Baby Babblings

super busy just saying OMFG! Natt!!! He's a doll! so perfect!!!!! I say that my dionna might just have to date both Tyler and Blue at the same time! They are too cute to choose between!

Haha bless!! If I have a also have a choice of a toyboy! x
Laura Thx sweetie. x x x

Sarah I bet he does, Who wouldnt after so long of trying hay. I wouldnt mind twins lol but cant even get a single egg up the duff lol. :D x x x

Natt sorry to hear that hun and glad to hear you told midwife. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww how cute. It's like looking at a new baby. His so cute sweetie and the pics are really clear. Bet that made you even more excited and more impatient to meet your little man. :D x x x

Well Im so ill today. I ov'ed yesterday and only got a round in, in the morning but leaked out cause DF been helping MIL paint SIL's bedroom. Sorry if TMI lol. Me and honey have got a horrible cold. Feeling real crap. Hopefully it will hurry up and go but you never no with a cold. x x x

Youll get there chick :) I totally gave up emotionally and was 10000% convinced after my tests that I wouldnt get pregnant without major intervention. Our bodies are weird like that..they have a habit of surprising us. Stay strong!

Hope you feel better soon! x
Jess it'll happen soon hunni :hugs:

No way Sarah! How mean of him lol he might change his mind tho! It made it more for us knowing what we're having and seeing him in such detail :) can't wait for the boss to go so I can book the next scan lol xxx
Wont be long to wait for that scan either!

I know where matt is coming from. Hes so excited about the birth...all the months of not knowing what it is etc. I do reckon though when he sees the next scan and can see that it actually looks like a baby, his thoughts on the scan might change. I think its a whole new level of bonding when you see something that was once a blob change into a little person :) So I reckon ill get one!

He still doesnt want to know the sex tho. I took him in Mothercare to pick up a gift and was showing him how little unisex stuff they had but he didnt take the bait lol. To be fair...I reckon even when the scan comes ill try and stand strong and not want to know :)

Hows my preggosaurus ladies today? :) I think i had my first craving...toast with sugar! nomnom!
Booked the scam for 6th October, not impressed at having to wait an extra week cause his folks are away :( not sure how I feel about his brother coming neither :/ my own brother wouldn't want to!

Yh I think he might once snooky looks like a baby, makes it so much more real! I wish I could have stayed strong and not found out but then im glad we did at the same time.

Toast with sugar?!?!?! Strange lady lol

I'm ok hun, lil mans not been so active the last few days but I think its cause its been so hectic both at work and home he doesn't know what's going on lol he's has just had hiccups tho! Then they stopped and started again lol males me feel queezy after a while lol xxx's an update:

26+1 weeks and Dionna has been REALLY active as of Tuesday of this week. But she is sleeping a lot today, so who knows what she'll be like tomorrow! We had a heart ultrasound on Tuesday, it did not go well because the ultrasound tech was a fucking evil heavy handed bitch who scared my baby and hurt my belly! She literally pressed so hard and shook my tummy so much that I was sore and my baby was trying to defend herself by kicking and getting very upset. I could have killed this evil cow! Dionna squished her legs and arms over her cheast and made it impossible to see the heart views that we needed, tho we confirmed that it has four chambers, so that's good at least. I have another scan to check her heart at 28 weeks. I did get a pic of her face that I'll post later, it's not a fancy 4d one, but it shows that she looks JUST LIKE ME! LoL. I have a unique fat face that has asian/monkey-ish attributes, and sure enough so does Dionna! No joke! My little monkey twin! Additionally, I had to do another one hour glucose test, so obviously i did it and guess the fuck what happened?! Um...they tell me that I did it for nothing because I was given the test at the wrong time and that i need to repeat it at 28 weeks...SOOOOO there I was having a damn sugar induced fit since I DO NOT drink sugary things and had just injested a damn pint of pure sugar! Ugh...oooo and the best part of the visit was when I expressed my concern about not having an appetite to the doctor that I was seeing (i see a different one everytime to ensure I get to know them all in case i get someone other than my doc at birth), the doctor i was seeing very rudely told me that since I am 100 lbs over my ideal body weight that he wasn't concerned about my baby's nutrition! Ummm...really? Just because I'm fat doesn't mean that my baby doesn't need me to eat veggies, proteins and drink milk! Honestly, he was so rude about it I could have puked! I really feel like he hates chubby people...FUCK HIM.

