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**August 2020 Lucky Testers: 49 Testers - 16 BFPs**

OK so just put in a random high temp for tommorow and it gave me cross hairs for day 13 again so let's hope my temp will be alot higher tommorow [-o<

I think it will go up tomorrow x

Okay TTC mommas! Its been a stressful weekend. O happened last week 8/11-8/12) positive opk(i think i never ised one before) on wednesday 8/12. (CD 15/16) so here i am on 8/16 and 8/17 feeling minor cramps in my right pelvic area. Im super tired but thats about all. Ive been checking my cm and this is today (8 days before af is due) does this look like a good sign to anyone?!?!

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I’m 5dpo I’ve been getting the same cm but I’ve been getting a sh*it load of it.. normally only have a little bit and it ends up just abit sticky x I’ve had a few mild cramps but I’m not sure if that’s just me looking to much into things x good luck!!
Okay TTC mommas! Its been a stressful weekend. O happened last week 8/11-8/12) positive opk(i think i never ised one before) on wednesday 8/12. (CD 15/16) so here i am on 8/16 and 8/17 feeling minor cramps in my right pelvic area. Im super tired but thats about all. Ive been checking my cm and this is today (8 days before af is due) does this look like a good sign to anyone?!?!

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This is what im getting to. Its just off white and snotty.
I've also had lower backache and mild cramps
And had a headache 2 days in a row. Not my usual headaches much milder and niggly.
I've been peeing alot.
I think im 5dpo now as its gone midnight.
I really that these are all good signs and we all get our BFP’S.
Hi @Alligator good to see u on here hon.
Just to let u know ill be joining u in waiting to try if this is not my month.
Its gonna be horrible not being able ttc for a few months after this cycle .
When are u thinking of trying again?

If all my test results come back normol I will start ttc again probably in December or January.
I think it will go up tomorrow x

I’m 5dpo I’ve been getting the same cm but I’ve been getting a sh*it load of it.. normally only have a little bit and it ends up just abit sticky x I’ve had a few mild cramps but I’m not sure if that’s just me looking to much into things x good luck!!

Thanks hon I hope so.
Congratulations on the positive line @Nixnax
Can't wait to see the digital!

fingers crossed you are not out yet @Suggerhoney

Fingers crossed and babydust to those still waiting

Sorry to those who got AF

I posted before about my ovulation tests-

these are them ranging from Thursday onwards, do you think I missed the peak?
I have had very little Egg white discharge this month, but had some.
I had lots of pains Saturday- which would of been cycle day 14.

thanks xxx

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Thank you hon.
Hopfully my temp will go back uo again tommorow.

Good luck to everyone in the 2ww i really hope this is our month ladies.
Last night I thought AF was gonna start any minute but now I feel pretty normal again, it's quite odd! Well I'll take it! Hopefully I am not out! Fx for the rest of you ladies waiting with me
Do they tell you when they would expect the trigger to test out or does it vary from woman to woman? Wishing you so much luck this TWW
I was told to test at 14DPO, so that’s around the 27th for me, she said if it’s not positive still or again by the 30th to stop progesterone.
@PinkCupcakes so exciting!! Good luck for this cycle!!

@MrsKatie I know I'm a few days late but your tests from Friday definitely look darker to me!

@LuvallmyH I am so sorry for your losses :hugs: I just can't imagine. Praying this month will bring you your sticky bean. I've got you down as a test date of the 26th. Is this your older kids first year heading off to school or are they just heading back for another year? I hope you all enjoy these last few weeks with everyone there! We are trying to soak up summer here before the chaos that will be virtual schooling starts. Thankfully our district pushed back our start date a couple weeks so we still have over 3 weeks left!

