Baby Babblings

Aww hunni I'm so sorry :( was convinced this was your month :( :hugs:

At least you've got your monitor this cycle now so fingers crossed it'll help you out. So sorry hunni xxx
I wrote on your journal hun :hugs:

Yep id give the lumps a few days and see what happens when af has gone. If they are still there then it doesnt hurt to get them checked out...sure its nothing to worry about though :)

Yep they tried with dopplers and couldnt get the hb so they had her on a tracer and still didnt find it. Put doppler on her at hospital and there it was.. :shrug: Great midwife with her choice of handling!

I had so much of a better day yesterday but today I am back to being sick again :( Starting to get really fed up with myself now :cry: xx
Thx girlie's,

Better to be safe then sorry but there causeing me pain in my boob's, that could be why they was so sore and tender. x x x

Sarah sound's so scary for her, but glad they found baby's heart beat. x x x

Sorry to hear your not feeling to good again hun, FX'd that sickness start's to leave you alone. x x x
Def best to get checked out jess :)

That's really bad Sarah, poor girl must have been terrified!

Sorry to hear your feeling shit again hunni :( maybe its the lack of fluids seeing as you we're nice and hydrated yesterday from the iv and now not so which is making you feel crappy and sick again? Xx
I dont know chick :( All I know is Im back to struggling again. I think yesterday was my body lulling me into a false sense of security! I had all that stuff in me so like u said i felt great! body does not like being pregnant lol x
Aww hunni, sucks big style :( have you spoken to the hospital or would they tell you to go straight back in? Now that your in 2nd tri (congrats by the way!) it'll start to ease off, having said my SIL was sick upto about 20wks bout nowhere near on the scale you have been. Have they given you anti sickness tablets? Xxx
Jess - Thank you hun, I don't think I'll bother trying again, will probably just buy Tyler loads of teddies anyway as I'm a big teddy lover myself :haha: xxx

Laura - That is very true hunni, I had to send a form thing off for it so I'm not going to bother applying for it again. Yay for the curtain pole! You'll be able to set all lil mans furniture up in there soon :happydance:

Lovely bump pic hun :D xxx

Sarah - Hope the morning sickness has eased up chick :( :hugs: xxx

I'm really sorry I have been quiet ladies, I have been soooooo tired it's unreal! Not sleeping well at nights and heartburn has been playing up big time! It burns that much that it makes me feel sick! Although I should be grateful as there are ladies out there who have things a lot worse than me! :hugs:
I applied for mine online chick, maybe they didn't get the form?

Yep, curtains are up which is lovely! Furniture should be here end of next week or beginning of the week after so lil man just needs to hold in there until then lol mummy won't be too annoyed if he comes a little before en tho ;)

You need to rest plenty hunni, did they give you anything else for the heartburn? How's the house coming along Hun?

Started to wash lil man clothes today :) just waiting for his coming home outfit to dry and need to pack a couple of blankets and his bags all packed! I just need some joggers and a dressing gown, then a few bits and bobs, like a bit of make up and snacks etc and we're all set :) eeeeeek!

A girl I went to school with had her baby today, a lil boy called Noah, also my SIL's old boss had hers, a lil girl, don't know her name and someone my mum works with had a little girl at the weekend too! Hopefully it won't be
One until its my turn :) xxx
We will all be popping them out in no time!

Laura: They have me on not one, not two, but FOUR anti sickness tablets :p I have to tier them so Im taking two pills every two hours every day :p Its a royal pain! Yay for the washing!! I cant wait to be doing going to cry buckets when i see them on the washing line.

Natt: So sorry to hear that you havent been sleeping :( Im gunna send matt round with his aponea machine to give you atleast a helping hand with your OHs snoring!