Rant over.

Update on Khloe (big sissy's baby girl):

SHE'S GUNNA BE BORN IN LITERALLY MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My sister is very ill with pre-e and kidney issues that just developed over the last week, so they are delivering her today instead of Monday and I AM SO STOKED!!!!!! I can't wait to see my little niece! I really hope that she is ok and that her surgery goes well. she's so precious and sweet i don't want her to hurt. Pray for Khloe!

Thank's girlie's. x x x

Sarah like laura said he could alway's change his mind. Just think once you start showing and he can feel baby moving and when you both go shopping and he see's loads of lovely boy's or girl's clothes... It will be hard for him to not wanna know. x x x
Hunni sounds like you've had a pretty rough week! At least you get to see bubs again soon tho :) fingers crossed its better at your next appointment!

Khloe be a strong little munchkin sweetheart and fight for your family, especially your mummy! Although your such a fighter already I don't think we need worry to much! Teenah please try and keep us updated on her progress Hun and of course your sisters well-being too!

I'll be thinking about you all :) xxx
Booked the scam for 6th October, not impressed at having to wait an extra week cause his folks are away :( not sure how I feel about his brother coming neither :/ my own brother wouldn't want to!

Yh I think he might once snooky looks like a baby, makes it so much more real! I wish I could have stayed strong and not found out but then im glad we did at the same time.

Toast with sugar?!?!?! Strange lady lol

I'm ok hun, lil mans not been so active the last few days but I think its cause its been so hectic both at work and home he doesn't know what's going on lol he's has just had hiccups tho! Then they stopped and started again lol males me feel queezy after a while lol xxx

Atleast you have a date tho chick, something to look forward too!

Yep I think it might have been my first official craving :)

Hmm..I suppose though with all the busy busy around you at the moment with the house and stuff, you might not be quite as acutely aware of his moving. Or maybe cos youre knackered...hes knackered! xx's an update:

26+1 weeks and Dionna has been REALLY active as of Tuesday of this week. But she is sleeping a lot today, so who knows what she'll be like tomorrow! We had a heart ultrasound on Tuesday, it did not go well because the ultrasound tech was a fucking evil heavy handed bitch who scared my baby and hurt my belly! She literally pressed so hard and shook my tummy so much that I was sore and my baby was trying to defend herself by kicking and getting very upset. I could have killed this evil cow! Dionna squished her legs and arms over her cheast and made it impossible to see the heart views that we needed, tho we confirmed that it has four chambers, so that's good at least. I have another scan to check her heart at 28 weeks. I did get a pic of her face that I'll post later, it's not a fancy 4d one, but it shows that she looks JUST LIKE ME! LoL. I have a unique fat face that has asian/monkey-ish attributes, and sure enough so does Dionna! No joke! My little monkey twin! Additionally, I had to do another one hour glucose test, so obviously i did it and guess the fuck what happened?! Um...they tell me that I did it for nothing because I was given the test at the wrong time and that i need to repeat it at 28 weeks...SOOOOO there I was having a damn sugar induced fit since I DO NOT drink sugary things and had just injested a damn pint of pure sugar! Ugh...oooo and the best part of the visit was when I expressed my concern about not having an appetite to the doctor that I was seeing (i see a different one everytime to ensure I get to know them all in case i get someone other than my doc at birth), the doctor i was seeing very rudely told me that since I am 100 lbs over my ideal body weight that he wasn't concerned about my baby's nutrition! Ummm...really? Just because I'm fat doesn't mean that my baby doesn't need me to eat veggies, proteins and drink milk! Honestly, he was so rude about it I could have puked! I really feel like he hates chubby people...FUCK HIM.

