrating. I'm so tired of this diet. I've been on it for 3 months and I don't feel like I really need to be, as I have had ONE high reading (and by high reading, I mean 121 when my limit is 120) in the past month. But it's important to be diligent up until the end because if you have trouble with high glucose in the week or so before your baby is born it can set your baby up for hypoglycemia after birth.

I'm frustrated that I never get a break. The kids at least had Mothers Day Out during the school year, but we can't afford it going forward so I won't even have that this year. My MIL watches them, but she can only manage once a week or so, and she watched them yesterday. Which is great, but the only times I get a break are to go to the doctor, never to just relax or something. I can't even get them both to use their tablets for a little while so I can get a break. They can't agree on a TV show, so I can't put a show on. DD did not take a good nap yesterday or today, so I don't even get that time.

I was telling DH, you know with my sisters if the roles were reversed I'd be the first person to be offering them help. But do they even consider I might need something? Being all last week of pregnancy level pregnant and all, never crossed their minds I guess.
Thanks so much everyone. That's reassuring to know! I had a little panic that things were about to happen, but thankfully it looks like he'll stay put for a little while longer. At least until his Dad gets home! I feel much better knowing that you guys have been having this for the past few weeks!!
Well, to celebrate my 39 week full term mark, I'm makin some labor day tea and positively violating this poor exercise ball with all the hip swinging dancing on it.

My plan for tonight is to have a relaxing bath and jump DH's bones. If we didn't kick off labor the other night though...the night before last we had the most mind blowing time ever....at least we are enjoying ourselves!

Depending on my energy level, I may go up and down the stairs later for a bit.
FYI, Pitbull is my go-to for hip shaking....really gets me moving :haha:
Oooh what's labour day tea??
DTD hasn't been working for us either but I've sure been enjoying trying! Will miss OH this weekend :haha:

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