**August 2020 Lucky Testers: 49 Testers - 16 BFPs**

Sending you all the hugs <3
Don't lose hope. There is always a chance. I know one lady who had a healthy child later than you are trying now.. I hope the same happens for you. I'm praying you are blessed with a healthy pregnancy and the doctor will help you. If this doctor is unhelpful you could always try finding another.
Oraly I always have done it orally.
This was yesterday
View attachment 1086215
And today my temp went below cover and FF has taken the cross hairs away.
View attachment 1086216

This cycle is my last hope becuase I have to have all the bloodtests next cycle.
The doctor thinks I'm going through pre menopause and thats why I keep having losses.
I wont get the bloodtest results untill October and then I may need more tests etc. So rhis cycle is my last hope for this year.
And thats providing im not going through pre menopause there will be no healthy pregnancy ever again.

Even if its progesterone I don't think the doctor will help because of my age.
So what's the point.
All I seem to get is chemicals and my heart can not take any more losses.

Aww, sweetie :( I totally understand how you feel. Initialy, when I was first TTC (over 15 years ago - eek!) it took us 5 years to conceive. Then, after a failed round of IVF and an operation for endo, I conceived my first son, then I miscarried then I conceived again and had a secod son eight years ago. I'm now with a new partner and I am now 40 as well. We had an chemical loss in January but I am now pregnant again and (fingers crossed) this one seems to be okay.

When my IVF failed and I had had zero success in getting pregnant, I remember being ready to give it all up. In fact, I went on something of a bender after that - chucked my thermometre out, stopped having tests, had lots of wine, went to a spa (!) and cliched as it sounds, I managed to get pregnant naturally two months later.

So, hang on in there and don't give up hope. Thinking of you xxx
Oraly I always have done it orally.
This was yesterday
View attachment 1086215
And today my temp went below cover and FF has taken the cross hairs away.
View attachment 1086216

This cycle is my last hope becuase I have to have all the bloodtests next cycle.
The doctor thinks I'm going through pre menopause and thats why I keep having losses.
I wont get the bloodtest results untill October and then I may need more tests etc. So rhis cycle is my last hope for this year.
And thats providing im not going through pre menopause there will be no healthy pregnancy ever again.

Even if its progesterone I don't think the doctor will help because of my age.
So what's the point.
All I seem to get is chemicals and my heart can not take any more losses.

Big hugs, don't give up hope just yet. You can still do this. The tests will hopefully do you some good, you'll know what you are dealing with and can fight it head on.

We're all here to support you and each other hun. I believe you'll be pregnant soon, keep the faith x
@Suggerhoney I would start doing it vaginally if I’m honest it’s so much more accurate x keep doing opks your body could have tried to ovulate and failed ? If you Havnt ovulated it could mean that you have a more mature egg in the next week or two? your body has been though so much it could be trying to regulate things xx hugs & please don’t give up and when you go for your appointment next month if your not pregnant push for every test you can get and if they would possibly prescribe clomied x
5dpo.. Not much to report actually I don’t feel like I have any symptoms! I’m wanting to try and hold out from testing for aslong as I can.. really don’t know if I can handle seeing
A negative test :( I really don’t think I’m going to be lucky enough to fall pregnant on my first proper cycle so I’m finding it hard to stay positive. I seem to ovulate anywhere between Cd13-21.

Thanks ladies.
Just feel so deflated today. I was so happy to get to CD12 b4 getting a positive opk and the. So relieved when O was confirmed on CD13 matching with my opk, cm, cervix position etc and now i just feel so sad that I may be alrady out again.
I really didn't want to have tests. I was hoping this cycle was going to be the one. After 3 chemicals in a row i thought surly this cycle has to be it and now i just feel so sad.

If this is another no cycle then im really sorry but I will have to step away from here because its just to hard.
We've been trying for over 6 months which i know compared to some isnt much but it feels like forever.
I know i can get pregnant but i can't stay pregnant and the worry of having a 4th loss in a row is unbearable.
I was so hoping i wudnt need the bloodtests.
I know in the US they really help ladies but they dont do that here unless ure gonna pay thousands for fertility treatment and i dont have that kind of money.

Thanks for ure kind words ladies it means alot.
I really dont think i stand a chance this cycle now.
I had all the ovulation signs on day 13 pains in overies. Ewcm soft high open cervix and positive opk on day 12. Since day 14 my cm has been thick and white and cervix is low firm clossed.
Did my body try to O and fail?
Or was the low temp today because I didn't sleep so well.
I was up untill gone 3 am and then i slept badly and was woken up at 8:30am.
My thermometer doesn't beep anymore either but it's still taken temps but its hard to know how long to keep it in. I kept it in for about 4 mins this morning. I did another temp after but it was after I had moved and it had gone up but I cant add that temp because its not resting temp.

