Baby Dancin' Newlyweds! [WOW!!! 12 bfp!]

I'm wondering if any of you have tried Vitex? I've sort of looked into it because of my possible too-low-progesterone thing... I'd love to avoid getting shots every cycle!
Hey girls! Hope everyone is ok!

Elpha you have totally sold Pregnitude to me, only problem is it's not available in the UK :(

Yay for finally getting some crosshairs!!! and you may be nearly 10dpo already?!! :shock: [way to skip nearly the entire tww!] That's still insane how long this cycle has been for you, btw.
How are you feeling?

[bummer on the Pregnitude not being available to you :(]

Hey sunshine!

Your peestick thread is highly amusing, I like to quietly stalk it seeing as I'm not much of a POASaholic myself, especially not this cycle anyway!

I'm definitely not excited about the crosshairs, they're only dotted which to me means they may as well not be there at all, and I'm pretty sure I haven't ovulated. FF has given me them and taken them away a few times now this cycle so I'm just going to ignore them this time! Although it does seem strange they've got to 10dpo without disappearing. I'm kind of hoping I've just skipped a cycle in my body's attempt to get back to normal pre BCP cycles, and that this is kind of my fourth cycle now just before O. Maybe a bit too wishful but got to try and stay optimistic! I hate all the sitting round waiting and not really knowing what's going on, I feel like such a freak at the moment that I can't even have AF. I actually went to see an acupuncturist yesterday, after deciding I would happily pay for that treatment just to feel like I was doing something that might help. Anyway she ended up basically saying she doesn't think I need it which was kind of strange, I thought she'd happily take my money if I need it or not! But she said she thinks I'm healthy and just having issues probably from stress after the wedding and car accident, and coming off BCP, and that its just a blip one off random cycle. She recommended an iron supplement called Floradix, as she said my pulse was quite light on one side. Then she said she's pretty sure I will be pregnant by Christmas?! It was a bit random, felt a bit like a psychic reading in the end!! But seeing as my psychic prediction of an August conception has turned out to be dramatically wrong, this will do for giving me some hope for now! I've ordered the Floradix as I guess it's worth a try, and some parsley tea which is meant to be good for bringing on AF. I don't really want to mess around with things too much, but also don't want to be waiting for AF for months, and not too keen on heading back to the docs or potentially having to take more drugs just yet.
I'm wondering if any of you have tried Vitex? I've sort of looked into it because of my possible too-low-progesterone thing... I'd love to avoid getting shots every cycle!

Hey Ashybug!

I've actually just ordered some vitex tonight after reading good things about it. Not sure if I'm going to use it or not, but I've read a lot about it being good for regulating cycles which is what I probably need, and I read tonight about it being good for hormonal acne which I've had badly since coming off BCP. I've not read anything in relation to low progesterone as so far I have no reason to think this might be an issue for me. I've heard a lot about others using progesterone cream, have you thought of that? What makes you think you have a progesterone issue, has it already been confirmed by docs? Sorry if you've already mentioned it.
Ah yeah bubbles, I hear you. That is frustrating. And very odd that she didn't want to take your money but she ended up give you some interesting info [hey wouldn't it be nice if she is right!]
I'm all about staying positive - I hope this really is just a one time blip in your cycles as your body tries to get back to normal [BCP suck!]
Some days I think I should just give up on the charting, it's getting very embarrassing! Although I guess it will be good to look back on further down the line. Also I already kind of knew it was an anovulatory cycle early on so wasn't too surprised AF didn't show as I was expecting it, and don't get all excited every day that I'm pg!
I'm around 2 dpo. I'm not sure if I mentioned it but upon my last appointment with my obgyn she discovered I may have low progesterone levels and my luteal phase is a few days too short. So at 8 dpo I'm supposed to go in and have a blood pregnancy test, progesterone test, and progesterone shot if it's too low. Hopefully we catch it this cycle. We want to conceive by November. She said if I'm not pregnant in 2 months, she'll start me on some sort of medication to make my eggs healthier. Has anyone heard of this or know what it is?

