My period has been crazy heavy as well! I wonder what that's all about. Preseed is lube that you inject into yourself roughly 15 minutes before you BD. Its safe for couples TTC, it helps balance your ph levels, making it a better environment for sperm & I think it helps the sperm get to where it needs to go. Soft cups are these round rubbery things w/something that reminds me of saran wrap in the middle. It's originally for periods, but a lot of women insert them right after bding b/c it sits right up to your cervix & it keeps the spermies from leaking out & keeps the close to where you want them. OPK's are ovulation predictor kits. I use the digital kind so I have no way of missing my surge. Lastly,

SMEP is the sperm meets egg plan. It basically is bding every other day until ovulation, bding 3 days in a row once you get a positive OPK, skipping a day, then bding again. That is the WAY simplified version. If you google it, you'll get a more in-depth description.
How long have you been doing acupuncture? I've read it can take a few months to really take affect.