Baby Babblings

Jellybeans heartbeat :)
Natt where are you my lovely? Hope everything's ok xx
Awww Hun That's really good and healthy heart beat. :D x x x

Im Due On some time this week. Cervix is stilled so closed. Im really not getting hope's high but i feel pregnant there no other way to put it. So if AF doe's arrive I think it will be a big downer. x x x

Hope natt's ok. xxx

No one's been on there other thread for a while. x x x
Thanks jess I love it :) gonna have a listen again tonight :)

Anymore tests? FXed AF won't show and a sticky bean is forming :)

That's why I tend to stay here, I know the others are havig a hard time so I try not to post there too often. Xxx
Laura - I can't look at your pics or hear the baby's heartbeat because I am at work right now, but I can't wait to see and hear tonight from home!

Had a super scare this weekend that involved red bleeding, clots, and bedrest…went for an emergency scan today and our baby is ok! Saw his big ol’ head and cute strong heartbeat! My doctor said that his wife suffered unexplained bleeding with their first baby, so that I should be fine…especially since it stopped that same day. Our baby is 8 weeks 4 days old, and the size of a plump raspberry! He looks like a gummy bear or a teddy graham cracker, since he has stubby little arms and legs!! My hubby met me at the doctor's office and his mood was unreadable, but he just texted me how relieved he is now...OOooo, his barber bought us the cutest baby gifts! 2 grows, a tiny beanie, a cute wind-up music playing baby giraffe, and a baby wash cloth set with a cute ducky hand mit to wash baby! Anyhow, it was thoughtful of her especially since she only cuts his hair! Our baby's closet is filling up! Eeeee!

P.S. Can't wait to use my doppler tonight, should receive it!

Hello Ladie's,

Not A Good day for me at all. My doctor rang and said that all the fertility clinic's have strict critiria's and that I do not meet the critiria to be reffered to a fertility specialist and that he has done everythink he can. So Now im on my own. Even though somethink could be wrong. :(

Im So Gutted and feeling shitty & ill. My day cant get any worse.

Now I do hope this is my month as I dont know what im gonna do if it aint. x x x

Hope your all ok x x x

Your welcome laura, and nope not yet think i might test tomorrow. :D Really got my FX'd Now. But I did one of natt's superdrugs FRER at DPO10 and it got a very faint line to. Sorry didnt say totally forgot, as my head's been all over the place. I understand what you mean hun i just ment KT or pinky havent been on much. I miss our long old convo's. All of us together. x x x

Teenah I will hopefully be updating some more tomorrow morning. Hopefully Natt FRER's bought me load's of luck and this is my cycle and FX'd i'll be joining you's soon. x x x

Hope natt's ok. x x x
Teenah I'm glad everything's ok hun,must have been horrible :( at least you've got a great doc to help you through things like that :hugs: as for your OH I think guys just struggle to show their emotions at time cause they're supposed to be the tough ones, I don't think we give them enough credit for what they're going through too, I know I don't anyway!

I so hope you manage to find your little ones heartbeat tonight :happydance: gonna have another listen to jellybean tonight too :)

How cute of his barber! That's really lovely of her, my hairdresser bought me a baby record baby book, she's family friend tho lol

Jess I'm so sorry the clinics can't help, but in one way its good that you don't qualify to see them if that makes sense, anyway you won't be needing help cause that super strong BFP is waiting for you ;) I want pics tomorrow!!

Keep smiling sweetie xxx

I hope natts ok, it's been a few days :/ sending you hugs Natt xx

Jess with regards to the other thread I don't think it's been the same since the first BFP, the atmosphere seemed to change, maybe that's just me, I don't know but it's not how it used to be :(

Thx hun, and it dont make sence but never mind, I guess im just very unlucky as my day has got worse. I think AF is arriving but dont understand, I got 3 faint positive HPT's now light pink bleeding, Still gonna test tomorrow morning just incase. Even though it dont make sence to test. As for the other thread I do agree hun, and am very happy for you all, but i also understand it can be hard for other to cope with that they havent got there BFP. But look at me... OK i got a little girl already that i love dearly but I still have that Love and hope for another yer its hard but dont drop the people out that have been there for you, just because there pregnant now. If you get what i mean. x x x
Yh I do chick, it's hard for everyone but we all knew someone would get a BFP before us, it's one of those things isn't it.

I hope it's not AF startin chick, hopefully it's just a bit of irritation from beanie snuggling in, keep us updated xx
That's what i mean hun. We should still all be in were all in this together even if we aint. x x x

Well this morning the bleeding was like a waterful and clotting to and getting bad cramps, so i rang my doctor and his gonna ring me back ASAP. So I dunno whats happening. x x x
Hiya ladies,

Really sorry I haven't been online. Been in Hospital since Friday on the "Stroke" ward. Had symptoms of a mild stroke so went to A&E and they rushed me by Ambulance to there. I only got discharged yesterday tea time! Really hope baby is ok, roll on 29th then we can have a piece of mind! Had to have a CT scan to check there had been no damage on my brain and was on a ECG machine to keep a check on my heart and had to have my blood pressure and blood sugars monitored :(

Hope you ladies are all ok? xx
So sorry to hear that jess :( do you think it could have been a chemical? :hugs:

Natt how are you feeling now hun? Did they say anything about baby? Would have thought they would scan you while you were in! Hospitals ey! Not long to wait now tho chick xxx
So sorry to hear that jess :( do you think it could have been a chemical? :hugs:

Natt how are you feeling now hun? Did they say anything about baby? Would have thought they would scan you while you were in! Hospitals ey! Not long to wait now tho chick xxx

I'm not too bad at the moment thank you hun, still got a bit of a headache and tired but not as bad as I have been feeling. They didn't say anything about baby as I was supposed to see the Midwife yesterday for some reassurance but they discharged me so I never got to see her. I would have thought baby would be ok as I have had no bleeding/pain or anything. A week to go until our 12 week scan, can't wait! Just hope OLM is ok xxx
Natt - OMG, are you ok?! A stroke!? Oh my...I am sure that the baby is fine, sometimes our bodies act crazy when we are pregnant, your symptoms (although scary) can just be an exagerated form of pregnancy symptoms...