Who knew ttc would be so much work???

Well, she may be referring to metformin. It is typically a first line of treatment, especially with PCOS. However, there is a new supplement out called Pregnitude. It contains Myo-Inositol and Folic Acid. Only been in the US since May I think? Before it was available in the US, it was available as Inofolic in Europe. Myo-Inositol occurs naturally in our bodies, but is typically deficient in PCOS women. It helps to create healthy follicular fluid and better egg quality. It can also help with insulin resistance and help PCOS women who do not ovulate, to ovulate regularly. My OBGYN told me about it in June and I have been on it ever since. It is possible your OBGYN has never heard of it though. It is still REALLY new! It is also available over the counter. You can order it from the Pregnitude website via Amazon or you can ask your local pharmacy to stock it. You will have to ask for it though, it is kept behind the counter at pharmacies. I buy mine from the website and it is $34.99 for a 30 day supply. It is a powder that you mix with 8oz of water in the morning and the evening everyday. They say it takes 3-6 months to see full results, but ALL of the studies are very promising! It's working pretty well for me. I always ovulated and had a cycle, but usually they were well over 40 days with ovulation being around or after CD30. I started Pregnitude mid-cycle at the beginning of July and my cycle was the longest ever! Plus I was moody and had headaches and some mid-cycle spotting. I was actually skeptical. BUT my next cycle was only 37 days with ovulation happening on CD25! My current cycle (after 2 and a half months of Pregnitude) I ovulated Wednesday, on CD22. Confirmed by my OvaCue Monitor. Plus I had a positive OPK that night. (It appears OPKs show my surge after I have ovulated, I learned that from my OvaCue monitor) Fertility Friend hasn't acknowledged my O yet on my chart, but my temp is climbing so it should tomorrow. That means this cycle will be in a 'normal' range! Yay! Pregnitude is really the only consistent change I have made.

You should read more about it and maybe ask your OBGYN about it. It seems to be some good stuff! :)

Thank you so much for the reply! My cycles have gotten shorter and shorter after coming off of birth control. My first cycle I ovulated on day 28, then 32, and then 18, and 19. I went off of sugar as she suggested. I'm still cysting but it's a lot better. We aren't sure that I have PCOS least she hasn't said it but we'll see after this cycle. I'll have to ask her what medication she is thinking about and ask about pregnitude.

I'm supposed to go in on 8 dpo for my testing... where do you think I am at..? I really can't figure it out this cycle :/ My temps are sometimes really weird some cycles.

I would say you are 7 dpo today (Monday). Looks like you got a clear shift where Fertility Friend marked it. Of course, I am not professional and my OWN chart throws me for a loop half the time. :)
Hey girls! Hope everyone is ok!

Elpha you have totally sold Pregnitude to me, only problem is it's not available in the UK :(

Bubbles- Look for Inofolic! It is the same thing, just called Pregnitude in the US. Inofolic is available in Italy (and most of Europe and even South Africa I think)... so I would think you could get it. Pregnitude only comes in powder packets you take twice a day mixed with 8oz of water. Each packet contains 2000mg of Myo-Inositol and 200mg of Folic Acid. I can't find much on Inofolic, but could be because I am in the US. It does look like it might come in pills though, plus they have an Inofolic Plus which is the same as the original, but with meltonin I believe. Pregnitude is brand new to the US and a reproductive specialist fought hard after seeing Italian studies on Inofolic to being it to the US. :thumbup:
Hey girls! Hope everyone is ok!

Elpha you have totally sold Pregnitude to me, only problem is it's not available in the UK :(

Yay for finally getting some crosshairs!!! and you may be nearly 10dpo already?!! :shock: [way to skip nearly the entire tww!] That's still insane how long this cycle has been for you, btw.
How are you feeling?

[bummer on the Pregnitude not being available to you :(]

Hey sunshine!

Your peestick thread is highly amusing, I like to quietly stalk it seeing as I'm not much of a POASaholic myself, especially not this cycle anyway!

