Baby Babblings

Laura - Glad to hear your Nausea has passed, mine has too now, I ate some Ginger Nut biscuits and it went :haha:

I can't believe it's been a month, time is flying! Wish it would hurry up some more though so I can have a scan and stop worrying myself sick!

Hope the time flies by for you hun then you can see Jellybean again :hugs::happydance: xx

Teenah - How did your scan go hun? Piccies? :D xx
That's good then, there's nothing worse than feeling sick!

It'll fly by Hun it really will :) any news on scan apt?

Can't wait :happydance: xx
Ok, so my scan went PERFECT! My baby is indeed in my uterus and not an ectopic :) We were able to see the little heartbeat thumping away! It was so beautiful! It was tracked at 120 bpm, so NORMAL! He measured 5+6 weeks (I was previously using my LMP to track, but I am not back to using my O date and actual measurements) So...I am 6 weeks today!

My Doctor was very please with the HB and measurements, he said that I am right on track for a healthy pregnancy.

The attached pic is a pic of a pic, so it's bad, but I assure you that my baby is so tiny that he is just a smear of gray on this pic, seeing him live on the screen was way better than the picture.

As for me - I am only allowed to gain 10-15 lbs because I am already a fatty! Dude! How much can you gain? How do you feel like you are managing so far? Personally, I am not as hungry as usual, but I do have moments of being famished! So, I guess I just need to focus on eating super healthy. Currently, I need to add a calcium pill with vit D to my regimen, because I dont really drink milk, and I need to start up my cardio asap per my doctor, luckily I just got an eliptical machine for christmas.

Anyhow, eeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I love my baby!


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Aww hun that's fantastic news! So glad everything went well :) Your LO's so cute :) when's your next scan?

Sounds like you've got an ace doc! I've not been told what I'm allowed to gain not sure they do that over here or not, I'd probs say the same as you tho or slightly less, I weigh enough already! Lol ATM I'm not really trying to eat too well tbh, gonna make some soups up next week I think tho and freeze them so I can have them for lunch at work :thumbup:

Sooo can't wait to finish work now! A few of the blokes keep saying 'I'm gonna try to get pregnant so I can leave work' lmao bless um!

My hips killing me today :( but I managed to eat a ham salad sandwich this morning!! First time since finding out lol

Eugh an hour of work left! Lol xx
Laura - Feeling :sick: is awful! :( I hope it does fly by, need to have a word with my Midwife as I don't feel Pregnant at all! Nearly rang my Doctors this morning to get my blood done but thought I better wait it out..I'm really worried! :( No news on my appointment yet hun, will be booking my 12 week scan hopefully on 9th May at our Booking in appointment xx

Teenah - Great scan pic! Glad everything is well hun :hugs: I don't know why they won't give me an early scan, maybe I should have lied and told them I didn't know when my last LMP was :( xx
Maybe if you express your concerns to your midwife she might book you in earlier? It's worth a try hun. I have days like that but think has anything happened to make me think baby isn't there? Have I had any spotting or pains, and if not try not to worry Hun, I know it's easier said than done bacuase of your history, hopefully they'll get you in early, it's a shame private scans are so expensive xx
Maybe if you express your concerns to your midwife she might book you in earlier? It's worth a try hun. I have days like that but think has anything happened to make me think baby isn't there? Have I had any spotting or pains, and if not try not to worry Hun, I know it's easier said than done bacuase of your history, hopefully they'll get you in early, it's a shame private scans are so expensive xx

I will have a word with my Midwife next week but I don't think she will get me in for an early scan as I haven't had any bleeding or pain etc. I have had an upset stomach for a week or two but I think that was because of the anti-biotics. I haven't had any bleeding or pain hun but I worry about a MMC etc. Everything might be ok, just me worrying lol! I see all these posts about early scan yet I can't get one? If I had the money, I would have a private scan tomorrow! xx
Maybe if you express your concerns to your midwife she might book you in earlier? It's worth a try hun. I have days like that but think has anything happened to make me think baby isn't there? Have I had any spotting or pains, and if not try not to worry Hun, I know it's easier said than done bacuase of your history, hopefully they'll get you in early, it's a shame private scans are so expensive xx

