Baby Babblings

Sounds good hun! Yay 3more sleeps!!! Not long to wait now, Didn't get anything for jellybean:( nowhere seems to have much nice neutral stuff, it's all either pink or blue. And my SIL was doing my head in! My mum bought jellybean's first snowsuit tho :) white with a bear on :) very cute!

Baby will have a bigger wardrobe than you teenah :haha: gutted I didn't manage to get anything, could be because I was with my SIL and she makes me feel like i don't have the right to be buying things yet, drives me mad she does everything is about her, and I mean EVERYTHING! She doesn't care about anyone else's feelings! Eugh rant over lol

Glad you ok teenah :) I'm feeling icky too :( horrible!

Natt my belly does that, I think it goes hard when our uterus' stretch then soft when they relax again.

Can't figure out if I need a nap or not :( I know I don't want a roast dinner in an hours time :sick: :nope: might do some online baby shopping to take my mind off the sick feeling! Xx
6+5 weeks preggers (again) since I got set back a week at my scan, I am reliving the 6th week! LoL.

MAJOR NAUSEA! But no puking.
Eating a whole meal is getting if I don't want to finish...weird.
Nipples are sore
bloated (but happy in my pregnant body, despite being a fatty!)
Acne is sloooooowly clearing (still BAD)
VERY tired by the end of the day

I came home from school last night and my hubby said, "I bought the baby its first diapers and wipes!" and he showed me proudly! As he stored them in the baby's closet he said, "I'll buy things little by little, so that we have everything we need!" (truely we could splurge and buy everything now, but we are savers, and we like to get deals and save money). Also, he picked up dinner so that i didn't have to cook, and then rubbed my back as I was sleeping...he hinted at wanting to BD...which is odd bc I usually have to beg...his hints woke me right up and we had a great SEXSESSION! LoL. It was a great night!

How are you all holding up???

P.S. About work life: I handed my boss a list of things I will no longer do without being compensated appropropriately! He was shocked, but I am thinking like a man now, because I give and give, and work so effing hard, and i get empty promises of promotions that always get delayed due to "budget issues" but NO MORE ladies! I WILL NOT continue to go above and beyond.
Woohoo sounding good hunni :)

Bless you hubby! How sweet of him :) I was gonna call and buy jellybean something on my home from work but it didn't seem right seeing as I was buying a 'thinking of you' card for my friend, very sad evening yesterday :cry:

Other than feeling icky and need ing to eat all the time I'm not too bad, achy today though. I ordered my doppler yesterday and can't wait for it to get here so I can hopefully find jellybean!

Go you with work! Good for you :) xx
Doppler?! Do tell about it...How much?!

Also, is your friend ok?

PS I second you on the achEness! When I stand up my feet and body ache!
I've bought a Sonoline b Doppler off eBay for £44 new, free delivery and gel, it says you can use it from 10-12 wks, people can find the HB as early as 9wks. It's best to have a really full bladder and start just above your bikini line moving the probe really slowly and pausing every cm or so. Can't wait!

My friend was due to have her baby today, I text her last night to see how things were and she hadn't felt any movement on Saturday so went to hospital and the baby's heart had stopped :cry: they won't deliver her until tomorrow :( its just incomprehensible, can't begin to imagine how she must be feeling right now. I feel guilty tho cause she mc'd early a few years ago and now this. Poor poor lady :( She's a family friend too so my mum and nan know her mum who is just devastated. Doesn't bare thinking about does it xx
I've bought a Sonoline b Doppler off eBay for £44 new, free delivery and gel, it says you can use it from 10-12 wks, people can find the HB as early as 9wks. It's best to have a really full bladder and start just above your bikini line moving the probe really slowly and pausing every cm or so. Can't wait!

