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August 2017

Ty ladies. Unfortunately I am very prone to keloids, and even when I don't develop one my wounds tend to heal veeeeerrrryyyy slowly =\. I kicked myself back in second tri, smallest scrap in the world, and it's still healing. I spiked myself at a track meet once and it took years to fully heal. Most of the women in my family on my mom's side have this problem.

Kryssy that is awesome!!! Congrats! Mine is predictable but not on a schedule. I can get a 4 hour or 6 hour stretch at night, and he's usually good about being out 2-3 hours at a time during the day. His cluster feeds are unpredictable but he's not an unconscionable butt during them and being on a bottle makes them far less annoying than I'm sure they could be lol
Me and my exercise ball have a date going on, getting down and dirty dancing to Pitbull again this afternoon.

Had a few on and off irregular contractions this AM, not too painful to walk through but enough to kind of make me pause and assess, if that makes sense. DH watched the kiddos so I could hit a Target run alone, thought the walking might help but I guess it was false because walking made it go away not get stronger.

We DTD last night but I wasn't super into it, kept being distracted. Didn't get the bath, I ended up with two showers. Had a shower, then went #2 and the 'roids couldn't handle the paper/wipes again so into the shower again it was. Felt like I was having contractions in my sleep, I hear you do have lots of BH in your sleep though. Kept dreaming of labor. Nothing this morning.

So just keeping on keeping on around here, going to the MIL's after nap (and maybe the park, depending on time) having dinner there. Same plan as usual in the evening, maybe a bath, time with DH, time on the ball, trying to avoid stress.

Never finished that nasty tea, I guess I could try and choke down the rest today. I think I'd rather make it regular strength and drink it alllllll day long.
Have you looked into getting a labor ready massage? If it doesn't work at least you get a nice massage out if it hehe
I missed out on mine. It was booked 6 hours after I went into labor lol. But yeah look into it. Just make sure they are prenatal certified and what not. It's a massage but they specifically target the labor pressure points. But if you aren't ready, it won't send you into labor so no real risk. And any reputable place wouldn't do it before 38-39 weeks anyway.
The growth scan turned out good. Then I was in the hospital this past weekend with false (prodromal?) labor. Contractions went from every 15 minutes to every 2-5, and continued for almost an entire day. But I was only 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced so I was sent back home, where they eventually stopped. I am so ready to get this baby out of my stomach and into my arms. Also, apparently my due date was changed to the 10th, and I just didn't know, based on my dating scan and subsequent scans, so I'm actually a few days further than I thought, so that's nice, 4 less days of feeling like a beached whale, hopefully!
Oh wow that's crazy they lasted so long. Glad baby gets to cook a bit more and congrats on the bump up of EDD. Sorry though. I know you got in the head space of having your baby. I used to just tell myself every day he's in the womb is one day stronger
I missed out on mine. It was booked 6 hours after I went into labor lol. But yeah look into it. Just make sure they are prenatal certified and what not. It's a massage but they specifically target the labor pressure points. But if you aren't ready, it won't send you into labor so no real risk. And any reputable place wouldn't do it before 38-39 weeks anyway.

I looked, not any available here. It is hard enough to find prenatal massage at all, I could not find any that offered labor ready ones.
Bummer! I'm sorry. I was surprised I had several local places, and one was highly recommended by the Kaiser midwife who taught our childbirth class. Pedicure time?
I've had irregular contractions since last night. They are so annoying. They don't hurt but are definitely there, much worse when I walk about my whole stomach tenses up so tight. Keep getting sharp stabbing type pains in my vagina too. Wish it would turn into something real!
I've had irregular contractions since last night. They are so annoying. They don't hurt but are definitely there, much worse when I walk about my whole stomach tenses up so tight. Keep getting sharp stabbing type pains in my vagina too. Wish it would turn into something real!

If I say I'm having anything, it's very irregular. I've had the odd contraction every now and then, never turns into anything at all.

I also had some really low crampy feelings in the very front, never developed much into anything at all.

I just wish something would happen :dohh: this is the hard part, the waiting...I really hope I don't go overdue, I'll be a hot mess.

I'm exhausted today, I went to the grocery store then the in-laws yesterday, and apparently that just drained me today. I really wish I had someone who could watch the kiddos for me today and I could just lie in bed and rest, and snuggle with DH, etc.

But nope. They've already been watching TV almost all morning, poor kids...
My waters broke half an hour after writing that! I'm just at the hospital now, contractions have really ramped up and are coming fast and painful. Just waiting to be examined, I'm in a lot of pain it's worse than I remember!!
My waters broke half an hour after writing that! I'm just at the hospital now, contractions have really ramped up and are coming fast and painful. Just waiting to be examined, I'm in a lot of pain it's worse than I remember!!

OMG Good Luck!!!
I hope things are going well Kirsty! I'm thinking of you!

(and a wee bit jealous, not even getting BH anymore...:haha:)
Hi ladies!
So waters went at 4:45pm and baby was born at 8:08pm. He's absolutely perfect, 8lbs 3oz but no name at the moment. It's looking like we will be in for 5 days though so he can have IV antibiotics due to my gbs because they didn't get chance to give me the drip before delivery :(
Hi ladies!
So waters went at 4:45pm and baby was born at 8:08pm. He's absolutely perfect, 8lbs 3oz but no name at the moment. It's looking like we will be in for 5 days though so he can have IV antibiotics due to my gbs because they didn't get chance to give me the drip before delivery :(

Wow that was fast Kirsty!!

I'm also GBS+, hope they can get the two doses when I go into labor.

Although I think they have said it would only be a 48 hour stay if we didn't get them in time, vs a 24 hour stay if we did? 5 days is a while, but good luck!
Wow that was fast! Sorry to hear about the extended hospital stay, but congrats on welcoming your son to the world!
Hi ladies!
So waters went at 4:45pm and baby was born at 8:08pm. He's absolutely perfect, 8lbs 3oz but no name at the moment. It's looking like we will be in for 5 days though so he can have IV antibiotics due to my gbs because they didn't get chance to give me the drip before delivery :(

Hope you can find a name soon too, DH and I have a boy name, and we're pretty certain it's a boy, but if it's a girl it will be "baby girl" when it's born for sure.

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