Jess - I am so sorry that AF is showing...have you retested yet? Please do, as even if you have had a MC (horrible, I know) you will be able to add to your knowledge base about your bodies current ability to have children. This would certainly help you to get an appointment with a fert doctor...

Laura - I agree with you about the other's a shame since we started the journey together. doppler lastnight! Heard only my heartbeat! hahahaha I guess my little gummybear is still too tiny! I'll try again next week.

Overall update:

Feeling rather bloated today, skin is a mess and I am nauseous. Boobs dont hurt anymore though! DH is being a butthead, and making me want to just punch him in the face. I don't know what is going through his mind, as he continues to make fun (mean remarks) about my skin, since it is sooo broken out. I really don't understand why anybody would do this. It's so hurtful, especially when it's on a daily basis. I can't do anything about it, I get facials, use the best products that are baby safe, and drink plenty of water. He is such a dick. Oh, and lastnight when he made a horrible comment right before bed about it, he followed it up by saying that I am just a major bitch and it's my "hormones" REALLY?! My hormones?! I could be an asexual non-hormone having person and STILL be offended, who wouldn't?! He spends his whole day making fun and yelling at his student soliders, since he is a Drill Sergeant, and so I guess he thinks that it's ok to do to me too. But it's not. Oh, and as for sex...WHAT SEX?! He is never in the mood, and I am so sick of it. I don't even want to have sex anymore since it's such a damn struggle. I am a very sexual person, but he has made it so hard over the last few years that I have all but given up.

:( I love him but he's so selfish at times.
Teenah - I am ok thank you, still suffering from a mild headache but apart from that, I'm sure I'll be ok. Just want 29th to arrive then we can make sure little baby is ok xx
I did test this morning and got another faint line, sadly doctor rang back and told me im most likely having a MC. But thx for your lovly comment's ladie's. Look's like my luck has come to a end and now it's time to give up. x x x
Natt glad your feeling better hun, I'm sure little one will be just peachy ;) only 7more sleeps and it'll go quickly ;)

Teenah sorry your having a hard time of things ATM especially with your OH, men can be such twats at times! I sulk, and I sulk big style!! Then he knows he's upset me and I let him creep hehe keep tryin with the Doppler, did you have a full bladder and start really low? Jellybean wasn't having any of it last night, kept turning her back on us and rolling over lol she did let us listen for a little while tho :)

Jess hunni I'm so sorry for what your going through right now :( can't begin to imagine how you must be feeling :( it shows you can conceive tho, not a consolation tho is it chick. And please please don't give up sweetie, maybe have a rest from TTC for a bit and stop temping and OPKs and try and relax a little, not easy I know. Maybe set yourself a bit of a challenge and say right for the next 2months I'm gonna wake up when I want to not need to to temp, eat what I want, have sex when we feel like it and not pee on a stick. And see where you are in 2nonths time. Please don't give up tho and feel you can't talk to us here. We're all in the same game sugar xx :hug: xxx
thx so much hun. aint quite decided what to do yet but i know i wont be able to give up. This is my life were talking about and giving up having more kids isnt what i wont to do. thx for letting me know your here to listen when i need to speak, I know that anyway hun, and i dont feel like i cant talk, I just feel rotten. I guess it doe's show that I can concieve but after going though it this time and knowing what it feel's like I relise this is what happened before. So to concieve twice and MC twice isnt good right. Im hopeing doctor will send me for some test's to make sure my inside are ok, and not infected, or anythink left behind, I know that may sound wrong but if it hasnt come away properly it can cause problem's. I just dunno what to do. I started taking EPO & omega 3 after doctor gave me my bad news. So i dunno what im gonna do and if i should give up charting. I feel like screaming HELPPPPPP. Got OH on Vit C, As doctor told us bad news about his SA to. Not good. Well thx again hun, I'll be popping on and off. Just gotta be strong now. Keep my chin up. And just remember Iv got you lovly ladie's supporting me. You've all been so great, helpful and very friendly. x x x
No it's not good hun, it just builds your case for you, it'll be good of they do send you for some tests chick. Sorry it's bad about OH's SA, lots of fruit is really good too.

The other thing you've got to think is you've done it once (Honey) so there shouldn't be any reason why it won't happen again. It could just be you've been stressed lately which has resulted in this, maybe still chart and once you've ovd relax and don't do anything stressful at all just enjoy honey, it might help things.

Just remember the road maybe an uphill battle but the view from the top will be incredible xxxx
Thx hun, and i cant lie, I wasnt stressed at all i was really relaxed untill that weekend that i told you was nutty, with my SIL, Still not sorted out, and maybe that's what caused all my stress. Im not blaming her because i dont blame other people, even my fiance said blame him and i said it's not your fault. It's only my fault. Just hope your right hun. and thx for the advice think i might go for it temp then stop after ov is confirmed. One question with EPO do you only take it untill OV then stop untill next AF??? x x x FX'd hay. x x x

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