I really hope i still have a chance this cycle and im not out already :(
Thanks ladies.
Just feel so deflated today. I was so happy to get to CD12 b4 getting a positive opk and the. So relieved when O was confirmed on CD13 matching with my opk, cm, cervix position etc and now i just feel so sad that I may be alrady out again.
I really didn't want to have tests. I was hoping this cycle was going to be the one. After 3 chemicals in a row i thought surly this cycle has to be it and now i just feel so sad.

If this is another no cycle then im really sorry but I will have to step away from here because its just to hard.
We've been trying for over 6 months which i know compared to some isnt much but it feels like forever.
I know i can get pregnant but i can't stay pregnant and the worry of having a 4th loss in a row is unbearable.
I was so hoping i wudnt need the bloodtests.
I know in the US they really help ladies but they dont do that here unless ure gonna pay thousands for fertility treatment and i dont have that kind of money.

Thanks for ure kind words ladies it means alot.
I really dont think i stand a chance this cycle now.
I had all the ovulation signs on day 13 pains in overies. Ewcm soft high open cervix and positive opk on day 12. Since day 14 my cm has been thick and white and cervix is low firm clossed.
Did my body try to O and fail?
Or was the low temp today because I didn't sleep so well.
I was up untill gone 3 am and then i slept badly and was woken up at 8:30am.
My thermometer doesn't beep anymore either but it's still taken temps but its hard to know how long to keep it in. I kept it in for about 4 mins this morning. I did another temp after but it was after I had moved and it had gone up but I cant add that temp because its not resting temp.

I really hope i still have a chance this cycle and im not out already :(
What dose it do if you put in a high temp for tomorrow ? you still could have ovulated but ff just isn’t picking it up? x
I shud be 4dpo and im on cd17 ive never ovulated any later than day 14.
I really do feel like i have ovulated but im so confused by my temo rise then temp drop for 2 days in a row. To early for implantation.
Hope FF put my cross hairs back in for day 13 again in a few days.
Feel a bit sickly today and keep having niggly headaches. Pluss lots of white cm.
Do u ladies think I still stand a chance looking at my chart?
Please be honest??
What dose it do if you put in a high temp for tomorrow ? you still could have ovulated but ff just isn’t picking it up? x

It gave me cross hairs yesterday hon for day 13 which matches with all my ovulation signs. But my temp dropped below cover to-day so its took them away.
It gave me cross hairs yesterday hon for day 13 which matches with all my ovulation signs. But my temp dropped below cover to-day so its took them away.

OK so just put in a random high temp for tommorow and it gave me cross hairs for day 13 again so let's hope my temp will be alot higher tommorow [-o&lt;
I shud be 4dpo and im on cd17 ive never ovulated any later than day 14.
I really do feel like i have ovulated but im so confused by my temo rise then temp drop for 2 days in a row. To early for implantation.
Hope FF put my cross hairs back in for day 13 again in a few days.
Feel a bit sickly today and keep having niggly headaches. Pluss lots of white cm.
Do u ladies think I still stand a chance looking at my chart?
Please be honest??

From 2-4 dpo your temp can drop due to estergon dropping and then progesterone taking over i believe.

I would go with what your body is feeling x
Congratulations on the positive line @Nixnax
Can't wait to see the digital!

fingers crossed you are not out yet @Suggerhoney

Fingers crossed and babydust to those still waiting

Sorry to those who got AF

I posted before about my ovulation tests-

these are them ranging from Thursday onwards, do you think I missed the peak?
I have had very little Egg white discharge this month, but had some.
I had lots of pains Saturday- which would of been cycle day 14.

thanks xxx

Well, took a HPT this morning as I'm a week late (but I have irregular cycles) so on a normal cycle I would be a week late....and of course, stark white BFN! I'm going to take it as...just waiting for my AF to arrive. This cycle has been crazy weird, I sure hope that I get a normal one next time! I'm at CD35 already.
Well, took a HPT this morning as I'm a week late (but I have irregular cycles) so on a normal cycle I would be a week late....and of course, stark white BFN! I'm going to take it as...just waiting for my AF to arrive. This cycle has been crazy weird, I sure hope that I get a normal one next time! I'm at CD35 already.