I'm definitely not excited about the crosshairs, they're only dotted which to me means they may as well not be there at all, and I'm pretty sure I haven't ovulated. FF has given me them and taken them away a few times now this cycle so I'm just going to ignore them this time! Although it does seem strange they've got to 10dpo without disappearing. I'm kind of hoping I've just skipped a cycle in my body's attempt to get back to normal pre BCP cycles, and that this is kind of my fourth cycle now just before O. Maybe a bit too wishful but got to try and stay optimistic! I hate all the sitting round waiting and not really knowing what's going on, I feel like such a freak at the moment that I can't even have AF. I actually went to see an acupuncturist yesterday, after deciding I would happily pay for that treatment just to feel like I was doing something that might help. Anyway she ended up basically saying she doesn't think I need it which was kind of strange, I thought she'd happily take my money if I need it or not! But she said she thinks I'm healthy and just having issues probably from stress after the wedding and car accident, and coming off BCP, and that its just a blip one off random cycle. She recommended an iron supplement called Floradix, as she said my pulse was quite light on one side. Then she said she's pretty sure I will be pregnant by Christmas?! It was a bit random, felt a bit like a psychic reading in the end!! But seeing as my psychic prediction of an August conception has turned out to be dramatically wrong, this will do for giving me some hope for now! I've ordered the Floradix as I guess it's worth a try, and some parsley tea which is meant to be good for bringing on AF. I don't really want to mess around with things too much, but also don't want to be waiting for AF for months, and not too keen on heading back to the docs or potentially having to take more drugs just yet.

If the acupuncturist thinks you may be pregnant by Christmas and the psychic 'predicted August' it could still happen. A lot of those psychics use the double edge sword trick... you could conceive in August or DELIVER in August. If you get pregnant in November, you would be due next August. It's a thought to keep ya going? :shrug:
My 'update'- I guess I am 5 DPO, but still slightly confused. My OvaCue confirmed ovulation last Wednesday and has not bent from that. My OPK detected my surge last Wednesday NIGHT... so that is weird. My temps have been a little bit funky... but it 'looks' like they agree. I think Fertility Friend is only giving me dashed crosshairs because my OvaCue, OPK, and Temps don't agree completely, although they are all pretty close to each other. My temps are probably funky because of 'life.' :rofl: I had a huge spike pre-O the weekend of the 15th, but I also indulged in a few adult beverages. This past weekend we took a trip for a trade show for work... and considering I work for a chain of liquor stores, there were plenty of adult beverages being served. Also, the temperature in the hotel rooms on Friday and Saturday night were down right freezing. So who knows?

Not really feeling like we have a solid shot this cycle, but that is a good thing. I am probably 5 dpo and haven't really obsessed once that I am pregnant. My breasts hurt the ENTIRE TWW last cycle, they aren't even remotely sore yet this time. Just going to stay positive because the Pregnitude helped to make me ovulate even sooner yet! That means my chance next cycle will be here much quicker! :happydance:
I don't have sore nipples. I repeat, I don't have sore nipples people! Good sign :D Blood is getting drawn tomorrow and I have an appointment with the doctor on Thursday, I assume I find out the results then.
I'm around 2 dpo. I'm not sure if I mentioned it but upon my last appointment with my obgyn she discovered I may have low progesterone levels and my luteal phase is a few days too short. So at 8 dpo I'm supposed to go in and have a blood pregnancy test, progesterone test, and progesterone shot if it's too low. Hopefully we catch it this cycle. We want to conceive by November. She said if I'm not pregnant in 2 months, she'll start me on some sort of medication to make my eggs healthier. Has anyone heard of this or know what it is?

Who knew ttc would be so much work???

