**August 2020 Lucky Testers: 49 Testers - 16 BFPs**

I’m only 6dpo. This is exactly what happened last cycle and the frer was bfp at 7dpo! Unfortunately the tests never progressed past 11dpo and af was 4 days late.

Thank you Bev. Im gonna feel so disappointed if im not pregnant. I was really hoping this cycle wud be it.
I know there's still time to get a BFP and i really do hope I get one but ive just got a feeling im either Not pregnant at all or I am but it won't stick. After 3 chemicals its so hard to get excited.
Its so hard to keep positive.
I feel like i bring other ladies down with my constant negativity.
I have had miscarriages in the past.
And the one i lost at almost 11 weeks after seeing it on a scan with a heartbeat was absolutely heart wenching.
I had 2 other chemicals in the past also.
But ive never had 3 in a row until now.
I pray there will not be a forth and if and when I get pregnant it will be viable and healthy.
Thanks for always being so supportive hon. Ure a star<3

Well I'm 11dpo Aaaaaannnnnnnnddddddd ............................. AF GOT ME!!! What the hell body!!.

I think this is the shortest cycle I've ever had, trying to not let it get me down but now worrying my hormones are screwed up. Fingers crossed for next month!. x

Oh no hon. That does seem early do u have a short luteal phase?
Really hope its not AF and it implantation bleeding.
Sending hugs:hug:

9dpo my opk went positive and I maaaaaaybe have a vvvfl. Not sure if I’m seeing that indent line on the wondfo or if it’s something. We will see! I’ll probably test again tonight because I’m a weirdo haha!

sooo many BFPs!!! Congrats to you ladies!!!

I think u can have a LH surge just b4 AF but I found out i was pregnant with mine and husbands first baby a day b4 AF with a OPK.
I made him go out and buy a pregnancy test because i only had OPKs and i got my BFP that same day. So OPKs can detect pregnancy.
I also had positive opks when pregnant with our youngest boy. I brought some when I was around 6 weeks pregnant and the test line stole all the dye from the control line.
Good luck. Hopefully when you next do a HPT it will also come out positive.

@Stargirl1993 BFP :wohoo: congratulations lovely.

@mommy2twokj BFP :wohoo: congratulations

@KitteyKat2010 I definitely see that. I think you have a BFP there.

Wow this thread is lucky.

@Suggerhoney im rooting for you lovely.

Sorry to everyone that AF got.

Good luck to everyone waiting to test

Thank you hon.
I think im out but hopefully its just to early yet.
AF is still 6 to 7 days away and ive only used the cheapie sweetyfox tests but they were the tests that first gave me a line last cycle but I don't how many DPO i was. I was on CD23 that I do know.
I will be on cycle day 23 tommorow but today's test was completely stark white so I cant see tommorows being positive.
Really hope yesterdays dip was implantation. I was getting sharp poking pains in both overies the day b4 yesterday and yesterday itself.
Last night I had a sharp dragging kind of pain in my right overy area.
The poking pains i had were way down low just above the pubic bone but each side where overies are.
Been having some very mild sharpish pain this evening in the overies area but it's so so mild.
Felt a little sick a few hours ago but I think im coming down with a cold so it may of been that. It went away when i had something to eat.
I do have tender breasts well only the right but its so mild.
With the chemicals i had sore boobs from 8dpo but they stopped hurting at 13dpo.
So I cant even get excited about that anymore.
Besides there not really that tender its only a tiny tiny bit.
I think if I was pregnant and it was viable they wud be hurting more just like they did with mine and hubbies 2 DS and DD.
Our DD wasn't planned. I just developed tender boobs about a week before my period and new it was not to do

with AF as I don't get sore boobs b4 during or after AF. I only get sore boobs if I am pregnant.
Thanks for rooting for me hon. It means alot.
Still feel really bummed about the BFNS but hopfully that BFN will turn into a BFP.
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There is definitely faint shadow lines on them hon.
Hopefully its the start of something.
Fingers crossed for you.
I think u will get ure BFP hon. Esp if ure getting shadow lines as early as 7dpo.
Mine today at 9dpo was completely stark white negative.
I dont know if i want to test tommorow because I will be so upset if its another BFN.
Esp being 10dpo. I'll know im out for sure then.
I had a dark BFP at 10dpo with my son on frer.
The test line was only slightly lighter than the control line.
At 11dpo it was even darker and at 12dpo the lines matched.
13 dpo was a dye stealer.