@Suggerhoney I'm so sorry hun that this cycle has been up and down for you. My honest opinion is there is a good chance todays temp isn't good. I would recommend either getting a new bbt or if you need to replace the batteries etc so it beeps to do so. Change in sleeping patterns (not temping the same time, broken sleep etc) will 100% effect your temp. Try again in the AM with a good temp, disregard todays and hope you see your CH come back. If you had all your normal O signs, positive OPK and confirmed on FF, I wouldn't put a lot of stock in one days temp and just disregard and move on to tomorrows temp. I'll be thinking of you hun :hugs:

@aymz1983 :hugs::hugs: I'm so sorry that AF came this month. Praying that when it's time for you all to give it a full on go to trying that you will see your BFP that very first cycle

@Bre1990 spotting on 11dpo sounds like it could be from implantation! KMFX for you!!

@Stargirl1993 temping can take a few months to get a good rhythm down and understand your patterns. But if it's causing you stress, I would definitely just not do it next month! Wahoo for ovulating!! I've got your test date moved to the 23rd!

@Deethehippy I'm sorry for the IBS flareup...I hope you are feeling better now :hugs: I hope you enjoy your trip coming up soon!!

@doggylover i mean, if there are tests in the house you HAVE to use them, right?! lol lines are looking great!

@3 girlies no worries at all, we all understand. Good to hear from you and looking forward to chatting more when you feel ready to come back!

@Mummafrog good luck this month!! Did you ever get a positive OPK?

@xMissxZoiex welcome to the group and good luck!! I've got you down for the 24th!

@autumnal good luck with testing!! I have you under the unknown date for now but happy to move once to whenever date you'd like to be under. FX the witch stays away!!

@Hevalouaddict it looks like to me as well that you probably surged and then dropped back down in between tests. I feel like I have heard before that the day before and 2 days before are the best times to BD and get pregnant. Good luck this cycle and I hope you catch that egg!

@KitteyKat2010 ugh, I'm so sorry! Is is possible you ovulated later than you thought or were you tracking it? I hope you either get a positive or AF to show up so that you have an answer one way or the other

@FTale ugh, sorry you were sick, that's never any fun! Can't wait to test stalk you!

@KatVM :hugs::hugs: I'm so sorry. Best of luck for next cycle...I'll be right there with you!

@Nixnax OMG, Congratulations!!!!! SO so so happy for you!!!! I didn't realize you've been waiting and trying for 3 years. Tears of joy for you hun, you deserve this so so much....go pee on as many sticks as you need and want to! Wishing you a very healthy and happy 9 months!

@Kimmi82 :hugs: i'm so sorry. I know how hard it is. Praying that your next cycle will bring you a beautiful bfp

@DuckyBlue welcome! Good luck this cycle!! I've got you down on the 29th! Do you know when you ovulated/how many DPO you are today? Hopefully your symptoms are good signs! And I would call your doctor and discuss it with them for sure. No need to be uncomfortable!

@Becca_89 hmm...i think that's a tricky one. Do you temp as well? That can be one way to confirm O a few days after. I would recommend that if you don't catch this month, to start using OPKs multiple times a day in the couple days leading up to O. I've had it before where I went from negative, to positive and back to negative in 12 hours. So by only testing once a day would have missed it completely. Trust your body signs more than the OPKs this month is my advice :hugs:

@Alligator that is so great that you are your hubby are slowly making progress. It's not going to be quick but every conversation or positive step you make brings you closer and closer to having your family all back together. Every building block you and your DH build together just makes that foundation stronger and will make it even sweeter when you are in a stronger more stable place to start trying again. :hugs:

@mommy2twokj Do you know if you normally have CM around this time in your cycle? i always feel like everything is normal for both period and pregnancy in the tww....but if it's abnormal for you, then it's a good sign! With both of my pregnancies, I had creamy snot like CM in my tww, which is abnormal for me (usually stays watery). KMFX that it's a great sign for you!!

OK, FINALLY caught up!! You all have been chatty the last few days- i love it!! I wound up not having any time at all during the day to read through hence the late reply...whoops!!

