August Hopefuls? [TTC August 2013 Thread]

For anyone that wanted to know about my gyno appointment today:

I am thankful that I am back at my old doctor that I have been going to for years (I settled on a "first available" doctor when I was pregnant because my original doctor is so booked; big mistake). Anyway, it feel good to be under her care again.

I explained everything that has happened to me since January, the blighted ovum, symptoms, miscarriage and messed up cycles/short LP. She did a PAP and said everything looks and feels normal. I am disappointed to tell you that she basically said that I am young (25) and my clock isn't "ticking" yet, and since I WAS able to get pregnant before, that's a good sign. And since we haven't been trying for a "full year" (with OPK's, temping, etc.) that we should just "go with the flow". I asked her if my DH should get his sperm tested and she goes "NO! He is 26, he was able to get you pregnant before".

I love her optimism however I can't help but wish she would've done some bloodwork or ultrasound to at least see what's going on. What if there IS something wrong?

I am planning to test on August 9th... 9dpo. I know it's too early but I just can't help myself, I've got a problem! Lol.
I just have basic fertility friend... I find it useful enough for me :)
Thank you. We are okay though. Picking up the pieces and moving forward in our life. Together, thankfully. My hubby is amazing, and we'll get there eventually. :)

Ohhh OPK's. So I bought them on Monday and did one about 2 pm. So I have been trying to do them around the same time each day.. except this morning I did one when I first woke up and it was SO much darker than the others. Not a positive (I don't think?!), but darker than the others. I took one later in the day, closer to the time I had been the rest of the week and it was almost nothing at all. I'm baffled other than I'm thinking that with as much water as I drink in a day, even holding my urine for a few hours, it may be just too dilute so I'm going to continue with the first morning business. I'm not depending on them quite yet though. I also bought a basal thermometer yesterday and downloaded fertility friend on my phone.. but I'm having a hard time with it because I haven't had an AF since June of 2012 between being irregular and then getting pregnant so I have no idea what to even put in there for LMP and cycle length. I put the date I had my son and left the cycle length blank. I can probably change it later if I need to.

As far as Clomid, my doctor said if I didn't start having cycles again by the time I go back in about a month and a half (That will put me almost 3 months post partum), she will put me on Clomid to try to help out. I'm excited for something to happen or to start Clomid, even though it makes me nervous to take.

Hmm the same thing happened to me with the lines being really dark one day and not the next. What I did was save all my OPK's and when I lined them up next to each other there was a progression from really light to really dark. Since I wasn't sure if the really dark ones were positives, I bought the clearblue with the faces and one day it was a smily with lines around it indicating "peak" and the next day it said positive with just a solid face.

SO I love how much more accurate it is --- more expensive but worth it because no guessing games. But what I concluded was the darker it gets, the closer to your actual ovulation. I hate to say it - but if it was super dark (not positive) but the darkest you've seen it, and then the next day it was lighter - your ovulation could've happened over night!!! Also, the "line" being present at all could mean (1) it's still picking up hormones from your pregnancy, or (2) you could be pregnant!

When I first got pregnant, I had no idea I was. I took a test a couple days before my period and it was negative. Then I got what I thought was a period, cramping and bleeding for 5 days around the same time I got my period the month before. So then, I went about my usual cycle and tested for ovulation and it said positive. SO we BD thinking we would get pregnant - but little did we know, I was already pregnant! When I went to have a checkup because I had bad cramping, they found out I was 5 1/2 weeks pregnant! The ovulation test confused me into thinking I ovulated but really I was pregnant!!!!!

Let's hope that's the case for you :thumbup:

Also - the Basal Thermometer is great for knowing your FUTURE cycles but does nothing for you in your PRESENT cycle. The only thing it will tell you is that you already ovulated - not WHEn you ovulate. Kind of a bummer. I am sticking to the clearblue digital tests!
Aww sounds great about the gyno!! But how frustrating that she didn't order a blood test.... It's a pretty standard thing to do. Perhaps request one?
I am planning to test on August 9th... 9dpo. I know it's too early but I just can't help myself, I've got a problem! Lol.
I just have basic fertility friend... I find it useful enough for me :)

Ahhh I know the feeling! You don't have a problem - we have ALL been POAS crazy! It's just such a long TWW every second feels like a year! So we test and get a BFN and get depressed LOL! Why do we do that to ourselves? But to make you feel better, I have heard some people get :bfp:'s at 8 DPO! SO you never know! However if your cycle is longer you might still get a :bfn: for a few more days so you should test again if you don't get AF!