Well, she may be referring to metformin. It is typically a first line of treatment, especially with PCOS. However, there is a new supplement out called Pregnitude. It contains Myo-Inositol and Folic Acid. Only been in the US since May I think? Before it was available in the US, it was available as Inofolic in Europe. Myo-Inositol occurs naturally in our bodies, but is typically deficient in PCOS women. It helps to create healthy follicular fluid and better egg quality. It can also help with insulin resistance and help PCOS women who do not ovulate, to ovulate regularly. My OBGYN told me about it in June and I have been on it ever since. It is possible your OBGYN has never heard of it though. It is still REALLY new! It is also available over the counter. You can order it from the Pregnitude website via Amazon or you can ask your local pharmacy to stock it. You will have to ask for it though, it is kept behind the counter at pharmacies. I buy mine from the website and it is $34.99 for a 30 day supply. It is a powder that you mix with 8oz of water in the morning and the evening everyday. They say it takes 3-6 months to see full results, but ALL of the studies are very promising! It's working pretty well for me. I always ovulated and had a cycle, but usually they were well over 40 days with ovulation being around or after CD30. I started Pregnitude mid-cycle at the beginning of July and my cycle was the longest ever! Plus I was moody and had headaches and some mid-cycle spotting. I was actually skeptical. BUT my next cycle was only 37 days with ovulation happening on CD25! My current cycle (after 2 and a half months of Pregnitude) I ovulated Wednesday, on CD22. Confirmed by my OvaCue Monitor. Plus I had a positive OPK that night. (It appears OPKs show my surge after I have ovulated, I learned that from my OvaCue monitor) Fertility Friend hasn't acknowledged my O yet on my chart, but my temp is climbing so it should tomorrow. That means this cycle will be in a 'normal' range! Yay! Pregnitude is really the only consistent change I have made.

You should read more about it and maybe ask your OBGYN about it. It seems to be some good stuff! :)

Thank you so much for the reply! My cycles have gotten shorter and shorter after coming off of birth control. My first cycle I ovulated on day 28, then 32, and then 18, and 19. I went off of sugar as she suggested. I'm still cysting but it's a lot better. We aren't sure that I have PCOS least she hasn't said it but we'll see after this cycle. I'll have to ask her what medication she is thinking about and ask about pregnitude.

I'm supposed to go in on 8 dpo for my testing... where do you think I am at..? I really can't figure it out this cycle :/ My temps are sometimes really weird some cycles.

I would say you are 7 dpo today (Monday). Looks like you got a clear shift where Fertility Friend marked it. Of course, I am not professional and my OWN chart throws me for a loop half the time. :)

Okay I was thinking the same, thanks!
Hey girls! Hope everyone is ok!

Elpha you have totally sold Pregnitude to me, only problem is it's not available in the UK :(

Yay for finally getting some crosshairs!!! and you may be nearly 10dpo already?!! :shock: [way to skip nearly the entire tww!] That's still insane how long this cycle has been for you, btw.
How are you feeling?

[bummer on the Pregnitude not being available to you :(]

Hey sunshine!

Your peestick thread is highly amusing, I like to quietly stalk it seeing as I'm not much of a POASaholic myself, especially not this cycle anyway!

I'm definitely not excited about the crosshairs, they're only dotted which to me means they may as well not be there at all, and I'm pretty sure I haven't ovulated. FF has given me them and taken them away a few times now this cycle so I'm just going to ignore them this time! Although it does seem strange they've got to 10dpo without disappearing. I'm kind of hoping I've just skipped a cycle in my body's attempt to get back to normal pre BCP cycles, and that this is kind of my fourth cycle now just before O. Maybe a bit too wishful but got to try and stay optimistic! I hate all the sitting round waiting and not really knowing what's going on, I feel like such a freak at the moment that I can't even have AF. I actually went to see an acupuncturist yesterday, after deciding I would happily pay for that treatment just to feel like I was doing something that might help. Anyway she ended up basically saying she doesn't think I need it which was kind of strange, I thought she'd happily take my money if I need it or not! But she said she thinks I'm healthy and just having issues probably from stress after the wedding and car accident, and coming off BCP, and that its just a blip one off random cycle. She recommended an iron supplement called Floradix, as she said my pulse was quite light on one side. Then she said she's pretty sure I will be pregnant by Christmas?! It was a bit random, felt a bit like a psychic reading in the end!! But seeing as my psychic prediction of an August conception has turned out to be dramatically wrong, this will do for giving me some hope for now! I've ordered the Floradix as I guess it's worth a try, and some parsley tea which is meant to be good for bringing on AF. I don't really want to mess around with things too much, but also don't want to be waiting for AF for months, and not too keen on heading back to the docs or potentially having to take more drugs just yet.