Today was a great day for me. Had a conversation with DH and we've already blocked off our BD'ing days this month lol. He usually has a couple of nights a week he will either work late at the office or come home and keep working in our home office so had to make sure those days were blacked out on his calendar so he would be home. This next cycle I'm set to ovulate in and around August 30th (a Sunday) which means we will get a weekend to be having our BD'ing marathon. I told him we need to get it done this month because next month will be the middle of the week. He works 10-12+ hour days so work days are hard because he's exhausted! So we are going to put our everything into this month and just pray it works!!
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@kksy9b thanks for replying! that's great you have booked the days off, hopefully it will result in a bfp and lots of fun!

I have had a surprise at what I thought was 3dpo, I have woken up to a lot of egg white discharge, so im now waiting to do my OPK, I suspect late ovulation! Xx
Hi everyone, sorry I've been so quiet. I've been lurking in the background but never had a minute to reply!

@Nixnax huge congratulations!!! Our due dates must be close!

@Alligator so glad you and DH are working through things. I pray you get the outcome you want.

@kksy9b good luck for catching the egg, it's great it falls on a weekend for you!

@Suggerhoney it will happen for you, I know it will hon!

I know I've missed loads, so massive hugs to everyone the witch got and good luck to those of you still to test. I can't wait to start seeing tests, I love staring at them lol!

AFM I'm finding it a lot harder this pregnancy. With DH I had the luxury after work to go for a nap if I was tired and have nice chilled weekends. But having a 9 month old makes that impossible. He's on the go constantly so my days are so busy and working full time too. I'm just so tired! I'm also a lot more nervous this time, apart from being tired I still have no symptoms. I keep worrying something is wrong. I forgot how much I hate the first tri. I'm sorry to moan, I know how blessed I am to be pregnant.
On a more positive note I can't wait to see how ds will be as a big brother, he's so loving. Making sure I spend lots of quality time with him during my pregnancy.
Hi everyone, sorry I've been so quiet. I've been lurking in the background but never had a minute to reply!

@Nixnax huge congratulations!!! Our due dates must be close!

@Alligator so glad you and DH are working through things. I pray you get the outcome you want.

@kksy9b good luck for catching the egg, it's great it falls on a weekend for you!

@Suggerhoney it will happen for you, I know it will hon!

I know I've missed loads, so massive hugs to everyone the witch got and good luck to those of you still to test. I can't wait to start seeing tests, I love staring at them lol!

AFM I'm finding it a lot harder this pregnancy. With DH I had the luxury after work to go for a nap if I was tired and have nice chilled weekends. But having a 9 month old makes that impossible. He's on the go constantly so my days are so busy and working full time too. I'm just so tired! I'm also a lot more nervous this time, apart from being tired I still have no symptoms. I keep worrying something is wrong. I forgot how much I hate the first tri. I'm sorry to moan, I know how blessed I am to be pregnant.
On a more positive note I can't wait to see how ds will be as a big brother, he's so loving. Making sure I spend lots of quality time with him during my pregnancy.

My due date is 28/29 April, the app isn't sure :rofl:.
@PinkCupcakes so exciting!! Good luck for this cycle!!

@MrsKatie I know I'm a few days late but your tests from Friday definitely look darker to me!

@LuvallmyH I am so sorry for your losses :hugs: I just can't imagine. Praying this month will bring you your sticky bean. I've got you down as a test date of the 26th. Is this your older kids first year heading off to school or are they just heading back for another year? I hope you all enjoy these last few weeks with everyone there! We are trying to soak up summer here before the chaos that will be virtual schooling starts. Thankfully our district pushed back our start date a couple weeks so we still have over 3 weeks left!

@Suggerhoney I'm so sorry hun that this cycle has been up and down for you. My honest opinion is there is a good chance todays temp isn't good. I would recommend either getting a new bbt or if you need to replace the batteries etc so it beeps to do so. Change in sleeping patterns (not temping the same time, broken sleep etc) will 100% effect your temp. Try again in the AM with a good temp, disregard todays and hope you see your CH come back. If you had all your normal O signs, positive OPK and confirmed on FF, I wouldn't put a lot of stock in one days temp and just disregard and move on to tomorrows temp. I'll be thinking of you hun :hugs:

@aymz1983 :hugs::hugs: I'm so sorry that AF came this month. Praying that when it's time for you all to give it a full on go to trying that you will see your BFP that very first cycle

@Bre1990 spotting on 11dpo sounds like it could be from implantation! KMFX for you!!

