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**August 2020 Lucky Testers: 49 Testers - 16 BFPs**

Congratulations on the positive line @Nixnax
Can't wait to see the digital!

fingers crossed you are not out yet @Suggerhoney

Fingers crossed and babydust to those still waiting

Sorry to those who got AF

I posted before about my ovulation tests-

these are them ranging from Thursday onwards, do you think I missed the peak?
I have had very little Egg white discharge this month, but had some.
I had lots of pains Saturday- which would of been cycle day 14.

thanks xxx

Well, took a HPT this morning as I'm a week late (but I have irregular cycles) so on a normal cycle I would be a week late....and of course, stark white BFN! I'm going to take it as...just waiting for my AF to arrive. This cycle has been crazy weird, I sure hope that I get a normal one next time! I'm at CD35 already.
Well, took a HPT this morning as I'm a week late (but I have irregular cycles) so on a normal cycle I would be a week late....and of course, stark white BFN! I'm going to take it as...just waiting for my AF to arrive. This cycle has been crazy weird, I sure hope that I get a normal one next time! I'm at CD35 already.

Sorry about the bfn :(
Hi all! I hope you ladies have had a nice weekend. I really enjoyed unplugging for a couple of days, enjoyed a couple of glasses of wine, chatted (or rather texted) with some good friends and have come into the week feeling refreshed and excited to try again. Sorry for the novel that follows, I've had time to think this weekend and wanted to share my thoughts :)

It was hard to process not being pregnant this last cycle because I felt so so good about it the whole month. But I've dealt with it and moved on. Last cycle or this one were my ideal times to get pregnant and in a lot of ways, this cycle is better timing. Mainly that baby would be due the end of May right at the end of the school year. It is likely that we will do virtual schooling next semester as well and this way I wouldn't be trying to homeschool and care of a newborn at the same time. My mom will also be out of school so my parents would be able to come up for a couple of weeks to help us transition to having three. AND...I looked up a due date if we fell this cycle- May 23rd. My mom's bday is the 21st, I'm the 22nd. I know you can't predict when baby would be born but I would need an induction for the next one and so might be able to somewhat pick the date! I think it would be so cool to just continue on the May streak lol.

My goal and desire to to remain positive through this whole process as much as I can. Of course there are stressful times or sad times, but overall, I want to just be happy through this. This was a chance for another baby I didn't think i would ever have. I spent 2.5 years trying to convince my husband to have another when he was firmly set against for a long time. Eventually he said yes to adoption and I was over the moon. But every avenue we tried was a road block and it became obvious that adoption wasn't in the cards for us and he was still a hard no to getting pregnant again. My heart grieved over not being able to have this final little baby to make my family feel complete. About a year ago, out of the blue, my husband changed his mind and said yes to trying this year. He saw how much I was hurting and how much I believed this baby was meant to be and said he couldn't ignore that anymore.

I am so grateful to be here trying when I spent years thinking it would never be. I have no clue how long it will take us to get pregnant but I do firmly believe that it will happen and it will happen when it's meant to be.

In any case, thanks for letting me ramble a bit lol


I'm going to start getting caught up on the thread from the weekend but will take me a bit probably to actually post. I have about 30 minutes now to start replying and then can finish up at lunchtime. Hope everyone is having a great Monday so far!
Hi all! I hope you ladies have had a nice weekend. I really enjoyed unplugging for a couple of days, enjoyed a couple of glasses of wine, chatted (or rather texted) with some good friends and have come into the week feeling refreshed and excited to try again. Sorry for the novel that follows, I've had time to think this weekend and wanted to share my thoughts :)

It was hard to process not being pregnant this last cycle because I felt so so good about it the whole month. But I've dealt with it and moved on. Last cycle or this one were my ideal times to get pregnant and in a lot of ways, this cycle is better timing. Mainly that baby would be due the end of May right at the end of the school year. It is likely that we will do virtual schooling next semester as well and this way I wouldn't be trying to homeschool and care of a newborn at the same time. My mom will also be out of school so my parents would be able to come up for a couple of weeks to help us transition to having three. AND...I looked up a due date if we fell this cycle- May 23rd. My mom's bday is the 21st, I'm the 22nd. I know you can't predict when baby would be born but I would need an induction for the next one and so might be able to somewhat pick the date! I think it would be so cool to just continue on the May streak lol.

My goal and desire to to remain positive through this whole process as much as I can. Of course there are stressful times or sad times, but overall, I want to just be happy through this. This was a chance for another baby I didn't think i would ever have. I spent 2.5 years trying to convince my husband to have another when he was firmly set against for a long time. Eventually he said yes to adoption and I was over the moon. But every avenue we tried was a road block and it became obvious that adoption wasn't in the cards for us and he was still a hard no to getting pregnant again. My heart grieved over not being able to have this final little baby to make my family feel complete. About a year ago, out of the blue, my husband changed his mind and said yes to trying this year. He saw how much I was hurting and how much I believed this baby was meant to be and said he couldn't ignore that anymore.

I am so grateful to be here trying when I spent years thinking it would never be. I have no clue how long it will take us to get pregnant but I do firmly believe that it will happen and it will happen when it's meant to be.

In any case, thanks for letting me ramble a bit lol


I'm going to start getting caught up on the thread from the weekend but will take me a bit probably to actually post. I have about 30 minutes now to start replying and then can finish up at lunchtime. Hope everyone is having a great Monday so far!