If the acupuncturist thinks you may be pregnant by Christmas and the psychic 'predicted August' it could still happen. A lot of those psychics use the double edge sword trick... you could conceive in August or DELIVER in August. If you get pregnant in November, you would be due next August. It's a thought to keep ya going? :shrug:

Thanks Elpha, but the psychic was specific about conceiving in August 2012, she didn't just say August like some do.

I'm trying to stay positive, but it seems each time I try extra hard to do that, something else drags me down. This week two of my good friends have announced they're expecting, both just had their 12 week scan and are due the same time next year, when I was hoping to be having a baby of my own (March/April time). So I feel like I'm very surrounded by pregnant friends or friends with new babies, and I'm always happy for them but it makes me sad it can't happen for me yet seems so easy for others. It's baby number two for both girls who announced this week too. I even had someone at work come up to me today and say 'your turn soon!' while talking about a pregnant colleague...
Thanks Elpha, but the psychic was specific about conceiving in August 2012, she didn't just say August like some do.

I'm trying to stay positive, but it seems each time I try extra hard to do that, something else drags me down. This week two of my good friends have announced they're expecting, both just had their 12 week scan and are due the same time next year, when I was hoping to be having a baby of my own (March/April time). So I feel like I'm very surrounded by pregnant friends or friends with new babies, and I'm always happy for them but it makes me sad it can't happen for me yet seems so easy for others. It's baby number two for both girls who announced this week too. I even had someone at work come up to me today and say 'your turn soon!' while talking about a pregnant colleague...

Ugh! I hate it when people say 'your turn soon' or 'it will happen when it's supposed to.' Those words make me want to punch a wall!!! My husband actually used the 'it will happen when it happens' line on my yesterday. Good thing it was in a text message or I may have not been so friendly to him! I know a 'similar' frustration. My cousin and my step-cousin (step-sisters even) announced their pregnancy to some family members at my wedding, but not to me. They were respectful enough not to 'take away' from my big day. They told me a month later. Then in July, my one cousin asked me if I could throw her baby shower for our side of the family. My Aunt (her mom) died at the end of February after a long battle with cancer, so I instantly said 'yes' to throwing her a baby shower. I have plans to throw the BEST baby shower ever, since nothing can ever make up for not having your Mom around when you are pregnant with your first. This cousin has always been more like a sister anyhow. I am very happy for her! She literally got pregnant the week after her Mom died after trying for 6 months. It was a miracle! My step-cousin is 40 and they had just gave up trying. They have a 5 year old and wanted one more, but it wasn't happening so they gave up. Her husband was 2 days away from his vasectomy when she was suspicious and took a test. That was a miracle too, how could I not be excited for them!

All the same... buying all of this baby stuff for the shower games and such... making a diaper cake... it gets me depressed sometimes. It's ALL over my house at this point and I wish it all was just items I was buying in preparation of our baby. I try to focus on the miracle they have both been blessed with, but it does get to you. They both tell me not to try because that is how they got pregnant. It did work for them. I am just scared I have a lot more wrong inside me and it won't be 'that easy' for me, because nothing ever is. :cry: SO, I am going to try EVERYTHING in the book before I go in for a fertility workup!!!

*hugs* Bubbles
Terrible news :cry:
My blood hcg was negative, my progesterone was on the low side but not low enough to need to do anything about it.

I'm starting Clomid next cycle with Mucinex (both doctor prescribed). I'm worried about the side effects because I am working and going to school full-time.

