Abs - if you're feeling like maybe then push for more testing and see a FS. This could help you feel like next time you get pregnant there aren't there isn't anything left to chance. Of course there are some miscarriages that are just never going to be able to be prevented - they're the bad luck ones in my eyes. One's with like chromosomal problems or the egg implanted in the wrong spot, or there's a knot in the cord. You can't help those ones.
But there are lots of other conditions out there which make a woman have a much higher risk of miscarriage that can be dealt with. You'd never go get tested for them after 1 first tri miscarriage because miscarriage is so common and almost everyone goes on to have a baby, so for that reason most doctors even argue that 2 miscarriages shouldn't be investigated. However, I wish I had pushed for the OK to take aspirin after my first miscarriage, maybe I wouldn't be feeling so sorry for myself today! My (very good) GP kept telling me that 1 miscarriage was normal and her tests show that I don't have a blood clotting disorder. Guess what they put me on at my first appointment at the RMC? Every doctor I see now tells me that it's imperative that I'm on baby aspirin during my next pregnancy! I do also have a minor blood clotting disorder (MTHFR) that you treat with aspirin, but this was only found by my hematologist that does extensive testing
I know you've had some testing, but GP's are specialised in fertility. They aren't up to date with the latest research and treatment methods out there.
I don't want to sound pushy and I definitely don't want to sound like I think you're going to have another miscarriage! I'm just saying this because I wish I had been more aggressive about this after my 1st one and dont want you to have the same regrets/