Sorry about the bfn :(
Hi all! I hope you ladies have had a nice weekend. I really enjoyed unplugging for a couple of days, enjoyed a couple of glasses of wine, chatted (or rather texted) with some good friends and have come into the week feeling refreshed and excited to try again. Sorry for the novel that follows, I've had time to think this weekend and wanted to share my thoughts :)

It was hard to process not being pregnant this last cycle because I felt so so good about it the whole month. But I've dealt with it and moved on. Last cycle or this one were my ideal times to get pregnant and in a lot of ways, this cycle is better timing. Mainly that baby would be due the end of May right at the end of the school year. It is likely that we will do virtual schooling next semester as well and this way I wouldn't be trying to homeschool and care of a newborn at the same time. My mom will also be out of school so my parents would be able to come up for a couple of weeks to help us transition to having three. AND...I looked up a due date if we fell this cycle- May 23rd. My mom's bday is the 21st, I'm the 22nd. I know you can't predict when baby would be born but I would need an induction for the next one and so might be able to somewhat pick the date! I think it would be so cool to just continue on the May streak lol.

My goal and desire to to remain positive through this whole process as much as I can. Of course there are stressful times or sad times, but overall, I want to just be happy through this. This was a chance for another baby I didn't think i would ever have. I spent 2.5 years trying to convince my husband to have another when he was firmly set against for a long time. Eventually he said yes to adoption and I was over the moon. But every avenue we tried was a road block and it became obvious that adoption wasn't in the cards for us and he was still a hard no to getting pregnant again. My heart grieved over not being able to have this final little baby to make my family feel complete. About a year ago, out of the blue, my husband changed his mind and said yes to trying this year. He saw how much I was hurting and how much I believed this baby was meant to be and said he couldn't ignore that anymore.

I am so grateful to be here trying when I spent years thinking it would never be. I have no clue how long it will take us to get pregnant but I do firmly believe that it will happen and it will happen when it's meant to be.

In any case, thanks for letting me ramble a bit lol


I'm going to start getting caught up on the thread from the weekend but will take me a bit probably to actually post. I have about 30 minutes now to start replying and then can finish up at lunchtime. Hope everyone is having a great Monday so far!
Hi all! I hope you ladies have had a nice weekend. I really enjoyed unplugging for a couple of days, enjoyed a couple of glasses of wine, chatted (or rather texted) with some good friends and have come into the week feeling refreshed and excited to try again. Sorry for the novel that follows, I've had time to think this weekend and wanted to share my thoughts :)

It was hard to process not being pregnant this last cycle because I felt so so good about it the whole month. But I've dealt with it and moved on. Last cycle or this one were my ideal times to get pregnant and in a lot of ways, this cycle is better timing. Mainly that baby would be due the end of May right at the end of the school year. It is likely that we will do virtual schooling next semester as well and this way I wouldn't be trying to homeschool and care of a newborn at the same time. My mom will also be out of school so my parents would be able to come up for a couple of weeks to help us transition to having three. AND...I looked up a due date if we fell this cycle- May 23rd. My mom's bday is the 21st, I'm the 22nd. I know you can't predict when baby would be born but I would need an induction for the next one and so might be able to somewhat pick the date! I think it would be so cool to just continue on the May streak lol.

My goal and desire to to remain positive through this whole process as much as I can. Of course there are stressful times or sad times, but overall, I want to just be happy through this. This was a chance for another baby I didn't think i would ever have. I spent 2.5 years trying to convince my husband to have another when he was firmly set against for a long time. Eventually he said yes to adoption and I was over the moon. But every avenue we tried was a road block and it became obvious that adoption wasn't in the cards for us and he was still a hard no to getting pregnant again. My heart grieved over not being able to have this final little baby to make my family feel complete. About a year ago, out of the blue, my husband changed his mind and said yes to trying this year. He saw how much I was hurting and how much I believed this baby was meant to be and said he couldn't ignore that anymore.

I am so grateful to be here trying when I spent years thinking it would never be. I have no clue how long it will take us to get pregnant but I do firmly believe that it will happen and it will happen when it's meant to be.

In any case, thanks for letting me ramble a bit lol


I'm going to start getting caught up on the thread from the weekend but will take me a bit probably to actually post. I have about 30 minutes now to start replying and then can finish up at lunchtime. Hope everyone is having a great Monday so far!

Its lovely to have you back. Im glad your husband came around to the idea. Im sure it will happen soon for you. Wishing you lots of luck
Kksy9b - I am so glad you are able to TTC again. It will happen for us all somehow. Where there is a will, there is a way! I really hope you get your BFP cycle soon x

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