Its lovely to have you back. Im glad your husband came around to the idea. Im sure it will happen soon for you. Wishing you lots of luck
Kksy9b - I am so glad you are able to TTC again. It will happen for us all somehow. Where there is a will, there is a way! I really hope you get your BFP cycle soon x
Thank you! Why does the TWW always seem so long?!! Not getting hopes up too much, as we've been very disappointed many times, but I do have some symptoms I don't usually get at this part of my cycle. I'm currently on cycle day 19, and am feeling really bloated! The past few days I've felt sick in the evenings (but the weather has been crazy so it could be that!) and I've had a couple of dizzy spells. I'm also a little constipated (TMI) and have really bad acid reflux! I've also been extremely tired, but that might also be the weather I've had a couple of headaches - though less often and less intense than usual - and my skin is so much better than usual! But at this point in my cycle those things are all unusual. However, last time I had unusual symptoms during my cycle it ended up being an incredibly long cycle - I gave up counting after 70 days and can't be bothered to check my app right now to find out the exact number - so am not getting too excited yet!

One thing I wanted to check quickly is I've also been quite itchy, you know down there, which is also unsual for me. There's no discharge or anything. Usually I get an itch a day or two before my period starts, and it doesn't last long, but this itch has been on and off for days! It's very annoying and I have no idea how to soothe it. Actually thinking about it I've been itchy all over. My partner popped to the chemist earlier and they said if necessary I could take Loratadine or Cetirizine, but I'm a little reluctant to take anything OTC without speaking to my doctor first. I think my partner forgot to ask the pharmacy about something for the itch down there, but if it continues I guess I'll have to phone the doctor for advice, although our surgery is still closed for appointments at the moment!

Anyway, good luck everyone!!

@Suggerhoney :hugs: oh lovely, I’m so sorry. Here’s hoping it’s an anomaly and it’s back up tomorrow.

@DuckyBlue good luck! Hope your tww isn’t too long and draining .
Hi ladies - I took the weekend off so I've just caught up!

@Nixnax eeeekkkk I see those lines and I'm so thrilled for you! Did you take the digital yet? Can't wait to see. Love the ticker!

@Deethehippy hope the tww goes quickly for you. It's always such a drag.

@Suggerhoney I bet your temp drop was due to crappy sleep! I wouldn't stress too much. Temping is great but honestly I found it so much harder this second time around with a toddler waking me up, and I just don't sleep as well as before I had my daughter. More broken sleep even if she's sleeping well. I would go by your other signs for sure, and say O was CD13. Our temps can fluctuate for loads of reasons, so try not to stress too much. Easier said than done I know.

@MrsKatie how are you feeling?!

I know I've missed loads of people but know that I'm thinking of all of you who AF got and praying for more bfp. This thread seems lucky!

For me - hubby and I are still working through things, slowly. My daughter and I are staying with my parents for a short time. He's come around a bit and we will see how things go.
I'm also starting to feel sad about not ttc this month or perhaps for a few months. I had my heart set on another babe, and I know it can still happen but waiting sucks! I know we need to get our relationship on track first and also put our finances in better order (I have a plan for that!). there's never a perfect time to have a baby.
Morning ladies pretty sure I’m 2DPO today and I am also 3DPT, here’s my tests for testing out the trigger for today.

Edit: no signs of the HPT fading yet... ugh!

Morning ladies pretty sure I’m 2DPO today and I am also 3DPT, here’s my tests for testing out the trigger for today.

Edit: no signs of the HPT fading yet... ugh!

View attachment 1086225
Do they tell you when they would expect the trigger to test out or does it vary from woman to woman? Wishing you so much luck this TWW
I'm also starting to feel sad about not ttc this month or perhaps for a few months. I had my heart set on another babe, and I know it can still happen but waiting sucks! I know we need to get our relationship on track first and also put our finances in better order (I have a plan for that!). there's never a perfect time to have a baby.
You’re right..there’s never a perfect time to have a baby..you just have to make things work around your life at that time. I really hope you can get back to TTC soon and sending you strength in the meantime x
I think I’m 3dpo (I never got a positive but it probably happened early hours and I missed it as I had dark tests just before) I don’t think this is our month as we only managed to DTD once and that was 2 days before predicted OV. I’m just so tired after work that I don’t want to do anything. I have tomorrow off thankfully so I can rest.
I think I’m 3dpo (I never got a positive but it probably happened early hours and I missed it as I had dark tests just before) I don’t think this is our month as we only managed to DTD once and that was 2 days before predicted OV. I’m just so tired after work that I don’t want to do anything. I have tomorrow off thankfully so I can rest.
We are the same then and I didn't BD as much as I could have either because I had tummy ache (IBS) Hope you have a good day off tomorrow.
1 dpo for me. The most boring part of the tww. I’m not in a rush to pass the time though. A lot chances as September comes closer. School and college for my kids. I want to enjoy them home as much as I can before the chaos starts and 2 of them leave.
Okay TTC mommas! Its been a stressful weekend. O happened last week 8/11-8/12) positive opk(i think i never ised one before) on wednesday 8/12. (CD 15/16) so here i am on 8/16 and 8/17 feeling minor cramps in my right pelvic area. Im super tired but thats about all. Ive been checking my cm and this is today (8 days before af is due) does this look like a good sign to anyone?!?!

F5E25738-F5B4-4B08-867A-7274A1771E73.jpeg EBD41F30-8B61-4B72-8A8D-05670D4A7DF3.jpeg

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