I will have a word with my Midwife next week but I don't think she will get me in for an early scan as I haven't had any bleeding or pain etc. I have had an upset stomach for a week or two but I think that was because of the anti-biotics. I haven't had any bleeding or pain hun but I worry about a MMC etc. Everything might be ok, just me worrying lol! I see all these posts about early scan yet I can't get one? If I had the money, I would have a private scan tomorrow! xx

Ex - don't wory if you are not feeling preggers, I have my days too. I work up this morning with nipples that were less sore and got scared, but then I reminded myself that being pregnant isn't an illness and that symptoms can come and go. I have been dead tired for the last 2 hours, so I am DEFO feeling preggers right now, but who knows what tomorrow brings?! If you would like an early scan you need to call and discuss your past pregnancy. They will give you one then. P.S. you will actually get to see a human looking baby when you get your scan, so it'll be worth the wait!
Teenah - Thank you for your advice hun. I'm trying my best not to worry but hey, what pregnant woman doesn't worry? I have been tired aswell, maybe I am one of the lucky one's who doesn't get any symptoms or they will hit me with a vengeance in the 2nd Tri! :shock: I have just been looking at Private scans but can't afford one at the moment so it's either a case of waiting it out or get saving :haha: xx
Wait and save :haha:

Hunni my friend is dues next week after having a miscarriage 3years ago. She's had no symptoms throughout and 'spud' is perfectly fine, some people just don't suffer and we are def the lucky ones :) please please try and relax, I believe it's the most important thing to do. I was shitting myself before our scan but all was all, my symptoms went the morning of the scan! You might wake up tomorrow and have full blown symptoms again, I find they're there one day gone the next, I think a lot of early scans are in the US too xx
Wait and save :haha:

Hunni my friend is dues next week after having a miscarriage 3years ago. She's had no symptoms throughout and 'spud' is perfectly fine, some people just don't suffer and we are def the lucky ones :) please please try and relax, I believe it's the most important thing to do. I was shitting myself before our scan but all was all, my symptoms went the morning of the scan! You might wake up tomorrow and have full blown symptoms again, I find they're there one day gone the next, I think a lot of early scans are in the US too xx

I think that's what we will do :haha:

Really? That helps to put my mind at ease a little hun, thank you. Maybe we are just the lucky one's? I know that if you let yourself get hungry, that causes MS, maybe that why I haven't suffered with that symptom. I'm trying my hardest to relax hun, my OH said we will get an early scan as he doesn't like seeing me upset and worried, bless him :blush: Maybe your symptoms went as your mind was concentrating on your scan? :) I want syptoms so then it feels more real but I also don't as they can make you feel like real poo! :haha: Yeah I think you are right there chick xx
Aww bless him what a sweetheart :) to be fair chick if it puts your mind at rest it might e worth it! I'd be going mad by now if we hadn't had one early!

Try the kiddicare website cause I know they have clinics around the country xx
Aww bless him what a sweetheart :) to be fair chick if it puts your mind at rest it might e worth it! I'd be going mad by now if we hadn't had one early!

Try the kiddicare website cause I know they have clinics around the country xx

He doesn't like seeing me worrying or upset :blush: It will definetly be worth it hun, will stop me worrying for sure, which is the worst thing we can do! I'll have a look now chick, thank you :hugs: xx
No worries hunni :) let us know how you get on and if you fin one a good price :thumbup:

Bless him :) its times like this when they really step up and do their best to comfort us :) I could strangle Simon at times but couldn't be without him :blush: xx
No worries hunni :) let us know how you get on and if you fin one a good price :thumbup:

Bless him :) its times like this when they really step up and do their best to comfort us :) I could strangle Simon at times but couldn't be without him :blush: xx

I haven't found any cheap enough yet, they are all £99. My SIL said she knows someone who got one for £50 so she is going to try and find out for me.

Yeah it is hun, aww bless lol :p

I rang the EPU yesterday and told them of my worries, they couldn't offer me a scan and told me not to worry as I have had no bleeding or pain etc. Got to wait until my scan which could be between 12-14 weeks :( xx
That's sucks Hun :( A day seems like forever when your waiting so desperately! We got our 4d voucher of KGB deals and the company does early scans too, it's in Birmingham tho so woulda probs be cheaper for you to get one done locally. If I see any offers or adverts I'll be sure to let you know tho zx

How you feeling Hun?

