August Sunbeams!

I got the exact same doppler from the same site. It even came with batteries and a small bottle of gel.

Not really any tips on finding the hb, I think I just got really lucky finding it the first time. The two times after that I didn't find it but I can feel the little flutters of the baby moving around (really early I know but I had abdominal surgery a few years ago that weakened my lower stomach muscles so I blame that) so I'm confident that everything is still okay. I highly recommend watching some videos on YouTube on how to use so you know what baby's hb sounds like vs your own, don't press too hard like I did cuz the probe could leave a bruise, take it nice and slow and don't stress if you can't find it. Most ladies can't consistently find the hb until 14+ weeks after the uterus grows out of the pelvis and the baby is bigger. It's so magical when you do hear the hb though so take it easy and have fun :D
That's the one I was looking at! Since my uterus is tilted pretty severely I'm worried I might not find the HB for a few more weeks. I called the birth center and asked to reschedule my appointment and they are getting me in a week earlier! That's next Tuesday! YAY! They will do a scan if the doppler can't pick up HB. I think my womb might have "popped" forward in the past couple days, though, because my bump is starting to show now. :/
That's awesome you got the same doppler from the same site! A couple people have said that now. Makes me feel better I have a legit purchase :)

I've watched a couple videos, but they had a hard time finding it, so I'm not sure how helpful they were lol. I'll have to watch some more.

Oh, and I swear I've been feeling movement too. Everybody says it's too early, but you know your body.
Kudos to you for keeping a blind guinea pig. I worked at a local rescue group taking care of the horses there and one of them was blind. She was a racehorse and gravel flew into her eyes during a race that caused her to eventually go blind. She had to have one of her eyes amputated and the lid was sewn shut. It was sad. She was difficult to work with because you had to help do a lot of things, like showing her where her food was and you had to talk to her while you groomed her so she wouldn't spook. I could imagine how it would be a challenge with a blind piggy too. They do multiply quickly and I had to have a friend come over to sex them all because I was a newbie and had a hard time telling them apart. If she hadn't helped me, I probably would have even more than that lol! I will have to post some pics of them one day.

As to the doppler, I have some tips. I had the Angelsounds one but I'm sure most dopplers work the same way. Anyways, I start about an inch away from my left hip bone. There is a good artery right there so you should be able to hear your own heartbeat pretty clearly and that will help you tell the difference between your own heartbeat and the baby's. Now take the doppler down at an angle, heading towards your pubic line. When you get near the center of your belly, you should start hearing the placenta. It sounds similar to your heartbeat but a little faster, like 130ish. Once you find that, finding the baby should be easy. Usually the baby is under the placenta, though really it could be anywhere in the location of the placenta. You know when you find it because it'll be really high, like 150-180s usually. Not sure if that helps but that is the best explaining I could do. :)

The pic below kind of shows where to start and where to end. That is not a pregnant uterus but you can kind of get the idea...


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I have the same Doppler lol I don't think I'm gonna try and use it until I'm 14+ weeks. Finally got things changed around with my ob and get to see the one I wanted to. I know I might not get her for deliever but I can hope. Anyway they want to do another ultrasound on Thursday through there office (totally not gonna argue lol I told them I've already had one). Then gonna see her at 13 weeks for my pelvic exam ect. It still feels so strange to me to have made it to 9 weeks, still probably won't feel better until I'm past 12 weeks lol.

Anyone else on progesterone? When are you stopping?
I am still on progesterone following my ivf cycle, both injections and one supp a day. I have instructions to finish the last vial of pio, then switch to 2 supps a day for a week, then 1, then every other day. I'll probably be totally weaned off by 14 weeks. My RE had instructed that I come off by 12 but my ob wants to be extra careful with me because of my history.
I'm taking progesterone cream that I bought online. I told my doctor about it and he told me that he doesn't think it helps but it doesn't hurt. I am going to stop mine after 12 weeks when the placenta has definitely taken over the hormone production. That's when the OB said it shouldn't be an issue any longer to give me piece of mind.
I got my doppler in the mail today! I was able to find the heartbeat in about 10 minutes. It was difficult at first and almost gave up, but then on the last try I just happened upon it. Baby is still quite low, but is sitting in the middle where I've been feeling what I believe to be movements every now and then. Such a beautiful sound, I am so glad I bought this thing :)

Swimmy - I feel really strange that I've made it this far too. Everyday is like a dream really.
Congrats on finding the hb fairycat! :hugs: they do love to play hide and seek it seems. I was feeling super anxious today and needed a listen to calm my nerves. Took me about 10 minutes to find baby but it was such a relief!
I love how these are available and affordable. Calms the nerves so much! I'm glad you got to listen to yours too :)
did anyone else have back pain around 9 weeks? I woke up today and mine has been killing me tonight at work. I'm not sure if i just slept weird but it has me worried sense my last mc i had back pain with. I admit right after posting i wasn't gonna use the doppler until 12+ weeks i caved and tried to use it. Couldn't find a heart beat besides my own, but I'm not a thin person and i know that makes it harder lol just didn't help my nerves any.
Swimmy, I have back pain that comes and goes all through the first trimester. That's because of the tilted uterus, though. On top of cramps I also get backaches with menstruation, too.
I've had lots of back aches, and they've been getting worse the closer I get to 2nd tri, and they definitely started around 9 weeks. They can be associated with rlp as the uterus grows or poor posture. One of the only things that has helped is to sleep with two body pillows on either side of me, one tucked against my belly and the other tucked tight against my back. It hasn't eliminated the pain but it has lessened so I can at least walk normally during the day
Kuawen - i tried the pillows and it helped a ton. Thank you :) getting nervous for my scan in 5 days. Also working night shift is getting harder and harder (sooo sleepy)
I have back pain everyday, but I also have arthritis in my low back and a herniated disc. Some days it hurts more than others, and I really have trouble bending over in the mornings. It makes it hard to get dressed or even open and close the toilet seat. It's definitely worse in pregnancy.
I'm on progesterone till my 12th week just as precautionary reasons. I go for my next scan Feb 8th.
I made my husband hide my doppler. Its too early and i keep getting myself all worked up not being able to find the heartbeat. I swear idk if its the hormones or what but i keep crying randomly that i'm gonna go in thursday and they won't find a heartbeat. (crazy dreams don't help either). Maybe i'll try drinking tea.
Swimmy, I've got an appointment today and if they find the heartbeat on the doppler I plan to order one lol. I don't want to try the first time unless there's an ultrasound machine available to reassure me if the HB can't be found.
Yesterday I sat in my car for 15 minutes crying before I went into the gym. I felt so overwhelmed, but then I was suddenly ok. Hormones make me very emotional.
90 minutes until my appointment. I'm about to crawl out of my skin! This one is even more difficult to wait for than the first, as I've allowed myself to bond since seeing the HB. I'm attached now. :/

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