When is ure AF due?
I hope my test was negative because its to early for me still. af is still 7 to 8 days away.
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There is definitely faint shadow lines on them hon.
Hopefully its the start of something.
Fingers crossed for you.
I think u will get ure BFP hon. Esp if ure getting shadow lines as early as 7dpo.
Mine today at 9dpo was completely stark white negative.
I dont know if i want to test tommorow because I will be so upset if its another BFN.
Esp being 10dpo. I'll know im out for sure then.
I had a dark BFP at 10dpo with my son on frer.
The test line was only slightly lighter than the control line.
At 11dpo it was even darker and at 12dpo the lines matched.
13 dpo was a dye stealer.
Still got my fingers crossed for you. Early bfps aren’t a guarantee. Both my last ones were early & both were cps.
Thank you Bev. Im gonna feel so disappointed if im not pregnant. I was really hoping this cycle wud be it.
I know there's still time to get a BFP and i really do hope I get one but ive just got a feeling im either Not pregnant at all or I am but it won't stick. After 3 chemicals its so hard to get excited.
Its so hard to keep positive.
I feel like i bring other ladies down with my constant negativity.
I have had miscarriages in the past.
And the one i lost at almost 11 weeks after seeing it on a scan with a heartbeat was absolutely heart wenching.
I had 2 other chemicals in the past also.
But ive never had 3 in a row until now.
I pray there will not be a forth and if and when I get pregnant it will be viable and healthy.
Thanks for always being so supportive hon. Ure a star<3

Oh no hon. That does seem early do u have a short luteal phase?
Really hope its not AF and it implantation bleeding.
Sending hugs:hug:

I think u can have a LH surge just b4 AF but I found out i was pregnant with mine and husbands first baby a day b4 AF with a OPK.
I made him go out and buy a pregnancy test because i only had OPKs and i got my BFP that same day. So OPKs can detect pregnancy.
I also had positive opks when pregnant with our youngest boy. I brought some when I was around 6 weeks pregnant and the test line stole all the dye from the control line.
Good luck. Hopefully when you next do a HPT it will also come out positive.

Thank you hon.
I think im out but hopefully its just to early yet.
AF is still 6 to 7 days away and ive only used the cheapie sweetyfox tests but they were the tests that first gave me a line last cycle but I don't how many DPO i was. I was on CD23 that I do know.
I will be on cycle day 23 tommorow but today's test was completely stark white so I cant see tommorows being positive.
Really hope yesterdays dip was implantation. I was getting sharp poking pains in both overies the day b4 yesterday and yesterday itself.
Last night I had a sharp dragging kind of pain in my right overy area.
The poking pains i had were way down low just above the pubic bone but each side where overies are.
Been having some very mild sharpish pain this evening in the overies area but it's so so mild.
Felt a little sick a few hours ago but I think im coming down with a cold so it may of been that. It went away when i had something to eat.
I do have tender breasts well only the right but its so mild.
With the chemicals i had sore boobs from 8dpo but they stopped hurting at 13dpo.
So I cant even get excited about that anymore.
Besides there not really that tender its only a tiny tiny bit.
I think if I was pregnant and it was viable they wud be hurting more just like they did with mine and hubbies 2 DS and DD.
Our DD wasn't planned. I just developed tender boobs about a week before my period and new it was not to do

with AF as I don't get sore boobs b4 during or after AF. I only get sore boobs if I am pregnant.
Thanks for rooting for me hon. It means alot.
Still feel really bummed about the BFNS but hopfully that BFN will turn into a BFP.
Yes all of my pregnancies were picked up on opk first. My pre-af LH surge comes at 13/14dpo so hopefully this isn’t that at only 9dpo but time will tell!
Still got my fingers crossed for you. Early bfps aren’t a guarantee. Both my last ones were early & both were cps.