@Stargirl1993 temping can take a few months to get a good rhythm down and understand your patterns. But if it's causing you stress, I would definitely just not do it next month! Wahoo for ovulating!! I've got your test date moved to the 23rd!

@Deethehippy I'm sorry for the IBS flareup...I hope you are feeling better now :hugs: I hope you enjoy your trip coming up soon!!

@doggylover i mean, if there are tests in the house you HAVE to use them, right?! lol lines are looking great!

@3 girlies no worries at all, we all understand. Good to hear from you and looking forward to chatting more when you feel ready to come back!

@Mummafrog good luck this month!! Did you ever get a positive OPK?

@xMissxZoiex welcome to the group and good luck!! I've got you down for the 24th!

@autumnal good luck with testing!! I have you under the unknown date for now but happy to move once to whenever date you'd like to be under. FX the witch stays away!!

@Hevalouaddict it looks like to me as well that you probably surged and then dropped back down in between tests. I feel like I have heard before that the day before and 2 days before are the best times to BD and get pregnant. Good luck this cycle and I hope you catch that egg!

@KitteyKat2010 ugh, I'm so sorry! Is is possible you ovulated later than you thought or were you tracking it? I hope you either get a positive or AF to show up so that you have an answer one way or the other

@FTale ugh, sorry you were sick, that's never any fun! Can't wait to test stalk you!

@KatVM :hugs::hugs: I'm so sorry. Best of luck for next cycle...I'll be right there with you!

@Nixnax OMG, Congratulations!!!!! SO so so happy for you!!!! I didn't realize you've been waiting and trying for 3 years. Tears of joy for you hun, you deserve this so so much....go pee on as many sticks as you need and want to! Wishing you a very healthy and happy 9 months!

@Kimmi82 :hugs: i'm so sorry. I know how hard it is. Praying that your next cycle will bring you a beautiful bfp

@DuckyBlue welcome! Good luck this cycle!! I've got you down on the 29th! Do you know when you ovulated/how many DPO you are today? Hopefully your symptoms are good signs! And I would call your doctor and discuss it with them for sure. No need to be uncomfortable!

@Becca_89 hmm...i think that's a tricky one. Do you temp as well? That can be one way to confirm O a few days after. I would recommend that if you don't catch this month, to start using OPKs multiple times a day in the couple days leading up to O. I've had it before where I went from negative, to positive and back to negative in 12 hours. So by only testing once a day would have missed it completely. Trust your body signs more than the OPKs this month is my advice :hugs:

@Alligator that is so great that you are your hubby are slowly making progress. It's not going to be quick but every conversation or positive step you make brings you closer and closer to having your family all back together. Every building block you and your DH build together just makes that foundation stronger and will make it even sweeter when you are in a stronger more stable place to start trying again. :hugs:

@mommy2twokj Do you know if you normally have CM around this time in your cycle? i always feel like everything is normal for both period and pregnancy in the tww....but if it's abnormal for you, then it's a good sign! With both of my pregnancies, I had creamy snot like CM in my tww, which is abnormal for me (usually stays watery). KMFX that it's a great sign for you!!

OK, FINALLY caught up!! You all have been chatty the last few days- i love it!! I wound up not having any time at all during the day to read through hence the late reply...whoops!!

Today was a great day for me. Had a conversation with DH and we've already blocked off our BD'ing days this month lol. He usually has a couple of nights a week he will either work late at the office or come home and keep working in our home office so had to make sure those days were blacked out on his calendar so he would be home. This next cycle I'm set to ovulate in and around August 30th (a Sunday) which means we will get a weekend to be having our BD'ing marathon. I told him we need to get it done this month because next month will be the middle of the week. He works 10-12+ hour days so work days are hard because he's exhausted! So we are going to put our everything into this month and just pray it works!!