Does the basic one still let you chart and predict your ovulation?
I dont chart my temps... But you can still do it on there. But it's really good for a free app. It's predicts o, tells you when fertile days are, records which days you bd... I like it. I suggest you try it out on the basic and then if you want more upgrade to VIP :)
Hi Genna! So very sorry to hear about your loss. I wish you and your husband all the best! I've just joined this site and really love the idea of being able to talk to other woman about all this. Baby dust to us both🌺

Aw thanks sweet girl, thanks for joining! Let us know what your cycle is like!

Thanks! I am still trying to get the hang of the site:wacko: Haha! Right now I am CD19(I got a positive OPK on CD 16....which I was shocked bc to me that seems late for ovulation?!?...I'm typically 28 day cycle give or take a day or 2 sometimes) and my next expected AF is Aug 11th(maybe the 10th or 12th as it varies) This is only our third month trying so I have only just started paying attention to my cycle and trying to learn about all this stuff. Who knew it was so complicated! This is the first month I used clearblue digital OPKs...I tried a different brand last month but I drove myself nuts trying to determine the shades of the lines...smiley face is much easier to trust haha! I'm trying not to get consumed by all of this...I just want to be pregnant soooooo badly:dust:

First of all, im sorry for the losses - devastating :(

I'm 30 and DH is 37 and we are TTC #2 - this is cycle 3ish.

I chart using a million apps - ovufriend, fertility friend, my fertility charts...they are all really helpful and free. Much of a muchness it seems. But each gives me something different.

We had a surprise pregnancy last time - in more ways than one. My beautiful baby boy came at 29 weeks by emergency c section due to me developing HELLP syndrome but he is a happy and healthy two year old now.

Have started taking pre-conception vitamins and have opks and preseed to try this month. Exciting!

Good luck and baby dust to all



I just turned 37 years old. I have been married to DH for two years. The month after we got married we got pregnant right away (first month off BC). Our daughter is 17 months and we just started trying for another baby. Last month was a bust as I got :witch: yesterday. Today is CD 2.

I do have a 10 year old daughter from a previous marriage. I was lucky to conceive her the first month trying as well. I was really hoping to be as lucky a third time, but I guess not. I know that my age probably is not helping matters at this point.

Last month I did use the Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor and OPKs. I did get a peak on my monitor as well as positive OPks so I am hoping that I did ovulate. This month I am starting to chart as well as use Mucinex to help with my CM. My cycles are a little longer at 30-33 days. I'm thinking I will O around CD 19 or 20 this cycle. I guess we will see.


Interesting to hear about mucinex? What are you supposed to do and what does it do for you?

Sounds like our cycles are similar. Ovulation for me should be anywhere between 12th - 17th of this month but seeing as each month AF comes a day earlier, I think I'm going to start testing sooner than that - my app says to start testing on the 10th.

Keep us updated chica!!! :kiss:

I guess the Mucinex is supposed to thin out your cervical mucus. :shrug: I think you are supposed to start taking it 5 days before you ovulate until a couple days after. I was noticing that I wasn't making a lot of CM.
Hmm the same thing happened to me with the lines being really dark one day and not the next. What I did was save all my OPK's and when I lined them up next to each other there was a progression from really light to really dark. Since I wasn't sure if the really dark ones were positives, I bought the clearblue with the faces and one day it was a smily with lines around it indicating "peak" and the next day it said positive with just a solid face.

SO I love how much more accurate it is --- more expensive but worth it because no guessing games. But what I concluded was the darker it gets, the closer to your actual ovulation. I hate to say it - but if it was super dark (not positive) but the darkest you've seen it, and then the next day it was lighter - your ovulation could've happened over night!!! Also, the "line" being present at all could mean (1) it's still picking up hormones from your pregnancy, or (2) you could be pregnant!