Thanks hon.
Got mine crossed for you aswell.

With my chemical in April I got a faint positive at 11 dpo on frer and cb early detection.
I had tender breasts from 8dpo, and on 10 and 11dpo I had bad neasea, that's what made me test.
But lines never progressed and symptoms all vanished at 13 dpo.

The chemical in june I got a very faint positive again at 11dpo.
I had tender breasts and sore nipples from 8dpo.
Again tests did not get any darker. I was 2 days late for AF

And the last chemical in July.
I had sore boobs, neasea, tiredness, dizzyness
Cramps like AF but mild.
Tests did get darker but then didn't progress any further. All symptoms vanished again.
I was still getting faint lines so I stopped testing to give the HCG a chance to rise . but I woke up 4 days later pouring with blood.
I was 4 days late for AF.

Now im on this cycle. Felt hopeful because O was on cd13 instead of cd8.
Had cramping and lower backache from 2 to 4dpo and was also having mild headaches.
Lots of twinges in both overies.

Had a dizzy spell and sharp pokes in overies. Felt tired and no energy.

Temp drop
Woke up feeling sick
Peeing alot.
Itchy and tender right nipple and a few hours later right breast feeling tender
Lots of pokes in overies and a sharp dragging stitch like pain in right overy.

Then woke up today 9DPO. Temp rise.
Did a sweety fox IC with FMU BFN.
Breast tenderness almost gone but returned in evening but very very mild barly there.
Mild queezyness while at neighbours and slightly light headed.
Some mild poking sensation in overies just above pubic bone on either side.

Really hope these aches and pains is implantation and little one is getting nice and snug.
Had implantation pain with the 3 chemicals as well so feeling anxous.

I hate all this waiting.
Hope ure lines progress hon. The waiting and hoping for them to progress is so hard.
Also seeing BFNs is so hard.
I really hope when I test next I get a strong BFP.
But im just not feeling it.
The longest I've ever tried b4 was 3 months.
Next cycle will my 7th month of trying but we won't be trying again until the very earliest December because I have to have bloodtests to find out why I keep having early Misscariges.
I wont get the results from them bloods untill the start of October and if they come back normol they may do some more testing like a scan.
Im gonna be a nervous wreck waiting for them blood results.
Im so worried im gonna be told im going through peri menapause or i have something that's gonna prevent me ever having another baby.
I only want one more. I dont care if its a boy or a girl as long as he/she is healthy i wud be so happy.
7/8 dpo and of course I couldn’t hold out any longer and took a test this morning ‍♀️ You ladies seeing anything ( I cant trust myself because I always “see” something lol ) ?

7/8 dpo and of course I couldn’t hold out any longer and took a test this morning ‍♀️ You ladies seeing anything ( I cant trust myself because I always “see” something lol ) ?

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Think i something is catching my eye but not sure if its one of them very faint shadow lines that alot of ICs give.
I find nearly every IC give off v v v faint shadows.
But I hope ures is the start of something.
Think i something is catching my eye but not sure if its one of them very faint shadow lines that alot of ICs give.
I find nearly every IC give off v v v faint shadows.
But I hope ures is the start of something.
I know I feel the same way about these (pregmate) but I also took a wondfo and thought I could see something as well but I’m not familiar with them and how likely they are to give a shadow. Only time will tell I suppose
I know I feel the same way about these (pregmate) but I also took a wondfo and thought I could see something as well but I’m not familiar with them and how likely they are to give a shadow. Only time will tell I suppose

I did a wandfo one the other day and it did have a v v v faint shadow on it.
I wish they didn't sell tests that give faint shadows it sucks.
Sweetyfox are probably best ICs I've used when negative there almost stark white. Maybe a slight hint of a shadow but u have to really look for it.
Sweetfox were also the tests that first told me I was pregnant last cycle. I got a clear plink line on CD23.
Sadly that's as dark as they got.
I've used
Clinical guard
Windfo and they all give stupid faint shadows.