Bloody hell! Lol how you feeling today? It's weird tho, I think cause they've been around for ages it's kinda like I'm just washing some stuff that's been lying around lol
I'm sure it'll hit home soon :) and it won't be long at all till your doing it :)

Babies r us have got 20% of everything for 3 days, if anyone wants anything let me know and I'll email you the voucher :) xxx
I darent Laura...Ill buy too much haha..ive already had to tell myself to stop and wait a while! xxx
Haha I was like that! Just had to buy a lil something every now and then! Mind you it's better to spread it out rather than wait and have to buy it all in one go lol

I got him some more blankets and a Moses basket starter set as spare bedding ;) xx
Laura - Perhaps they didn't get the form hun :(

Not long until you get your furniture now chick, can't wait to see lil mans nursery finished hehe :happydance:

No chance of resting at the moment, everytime I say I'm having a day of doing nothing, we always end up going out or something comes up! :growlmad: They didn't give me anything else whatsoever for the heartburn hun, it's getting beyond a joke now to be honest :( The house is coming along great thank you hun, apart from a washing machine, got sooo many clothes to wash! We got given a washing machine but it's so old, been rushing around all day trying to get a splitter for it, finally got one and it still doesn't work! Told the guy that dropped it off for us to come and collect it as it's no good, looks like we may have to get one out of the grant that we are getting! Exhasuted is an under statement! It's one thing after another! :(

That's great that you have started to wash lil man's clothes hunni and both your bags are near enough packed :) xxx

Sarah - Yay thank you hun, I lose track of how many times I nudge/kick him and shout at him throughout the night to try and get him to turn over or shh but it doesn't work! *Yawn* xxx
I'm hopeful for the end of this week :) after all I'm full term on Wednesday!! Eeeek!

Glad the house is good other than the washing machine! We used to take our clothes to our mums to wash at first, have a look at asda for one Hun, or comet now they've gone bust!

The bags are at a stage that if I was to go into labour I'd have what I need in them :) so that's good lol might have some reflexology this week ;)

Well by the end of today the nursery will be completely painted, boarder up and hopefully pictures and clock up too :) ill post a pic later on :)

How's my ladies today? Xxx
Laura - Woop woop for being full term on Wednesday! Eeeeeks! :happydance:

Thank you hun, I just want to get some washing done lol. With us not driving, it's a bit hard carting clothes from pillar to post :( Was going to look in Comet yesterday but I was so exhausted! Was running around ALL day looking for a bloody splitter! *Sigh*

Can't wait to see a picture of lil man's nursery :happydance:

I'm not too bad thanks hun, freezing, tired and got headache :( How are you chick? xxx
Here's the nursery so far...

Natt it's a pain about the washing :( hope you mange to sort something out soon

Afm, loads better than yesterday thanks Hun, felt like shit! Just hope my head stays clear today Hun.

I had a dream about you last night chick! You went into labour and were updating as much as you could but I was too jealous to read it until Tyler was here safe and sound and I couldn't wait to see pics! Lol maybe it's a sign! Happy 35weeks btw :)

Oh and I meant term not full term lol pregnancy brain! Xxx
Yoiu know I already love the nursery...its gorge!!

Isnt fully baked at 38wks chicky? :D

Laura - Love lil man's nursery hun! You have done an amazing job! :D

Thank you hun, we have now got a washer, after ringing 4 times to try and get a part ordered..we are just going to forget it as the washer seems fairly quiet anyway!

Glad you feel better than yesterday chick :hugs:

Awwww how cute is your dream?!? I hope Tyler doesn't come before your lil man as you were first in the queue hehe :winkwink:

Thank you chickadee, can't believe you are nearly 37 weeks! :happydance: xxx

Sarah - Full term is classed as 37 weeks chick :D xxx
Term is 37wks and full term is 40wks Hun :) means lil man's organs are ready and can cope with life now so he's just putting extra Chubb on :)

Thanks ladies I love it :) furniture comes tomorrow so I'll post once it's completely finished, hopefully by Friday/Saturday :)

Aww Hun as long as they all arrive safely it doesn't matter who comes first :hugs:

Woohoo for being able to wash Tyler's clothes :happydance:

Got midwife this afternoon, not till 3pm tho :( doubt ill be arsed to go out by then lol never mind it's with a diff midwife as mine is off on her jollies and she didn't want me to wait til she's back. Feel like having a right pj day but wanna keep as active as I can now! Xxx
Hello girlie's,

Just popping in to say hi really, Been trying to stay away from laptop lol, Trying to keep a clear head on this cycle. x x x

Laura loving the LO's room its really lovely. Not long now. Cant wait to see baby piccie's. :D GL and FX'd labour goe's really well hun. (that's for just incase I aint online when baby's time has come). x x x

Hope everyone is ok including bump's. :D x x x

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