When I first got pregnant, I had no idea I was. I took a test a couple days before my period and it was negative. Then I got what I thought was a period, cramping and bleeding for 5 days around the same time I got my period the month before. So then, I went about my usual cycle and tested for ovulation and it said positive. SO we BD thinking we would get pregnant - but little did we know, I was already pregnant! When I went to have a checkup because I had bad cramping, they found out I was 5 1/2 weeks pregnant! The ovulation test confused me into thinking I ovulated but really I was pregnant!!!!!

Let's hope that's the case for you :thumbup:

Well, I had them all together and they were a little darker in progression (not much at all), then the one yesterday morning was like BAM! (not "positive" I don't think) then they are lighter now.. so maybe I missed it. We BD'ed Monday and last night though so hopefully I'm covered there if that's the case. If not, we'll try again. I am fairly sure it isn't leftover hormones because I did take a test Monday (it came in the box with the strips), and it was negative. I'll have to keep that in mind though. Ohh could I be so lucky!? :) I took a test when I was pregnant with my son because I was having cramping. It was fluke thing, and it was positive. Crazy! :)
for anyone that wanted to know about my gyno appointment today:

I am thankful that i am back at my old doctor that i have been going to for years (i settled on a "first available" doctor when i was pregnant because my original doctor is so booked; big mistake). Anyway, it feel good to be under her care again.

I explained everything that has happened to me since january, the blighted ovum, symptoms, miscarriage and messed up cycles/short lp. She did a pap and said everything looks and feels normal. I am disappointed to tell you that she basically said that i am young (25) and my clock isn't "ticking" yet, and since i was able to get pregnant before, that's a good sign. And since we haven't been trying for a "full year" (with opk's, temping, etc.) that we should just "go with the flow". I asked her if my dh should get his sperm tested and she goes "no! He is 26, he was able to get you pregnant before".

I love her optimism however i can't help but wish she would've done some bloodwork or ultrasound to at least see what's going on. What if there is something wrong?


hey hun,

i know how you feel, that is exactly what happened to me.

I kept going back to the doctors untill they finally did some thing?

What are your cycles like? Maybe i can you give you some hints on how to get your point across to your doctor.

Keep in touch hun x x
Hey ladies, room for another? I'm on my first month ttc #3 :) I have 2 little boys, caleb who is 3 and blake who is nearly 2. Doing a hard girl sway this time but just hoping for a heathy baby in the end. I'm currently on CD4 and I usually ov around CD17 but not sure if it will be a bit mixed up this cycle due to taking clomid (swaying purposes). I'm an old timer on here but don't get on that much anymore as my boys keep me very busy :) looking forward to cycling with you all. Loadsw oif baby dust xxx
Hey caleblake,

i'm on my first cycle of clomid, 4dpo now so i am in my 2ww. I ovulated on day 20 afternot ovulating before taking it. Why were you put on clomid? And were you boys clomid babies? Lovely boys though.
Hey hun, thanks for the welcome :) good luck for this month, I'm hopefully only a couple of weeks behind you. I'm not taking clomid for ov reasons its for swaying purposes only (unprescribed) looking to sway girl this time and clomid sways pink :)
I wasn't aware that clomid swayed pink, we were kind of hoping for a boy as my hubby already has a girl 5 from an ex. But right now i'll take what i can get.
If you have PCOS it won't really sway girl. If you have PCOS you are more likely to have a boy so the clomid kinda evens it out. Been researching it for a long time. I'm on a different forum at the minute 85% of people who have used clomid for swaying (without pcos) have concieved girls :) xxx
Thats good then, do you know many people who have had success with clomid, who were having problems conceiving?
I know of loads of people but don't know the stats (its a gender swaying site so only has gender stats) there is a girl on here I'm friends with babydereau, if you can find her journal (can't post a link from my phone) clomid worked for her after ttc for over 2 years and being diagnosed with PCOS xxx
Thank you caleblake, was unable to find it under her name but will keep looking.
If you click onto my journal you will find her, there will be a comment on either the last or second last page :) I may have spelt the name slightly wrong lol x

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