She also wants my husband to have a semen analysis...

and at the same time I'm so mad at him and I can't help but to be mad :(
I have to do all this stuff when our infertility might not even be about me. I try to get him to eat healthy and not drink 5 dr peppers a day and take the vitamins I bought him but it's like he doesn't even care because he has always thought it was my fault...

October is our last chance to have a baby on good health insurance, and then we'll have to start buying some kind...

I just feel terrible. All around terrible day. :(
Ah Ash, I'm so sorry :hugs: It's truly frustrating. I hope the clomid does the trick though! I'm actually considering taking Mucinex as well, to help with my cm. This will be our last cycle ttc before going on a break/ntnp. We need a breather from all this ttc business [well I need a break at least. All dh does is get laid.... not so tough :haha:]

Good luck hun. October is feeling like a lucky month for us all to get our :bfp:! :friends:
Ah Ash, I'm so sorry :hugs: It's truly frustrating. I hope the clomid does the trick though! I'm actually considering taking Mucinex as well, to help with my cm. This will be our last cycle ttc before going on a break/ntnp. We need a breather from all this ttc business [well I need a break at least. All dh does is get laid.... not so tough :haha:]

Good luck hun. October is feeling like a lucky month for us all to get our :bfp:! :friends:

Not kidding! All they have to do is have a nice sex drive and they're not fair!

I do suggest the mucinex. I had heard it before but I was skeptical until my doctor actually recommended it. She said to start taking it on CD 13 up until 1 dpo. I don't ovulate until around CD 17 so if you O before then maybe start it sooner.. I figure it's worth a shot :) my cm is always a little too creamy around O :dohh:
Ashy... I couldn't help but chart stalk when I saw the thumbnail of your chart in your signature. Have you tested? That is quite some dip you have there, and then to have it go back up? Of course... it could be nothing... but DANG! It looks good?

Also, I completely agree about the hubby! My hubby slams the Mountain Dew and won't touch a vegetable unless it is deep fried and smothered in ketchup, ranch, or mayonnaise. He hates chicken unless it's in BBQ Wing form. (also deep fried!) I bought him a male multi-vitamin and zinc to at least attempt to help him since he eats for crap... but he barely remembers to take them. If he was taking them, I would have had to buy him more by now! Then when I get upset because we aren't pregnant, he says 'It will happens when it happens' and then I want to hit him! Grrrrr! I love him, but sometimes I feel like he could care less if we have a baby. I also think, because of my history, he expects all of the problems to be with me. We did an at-home sperm analysis that just checks count. Of course he got the easy end of that... I was the one using his 'stuff' to do the test. That was a NIGHTMARE... I will spare you the details, but let's just say I do not completely trust the test when it says his count is fine. I may have possibly screwed things up.

Men do have it easy in this whole TTC mess, you would think that ours could at least meet us halfway with better support! (Also, I may sound angry with my husband, but I do still love him! LOL)
Oh, and I have also heard of people using Mucinex. Although most cheap out and use Robitussin. Personally, when all you need is the 'guafenesin' ingredient, I don't know why you would take Robitussin? Mucinex has a just 'guafenesin' product. There are even generics that do. I have heard good things about that though.

Have you ladies thought to try Preseed as well? If you aren't comfortable with the internal applicators, they also have an 'external' that you apply like any other lubricant. It is supposed to mimic cervical fluid to help the sperm get where they need to go. Hubby and I have used it the past 2 cycles and it's pretty good stuff! You definitely do not need much at all! Too much and your hubby may have trouble 'finishing.' It's good stuff though.
Bubbles would be SO proud of me! I am 9dpo and I haven't even had ONE urge to take a pregnancy test. LOL I doubt I am pregnant. I just don't think we timed things good enough... maybe that is helping me to not bother testing. AF should arrive Tuesday. Will see if I can go until then without testing. I have definitely not been obsessing during this TWW like I have before. My breasts don't even really hurt.
I forgot to add my BFP to the list! So far so good. Tested 9/22/12 9 dpo. :)

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