Rant over.

Update on Khloe (big sissy's baby girl):

SHE'S GUNNA BE BORN IN LITERALLY MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My sister is very ill with pre-e and kidney issues that just developed over the last week, so they are delivering her today instead of Monday and I AM SO STOKED!!!!!! I can't wait to see my little niece! I really hope that she is ok and that her surgery goes well. she's so precious and sweet i don't want her to hurt. Pray for Khloe!


Come on Khloe!! Aunt Tina needs a cuddle!! How did the birth go? :)

Oh my GOD Teenah...what a mess of an appointment. I cant believe that the tech was like that. I think if that had been me and I saw my baby defending itself from heavcy hands I would have punched the tech in the face. What an evil woman!!!

That was so out of line from the doctor. It was a valid question from any woman at any size, and he was totally disrespectful making a comment like that. I would have blown my top at that too.

I cant wait to see her cute little face hun!! xx
Thank's girlie's. x x x

Sarah like laura said he could alway's change his mind. Just think once you start showing and he can feel baby moving and when you both go shopping and he see's loads of lovely boy's or girl's clothes... It will be hard for him to not wanna know. x x x

You shoulda seen him in mothercare...he was touching everything and had this little boy at christmas grin on his face. I showed him how little unisex stuff they had and his repsonse was "yeah theres not much is there...oh well...we can buy proper outfits after the birth"...doh! :D x
Yh 2weeks today and we'll be there waiting to go and see him again :)

I think my moving more us making him sleep more, I'll mention ut to midwife ar next apt, 2wks Tuesday, if he gets less active tho I'll see her before then for a check up :)

Bless him Simons like that, but he has to buy something everytime we look at baby clothes lol whatever we but from now on will be Christmas presents lol

eeeeek the lounge is now wallpaper free! And dad and Simon are gonna skim the walls tomorrow so we should be able to pain as of Monday!!! Also me and mum started stripping the nursery today so we'll get that finished tomorrow then Simon can do the walls when we're not painting! Lol put the tester paints in the walls just now and have chosen the colours fir the lounge and nursery! I shall take a pic and upload it :) our little house is starting to come together :D

How's everyone doing today? Any baby update teenah? Xxx
lol thats funny but maybe he will change his mind FX'd :D if thats what you want x x x

Sarah wanna ask you a question... Do you know if having a cold can affect ovulation??? x x x
Laura I cant wait to see the piccies! But yes..make sure to mention Blues quiet times if it continues and its worrying you.

Jess: I believe that the cold itself wouldnt impact ovulation, but that the stress of being ill can. So I suppose the answer is yes in a roundabout way :) Ive had some bad cold when waiting for ovulation and it hasnt personally changed anything with my ovulation but then I think logically speaking, since i can just lay down and do nothing when im sick, im not surprised. If I was running about after a 2 year old then...that could be a different matter! I woud say though that having a cold during ovulation could actually work in your favour. As your immune system is busy fighting the cold, its not going to be as effective at attacking the sperm when they pass through your uterus! So crossing fingers and toes!

Hows me preggo ladies today? :)

I woke up this morning and first thing I did was puke my guts up lol. And now from the puking I have a kickass headache. Yay! On the plus side, ive been sleeping and that helped control the sickness a bit. Im getting rather annnoyed at the fact that my body is telling myself im the time but I dont fancy anything or can stomach anything lol. Funsies!

On a plus sat here now drinking my first warm drink in weeks! Ive been so off with drinks and ive really missed my tea :(

Oh midwife called today! Shes coming to see me at home a week on tuesday. I was sure id have to go see her :shrug:

I was a bit worried last night. Yesterday early on I started with a strong af pain in the same place that ive had all the other pains (so im assuming thats implantation side). It lasted all day, and all through the night and didnt stop. I was starting to feel like maybe somthing was wrong and kept running to the bathroom to check. Then I remembered Teenah saying theres some pains around 8 weeks and not to panic that it was normal so...phew!

