August Beach Bumps - 24 Girls, 27 boys, & 2 team yellow! 39 babies born!!

HH havnt done anything to aggravate it besides take care of the baby and clean a bit. it gets better week by week i just feel like 5 weeks in pain is a long time but i guess everybody recovers differently. i talked to the doctor at my 3 week PP visit but they said the pain was all normal at that point. they didn't even schedule a 6 week checkup so i figure ill give it until 8 weeks and if I'm still in pain ill give them a ring
NO 6 week PP thats strange... I thought everyone had one of those. I would definitely say something the fact that its been 5 weeks. Taking pain medication all the time cannot be that good either.
yeah i thought it was strange too? i guess ill have to give them a call!
henderson i started bleeding again too...brown/red blood and a little clotty. i thought at first maybe my period but its not like a normal period at all its a lot lighter but its been 6 days now. i think it might be spotting from the bc pill i started but really i have no clue

also how are all the csection ladies feeling? I'm 5 weeks out and still in pain and taking motrin this normal? i know its a 6-8week recovery but i wasn't expecting to still be in pain like this

I had significant pain requiring round the clock ibuprofen and Percocet until about 3.5 weeks. I was mostly fine on meds but when they were within an hour of wearing off the stabbing pain started to return. God forbid I went overdue on the meds. I saw the docs twice within three weeks because I thought something was wrong. However they told me that was within the realm of normal and some people need 6-8 weeks for recovery. So maybe you're still normal. :)

The good news is my pain went away completely over the course of about 72 hours. I was able to space out my meds a bit more and then suddenly I didn't need them at all. The recovery was more abrupt than I expected so don't feel discouraged if you don't feel like you're making progress. It should heal.

Good luck!
Zooma thank you! that really makes me feel better i was starting to worry a little bit :)
I started bleeding again after 2 weeks stopped and was clotty and had fluid in it , if that makes sense. I thought it was period but wasnt. Only for 3 days it went on and its gone again. If you had a c section it could be longer. I recall bleeding a lot after c section and took so long to recover from compared to the other two births after which where vag.

Got sore throat today. bla. I have shit sleep with Myles he cries and has to throw up at bed time with me for some reason. I havnt figured out if its something I am eating and I cut out eggs as I dont eat dairy and its not garlic as I havnt had that in a while. Its not even gas. Only music , a certain song calms him so I had my phone playing songs on my mps. Seems to have good taste in music.

bothered with Williams teacher in school. She told my son to stop scribbling and draw properly and stopped him going outside to play with his class mates because of it. I emailed her and she answered me back like one word so I pissed. She didn't answer any of my questions at all in email. I hate schools, I really do. I dont even think my son likes it too much either only he has some friends there and likes to go see them. So much for me thinking the school was all play and boasting about it like their prospectus says. Also ignored me when I made my concerns about religion as I didnt want him in prayers as he isnt catholic, cant even take him out of that as its at 10am prayers so he cant go in late. They said I could exclude him when I was enrolling I didnt know that meant sit in same room.
DF- thats horrible!! I would send the same emails to the principle and request a conference. Let the principle know this is what I sent and this is what I received. Its not right. My daughters teacher is annoying this year as well. I normally have to put them in their place before they start acting right. I sent a very long email and got a couple of sentences back and she didnt reply to anything as well. Makes me want to slap them because its their job to deal with us as parents.
My LO slept almost alllll night morning and day away. She was up like 2 hours total today until the end of the night. She woke up at 7:40pm from another nap and was up until 10:30. Must be growing.. shes normally up 2-3 hours and sleeps 1.5-2 hours.
Aw Bar and Pola thanks you guys are sweet :) You guys are gorgeous and your LO's are adorable

Ok now I'm getting an idea of who everyone is:thumbup:
hey every one 6 week check up tomorrow for Ryan and I :flower: he is very fussy today hope he sleeps tonight for me he wont settle at all so far :wacko:

hope everyone had a good weekend
Just took ages to get the baby to sleep. She was so miserable. :-( my poor dd1 was brushing my hair forward because the baby is in love with it and accidentally slipped it forward and whacked her in the face
She's OK after a freak out.
Oh HH glad she's ok must have been a little scary! I hope you can get some rest soon :hugs:
Ooh I must have Unsubscribed from this thread by mistake! I was wondering why I had no new notification from it oops haha

Good luck tomorrow Celtic! Had mine last week and hama weighed 11lb 8oz that's over 4 lb gain from birth he's getting chubby cheeks now hehe

Hhenderson hope baby settles for u xxx
Henderson I hate when they won't go to sleep. It is always when I am exhausted. Henry fights sleep.
Oh I ment to say don't feel alone Hhenderson I've been quiet as I unsubscribed and didn't realise :dohh: I just thought the thread had gone dead quiet!

I am katrina on fb jolley! But u prob know that by now lol

Well my boy has just gone to sleep so fingers crossed this is him hopefully he won't wake in 20 mins!

Good night all xx
I just sent a note to one of the admins to join the FB group. My name is Emily Edwards, (Celtic, I think it was you):flower: I too am on FB much more than BNB lately...

We have also been having a tough time with sleeping here too for The past two days and more fussiness too. I think we've hit the sixth week growth spurt.
Yeah, the thread went from overwhelming chatter to a screaming halt. I completely understand why someone wouldn't want to be on FB, though. I have to admit I find it easier to follow this forum, but it does seem like the migration to FB has happened... sorry!
I understand how bad it is when they are fighting sleep - Lena is right now (maybe because she slept most of the day?). My husband is away and I am completely on my own...

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