That’s great to make sure you guys have the best chance possible this month. Hopefully it’ll all fall in to place!

Hi everyone, sorry I've been so quiet. I've been lurking in the background but never had a minute to reply!

@Nixnax huge congratulations!!! Our due dates must be close!

@Alligator so glad you and DH are working through things. I pray you get the outcome you want.

@kksy9b good luck for catching the egg, it's great it falls on a weekend for you!

@Suggerhoney it will happen for you, I know it will hon!

I know I've missed loads, so massive hugs to everyone the witch got and good luck to those of you still to test. I can't wait to start seeing tests, I love staring at them lol!

AFM I'm finding it a lot harder this pregnancy. With DH I had the luxury after work to go for a nap if I was tired and have nice chilled weekends. But having a 9 month old makes that impossible. He's on the go constantly so my days are so busy and working full time too. I'm just so tired! I'm also a lot more nervous this time, apart from being tired I still have no symptoms. I keep worrying something is wrong. I forgot how much I hate the first tri. I'm sorry to moan, I know how blessed I am to be pregnant.
On a more positive note I can't wait to see how ds will be as a big brother, he's so loving. Making sure I spend lots of quality time with him during my pregnancy.

No wonder you’re tired having such a little one at home as well! Getting to be early and, if possible at weekends, having a nap when he does will help. I can’t wait until my big ones are back to school so I can have a nap with the toddler every day!

5 weeks is still early for anything like sickness etc. I know it’s worrying, but try not to panic. It could come yet and you’ll be miserable that it has!
That’s great to make sure you guys have the best chance possible this month. Hopefully it’ll all fall in to place!

No wonder you’re tired having such a little one at home as well! Getting to be early and, if possible at weekends, having a nap when he does will help. I can’t wait until my big ones are back to school so I can have a nap with the toddler every day!

5 weeks is still early for anything like sickness etc. I know it’s worrying, but try not to panic. It could come yet and you’ll be miserable that it has!
Thanks, that's reassuring. I was reading about people getting symptoms before they even had their bfp and I just wondered why I have none at all. It is still early, I'll try to relax and enjoy it, because I'm sure I'll be grateful for these weeks of feeling OK once nausea etc does hit.
Thanks, that's reassuring. I was reading about people getting symptoms before they even had their bfp and I just wondered why I have none at all. It is still early, I'll try to relax and enjoy it, because I'm sure I'll be grateful for these weeks of feeling OK once nausea etc does hit.

I have no symptoms. I had a achy back last night but thats gone. I had more symptoms when I wasn't pregnant :rofl:
NixNax - yay for the digi! Lovely to see it in writing :)

Jft1- nice to hear from you. I think every pregnancy is different regarding symptoms. I bet you’ll find things change from week to week. Be sure to look after yourself! X

I’m 4 DPO and nothing much to report that doesn’t happen on other months. Had a bad headache last night and niggly one since 2 DPO but I do react to changing weather and it’s been stormy. All my tests have arrived so it’s just waiting now.
Thanks, that's reassuring. I was reading about people getting symptoms before they even had their bfp and I just wondered why I have none at all. It is still early, I'll try to relax and enjoy it, because I'm sure I'll be grateful for these weeks of feeling OK once nausea etc does hit.

With my second I didn’t even find out I was pregnant until 8 weeks, because no symptoms at all! Every pregnancy is different, so don’t worry that someone else has symptoms earlier than you. I know people who never had a symptom (sickness, discomfort etc) and had great pregnancies. And I’ve never had a symptom before bfp. Not once in 5 pregnancies!
@kksy9b that's so great your husband has made sure he will be available. That's really supportive of him.
Well I'm due the 25th if you want to put me down for a date lol

I'm 8dpo today, I think. Still having cramps. My husband is convinced I am pregnant with a boy because he says I'm short fused this week but I don't think so lol.

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