Teenah do you have any good news to tell us yet? :D xx
We are now wallpaper free!! Other than the ceiling in the nursery which is gonna be Simons job lol then im gonna rub the walls down in there and paint them to see where needs patching up :) the lounge is into having the walls skimmed now so hopefully we can start painting towards the end of the week and weekend :)

Sarah it really sucks at times lol hopefully it'll start to ease up soon tho chick, eat whatever you want and can keep down, its more important to get something in you than eating healthy atm. Hope you feel better soon chick :hugs:

I've not heard of a midwife coming out to you, especially not for a booking apt which is what im guessing it is lol oh well saves you going out! Lol

Try not to worry about the pains hun, it'll be everything stretching and moving about and snooky getting snug!

I had period pains when I got up this morning and again this afternoon, I guess lil man's having a growth spurt lol he's been more active today which is great :) going my nan's for dinner then its pjs and tv for me, I need to rest now, exhausted!! Oh well its my penultimate Sunday of getting ready for work the next day :D this I like :happydance: xxx
Sorry for the late replies ladies, been over to my home town this weekend to spend some time with my family :)

Teenah - Thank you hunni, it was amazing! He's measuring average so I'm pleased with that and also everything is going perfect :D Just a case of countdown until his arrival now :happydance: Sorry you have had to deal with a lot of upset with the tech hurting Dionna etc, poor baby girl! :hugs: xxx

Laura - Thank you so much chick, I'm in love, I do indeed keep looking at them over and over hehe, still on :cloud9: :D I was close to blubbing, as was MIL bless her! I can't wait until you have your 4D scan now, they are amazing!!!! :winkwink: I replied to your PM hunni. Sounds like you are getting the decorating done nicely, can't beat a newly decorated house :D xxx

Jess - Thank you hun :D Most definetly lol, December can't come quick enough now!! Eeeeekkk! Excited!!!! :happydance: Hope you and Honey feel better soon chick :hugs: :( xxx

Sarah - Boooo to Matt! :haha: He doesn't have to look at the screen though? I guess he wants everything to be a surprise? I guess it will be great but you have a lot more willpower than me! :rofl: I have never heard of that craving before lol, good luck with that one :D Yay for your Midwife appointment hun, get the ball rolling hehe xxx
Hope you had a good weekend chick :)

Aww me and mum cried at our first one but my mil didnt, she couldn't understand why we cried?! Ermmm because we just saw my baby and what he looks like?! Lol I can't wait neither, be good to compare 22wks and 32wks, see how he's changed and if he's still measuring ahead or not lol

House is starting to come along now, my nan's given us some money today so we can get new carpets and to help with the decorating etc so we'll now get a new carpet in the lounge too :D the only thing that'll need doing in future is the ceiling re plastering as its artex atm and new doors but they can both wait :) xxx
Sounds like you have both had busy weekends!

Im tired just hearing what you been upto lol. And happy new week Natt! :flower:

Ye I was surprised to hear she came out to me...I hope all appointments are like that lol. Mind you I think ill be sent for consultant care anyway which means trips to the hospital instead...boooo!
Do you ladies know if youre allowed to take 2 people in with you for the 12wk scan?

Matt really wants my mum to be there with us. But then I had this horrible thought that he might have invited her and we dont know if its ok!

Laura - I had a great weekend thank you, was great to see my family again and have a good catch up :D

Aww bless your nan lol, it's the hormones :winkwink: Can't wait to see your pictures hun, see how much little Blue has grown! :cloud9: xxx

Sarah - Thank you hunni, Tyler is now the size of a squash! He's been an Eggplant for the past 3 or so weeks! Happy 8 weeks to you too chickadee! :happydance:

I think you are only allowed to take 1 person with you into the scanning room, unless you have kids already then they can go in near the end once they have made sure everything is ok :( You can always ring and ask though hun, things might be different where you are? xxx

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