My friend was due to have her baby today, I text her last night to see how things were and she hadn't felt any movement on Saturday so went to hospital and the baby's heart had stopped :cry: they won't deliver her until tomorrow :( its just incomprehensible, can't begin to imagine how she must be feeling right now. I feel guilty tho cause she mc'd early a few years ago and now this. Poor poor lady :( She's a family friend too so my mum and nan know her mum who is just devastated. Doesn't bare thinking about does it xx

OMG. It is a NIGHTMARE. A positive NIGHTMARE, and my ultimate fear. You have to ask yourself, "WHY?!" I am not a very religious person, but I do pray, and I will pray for your friend to find peace and healing. Please encourage her to hold her baby, name her baby, and dress her baby after the delivery. Statistics show that it helps with the grieving process and allows the mother to cope with the depression that will soon follow. All I can say is that I am so sorry for her.
Thanks hun, I will do. I keep hoping there's been a mistake and when she delivers baby will be cry, or when the post mortem is done they find there was something wrong with the baby to give them some justice.

My nan had spoke to her mum yesterday and both my friend and her partner have said there will be another baby, just obviously when she is strong enough. Im hoping to go and see her soon but understand if it's hat to see or even speak to me ATM. I just want to hug her :cry:

Natt!!!!! How did the booking apt go? Hope everything's ok as we've not saw you for a few days :hugs: xx
I had my Booking in appointment with my Midwife yesterday. Everything went well apart from they couldn't get any bloods off me :blush: So now I have to go to my GP tomorrow morning and hopefully they will manage to take them. When I told her that I had no sickness or many symptoms, she seemed a little shocked so, just rang and booked a Private Scan for tomorrow at 5:30pm, just waiting for them to get back in touch with me and confirm. I hope nothing is wrong with Our Little Miracle :( xx
I had my Booking in appointment with my Midwife yesterday. Everything went well apart from they couldn't get any bloods off me :blush: So now I have to go to my GP tomorrow morning and hopefully they will manage to take them. When I told her that I had no sickness or many symptoms, she seemed a little shocked so, just rang and booked a Private Scan for tomorrow at 5:30pm, just waiting for them to get back in touch with me and confirm. I hope nothing is wrong with Our Little Miracle :( xx

YAY for a scan!!! Don't worry about a thing missy - not having symptoms isn't bad, maybe you are just lucky. Do you have anything, like even just sore nipples (mine are mildly sore, not BLAZING PAIN like some say they have). Are you peeing alot? P.S. Drink lots of water before you give bloods - since I have been preggers I am a "bad stick" for whatever reason my typically great veins have become horrible to stick. To get my second HCG draw they stuck me in 4 places (and dug in to find veins) until TWO people worked to get less than half a vial of blood, which only came out by holding the needle at an angle, and allowing it to trickle out...Ugh.
7 Weeks TODAY! My baby is the size of a blueberry! Eeeeee!

I had a bit of brown spotting again this morning, no red, no clots. Not much, but it was there when I wiped. I did a q-tip test and it was pretty clear, maybe a bit tinged with brown. I spotted the week of my missed period (approx. 3 weeks preggers), then last weekend, now today. Again, it's not much and it is brown, but I am getting scared. I know that it can be normal, especially since the plancenta is forming hardcore right now...Pray that my blueberry baby is ok...

Fairly certain that I WILL PUKE TODAY...sooooooooo nauseous.
Mildly sore nipples (it's my security blanket, as I always poke at them to make sure that they are still sore!)

P.S. My cat hates me more and more as I progress as a pregnant mommy. She seriously doesn't hang around me or sleep near me anymore. :( she only slept with me last night bc I woke up from a super scary dream about people breaking into my house (my husband is always gone, so it's a phobia I have).

Laura - How are your lizzies?!
Glad all went well Natt, yay for scan!! Go you! All will be fine :) zx

Aww bless her hun! Our dogs are too thick to notice anything :haha:

Call your doc if your worried hun, I'm sure it's nothing tho zx

My symptoms are not really there neither but I notice little things.