Frer are terrible now as well. If u look at the test b4 u dip it u can a v v v faint grey line in the test line.
Its so wrong.
If a test is negative it shud be completely stark white.
I hate them shadowy lines.
I had a threw it in the bin and chalked it as BFN.
U cud dip one in water and see if it gives the same shadow??
If its completely blank then u cud be on to something there hon.
I did a wandfo one the other day and it did have a v v v faint shadow on it.
I wish they didn't sell tests that give faint shadows it sucks.
Sweetyfox are probably best ICs I've used when negative there almost stark white. Maybe a slight hint of a shadow but u have to really look for it.
Sweetfox were also the tests that first told me I was pregnant last cycle. I got a clear plink line on CD23.
Sadly that's as dark as they got.
I've used
Clinical guard
Windfo and they all give stupid faint shadows.

Frer are terrible now as well. If u look at the test b4 u dip it u can a v v v faint grey line in the test line.
Its so wrong.
If a test is negative it shud be completely stark white.
I hate them shadowy lines.
I had a threw it in the bin and chalked it as BFN.
U cud dip one in water and see if it gives the same shadow??
If its completely blank then u cud be on to something there hon.
I completely agree ! Last month I did frers that everyone could see a line on and my AF showed right on time. I really try hard not to “look for a line “ but so hard when you have been TTC forever ! I will have to check out that brand though. Ty !
Ok, well I was wrong...i do have AF and it’s not just random mid cycle bleeding.

I’m glad it’s AF in a way. Just weird how I got it on CD 15. I guess just a weird, short anovulatory cycle. It’s kind of like...what was the point in even trying this month? Haha. Oh well. Onto next month...but not keeping my hopes up.

Congrats on all the BFPs so far!
Ok, well I was wrong...i do have AF and it’s not just random mid cycle bleeding.

I’m glad it’s AF in a way. Just weird how I got it on CD 15. I guess just a weird, short anovulatory cycle. It’s kind of like...what was the point in even trying this month? Haha. Oh well. Onto next month...but not keeping my hopes up.

Congrats on all the BFPs so far!

Good luck for next month :dust:
7/8 dpo and of course I couldn’t hold out any longer and took a test this morning ‍♀️ You ladies seeing anything ( I cant trust myself because I always “see” something lol ) ?

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Cant see anything yet, but still early! Good luck for the next test.

Ok, well I was wrong...i do have AF and it’s not just random mid cycle bleeding.

I’m glad it’s AF in a way. Just weird how I got it on CD 15. I guess just a weird, short anovulatory cycle. It’s kind of like...what was the point in even trying this month? Haha. Oh well. Onto next month...but not keeping my hopes up.

Congrats on all the BFPs so far!

Oh man, that’s a strange cycle. Good luck for next month.
Hi ladies, I've been reading along and keeping up to date, but I was away for a few days with family so didn't have time to reply.

Wow, this really is a lucky thread, amazing bfps, so happy for you all!! @Stargirl1993 @mommy2twokj great lines!

Sorry for those of you AF got, good luck for next month.

Can't wait to see more tests, I know there's a few of you still to test, @Suggerhoney @Deethehippy keeoing everything crossed for you this cycle.
@LuvallmyH i see a line, I really hope it gets darker for you!

AFM, I've been exhausted, my 9 month old is an absolute handful so running around after him is great fun but hard work. I never had any nausea at all with him, but yesterday driving home I felt so sick, we were in the middle of nowhere so I had to get a nappy sack and use it as a sick bag.. Lovely! My scan is 1 week today and I can't wait!

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