August IUI group

No pos reading today. Hoping for tomorrow! How is all with you? Temp reading? When do you think you O'd?
Did you get your positive yet?

My temp went up again today. I think that I may have O'd Thursday or Friday. I was having my O cramps then, so I guess I'm going more on that then anything else. We bd Monday-Thursday and yesterday and I plan on us bd at least every other day from now on, just in case. I figure it can't hurt, and I love bding anyways, so it just gives me a good excuse.:winkwink:
No pos reading yet! Ahhhh! Stressed! I start work tomorrow and since there is no guarantees I'll get this job I'm worried about the impression I'll be making by taking wed or thurs off! I may have to explain to the principal (I've already said I may have to see a "specialist" this week). Oh well, I guess I need a pos reading first, then go from there.
Sounds like you're trying your best with all the bding! Lol. Have you been doing the preseeding and cupping(?) every day? Lots of work. I'm sure it will all be worth it in the end:)
Hey West! Hope your first day back goes well! What grade do you teach?

Well, I'm feeling out already. My temp went from 97.53 to 97.18. That can't be good, right? Oh well. I guess only time will tell.
First day went pretty well! No guarantees it will be my gr 3/4 class, but great to be at that school for at least the week!
I got a pos reading today! Off for IUI tomorrow(I managed to get an afternoon appointment so at least I'm teaching the morning). Trying not to stress. Had an acupuncture app. Yesterday so that helped me chill out.
Your temp drop doesn't sound good....but I got really frustrated doing temp readings(I think I had a bad thermometer) since mine always seemed to go up and down... I guess check tomorrow...
Good luck today!!! I'm praying it works for you this time!

Well, my temp went back up from 97.18 to 97.33, so hopfully it keeps going up from there. I'm really not expecting this to be my month though. I'm truley hoping it is yours though.:hugs:
Thanks! 46.6 million count and 90% motility! Now trying to rest and not think about my job situation. Ergh.
Great your temp is up! Let's hope it stays there!
Now for the waiting.....
So how's your TWW going?

I think I may have ovulated later than I origanally thought. Like maybe last week...which would have made more sense with my cycle. My temp has sky rocketed. Jumped from 97.90 to 98.34. I've never temped before, so I don't know if this is normal for me? I hope not. I hope it's up b/c I have something cooking in there.
TWW = making me impatient. I've been teaching gr 1 for the past week though, so they're keeping me on my toes/busy! I'm hoping the "stress"(I'm avoiding that word as I'm trying to avoid it) doesnt affect my chances. I got punched in the stomach yesterday by one of the kids! It wasn't that hard, but I couldn't help thinking about my possible bean! No symptoms...although I'm eating a lot! I think I use "it" as possible excuse. I have been excersizing too though.
Great news on your temp!!! I'm really hoping its good news for you this month! Any thing out of the ordinary/symptoms ?
Btw, hard to get used to this new set up here on b and b!
Hi Brayr, how are things?
My lower back is sore today, so I'm feeling like af may be coming soon. Argh!
How is your weekend going?
So what DPO are you?

I am pretty sure AF is going to show up in the next couple of days, if not sooner (hoping she holds out until Tuesday, making my cycle 28 days). My temp has steadily been dropping since Friday and this morning (TMI warning) when I wiped, there was a maroonish spot, which is always an indicator for me that the :witch: is close at hand. Oh well. I had a very confusing month with my positive OPK being on cycle day 7, I had a major dip on cycle day 14 and the chart I'm using is showing I possably Oed on cycle day 21...huh...I just realized that they were all exactly 7 days apart...weird...anyways, I have NO idea when I actually Oed. This is so frustrating!!! The nice thing with the going to the doctor's for ultra sounds and using the trigger shot is that I know exactly when everything happened. Anyways, hoping it worked for you this month.
Can you use a ovulation predictor kit next month? May a bit more predictable then taking your temp? I found temp taking stressful and confusing!
No real signs. I did see the doctor about a face rash/acne that was getting bad. Turns out I have perioral demititis. The gel he gave me has caused burning and now I really look hideous! I'll go back today and see what they say. I can only put water on it, so no way of hiding it. Plus I'll be having my interview tomorrow. Stressful!
Good luck to you this coming month! I'll let you know if af shows;)
I did use an ovulation predictor kit (OPK), but I don't think it was accurate.:wacko: You're apparently not supposed to use them with your first pee in the morning, but I can't take it to work (obviously), so I have to use it first thing in the morning. You would think if it was positive then you have to have the hormone in your system, right? Which would mean that you're going to ovulate??? I don't know. I just guess we'll have to :sex: A LOT this next month...darn:winkwink:

How'd your dr's appointment go? And what are you interviewing for again? When is AF supposed to show up?(nothing like 20 questions, right:haha:) I would think mine would show up tomorrow, but my temp went back up (slightly) again. Tomorrow will be 28 days (which is USUALLY my norm). I'm not really feeling like she's coming though. Muh...:dohh:
When I used th opk with first morning pee, it didn't work. The last 3 months I did it mid day (even at work! It wasn't that bad or obvious) and I think it was more accurate. I think I O'd day 15 this month...that's when I has my IUI.
I'm day 27 too. Usually about 26 to 28 day cycle. Feeling bloated but that's it so far.
Doctor said to wait out the burning skin and not put anything on it! Seems like the clomid may have been what gave me the acne in the first place. Next step is to take an antibiotic, but doc doesn't want to do that while I'm Ttc. More waiting! I'll have to check b and b and with my fertility doc to see if this is a normal reaction.
Not sure when I'll interview, but will be for a teaching job. I've been teaching gr 1 for 2 weeks, but sounds like someone with more experience may get the job. I just want this week to go by!!
Let me know what happens! Your yo yoing temp is getting me excited!;)
AF came today! Argh! Not a good week for me in general(skin, job). Not feeling good about it all. I called fertility doc to see what he says about clomid this month(4th month in a row...not likely). Guessing he will say take a month off.
How are you today? Are we on the same cycle or did our wish come true for you?
Well, I was a day late, which obviously got me excited, but I had a red swipe last night, brownish red this morning and a BFN. I should be fully starting at sometime today. Blah...So, we're still pretty much on the same schedule, I'm just a day behind you now. I'm sorry she got you. Are you going to a FS or just a gyno?
I think I'll go with today being my first day of cycle since yesterday was next to nothing. The nurse at the fertility clinic said I could do 4th month on clomid and IUI this month. I'll discuss with my hubby but hoping third time is a charm!
Found out someone with more seniority got my teaching job! So now I'm back to substituting. I knew this month would be great or aweful. Ahhh! At least I'm not cramping (yet)! I'm having some wine tonight!
I have STILL not officially started! AAAAAHHH!!! So frustrating!!!:wacko: I am still spotting, but that's it. Come on AF! I'm ready to start my next cycle already! I know she has to be coming. I have been a super b*tch lately and I'm not normally. Just every little thing sets me off. Like tonight, DH asked me to run to the store after work. Yes, that's kind of annoying, especially since I already went there on my lunch, but I had to mentally make myself be nice and smile b/c even though I KNEW there was no reason for me to be so angry, I couldn't help but want to punch him in the face!:haha: Anyways...

I really hope this is your month! Do you think they'll have you try clomid again your next cycle if it doesn't? I'm sorry you didn't get your teaching job. My sister in law is in the same boat. She keeps applying for jobs, but there's always either someone from the school or someone that's taught for longer that gets the job. She's a highschool math teacher too, which I've heard is usually an easier position to get since not as many ppl go to school for that.:shrug: I guess it just means there's a better position out there for you.
Are you feeling any better? I usually find af makes me crazy and then sad. But luckily my dh has been super positive and keeping me sane:)
I've started the clomid at 100mg again. The nurse said we have to see the doctor if this cycle doesnt work. But third times a charm!
My skin is still pretty bad and my hay fever has been driving me crazy, so I'm going to see my naturopath this week. I'm hoping she can relieve the symptoms I have and create a more stable place for a baby!
Starting to get cool here..not ready for winter!
I think the craziness has gone away. Yesterday morning, I felt like I could cry over anything (I didn't thank God!) and then I got cranky and then I was fine. lol I still haven't started. This morning, I actually had like O cramps on my right side, weird huh? I'm still spotting. Grrr...

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