I just got loads of egcm, like loads! Very odd lol all clear tho so nothing to worry about :) xx
That's sucks Hun :( A day seems like forever when your waiting so desperately! We got our 4d voucher of KGB deals and the company does early scans too, it's in Birmingham tho so woulda probs be cheaper for you to get one done locally. If I see any offers or adverts I'll be sure to let you know tho zx

How you feeling Hun?

I just got loads of egcm, like loads! Very odd lol all clear tho so nothing to worry about :) xx

Yeah it does hun, you see loads of ladies that get a scan just for cramping or just for reassurance, I'm just one of the unlucky ones, if there is something wrong on my 12 week scan, I will go to the EPU and give them a piece of my mind! :growlmad: Yeah I think Birmingham is a bit far for us to travel hun, wouldn't be too bad if I could drive, which I'm hoping to get some lessons soon! Aww thank you chick :hugs:

I'm not too bad thanks hun, been keeping myself busy doing some Art and anxiously waiting for our Booking In appointment on Wednesday then we can see what the Midwife suggests.

Ooo!! Glad it's nothing to worry about though, probably your hormones going wild hehe. How are you doing hun? :hugs: xx
That's so true! Some places give them out for any old reason! Not fair really when there's people like you who have a genuine reason to want an early scan. Makes you mad doesn't it!

Oooo art sounds interesting! What kind of art? It'll be here before you know it, I find countin sleeps helps! Like its only 17more sleeps until we see jellybean again! Makes it go quicker :)

There won't be anything wrong at the scan hunni baby will be perfect, I know it!! :hugs:

I'm not too bad just keep getting sicky feelings, but other than ok ta hunni, got an urge to buy jellybean something today lol going shopping with my mum and SIL so FXed I'll find something hehe

My best friend almost had me in tears the other day, she text me asking if she can buy us a baby swing because I'm closest she'll get to having a sister and being a proper auntie :) I was touched by it bless her :) she's such a star :)

How you feeling today? Xx
Laura - That is very true hun. Oh well, they better prepare if there is anything wrong, I won't be a happy bunny :haha:

I do Digital Art on the laptop or draw random things by hand lol. I have always been a fan of drawing etc, I wanted to make a living from it but when I left home, I lost the knack etc :(

Funnily enough, I turned around to OH last night and said "3 more sleeps" :rofl: Yay! 17 more sleeps :happydance::yipee:

Aww thank you chick, I would like to think the same, I'm trying my hardest though, if only we could win the lottery :haha:

Glad to hear you are ok hun. Aww bless, hope the sicky feeling passes soon, must be awful :hugs: Ooo you'll have to let us know what you buy for Jellybean, would love to see a piccie :D

Awwwww bless her! That is so sweet!

I'm not too bad thank you chick, just doing some more drawing to take my mind off things. It's strange as sometimes I don't feel pregnant at all, then like last night, I felt a twinge in my stomach, when I felt it, it was hard, then this morning it's not? Things like that make me worry :blush: xx
Hey ladies,

I had a very lazy, sleep-filled weekend...I swear to gawd that I have never slept so much in my entire life! I had some super minor brown spotting when I wiped on friday, that carried on periodically through out the day and a bit on Saturday. I am sure it was just the placenta making room in my uterus and pushing out a bit of old blood. I am not going to worry about it.

I went shopping AGAIN yesterday, and bought so many cute baby items! The Haul included:
15 neutral baby outfits (in various sizes ranging from newborn to 12 months)
1 black baby zip-up jacket
4 super plush cuuuute baby blankets
4 packs of 6 baby socks (ranging from sizes 0-12 months)

I got all of this for ONLY $64! I saved over $550! I shop the sales at my favorite department store, used over $200 in free store cash (if you spend a lot you earn store cash), got 20% off, and used a few coupons. I love saving money!

Our LO's closet is filling up fast! I'll take a picture soon!

As for how I am feeling today: ICKY. Like I need to puke but can't. UGH. Also, I ate WAY too much yesterday, even though I have been NOT hungry for the most part, and doing really well with eating, I am disappointed by my food choices yesterday. Ugh.

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