They're all fine thanks teenah :) fat like mommy lol xx
Teenah - Thank you hun but I am actually really nervous for tomorrows scan. Scared that they will give me bad news. I am trying to think positive but it's just not happening! Will be so relieved if we see baby and a nice heartbeat. My nipples are a little sore today and I have suffered with a break out in spots, that's about it. No peeing frequently anymore, no sickness, I have suffered from tiredness though. I have had no reason to think there would be something wrong, no bleeding or anything, it's just one of those things I think! Thank you for the tip about drinking water, hopefully they will be able to get some blood from me in the morning otherwise I will have to go to the Hospital and get the Doctor that got them last time to take them again! HAPPY BLUEBERRY!!!! :happydance: xx

Laura - Thank you hun. I'm keeping everything crossed it's good news. Been up there today and payed the Deposit so it's all go go go from here! We got soaked as the heavens opened! We bought our 1st baby item today, a bottle steriliser :blush: xx
Teenah - Thank you hun but I am actually really nervous for tomorrows scan. Scared that they will give me bad news. I am trying to think positive but it's just not happening! Will be so relieved if we see baby and a nice heartbeat. My nipples are a little sore today and I have suffered with a break out in spots, that's about it. No peeing frequently anymore, no sickness, I have suffered from tiredness though. I have had no reason to think there would be something wrong, no bleeding or anything, it's just one of those things I think! Thank you for the tip about drinking water, hopefully they will be able to get some blood from me in the morning otherwise I will have to go to the Hospital and get the Doctor that got them last time to take them again! HAPPY BLUEBERRY!!!! :happydance: xx

Laura - Thank you hun. I'm keeping everything crossed it's good news. Been up there today and payed the Deposit so it's all go go go from here! We got soaked as the heavens opened! We bought our 1st baby item today, a bottle steriliser :blush: xx

Do you girls plan to breastfeed? (I am obsessed with being able to...if for some crazy reason that I can't I'll pump for the first year)
Natt it will be fine! Can't wait to see your little miracle :)))

Yay for steriliser! Which one did you get? I might purchase something tonight hehe need some new undies as mine hurt my belly so going shopping straight from work :)

I'd like to breastfeed teenah, that's if I am able to, if not I'll be a little upset but I'll what's best for the baby :)

Teenah - my friend had the baby, don't know if she dressed him but they saw him and named him which is good, freddy Luke weighed 7lb 1oz. Sleep tight little man xxx
Woooooooooooooooooooooooo NAtt cant wait to see your bubz, not long now hun :D x x x
Teenah - I haven't decided wether I will breastfeed yet or not, I would like to but I guess we will have to see what happens :) xx

Laura - Thank you hun, I really hope it is. I am soooo nervous and scared to be honest! :blush: The Steriliser that we got is an "Avent" brand. Hope you managed to get some comfier undies chick. Sleep tight little man, I didn't know you but you are in my thoughts and prayers :hugs: xx

Jess - Thank you hun :hugs: Just praying it's a good outcome xx

My Doctor managed to take my bloods this morning :D xx
Yay for bloods!! Hehe Hun I was the same hun, shitting myself!! All will be well and you'll get such a sense of relief from it :) I think we're looking at the tomme tippee ones cause if I can't yo breastfeed I thing they're the best for doing both, not sure tho.

Shopping tonight so FXed lol

Thank you hunni :hugs:
7+1 weeks preggers! Yay!

General discomfort lower back and some tummy hurts (like gas/stretching)
Nauseous (ugh)

Last night I FREAKED OUT...TOTALLY FLIPPED when my hubby came home at 12 am from work - poor thing was so tired - but I was in a STATE of utter emotional turmoil! LoL. Sobbed and screamed, and threw a packet of cheese! Eventually, I calmed down and went downstairs to hangout on the couch with my hubby as he ate his dinner. I began to sob even more when my cat began to purr and rub against my leg, because she was being a little "liar" - you see she totally ignores me when hubby is gone, so I told him all about it, because it really makes me sad (I love her so) and well...when she "pretended" to be a nice attentive kitty I got really mad! LoL. Obviously she is toying with me! LoL.

Gotta love being pregnant!
Aww Hun that's dead sweat tho :) hehe I get annoyed if Simon kisses me the wrong way :haha:

Natt how did the scan go?? Can't wait to see the piccie :happydance:

Just got me some new pants and jellybean's first outfit hehe a gorgeous white knitted suit, lil trousers and a wrap buttoned cardi with matching hat :) got another knitted white hat and a cream grow with 'cute as a button' on it :)

Think I need some time on my own tonight, everyone's here!! Well my brother and SIL lol Simons off to watch his mates play footie at our local ground so I might curl up with a film :) xx

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